The Rage of Aquarius

Episode 11 // Initiation of Jupiter in Gemini - Part 1

May 10, 2024 Aeolian Heart
Episode 11 // Initiation of Jupiter in Gemini - Part 1
The Rage of Aquarius
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The Rage of Aquarius
Episode 11 // Initiation of Jupiter in Gemini - Part 1
May 10, 2024
Aeolian Heart

On this episode of Rage of Aquarius, the astrologers Andre Burke, Rachel Capurso, and Frederick Woodruff examine the first wave of Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini on May 25th, 2024.

This conversation examines the potential effects on individual and collective ideologies, legal matters in America, and the broader philosophical shifts anticipated in society.  

Jupiter heralds a period of expansion and intellectual exploration, its influence extends into the realms of artificial intelligence, privacy laws, and ethical considerations.

  • Jupiter’s Astrological Movements: Jupiter’s transit through Gemini begins with a harmonious trine to Pluto in Aquarius. This is an opening act that begins with a lot of promise, revolutionary ideas and high ideals. But starting in August, Jupiter’s growth and momentum will be given a reality check. Locked in a tense square to Saturn in Pisces, an immense amount of pressure will test Jupiter’s wild ideas and slow down many  processes of growth.  
  • Societal and Personal Impacts: Jupiter amplifies and expands. It doesn’t take an astrologer to see that ideological divisions during a US Election year will become more extreme and magnified during the last half of the year. But simultaneously, a surge of real curiosity and open-mindedness will arise to synthesize more diverse perspectives and nuanced worldviews. 
  • Cut Up Technique: This creative technique, first inspired by surrealism, parallels the astrological themes of Jupiter in Gemini. Linear narratives will break down and become rearranged, giving rise to new ways of understanding and interacting with the world.
  • AI and Ethical Implications: The influence of Jupiter in Gemini will amplify the debates around artificial intelligence, particularly concerning autonomy, surveillance, and the moral responsibilities of developers.
  • Privacy Laws in Flux: The sign of Gemini symbolizes information processing, the twins representing the dual hemispheres of the brain, the input and output. This means that everything happening online will accelerate: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Data protection, privacy legislation and other internet reforms will emerge to combat the increasing efforts to censor and control the internet completely. The fight to protect free speech against the global surveillance state will gain momentum as more people become aware of the authoritarianism that threatens the world.
  • Balancing Innovation with Rights: Technological innovations will be more about how real human needs can be met and how individual rights can be protected.  
  • Cultural Shifts in Media Consumption: Jupiter in Gemini’s themes of diversification and intellectual expansion will bring pollinate the mainstream and status quo with a plethora of once subcultural and underground ideas. 

Jupiter in Gemini’s influence will excite the element of curiosity, a desire to break free from the confinement of echo chambers, and inspire a deep desire to know the truth in this supposedly “post-truth world”.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

On this episode of Rage of Aquarius, the astrologers Andre Burke, Rachel Capurso, and Frederick Woodruff examine the first wave of Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini on May 25th, 2024.

This conversation examines the potential effects on individual and collective ideologies, legal matters in America, and the broader philosophical shifts anticipated in society.  

Jupiter heralds a period of expansion and intellectual exploration, its influence extends into the realms of artificial intelligence, privacy laws, and ethical considerations.

  • Jupiter’s Astrological Movements: Jupiter’s transit through Gemini begins with a harmonious trine to Pluto in Aquarius. This is an opening act that begins with a lot of promise, revolutionary ideas and high ideals. But starting in August, Jupiter’s growth and momentum will be given a reality check. Locked in a tense square to Saturn in Pisces, an immense amount of pressure will test Jupiter’s wild ideas and slow down many  processes of growth.  
  • Societal and Personal Impacts: Jupiter amplifies and expands. It doesn’t take an astrologer to see that ideological divisions during a US Election year will become more extreme and magnified during the last half of the year. But simultaneously, a surge of real curiosity and open-mindedness will arise to synthesize more diverse perspectives and nuanced worldviews. 
  • Cut Up Technique: This creative technique, first inspired by surrealism, parallels the astrological themes of Jupiter in Gemini. Linear narratives will break down and become rearranged, giving rise to new ways of understanding and interacting with the world.
  • AI and Ethical Implications: The influence of Jupiter in Gemini will amplify the debates around artificial intelligence, particularly concerning autonomy, surveillance, and the moral responsibilities of developers.
  • Privacy Laws in Flux: The sign of Gemini symbolizes information processing, the twins representing the dual hemispheres of the brain, the input and output. This means that everything happening online will accelerate: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Data protection, privacy legislation and other internet reforms will emerge to combat the increasing efforts to censor and control the internet completely. The fight to protect free speech against the global surveillance state will gain momentum as more people become aware of the authoritarianism that threatens the world.
  • Balancing Innovation with Rights: Technological innovations will be more about how real human needs can be met and how individual rights can be protected.  
  • Cultural Shifts in Media Consumption: Jupiter in Gemini’s themes of diversification and intellectual expansion will bring pollinate the mainstream and status quo with a plethora of once subcultural and underground ideas. 

Jupiter in Gemini’s influence will excite the element of curiosity, a desire to break free from the confinement of echo chambers, and inspire a deep desire to know the truth in this supposedly “post-truth world”.



Welcome back to another episode of the Rage of Aquarius podcast, the Outsider Astrology podcast.


Oh, right. You sound so masculine today, you know,


very butch vibe Rachel, you know, Rachel got a she got this new you know, this new dark blend of coffee from the roasters. It just, it brought something deeper out in my you know, in, in my my loins, I guess that'll go, it's expressing, I'm expressing my qi in ways that that, that are reserved, like only for the eight immortals. My name is Andre Burke. I'm your defacto host because I'm the one who introduces the show and I'm sitting here with my lovely co-hosts. Rachel Caperso of Alien Heart Astrology and Frederick Woodruff of Woodruff Astrology. And in case you can't tell by our completely haphazard introduction, we're here to talk about Jupiter and Gemini.


Yeah, that's our big theme today.




right before we started we were talking about the three beats for this new sign position and I'll just go over a more quick for the listeners. So Jupiter enters Gemini may 25. and then makes a trine over to Pluto on June 3rd. And then as I see it, the big tension that starts building is Jupiter moving into a square that perfects with Saturn in August of this year. The summer, August 19.


That's correct.


Summer of love 2024.


And that square will repeat one more time at the very end of the year, December 24th, Christmas Eve. So we are looking at, we are looking at Oh, holy night. Yeah, some squaring energy for sure, which will, you know, in my opinion, those squares will be tense, obviously, but As we will be discussing, Jupiter in Gemini has a real tendency to hyper inflate, over expand, and in some ways, I think that the squares to Saturn will offer us an opportunity to have a reality check, okay? to take a pause and make sure that we're not overextending ourselves or becoming, you know, maniacal in some way. So we can find some positive outcomes even in those squares. And because Jupiter rules the sign of Pisces, where Saturn is transiting, you know, as the governor of Pisces, the Jupiterian spirit and that influence will not be totally negated. There's going to be something about this upcoming transit that, will expand all of us. Philosophically, there's going to be a lot more interest in actually learning, which is something that requires openness of mind and a willingness to try on different ideas like hats, you know, trying on different hats and being more open to ideas that perhaps are new, unfamiliar, and this will allow us all to expand our sense of reality. So I'm really looking forward to this shift in tone. I don't know about you guys. So you're


saying RFK has a chance.


No, that's not what I was saying. But but let's just start at the beginning. So we're, you know, we're going to be feeling this shift of Jupiter, the planet of philosophy, wisdom, expansion, The planet that definitely is associated with wealth. Most people love Jupiter because of that association. But Jupiter really is the planet of proliferation, multiplication. Jupiter is associated with the sacral chakra in traditional alchemy. Where the libidinal well creates both, you know, children through procreation, but also anything artistic, anything that is, you know, considered to be a creative act that's the purpose of Jupiter to multiply and proliferate and expand. And the path of Jupiter is associated with philosophy, wisdom, higher knowledge, and a desire to Create things in this world that reflect the opportunity to transcend the most base nature, the most base elements of human nature, to refine and uplift and transcend the most important. negating aspects of human life. So this is why Jupiter ignorance. Yeah. Jupiter is associated with higher learning as well as law, actually it's law in its most. Idealistic sense, you know, okay, how


does this work, like people listening to this, like, how do you, how do they interpret it like individually within their lives, that's what I'm kind of curious about bringing that to the table. I mean, that's a great overview that you gave about the, you know, the kind of higher philosophical side. of Jupiter, but then how is it manifesting for people amidst this kind of chaotic time that we're living in right now? Like, do you see it as agitating even more kind of nonsense? You know, that kind of novel side of Gemini, which is just stuff flying all over the place, which I think is in traditional astrology, Jupiter has I think it's detriment like in Gemini,




So I'm curious about like, how would, I think you, you brought up a good point mentioning it's applying square to Saturn as a mitigating factor for like too much craziness being unleashed with the transit. Yeah. So, it's like, I can't help but see it as through the lens of like the ongoing, as you mentioned, the legal side that's associated with Jupiter. So this ongoing crazy. Absolutely, to me, mind blowing stuff that's going on right now in America related to especially the Supreme Court, but all of the other rulings that have been coming down, you know, like the one in Arizona where abortions back to like 18, you know, 60, you know, laws and stuff like that. What, how do you see the, this. Jupiter into Gemini impacting this kind of cauldron right now of legalese and, to me, absolute absurdity. Like, did you guys follow the Supreme Court stuff yesterday?


No please give us some details.


I mean, in a nutshell, they're actually seriously taking into consideration how they should look at the idea that Trump or a president would have immunity should they decide to like assassinate a rival and instead of just throwing this out the five of the justices are really, they're taking this like, Oh, wow, we should, yes, really look at this. Would there be immunity for like a coup? And then the person's being, you know, murdered, you know, at the president's discretion. I mean, stuff like that is absolutely bonkers.




So With your notion of Jupiter, Gemini, that higher application of, you know, philosophy, laws, learning, how do you think coming into this current biosphere of the culture, what do you guys think the impact's going to be in that sense?


Well, I think, you know, the very beginning of this transit is Definitely going to exaggerate the existing polarities. So the ideological polarities. Certainly politics is the best example. Because the sign of Gemini represents The split into binary, black and white, good and evil.


Polarity at basis, yeah.


Exactly, and it's very it's very defined and polarized at the beginning of the sign. And so, I believe that ideological extremes are going to be exaggerated. There will be, and of course, This really reflects the fact that the latter half of 2024, at least in the U. S., is going to all be stirred by the election, which is essentially a type of civil war. And the ideological civil war that we are currently experiencing will be Definitely become way more extreme. But what I do see as well is that the openness and the air sign, it's an air sign, the intellect and ideas and the, you know, the questions that people are asking will ultimately open people's minds far more than they have been for a very long time. Because despite the fact that At first, the divide or the dual camps, the polarities, become more extreme. There will also be better questions that are being posed. That's encouraging, yeah. Yeah, I feel like there will actually be an openness of mind eventually. It's a part of the process that will be evolving. To open to new horizons, to ask big questions. And that's really what Jupiter is truly about in its most fundamental, essential form. Jupiter is that part of us that likes to ask questions and then receive expansion through the responses. that we find and so we actually grow through the questions that we ask the quality of our experience is dictated by the quality of the questions that we are posing and so there will be more curiosity and i do believe that ultimately jupiter and gemini could be best summarized by that curiosity that we all had as a child very naturally. The more that you can retain that curiosity, the more that you continue to grow and evolve as an adult. But this transit is going to spark curiosity. And therefore, people will be, despite their Paradigm, despite the polarized paradigm that they may be comfortable in, that they may have gotten very comfortable in while Jupiter was in Taurus, transiting through fixed Earth, becoming quite stuck in their ways, quite comfortable in their, you know, their specific worldview. Ultimately, Jupiter in Gemini is going to be an influence that opens up people to explore the other side of things. And even if it's not intentionally to become more accepting or more tolerant of someone else's worldview, that's just what naturally happens when you start to look at issues from a multipolar or multidimensional perspective. Perspective, you just begin to understand a broader view. And therefore I do think that what begins in May and certainly the month of June as a more polarized view of the world, I do think by the end of this transit, which will be June of 2025, many people will have opened up to a broader understanding of the world, a broader understanding of the world. politics or any other subject that becomes relevant to your journey and as an individual during this time. So,


well, I hope so. I think one thing I tuned into with what you were just saying is the, I think the shift that would happen from you know, traditional mainstream media. And people having kind of started to burn out on getting their information and news from those outlets. I think it's very much a Jupiter and Gemini type of shift where people are going more to local newspapers smaller niche things like people that are publishing say on platforms like Substack now.


So they're,


they're starting to. And maybe this is where the refreshing or the rebooting of information flow would happen is out of, you know, the traditional modes that usually serve all this stuff up, because I think there's a cynicism now. in place. And that's another shadow side I notice about Jupiter and Gemini, just in general, is it can become cynical. That's really based on like, almost like an over glut of information coming in. And then the mind sort of just like shuts down and goes negative. rather than trying to land on something and anchor into it. But what I'm curious about, like, say the popularity of this film that's out now called Civil War, and apparently that's doing well at the box office and seems, you know, to be getting a lot of traction. When you look at traditional mundane astrology, I think Jupiter is associated with like, I think the Democrats and then Saturn with you know, conservatives or the GOP. So that's something that interests me with the two coming into a square with each other, as ominous as that sounds. Because, you know, this knee jerk thing about squares, they're bad, they're negative, they're, you know, a challenge. They call the cops. Because what? They call the cops. Squares?




Oh god, I just now got it.


Yeah, I think the good part of the square between the two planets would be the tension that builds actually like moves into some kind of a resolve, because it is mutable signs and I think those signs of all of the qualities. have an easier time kind of meshing and melding. So that's what I'm hoping related to the impact that news, information, blogs, YouTube, TikTok, all of that.




hoping that, you know, comes to what you're talking about where people really get. The see the necessity of having, I guess you could call it like quality information or truth coming in




aligned with that. But, I'm sorry and then I'll finish here. I don't know if you saw the woman that took over for NPR last week. Did you follow that? I saw the headlines. I'm unfamiliar with the story though. Anyway, I'll just nutshell it, because I started to listen to some of her, I don't know, like, TED Talks or different interviews that she did. And, you know, she's accused of being ultra woke you know, comes, I don't know, from white privilege, so it's sort of like this weird irony that what her fixation is. As far as a social justice warrior and everything that connotes, but it was interesting in this one interview, she was saying, well, you know, our biggest problem for people nowadays, and I'm paraphrasing is the First Amendment is really like something, you know, that we have to consider as a real issue. And I was like, wow, really? The First Amendment? Like, okay, so then I was like, well, we're really entering another level of crazy town now about information and news and truth.




she says, well, you know, my truth is my truth. You're, you have a different truth and there's, you know, truths everywhere. And I was like, wow. Where


truth, there truth,


everywhere truth. There you go. So there's mutable sign kind of craziness to me, you know, that kind of a statement. So again, hopefully the square brings the pressure in and then people are just like, fuck, I've had enough. I've got to, you know, get clear here. What is truthful? What's bullshit? You know, and then there we go.


Now let's talk


about Jupiter on Trump's sun. No, I'm kidding.


Right. Well, well we can. One second though, but the opening act of Jupiter in Gemini is this trying to Pluto in Aquarius. Right. Is, you know, at two degrees. And that's very close to where. The great conjunction happened between Jupiter and Saturn at the end of 2020, that winter solstice, and that Jupiter Saturn conjunction at the zero degrees, zero degrees Aquarius, is developing this year. At those squares between Jupiter and Saturn so that conjunction between them is now in the opening square cycle. And so do you


unpack that what do you see what which are an Andre to we haven't heard from them like what's, what, how do you unpack that. With that, the great conjunction, because that is a great point.


Yeah, I mean, to me the sign of Aquarius zero degrees, which is, you know, the very first degree of a sign sort of contains the, it's like a seed. It contains the entire structure and the whole life cycle, and yeah, and the full story of the sign is right there in the first degree of the sign, and so that conjunction not only changed the element that Jupiter and Saturn will be You know, working with for the next 200 years. So we opened a 200 year cycle, but that zero degrees Aquarius to me really digs into the idea that the outsider perspective, the heretical approach, and also the blend of not just futuristic. Imagining. So, you know, Aquarius is always given this, you know, this kind of futuristic, technological, and also dystopian slash utopian image, but I really see Aquarius as being the perfect blend of ancestral wisdom, things that come from the ancient world that are unearthed or remembered and woven into, you know, What is happening currently and what is going to be seeded into the future because Aquarius is a sign that is ruled by Saturn and It is just as tapped in to the ancient world As it is to any vision of the distant future and the reason that I say that is because It shows up as the 11th sign in the zodiac and by that point the whole idea of mastering the world Conquering the world of matter building things achieving high status climbing those ladders Climbing to the top of the mountain those capricorn themes have been it Sacrificed for something beyond and so Aquarius represents this kind of like retreat into the wilderness and by the 11th sign in the Zodiac, we're almost done with the story. Things start to reveal themselves in a very different way. Time itself. is no longer seen as a line. You no longer see linear time. You can actually perceive that time is a loop. It's in fact a cycle. It's a circle. And when you see time as a circle, which of course astrology does, and you know, the traditional wisdom of all ancient cultures did see time as a circle. That reveals that, yeah, the ancient past and the distant future converge at the same point somewhere on that circle. And so to me, Aquarius is building a future that is just as inspired by lost knowledge, ancient wisdom, and even some traditional wisdom. Which is where I'm getting to right now because not only does that square between Jupiter and Saturn this year develop something that was planted back in December 21 of 2020, that seed that was planted is going to start to germinate this summer. But also there is something about the idea of. This totally relative truth, like you were talking about before, just like, my truth versus your truth, these things were not a problem in the traditional worldviews that, you know, we take Hermetic philosophy from, because in Hermetic philosophy, and many other traditional Wisdom teachings, there was an absolute truth that was represented by the divine mind, the one, the all the cosmos itself was conceived of as an objective truth. It was an absolute truth. And so from that. absolute, then our subjective and personal experiences could be reflected upon. But there was no loss of a sense of some deeper absolute truth. And so this is, I believe, a philosophical point of view that is going to come back into Common language and common, you know, the currency of ideas because to continue to split hairs and mince words and shift all definitions until there's no meaning left and just having a constant battle between my truth versus your truth when it comes to really important issues, that's going to create chaos that never stops and continues to happen. Okay. just dissolve into chaos. So there will be some sense of people looking for grounding in Absolute truth from which they can then expand and reflect and consider other ideas, but without that firm foundation or that central absolute, in other words, I do believe like the traditional worldview is going to come back in a big way, and it's not going to be just a recreation or a reenactment, it's going to be something that just informs the philosophical development of this time. And it is this


is informed by the Jupiter, Pluto,


the seed that was planted at the great conjunction at the end of 2020, and that's where Pluto's, that's where


Pluto's hanging. That's where he's having to smoke right now.


Pluto is there. And when Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25th. There's going to be just like a week later on June 2nd, this perfects a trine, which is a really positive harmony, by the way, this trine between Jupiter and Pluto sitting there around the same degree in Aquarius. And then in, you know, late August 19th, that first square between Jupiter and Saturn will perfect. And that's going to be an opportunity for, yeah, a little bit of a You know, reigning things in a little bit, having a little bit of a reality check. But there is something so philosophical about even that square, because like I said, Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces, where Saturn is sitting. And so I see the collective mind really evolving and developing a better philosophical perspective to handle the pressures of these times, which is so plagued by information overload, is so plagued by propaganda as well as censorship. The control of information and the control of minds is so intense. It is such a huge problem right now. And in fact, the government, at least in the United States, and I'm sure this is true everywhere, you know, they just expanded their powers to spy on their own citizens. Through the you know, through FISA, they just expanded FISA 702 and FISA, which has been seriously getting worse and worse since 2008. And they have basically taken the absolute license to read your emails, go through your phone, do anything that they want, look at all of your information and anything that you've ever communicated without a warrant or any real reason. Well, if,


if you're considered tied in with some kind of foreign movement or entity, I mean, it's got all these weird little like footnotes and, you know, of course, It leans towards what you're saying, but I just wanted to clarify that, that it's really couched as this sort of, you know, anti terrorist foreign interference.


The FBI guys, they've got to have like an incognito tab open where they're totally not using it for that. And they're like spying on their ex girlfriend or, you know, or, you know, or their landlord or something, you know, like. I


mean, we just need to be real about human nature, you know, like, and also the fact that these definitions are so broad and vague that. And designed


that way, yeah. And


designed that way, exactly. To give a lot of license to, you know, absolutely violate people's constitutional rights, which are becoming less and less defended.


I think I want to just clarify something about the what was brought up for listeners that might be a little bit fuzzy. About what we were talking about from 2020, there was the grand conjunction between, you know, Saturn, Jupiter. In Aquarius at that was at zero or one degree. It was zero.




Right. So we're referencing that and then talking about right when Jupiter goes into Gemini, it's going to trigger by a trine to Pluto, which is sitting on that grand conjunction, that C point. Now, the way I see that is the, that, And I'm starting, I see intimations of this already in the culture because these things aren't like locked into like, you know, these tight chapters. I think there's overlay.




And like the Pluto sitting on that conjunction point, I think is really exposing The kind of fraud that has been perpetrated with all this tech, you know, the futuristic technological cyber AI all of this frenzy Pluto sitting there, I think, is really like alchemizing and clarifying or purifying, getting Thank you. You know, getting things, you know, burnt right down to like the bare truths about those promises And then jupiter making that trying Jupiter is the big like new york times planet in the zodiac in the sense of publishing and news distribution dissemination that trying To that pluto people are starting to get the message about all of this Bullshit.


I don't


know if you followed the whole thing with Elon Musk and the big cyber trucks. that were, Oh my God, you guys, first of all, take a minute later to go look at those vehicles. There's a whole like scandal now. I think every one of those vehicles has been recalled by Tesla because the accelerator is sticking and, you know, people can't get it lifted up. So they're, you know, throttling a hundred miles per hour into walls. With no ability to really stop the thing, so they've had to recall them. But anyway, this is just a goofy example about what I'm talking about. This, more and more you're seeing things come out now that dispel this patina and glamour around the tech world. And that to me is Pluto sitting on that great conjunction point that really Ratcheted all of this mania up for like tech


absolutely, and even the I feel like the the whole notion of ai being promoted as something that either is equivalent to or superior to human intelligence, human creativity. That in and of itself is such a lie and it's based upon the Turing test. Which was developed by this mathematician, Alan Turing, 1950s. An interesting man, a brilliant man, but, you know, a very linear Enlightenment era man. And his test for The, you know, to prove whether a machine can think or not is something that is extremely biased and is based upon a false premise from the beginning.


It's kind of like a dating game, wasn't it? Like, you're asking somebody questions who is, who's in the other room, who's like behind a wall and you got to like, be, you know, like, do you have long hair or short hair?


It was also


incredibly gendered, so it was like, so, so not with the times, but.


The test is something like that, I believe. But anyways, the point is that he created this, you know, this test, which is a series of questions, that if, quote unquote, if a machine could converse with a person, and convince them that they were human, then that would prove that this machine can think, as in, can think like you and I, is actually equivalent to or superior to a human being. And you know, this test has been questioned and disproven through very rational and scientific arguments, and yet it still remains this gold standard of Proof that the, you know, the chat bots that we're all playing with now and the other forms of AI are in fact sentient. And so that, that kind of ideological, I think it's very religious personally. I see that as like a religion that is emerging. That religious ideology of Machines being sentient artificial intelligence being superior to human intelligence. That is something that I believe is going to be questioned en masse. And perhaps that is going to be one of the things that really becomes It's one of the great polarities in the collective mind is, do you really believe that this constitutes intelligence, real thinking, creativity or not? I


think that I think Dorothy Parker said it best when she was challenged to use the word horticulture. in a sentence on the fly. And she said you can lead a horde of culture, but you can't make her think.


So this is, that's a great segue to what I was just going to bring up about. I think that like to back all this up, to understand sort of the frenzy, you have to realize like, When tech exploded, say, really with, you know, of course, the personal computer and then all of that, then the next evolution, social media, after, you know, the internet was established, I kind of see them as one in the same, but all of these tech bros. And really there's very few women in this realm, which is always a red flag to me. All of these tech bros and gurus that are making billions and there was no, there was nowhere where, you know, What could they do with all of these billions? So suddenly they're making like Grubhub and, you know, hire a maid with an app and all this ridiculous shit that has been foisted on people as, you know, the next big thing. Well, you know, the story with all that stuff, it never really makes a profit. They have to like burn it into the ground before, you know, they can flip it into like some kind of an Amazon business model or something. I think, so when AI popped out, it was like all of this rush of these people like looking for, you know, the next thing. And so all of that focus went into that, and that's what is like this piranha tank right now of this. Just frothing craziness that this is going to be the thing, you know, that elevates everything takes it to the next level. You know, won't have to go visit your parents and old folks home because a robot. You know, we'll be there in place for you, you know, just, you know, more madness like that. And I think just again, because we've hammered on this many times in the podcast, I think, you know, Pluto going through Aquarius, it's just going to be this cold douche on all of this mania, not to say that AI isn't going to find a place for it, you know, as a tool.


Yeah. For


people. I mean, that but again, these bizarre, elevated hallucinations and dreams.




And when you look at the people dreaming them, they're really kind of grotesque people. Like, Mark Zuckerberg Elon Musk this other guy for, can't forget his name is, you know, from Stanford. And, you know, just, you know, I was just reading about him today in a piece and, you know, he's advising that people, you know, start succession, starts, needs to start happening throughout the country, let the tech lords, Thank you. Until next time. You know, move into governance you know, just absolute. Is he that guy that


thinks he's going to live forever? That, that like takes like a hundred vitamins a day.


Yeah, he's literally turning himself. He looks like a lesbian now. I mean, nothing. Yeah, I always think


it'd be really, really funny if like one of those guys gets hit by a cyber truck that, you know, with a broken accelerator. Yeah. I


saw a series of like, it was seven years worth of photos of that guy. I forget his name. It's something like Bill Smith or something. It's


a really generic sounding name,


but he literally is turning it. He looks like a fetal. Like Android, he's, you know, he's very shiny and moist and very, very unctuous, bizarre.


Like, it, it took me years to, to find out that that guy wasn't like an Andy Kaufman esque troll. Right. You know, like, I'd always, I'd see his videos and I'd be like, oh, this guy's gotta be joking. You know, like, this has just got to be some kind of like, I'm going to go lean into the most like evil tech lord. Diatribe. You know, and it's just like, if people don't stop me, then I'm just going to keep doing it. And somebody will catch on eventually.


He's spending literally a million dollars, I think, is it a month or a year, on this self palpating obsession with You know, living, you know, as long as he possibly can. I just have to say I stole that joke from Bill Maher about him turning into a lesbian. Oh, no, I Blame it on Bill Maher,


don't come after me. I know the, I know, no, I know the look. It's it's some, you know, some men, they like, they age in reverse. And, you know, they start, you know. They have a second life as like a beautiful lesbian gender studies professor. Well,


I think that's a real thing though. I think men start to effeminate as they age and then women start to masculine, look more, I mean, Madonna looks like kind of an old you know, Italian man now.


Yeah. With a wig


on. Yeah. You know, it's just very interesting what goes on in the DNA.


We might have to cut this part out, but,


madonna looked much stranger than that because of all the weird fillers and


On that note, I would love to use, I would love to use that as a safe. What did Rachel say?


Oh, I, I said because of all the fillers and stuff in her face, she looks very strange, like a bloated Persian cat, kind of. Right,


but even before all the face work, I was just noticing, and it was an Italian friend of mine that pointed that out to me, goes, well often Italian women, you know, come to resemble, You know, older men, it's their, you know, the bone structure and the hormones shift and diminish and stuff like that. But it is interesting as another topic for another show.




of aging.


I do see, just to close down all of that, come full circle, These people, the leaders of the tech industry their glamour has definitely waned. Their, you know, position of influence is no longer something that seems dazzling or romantic or ideal. And the truth is that despite the fact that they think that they're something really special. that they represent something really unique in human history. They don't. They're just fascists. The definition of fascism is taking a corporation and the government and melding them together to oppress the common people. And when you have government and private industry working together in lockstep to control the population. That's what fascism is. So all of those people are fascists. But they also,


they have, sorry, Andrea, then I'll finish, but they have no like actual human empathetic ability. I mean, like Rockefeller, Vanderbilt. Carnegie, you know, those billionaires, they also left like incredible legacies for the culture.




you know, the American Library. Right, and, but, you know, Zuckerberg's putting, you know, 25 billion a year into underground bunkers on Kauai. that, you know, have gymnasiums and it just, you know, it's Yeah,


he's starring in the he's starring in the world's biggest underground nightclub, you know? So what? We don't get invited, you know?


So I'm seeing a lot of future Howard Hughes's with these geeks, you know?


They've lost conte I mean, context is really everything. We're living in, like, incredibly ahistoric times. The, that, the thing you mentioned earlier, Frederick, about the, this new NPR chief you know, giving a mouthpiece to this idea that freedom of speech is it's on the chopping block. It's one of the trues that we must, you know, we, while we still have the freedom of speech to deconstruct it, we ought to. I came, I'm obviously I've been hip to this idea that something's up with with our our liberty to speak our mind freely. But when I as we all know here a little you know, inside joke, but my nephew works in a bookstore and it's kind of, it's like that bookstore that like your conservative, you know, that inners that metropolitan cosmopolitan bookstore that you're your good country folk parents warn you about in the big city. It's, it's, you know, the most cutting edge radical literature there. And the, one of the first books I saw when I walked in there was, it was something to the to the effect of like, you know, questioning free speech and our way forward into the future. And I was like, and I'm like, it's just. This is a book. I, I don't, I remember going into you know, it's a radical left leaning bookstores 20 years ago and seeing the first amendment on the wall, seeing the first amendment on the wall, like a poster, first amendment, you know, and like, and now you go in and it's like, and it's just and it's, I don't think it's, I don't think it's necessarily in bad faith, but I don't think it's in any faith because this, we've lost the reason why the, like, the Carnegie's and the Rockefeller's were, you know, leaving legacies behind is because they, they understood that, that balance between the Capricorn Aquarius you know, dark corner of the Zodiac or the, you know, the scary the, the scary you know, no man's land of the Zodiac where yeah. Like Rachel said, you are, Aquarius isn't just about like breaking down old systems. It's about like preserving, working with what's working with, what works, what's worth working with. You know, in Capricorn, yeah, you will just keep doing shit because it's just how we've done it forever in this company. And we don't need, you know, new, we don't need, you know, young Lippersnappers and Disruptors coming in and changing the way we do things. But Aquarius will look, it will look at what works and what doesn't, and it will like leave behind what, you know, in the ruins, what didn't work, and it will actually take with it what you can still use. to to advance your studies, advance your advance your knowledge and advance the knowledge of the of the human race. The, I've, the last few, ever since I got hooked on the the chat GPT, And I've just got like a main line. I've got a, like a, I've got a, I've got a a chat GPT drip in my, you know, going like right into my aorta as we speak pretty much. But the thing that the figure, like the historical figure the, the truth that's worth keeping from the past that keeps coming, that keeps popping out at me. Is William S. Burroughs and specifically the the cut up experiments that he was doing with Brian. I, I'm not, I'm still not sure if it's pronounced Gysin or Gysin but at the Beat Hotel in Paris in the 1960s. And I don't want to get into the whole history of where, how they developed the cut up and what makes it so original. But what I will say is this you know, when Rachel pointed out how you know, the definition of fascism is, is when private corporate interests and the state conspire against the people. What you, you get there is you get this feedback loop that just, it's, it cannot be penetrated, you know, it's, it's just, One hand is shaking the other and you know, we're down on the floor, you know, shining everyone's shoes and there's no way to eat to get above it because, you know, it's just it becomes, you know, it becomes like a deadlock. This is mirrored in the AI the rise of AI, which I don't think that AI is at all the danger in and of itself, the danger or the, or the the deliverance that you know, it's being touted as. I think a lot of that might be a smokescreen for what's really going down, which is AR or augmented reality. And these are these like VR headsets, these in completely immersive digital and virtual environments that we're going to be expected to live in probably by the end of the decade. The Apple vision and stuff like that. Right. And when you consider just like, when you consider how, you know, a hundred or a hundred plus years ago, people were so convinced that the, the the train coming into the station was really going to pop out of the screen that they fled the theater.


Right. I've seen those videos.


You know, you know, like the, that's how. Much the brain is easily tricked into believing reality. You know, you've got these. drone strike operators that are sitting in a trailer out in the Nevada desert that are experiencing the same level of post traumatic stress disorder that combat veterans are, and they haven't ever fired, they haven't ever seen any, you know, kinetic action. You have kid, you, they were, they did, they ran experiments back in the nineties where they were, they would take little kids little kids whose brains were still forming and didn't understand, didn't know the difference between up and down pretty much. You know, they still thought they were, they still thought they were just this like blessed soul swimming, you know, swimming in the, in their mother's in the expansive ocean of bliss within their mother's womb for all time and eternity. They'd have they'd have they, they ran experiments for these cognitive scientists were playing virtual reality simulations of whales, of swimming with whales. And then they'd bring these kids in a week or two later and they say, Hey, do you remember when we were swimming with whales last week? And the little kids would just pick up. Oh yeah. I remember that. That was the coolest thing ever. They didn't know they were seeing a a projection. They didn't know they were seeing a simulation. There's. There's, they're grown up now, these kids, and there are people in this world that literally believe that they were swimming with whales when they were four years old. My point is that when this stuff actually really starts enveloping us, immersing us, the technology that's going to be running it is AI. And so, it's a lot like that it's the little man behind the curtain. Like the tech bros aren't going to be using augmented reality. And if they do, it's going to be to like, maybe just go to a few meetings and stuff, they're going to know they're going to be using the code that's behind, you know, behind the program. And that's what they want. That's what that's what AI is really going to be used for. And it's. It's that link between it's a mirror of the marriage of corporate and state power, where you have like the, you have this kind of surface level, um, like, I guess, phenotype experience, which is the AR where We don't we don't know what's we don't know how it's being used or how, what is actually going into it. We don't know. It's like not knowing what's actually in the food you eat. And they're, they've been feeding us poison for the last 50 years. And then you have, you know, the scientists behind the, you know, behind the matter that actually know what's going on and know know how this shit's actually being used. They know how to program it.


But when you say like, I think you opened up your argument with, it's like a smoke screen. You, you mean that like In a something like this. I mean, that term comes, I think, from like military operation.


Yeah. Well, it's by it's a diversion. It's actually it's it's saying, Oh, watch out. AI is the boogeyman. Then when you read about augmented reality, all you read about is how much it's going to help the medical field. It just, it gets all of this like great PR for how it's going to. It's going to blow, you know, it's going to, it's going to help you know, law enforcement and it's going to help the medical industry. It's going to help us grow, but it's going to help us solve world hunger and all this stuff. So the reason just to tie it all up, bring it all full circle. The reason why I bring it back to Burroughs why I brought up Burroughs in the first place is, and his cutup experiments is. This was his, you know, he saw this world congealing back in the 1960s, you know, with post war mass media, globalization all of that shit was already kind of, you know, in its, it was well past its embryonic stage. And the cut up is where, you know, it's a really, it's sound, it's some, one of those things you roll your eyes at when you first hear about it, because it just sounds like something a lazy art student would do. But when you actually consider the power it. It puts in your hands to take it to write a poem by taking a newspaper that is all about, you know, programming your reality. It's that's your daily program. That's your date. You know, that's your daily software update is the newspaper. In the, you know, from in 1960s terms and just taking a fucking pair of scissors to it and cutting it up and mixing the obituaries with the sports section and, you know, mixing the personals ads with with president, you know, with a with the politics. Okay, so


what happened, how does that. What is that like a representation? Well, that's,


I mean, it's a represent of this, the splitting apart of that corporate and and state controlled power system, you know, the narrative, you know, where you're actually, you have the power to just cut into the very tool i. e. a newspaper. That they are used that has been used for, I don't know, centuries now to just make sure everybody's on the same page. No pun intended, you know,


but what would somebody I mean, what would be the input? What would be the outcome of that? Or what was what's the culmination of that? Or what's the argument or reasoning?


Well, what I really love about it is that It's, you know, yeah, you can stretch to say that it was a great influence on, like, hip hop for sampling and stuff like that. But the fact of the matter is of all like the more transgressive, radical style art techniques and art movements that have happened in the last like 50 years, it's never really been commercialized. It's never been recuperated. It's impossible because the poetry that you make out of it is unreadable. It only makes sense when you do it yourself. When you take a copy of, you know, the Holy Bible. And you cut it up with a copy of Origin of the Species.


Okay, well then what, and then what is that doing for a person? That, It's, I'm still trying to get on this. It's jamming, I mean,


It, it untethers these like fixed fixed concepts you get in your mind. You know, Sue,


give me an example, like if somebody like in a literal way, like doing, like, what would they be doing? Like, what would it be? Like, what would they, you could


take let's say you could take The Facebook's Meta, sorry, Meta's user agreement and print it out. And then because the user agreement, that's you, all of us that are on a Meta platform have consented to whatever's in that. Okay, so that's


printed out. Yeah, print


it out and then cut it up with with the Unabomber manifesto. Yeah, get print out a copy of the Interbottomer Manifesto and there's a protocol to it where you actually. If you, if anybody's interested, I could link it in the description, but you will, you'd cut the, you'd cut each page into into fours and then you would rearrange it. So that basically one half of the top is the meta user at end user agreement. And then the other half would be the Unabomber manifesto and the first on the bottom. And then you would. The idea is it's like a communal thing you're doing it with a partner or a group of people and you would read it out loud as almost like an incantation or a hex even against this against the consent of that you really did not give these tech companies to use their platforms out of mere convenience because it's how you stay in touch with everybody because they've kind of, just railroaded they bulldoze and then railroaded themselves into the public utilities.


So this is just like personal, like titillation. I mean, obviously Zuckerberg isn't going to release that from their terms of no,


yeah that's what, yeah, it's not. Yeah, it's not about, it's




yeah, no it's not about, it's not about like I said, it's not about like the end product. It's not about the end result. If it was, it would have caught on more more commercially.


So it's just training the mind to unplug from,


yeah, exactly. So


I see. Okay. Yeah. You're welcome.


Yeah, I'm just gonna, I'll wrap it. So I'm not saying, I mean, I it's a really fun and fun. I've really, I've actually started doing them again. I did them back when I was like 16. I first got into burrows and it seemed like something cool, but I didn't really have the lived experience to understand, you know, how systems of control actually work on you in life. But what I'm saying is adopting more of this ethos in the coming, in this coming era. And I'm looking at William S. Burroughs natal chart as we speak, and his Saturn is at 11 degrees. And that's like, and his son 11 degrees, 11 degrees Gemini, he's a Aquarius rising, Aquarius sun. with his moon conjunct Saturn in Gemini and his Saturn is conjunct to very close to that point where the square will happen. So, my, yeah, my point is to say like, I don't have a solution to say like this is how we can apply the cut up to the tech world. I mean, that's essentially what hackers were doing back in the 80s and 90s was they were cut, you know, they were cutting up they were cutting up the security systems, the security chains. Yeah to to get an advantage behind, you know, behind the curtain. So, what, and I'm also not suggesting that we all go join Anonymous because that was probably a sigh off anyway. But my, what I am saying is to adopt this kind of ethos that, that at any time you You can quote unquote, you know, storm the reality studio and you can actually cut ties with the control that you, that we've all inadvertently consented to without our consent. And scene.


Thank you, Andrew. Cool.


Okay. Wow.


Yeah, it's a nice metaphor for, it's a literal practice, but it's also a really great metaphor for what I see with Jupiter and Gemini as well, which is opening new neural pathways. And the way that we can open new neural pathways is by being able to become free of those grooves that we get stuck in. Like we get so stuck in our little comfortable roads, you know, the conditioning and the assumptions and then the paradigms, the reality tunnels, as Robert Anton Wilson called it, and the cut up technique is some is a method. to free yourself of that and actually open up new pathways, which is what learning is. It's like


throwing an underground rave in your reality tunnel.


I guess, yeah. So, that's what


Yeah I, so I think on a literal level, this, I mean, it's very interesting because as all this sort of crescendoed, I, it was like, wow, this is like pure Jupiter and Gemini, like, you know, the whole thing of the cutups and, you know what I'm saying? Like, just, it's sort of like this explosion, this expansive explosion Jupiter in the lexicon of human culture, Gemini,




in this, You know, so it's like go get Bowie's album, Heroes, because he used cut out. He did. Yeah. And also go get those refrigerator poetry magnet collections.


Yeah. Remember


those where it's like 5,


000 words? I have a legendary one that I wrote at an apartment on on Hate Ashbery. I'll see if I can't pull it out and post a link to it. Yeah, well, you


guys I need to wrap because yeah, crazy ass schedule today. I think we'll do Trump's the Jupiter moving into his, you know, Uranus and Sun in the next, maybe we'll talk about that with Elsa, who's going to be our guest in June from ElsaElsa.




She is a trip, probably the first astrology blog on the internets.


Oh my god, I'm excited. That's going to be really amazing. I look forward to that and yeah, we will continue to talk about Jupiter and Gemini because there's obviously How could


we not? With Jupiter and Gemini!


Woo! All right, so thank you so much, Frederick, and Yeah, and thank you guys. It was a blast. This


was just our elevator pitch for Jupiter and Gemini.


All right, well have a great Just wait


till you read our 5, 000 page manuscript.






you guys. Good connecting.




Bye. We off?

Welcome to Rage of Aquarius: The Outsider Astrology Podcast
Diving Deep into Jupiter in Gemini: An Astrological Forecast
Exploring the Philosophical and Creative Influence of Jupiter
Jupiter in Gemini: Navigating Ideological Polarities and Legal Quandaries
Jupiter in Gemini's potential impact on society & technology
Unpacking the Great Conjunction of 2020: Aquarius, AI, and the Search for Truth
AI and the Future: Debunking Myths and Embracing Reality
Tech Mania and AI: A Critical Perspective
The Quest for Immortality: Tech Titans and Their Eccentricities
A Glimpse into Celebrity Transformations and Aging
Tech Industry's Diminishing Glamour and Fascist Tendencies
Exploring the Depths of AI, AR, and the Future of Digital Realms
The Cut-Up Technique: A Tool for Mental Liberation
Closing Thoughts on Jupiter in Gemini and Upcoming Discussions