Viking Psychiatry Podcast

Sean Goddard's Insights into Cutting-Edge Depression Treatments and the Role of Digital Therapeutics

April 18, 2024 Sean Goddard Episode 3
Sean Goddard's Insights into Cutting-Edge Depression Treatments and the Role of Digital Therapeutics
Viking Psychiatry Podcast
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Viking Psychiatry Podcast
Sean Goddard's Insights into Cutting-Edge Depression Treatments and the Role of Digital Therapeutics
Apr 18, 2024 Episode 3
Sean Goddard

Are There New Treatment Options for Resistant Depression?

Unlock the mysteries of your mind with Sean Goddard from Viking Psychiatry, as he brings to light innovative treatments transforming mental health care. Diving into the worlds of Spravato and transcranial magnetic stimulation, Sean shares his expertise on these breakthrough alternatives for those battling treatment-resistant depression. It's not just about the medication; Sean emphasizes the power of therapy, lifestyle changes, and the essential nature of a supportive social network. Like finding your favorite haunt for the best Italian cuisine, he advises on the importance of connecting with the right therapist for effective mental health management.

Moreover, we venture into the digital domain, where Sean unveils the latest in AI software and apps designed to combat depression. These tools are not just about tracking your mood or encouraging exercise; they're about revolutionizing motivation and offering interactive support at your fingertips. This episode is more than just a conversation; it's a doorway to understanding the multifaceted landscape of depression treatment and a beacon of hope for anyone on a personal quest for mental wellness. Join us for an enlightening discussion that's sure to change the way you perceive and tackle mental health challenges.

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Show Notes Transcript

Are There New Treatment Options for Resistant Depression?

Unlock the mysteries of your mind with Sean Goddard from Viking Psychiatry, as he brings to light innovative treatments transforming mental health care. Diving into the worlds of Spravato and transcranial magnetic stimulation, Sean shares his expertise on these breakthrough alternatives for those battling treatment-resistant depression. It's not just about the medication; Sean emphasizes the power of therapy, lifestyle changes, and the essential nature of a supportive social network. Like finding your favorite haunt for the best Italian cuisine, he advises on the importance of connecting with the right therapist for effective mental health management.

Moreover, we venture into the digital domain, where Sean unveils the latest in AI software and apps designed to combat depression. These tools are not just about tracking your mood or encouraging exercise; they're about revolutionizing motivation and offering interactive support at your fingertips. This episode is more than just a conversation; it's a doorway to understanding the multifaceted landscape of depression treatment and a beacon of hope for anyone on a personal quest for mental wellness. Join us for an enlightening discussion that's sure to change the way you perceive and tackle mental health challenges.

To learn more about Viking Psychiatry go to:

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Viking Psychiatry Podcast, where you get the support you need when you need it. At the helm is Sean Goddard, owner of Viking Psychiatry, veteran and dual certified nurse practitioner specializing in mental health Struggling with depression and finding traditional treatment ineffective.

Speaker 2:

This episode features the owner of Viking Psychiatry discussing breakthrough alternatives such as Swivado. Discover how these new options are revolutionizing the approach to treatment-resistant depression. Welcome back everyone. This is Garfield Bowen, co-host slash producer, back in the studio with Sean Garad Sean, how you doing today.

Speaker 3:

I'm doing good. How about yourself?

Speaker 2:

I am well so, Sean. If somebody has trouble with depression and have not responded to treatment, are new options available?

Speaker 3:

You know there absolutely are a lot of options that are available for folks out there besides just the standard medications. Some of the things that we specialize at Viking Psychiatry that's maybe what you would consider a little bit more outside the box are Spravato intranasal esketamine is the generic name for it, as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Is there any holistic approaches?

Speaker 3:

Sure, absolutely. When it comes to depression and treatment, you know, one of the best things I'm a huge proponent of is therapy right, getting and finding a therapist that you connect with. And I tell people it's kind of like finding a restaurant right Just because you know, maybe your favorite fruit might be Italian, it doesn't mean that the first Italian restaurant that you walk into you're going to like right. And so with therapists it can be the same way. You have to find that restaurant that you really like that cooks things up just the way you like it, and so finding a good therapist is important as well. We really preach and push on lifestyle changes right, like regular exercise, healthy diet, what we call sleep hygiene, making sure that you're getting appropriate sleep, mindfulness and meditation, and also getting the social support that you need. But we also know, right, it's easy to say, hey, get up and exercise. Right, get up and make some friends. But when you're feeling depressed, that can be hard, and that's where things like Spravato can come in and really create a difference in your treatment.

Speaker 2:

I heard something on the news. I don't know if you have any insight on it, Kind of put you on the spot, but they have some like digital treatments online where you can. I don't know if it's you going to some program or downloading an app. Are you familiar with that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's a lot of digital programs that are available. Now. There's a brand new system that I don't know if I can mention their name, but just got FDA approved to be used in conjunction with, like an oral antidepressant to help improve the outcomes in depression. But there are. There are many apps that are available through the App Store to help with increasing motivation, tracking those lifestyle changes that we talked about, and there's actually even AI softwares that are available out there to provide not therapy right, because you need to see a trained therapist to really get therapy but to be able to bounce things off of and get some feedback when you need it.

Speaker 2:

I love it. This is some good stuff. I'll see you in the next episode.

Speaker 3:

All right, I look forward to it. Alright, I look forward to it.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening to the Viking Psychiatry Podcast, where you get the support you need when you need it. For a complimentary consultation, visit vikingpsychiatrycom or call 260-459-9225. That's 260-459-9225, that's.