Growth Instigator Hotline

#64 1... whew. 2... whew. 3...whew. That's better!

May 23, 2024 Aaron Havens Season 1 Episode 64
#64 1... whew. 2... whew. 3...whew. That's better!
Growth Instigator Hotline
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Growth Instigator Hotline
#64 1... whew. 2... whew. 3...whew. That's better!
May 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 64
Aaron Havens

1… whew.  2… whew.  3… whew.  That’s better.

-“Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #64 and I am Aaron Havens. 

Welcome to Thursday May 23, 2024

If your week was anything like mine… I’m feeling a bit impatient. 

It’s Thursday.  I effectively have today and tomorrow to accomplish a long list of task for my work week.  It is about this time of the week when I look up and have to face the realization that my mammoth of a list, written by an energetic Aaron on a Sunday night, will not be completed. And for personality like mine, someone who likes to complete tasks, a finisher, a completer, this plays with my mind.

This is about the time of week I need to breathe slowly, count to three and remind myself of what is good and right.  It’s pretty amazing what taking a moment, in middle of the chaos can do for your being.  

In fact, let's do it right now. I think I need to breathe a little and maybe, if you're anything like me, taking a few moments right now could be an incredible gift to yourself. An escape of sorts. I'm not gonna walk you through a breathing exercise, I'll leave that to the experts, just gonna take three short breaths, actually three deep breaths and hold them for three seconds and exhale. If you're so inclined to join me, please join along.  

1… whew.  2… whew.  3… whew.  That’s better.

Now, if that calmed you even one degree, I bet the world is a brighter place.

My friends please remember, your mental health, your physical health, your emotional health, your spiritual health is worth it. Do what you need to do today to be a centered person. No task list, no to do list. Should send you over the top.

Sorry, I raised my glass and I cheers you… my friends… you are fine people who make a better place while being better people ourselves!

Big take away: 

Just breathe a little deeper today and notice how life begins to fill with more color!

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:

“Let me know ways your refocus and center…”

Show Notes

1… whew.  2… whew.  3… whew.  That’s better.

-“Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #64 and I am Aaron Havens. 

Welcome to Thursday May 23, 2024

If your week was anything like mine… I’m feeling a bit impatient. 

It’s Thursday.  I effectively have today and tomorrow to accomplish a long list of task for my work week.  It is about this time of the week when I look up and have to face the realization that my mammoth of a list, written by an energetic Aaron on a Sunday night, will not be completed. And for personality like mine, someone who likes to complete tasks, a finisher, a completer, this plays with my mind.

This is about the time of week I need to breathe slowly, count to three and remind myself of what is good and right.  It’s pretty amazing what taking a moment, in middle of the chaos can do for your being.  

In fact, let's do it right now. I think I need to breathe a little and maybe, if you're anything like me, taking a few moments right now could be an incredible gift to yourself. An escape of sorts. I'm not gonna walk you through a breathing exercise, I'll leave that to the experts, just gonna take three short breaths, actually three deep breaths and hold them for three seconds and exhale. If you're so inclined to join me, please join along.  

1… whew.  2… whew.  3… whew.  That’s better.

Now, if that calmed you even one degree, I bet the world is a brighter place.

My friends please remember, your mental health, your physical health, your emotional health, your spiritual health is worth it. Do what you need to do today to be a centered person. No task list, no to do list. Should send you over the top.

Sorry, I raised my glass and I cheers you… my friends… you are fine people who make a better place while being better people ourselves!

Big take away: 

Just breathe a little deeper today and notice how life begins to fill with more color!

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:

“Let me know ways your refocus and center…”