Growth Instigator Hotline

#65 Whatever you do... master this one thing!

May 23, 2024 Aaron Havens Season 1 Episode 65
#65 Whatever you do... master this one thing!
Growth Instigator Hotline
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Growth Instigator Hotline
#65 Whatever you do... master this one thing!
May 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 65
Aaron Havens

I’m always amazed what this one thing does in life.

“Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #65 and I am Aaron Havens. 

Last night my business partner and I attended a big networking event put on by our local chamber of commerce.  Our company has been active in networking for many years.  We know a lot of people and these events are very familiar to us.  A lot of the relationships in the room go back a long ways as all of us local business owners have had to navigate some crazy waters together.

These network events are filled with a lot of familiar faces along with plenty of new faces.  I always make it a point to go introduce myself to new comers and get their story.  I’m not looking for just an “elevator pitch”, I’m wanting to know the “why” behind the “what” they do.  

You know what’s always a good reminder?  When I’ve spent the time getting the “why” behind their “what”… I never forget “what” they do!  I have a rolodex in my mind of at least 100 or more businesses in our community that I can name someone from their organization that cares.

You know what will set you apart?  Caring about a name.  Caring about a person.  Asking deeper questions.  More than just “tell me what it is you do”.  

Our company has gotten SOOOOO many contracts because we spent 5 minutes talking to someone instead of just saying hi and throwing a business card in their face.  People are more that a name tag and business title!  They have a life beyond this event!

If you master this one thing… soft skills, caring skills, noticing and care a little more… You will see the reward in spades as your network grows and your relationships deepen!

Big take away: 

Are you leading an organization?  Teach your people and create a culture of caring for others…. If so, you’ll move “clients” to “advocates”!

Are you on a team?  Lengthen your conversations and ask some well pointed and deeper questions to get to know your team mates a little better.  And yes, working inside your home as a dad/or mom is a team leader!

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for the weekend edition of Growth Instigator Hotline where we want to hear from you!

At the sound of the beep:  

“I’ll take a minute to care!”

Show Notes

I’m always amazed what this one thing does in life.

“Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #65 and I am Aaron Havens. 

Last night my business partner and I attended a big networking event put on by our local chamber of commerce.  Our company has been active in networking for many years.  We know a lot of people and these events are very familiar to us.  A lot of the relationships in the room go back a long ways as all of us local business owners have had to navigate some crazy waters together.

These network events are filled with a lot of familiar faces along with plenty of new faces.  I always make it a point to go introduce myself to new comers and get their story.  I’m not looking for just an “elevator pitch”, I’m wanting to know the “why” behind the “what” they do.  

You know what’s always a good reminder?  When I’ve spent the time getting the “why” behind their “what”… I never forget “what” they do!  I have a rolodex in my mind of at least 100 or more businesses in our community that I can name someone from their organization that cares.

You know what will set you apart?  Caring about a name.  Caring about a person.  Asking deeper questions.  More than just “tell me what it is you do”.  

Our company has gotten SOOOOO many contracts because we spent 5 minutes talking to someone instead of just saying hi and throwing a business card in their face.  People are more that a name tag and business title!  They have a life beyond this event!

If you master this one thing… soft skills, caring skills, noticing and care a little more… You will see the reward in spades as your network grows and your relationships deepen!

Big take away: 

Are you leading an organization?  Teach your people and create a culture of caring for others…. If so, you’ll move “clients” to “advocates”!

Are you on a team?  Lengthen your conversations and ask some well pointed and deeper questions to get to know your team mates a little better.  And yes, working inside your home as a dad/or mom is a team leader!

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for the weekend edition of Growth Instigator Hotline where we want to hear from you!

At the sound of the beep:  

“I’ll take a minute to care!”