Growth Instigator Hotline

#66 You don’t have to act like this doesn’t impact you.

May 27, 2024 Aaron Havens Season 1 Episode 66
#66 You don’t have to act like this doesn’t impact you.
Growth Instigator Hotline
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Growth Instigator Hotline
#66 You don’t have to act like this doesn’t impact you.
May 27, 2024 Season 1 Episode 66
Aaron Havens

You don’t have to act like this doesn’t impact you.  In fact… let’s talk about it!

“Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #66 and I am Aaron Havens. 

Years ago, I randomly reached out to a leader in the industry I was in. This gentleman had been in the industry for a couple dozen years and was highly respected. It was a longshot, I just sent an email to his secretary, asking if he would be willing to sit down for 15 minutes as I picked his brain.  The crazy thing is that I heard back at the same day and two days later I was sitting in his office. 

I came in well prepared to honor this gentleman's very generous use of this time. The first thing he did was say we're gonna meet for 30 minutes instead of 15. As I went through the three questions I had prepared for him. He looked up at the end and very graciously asked "you wanna know the biggest leadership lesson I've learned over the years?”

Ahhhhh.. Yeah!  Please!

He says he keeps a portion of his daily calendar open so that he can pivot into very important conversations. He doesn't want the people in his organization to feel like he is always busy. He wants his people to know that he is sometimes very bored. Setting aside time for people, and showing his organization that he is purposefully protecting his calendar to not be overworked, has created an incredible culture.  And more times than not… he said… when people come into his office to chat… the topic of STRESS usually comes up!

Stress is a real thing and it impacts every person in every organization. No one is immune to stress when we stop acting like we are superhuman, and we open up the conversation to address our levels of stress. The power of poison of stress starts to diminish!

What do you do to manage or minimize or maximize stress?

Life is hard.  Adulting is hard.

21 Pilots song “Stressed Out”

“Wish we could turn back time, To the good old days, When our mama sang us to sleep, But now we're stressed out”

Big take away: 

Do you have people in your life to chat about your stress with?

What are ways you manage stress?  Plan of attack!

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:

“Wish we could turn back time”

Show Notes

You don’t have to act like this doesn’t impact you.  In fact… let’s talk about it!

“Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #66 and I am Aaron Havens. 

Years ago, I randomly reached out to a leader in the industry I was in. This gentleman had been in the industry for a couple dozen years and was highly respected. It was a longshot, I just sent an email to his secretary, asking if he would be willing to sit down for 15 minutes as I picked his brain.  The crazy thing is that I heard back at the same day and two days later I was sitting in his office. 

I came in well prepared to honor this gentleman's very generous use of this time. The first thing he did was say we're gonna meet for 30 minutes instead of 15. As I went through the three questions I had prepared for him. He looked up at the end and very graciously asked "you wanna know the biggest leadership lesson I've learned over the years?”

Ahhhhh.. Yeah!  Please!

He says he keeps a portion of his daily calendar open so that he can pivot into very important conversations. He doesn't want the people in his organization to feel like he is always busy. He wants his people to know that he is sometimes very bored. Setting aside time for people, and showing his organization that he is purposefully protecting his calendar to not be overworked, has created an incredible culture.  And more times than not… he said… when people come into his office to chat… the topic of STRESS usually comes up!

Stress is a real thing and it impacts every person in every organization. No one is immune to stress when we stop acting like we are superhuman, and we open up the conversation to address our levels of stress. The power of poison of stress starts to diminish!

What do you do to manage or minimize or maximize stress?

Life is hard.  Adulting is hard.

21 Pilots song “Stressed Out”

“Wish we could turn back time, To the good old days, When our mama sang us to sleep, But now we're stressed out”

Big take away: 

Do you have people in your life to chat about your stress with?

What are ways you manage stress?  Plan of attack!

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:

“Wish we could turn back time”