Growth Instigator Hotline

#68 You wanna play? You gotta pay!!

May 29, 2024 Aaron Havens Season 1 Episode 68
#68 You wanna play? You gotta pay!!
Growth Instigator Hotline
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Growth Instigator Hotline
#68 You wanna play? You gotta pay!!
May 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 68
Aaron Havens

You wanna play?  You gotta pay!

“Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #68 and I am Aaron Havens. 

This week our family is celebrating a wedding in Texas.

Plane tickets are purchased.

AirBNB’s are booked.

Cars are rented.  

Plans are all set.

Now it’s time to play!

Isn’t that like life.  

If I want to go “play”, “get-away”, “vacation”… I need to put in the work to get there.  So this week, I’ve been recording more, pushing harder and watching the clock as it counts down to our departure.  Will I get all my work completed before I leave?  Probably not.  I’m leaving either way, so I hope I’ve “paid” the important things before I go “play”.  I’ve also learned, this is the way either way.

I mean, isn’t this every day?  Eventually we need to go to bed.  Eventually we need to board that plane.  And, eventually we need to walk away from the piles of work on our desk.

Yep that’s the point.  You don’t live to just “pay”… work.

And yeah, unfortunately we don’t live to just “play”.

My friends.  May we all put our nose down today and work hard.  

And at the end of the day, may we be OK with what we’ve “paid” as we walk away.  Life is more than accomplishing that task list or work two more hours.  May we be a people that know when to walk away from our work.  It will always be there greeting us tomorrow!

Want to know a cheat I’ve created for knowing when to walk away?

Red.  Yellow.  Green.  Work from the red hot, pick a yellow and throw in a green or two.  If everything is red… hum… maybe you’re a perfectionist.  Maybe it’s time to hire or change your approach. 

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:

I’ll put in the work to pay so I can go play!

Show Notes

You wanna play?  You gotta pay!

“Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #68 and I am Aaron Havens. 

This week our family is celebrating a wedding in Texas.

Plane tickets are purchased.

AirBNB’s are booked.

Cars are rented.  

Plans are all set.

Now it’s time to play!

Isn’t that like life.  

If I want to go “play”, “get-away”, “vacation”… I need to put in the work to get there.  So this week, I’ve been recording more, pushing harder and watching the clock as it counts down to our departure.  Will I get all my work completed before I leave?  Probably not.  I’m leaving either way, so I hope I’ve “paid” the important things before I go “play”.  I’ve also learned, this is the way either way.

I mean, isn’t this every day?  Eventually we need to go to bed.  Eventually we need to board that plane.  And, eventually we need to walk away from the piles of work on our desk.

Yep that’s the point.  You don’t live to just “pay”… work.

And yeah, unfortunately we don’t live to just “play”.

My friends.  May we all put our nose down today and work hard.  

And at the end of the day, may we be OK with what we’ve “paid” as we walk away.  Life is more than accomplishing that task list or work two more hours.  May we be a people that know when to walk away from our work.  It will always be there greeting us tomorrow!

Want to know a cheat I’ve created for knowing when to walk away?

Red.  Yellow.  Green.  Work from the red hot, pick a yellow and throw in a green or two.  If everything is red… hum… maybe you’re a perfectionist.  Maybe it’s time to hire or change your approach. 

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:

I’ll put in the work to pay so I can go play!