Growth Instigator Hotline

#72 Don't be a tool... wait, yes... be a tool!

June 04, 2024 Aaron Havens Season 1 Episode 72
#72 Don't be a tool... wait, yes... be a tool!
Growth Instigator Hotline
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Growth Instigator Hotline
#72 Don't be a tool... wait, yes... be a tool!
Jun 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 72
Aaron Havens

Fill in the blank.

Work _______ not ______.

(Hint, both words rhyme with “Barter”….

Work _______ not ______.

Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #72 and I am Aaron Havens. 

It’s incredible how efficient the right tool for the right job can be.

Lower energy for Higher return.

Sure one can try to pick staples out of a cork board… however if you have one of those staple remover things… it’s so much easier!

The right tool, applied the right way… yeah… it’s magic.

So if you didn’t figure out the fill in the blank spots.


If you're anything like me, you can apply a lot of force and throw a lot of energy towards something. That's good! The problem is, I tend to work incredibly hard, and sometimes I don't think about it before I just throw myself at something I've had to learn over the years to take a few minutes to think about if my approach would be the most effective way or not. So yeah I've had too mature into working smarter not harder.

How about you?  Do you approach your tasks, your aims, your plans, your life in a smarter… or a harder way.  Growing up in a semi farming environment, sweat on the brow means you worked hard. And that is true! However, can think of many examples in my life where my harder was not smarter. I would've accomplished more going about something in a different way.

I hate and love to say it this way:

BE A TOOL my friend.  

Be the one that is approaching life, relationships, challenges, obstacles as the most efficient tool. May we today, approach whatever life throws our way as a tool of mass effectiveness may we today.

Be the one that is approaching life, relationships, challenges, obstacles as the most efficient tool. May we today, approach whatever life throws our way as a tool of mass effectiveness!  Haha… I asked you and me to be tools today.  Thats funny. 

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:

I’m going to be a tool of mass effectiveness. 

Show Notes

Fill in the blank.

Work _______ not ______.

(Hint, both words rhyme with “Barter”….

Work _______ not ______.

Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #72 and I am Aaron Havens. 

It’s incredible how efficient the right tool for the right job can be.

Lower energy for Higher return.

Sure one can try to pick staples out of a cork board… however if you have one of those staple remover things… it’s so much easier!

The right tool, applied the right way… yeah… it’s magic.

So if you didn’t figure out the fill in the blank spots.


If you're anything like me, you can apply a lot of force and throw a lot of energy towards something. That's good! The problem is, I tend to work incredibly hard, and sometimes I don't think about it before I just throw myself at something I've had to learn over the years to take a few minutes to think about if my approach would be the most effective way or not. So yeah I've had too mature into working smarter not harder.

How about you?  Do you approach your tasks, your aims, your plans, your life in a smarter… or a harder way.  Growing up in a semi farming environment, sweat on the brow means you worked hard. And that is true! However, can think of many examples in my life where my harder was not smarter. I would've accomplished more going about something in a different way.

I hate and love to say it this way:

BE A TOOL my friend.  

Be the one that is approaching life, relationships, challenges, obstacles as the most efficient tool. May we today, approach whatever life throws our way as a tool of mass effectiveness may we today.

Be the one that is approaching life, relationships, challenges, obstacles as the most efficient tool. May we today, approach whatever life throws our way as a tool of mass effectiveness!  Haha… I asked you and me to be tools today.  Thats funny. 

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:

I’m going to be a tool of mass effectiveness.