Growth Instigator Hotline

#73 How many languages do you speak?

June 05, 2024 Aaron Havens Season 1 Episode 73
#73 How many languages do you speak?
Growth Instigator Hotline
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Growth Instigator Hotline
#73 How many languages do you speak?
Jun 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 73
Aaron Havens

How many languages do you speak?

Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #73 and I am Aaron Havens. 

In High School I took Spanish from Señora Trotter.

I didn’t apply myself.  

I put in the minimal work to just “pass” the class.

And yes later, to this day I regret NOT being all in on becoming fluent in Spanish.

And yep, just like how life works, I even ended up living in Mexico for a year.

Wow, I played small and blew off something that could have been hugely important in my life.  And yep, I’m in the service industry… I could speak communicate fluently in Spanish to other workers if I would have taken it seriously.  So, here I am… speaking into my Google Translator.  I’m thankful for the technology… I just wish I could speak fluent Spanish.  

How many languages do you speak?

And I’m not talking just talking about, Spanish, or English, or French…

For example…I think two of the most important languages to speak in leading an organization or being in business is the Language of Technology… and the Language of Marketing/Branding.  If you know these two languages, the world is wide open to you!

Nat Turner said “Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity”.

What languages do you speak?  What languages do you need to know in both your personal life, and in your professional life?  My wife is an elementary teacher… so she is fluent in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade language.  To me, it sounds like jibber jabber.

The real question is this.  Will you put in the work to master the language you need to be successful?  Will you start taking lessons and making it a priority to become fluent in a language you need?

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:  I would like to know what languages you find yourself speaking or needing to speak in your personal life and in your professional life.

Show Notes

How many languages do you speak?

Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #73 and I am Aaron Havens. 

In High School I took Spanish from Señora Trotter.

I didn’t apply myself.  

I put in the minimal work to just “pass” the class.

And yes later, to this day I regret NOT being all in on becoming fluent in Spanish.

And yep, just like how life works, I even ended up living in Mexico for a year.

Wow, I played small and blew off something that could have been hugely important in my life.  And yep, I’m in the service industry… I could speak communicate fluently in Spanish to other workers if I would have taken it seriously.  So, here I am… speaking into my Google Translator.  I’m thankful for the technology… I just wish I could speak fluent Spanish.  

How many languages do you speak?

And I’m not talking just talking about, Spanish, or English, or French…

For example…I think two of the most important languages to speak in leading an organization or being in business is the Language of Technology… and the Language of Marketing/Branding.  If you know these two languages, the world is wide open to you!

Nat Turner said “Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity”.

What languages do you speak?  What languages do you need to know in both your personal life, and in your professional life?  My wife is an elementary teacher… so she is fluent in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade language.  To me, it sounds like jibber jabber.

The real question is this.  Will you put in the work to master the language you need to be successful?  Will you start taking lessons and making it a priority to become fluent in a language you need?

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:  I would like to know what languages you find yourself speaking or needing to speak in your personal life and in your professional life.