Growth Instigator Hotline

#74 It's time to go blow out the cobwebs.

June 06, 2024 Aaron Havens Season 1 Episode 74
#74 It's time to go blow out the cobwebs.
Growth Instigator Hotline
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Growth Instigator Hotline
#74 It's time to go blow out the cobwebs.
Jun 06, 2024 Season 1 Episode 74
Aaron Havens

It’s time to go blow out the cobwebs!

Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #74 and I am Aaron Havens. This call especially goes out to Muckie from Colorado.

My mom lied to me at least once in my life.  Maybe more.  One time for sure!

Growing up she drove a Mustang.  She loved and still does love these cars.

Sitting in our garage, under a special tarp was a bright red 65.5 Bright Red Ford Mustang.  Oh, it was so cool.  I remember asking her if I could drive it when I got my license.  In my mind it was a solid YES… of course I’ll let my high energy son drive this high powered car as soon as he gets his license.  In reality though, my parents sold the car when I was 15.  HAHA.  I get it.  That was probably a parenting PRO move on their part.  

I loved this car.  This was the first car I ever broke 100mph in.  I was the passenger of course.  My parents called this “blowing out the cobwebs”.  Most of the time the car sat safely in our garage.  At time though, the cover came off and we knew it was time to GO.  Yipppyyy.  Those were fun trips.

My friends.  What is a super powered bad A thing in your life that is sitting under a tarp in the garage?  Is it time to go and blow out the cobwebs?  What is something classic being under used?  When will you show us your hidden super powers?

I would just hate it if we opted to keep that cool thing hidden from the public.  Has it been a while since you flexed your muscles?  Go get that tarp off, open up the garage and put the pedal to the medal.  Smile and let the wind blow your hair as you live your best life ever.  Let loose a little bit today.  Don’t hold back. 

Your hidden potential wants to come out and play!  Let’s go!

Write that book.  Invent that thing.  Sing that song.  Write that code.  Post the blog.  Send that letter.  Develop that cure.  Encourage the world.  Inspire your family and friends.  Go for it!

Think bigger.  Don’t let your potential be stalled in the garage.  Get it out.  It’s time to blow out the cobwebs!

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep: What is something you’re keeping hidden from us?  When will you reveal it?  Does it put a smile on your face?

Show Notes

It’s time to go blow out the cobwebs!

Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #74 and I am Aaron Havens. This call especially goes out to Muckie from Colorado.

My mom lied to me at least once in my life.  Maybe more.  One time for sure!

Growing up she drove a Mustang.  She loved and still does love these cars.

Sitting in our garage, under a special tarp was a bright red 65.5 Bright Red Ford Mustang.  Oh, it was so cool.  I remember asking her if I could drive it when I got my license.  In my mind it was a solid YES… of course I’ll let my high energy son drive this high powered car as soon as he gets his license.  In reality though, my parents sold the car when I was 15.  HAHA.  I get it.  That was probably a parenting PRO move on their part.  

I loved this car.  This was the first car I ever broke 100mph in.  I was the passenger of course.  My parents called this “blowing out the cobwebs”.  Most of the time the car sat safely in our garage.  At time though, the cover came off and we knew it was time to GO.  Yipppyyy.  Those were fun trips.

My friends.  What is a super powered bad A thing in your life that is sitting under a tarp in the garage?  Is it time to go and blow out the cobwebs?  What is something classic being under used?  When will you show us your hidden super powers?

I would just hate it if we opted to keep that cool thing hidden from the public.  Has it been a while since you flexed your muscles?  Go get that tarp off, open up the garage and put the pedal to the medal.  Smile and let the wind blow your hair as you live your best life ever.  Let loose a little bit today.  Don’t hold back. 

Your hidden potential wants to come out and play!  Let’s go!

Write that book.  Invent that thing.  Sing that song.  Write that code.  Post the blog.  Send that letter.  Develop that cure.  Encourage the world.  Inspire your family and friends.  Go for it!

Think bigger.  Don’t let your potential be stalled in the garage.  Get it out.  It’s time to blow out the cobwebs!

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep: What is something you’re keeping hidden from us?  When will you reveal it?  Does it put a smile on your face?