Growth Instigator Hotline

#76 Test. Test. Is this mic on?

June 10, 2024 Aaron Havens Season 1 Episode 76
#76 Test. Test. Is this mic on?
Growth Instigator Hotline
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Growth Instigator Hotline
#76 Test. Test. Is this mic on?
Jun 10, 2024 Season 1 Episode 76
Aaron Havens

Where do you flourish?  What environment do you thrive in?

Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #76 and I am Aaron Havens.

A dozen or so years ago I worked with a large organization that had offices all across America and had a global impact.  This was a far reaching company that put a lot of emphasis on technology and innovation.  The atmosphere was magnetic and captivating… and the speed, or pace in which we moved was blistering.  My role was to create and innovate a division that enhance personal relationships.  It was easy to feel like another number, so creating a mode and model for a dialogue and not just a monologue was imperative.  Each person needed to feel a part of what we were doing and needed a place to be known. 

The problem was, I was speaking to a camera that would send the messages around the world for the masses to hear… while I sat alone in a high tech recording studio.  I’m mean it was cool at first… yeah… however, it began to feel isolating to me.  I would tap the mic… “Hello, is this mic on?”  “Is anyone out there?”  Yeah, it wasn’t my gig and eventually I opted to move on to something with a little more human interaction.  That says a lot about my personality, doesn’t it?!  

As humans, we are made for community.  We long to be part of a tribe.  

More and more as I consult, I’m hearing a common theme…

And according to the Society for Human Resources Managment, as work has become more remote, hybrid, and dispersed…connection has become a defining component.  Two-thirds of workers report feeling disconnected from their colleagues.

Is that you my friends?  Are you doing great things… just kinda fading away feeling unknown?  Are you speaking into a mic and just wondering if it’s making a difference?  

Now, I’m not knocking any profession or any personality preference.  I’m just asking a basic question.  Is what you’re doing, where you spend your time and energy, leave you with a sense of accomplishment?  Are you thriving?  Are you alive?  If so, DOUBLE DOWN!  If not, turn off the mic and “walk out of the studio”… per say.  

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep: Is what you’re doing fulling?

Show Notes

Where do you flourish?  What environment do you thrive in?

Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #76 and I am Aaron Havens.

A dozen or so years ago I worked with a large organization that had offices all across America and had a global impact.  This was a far reaching company that put a lot of emphasis on technology and innovation.  The atmosphere was magnetic and captivating… and the speed, or pace in which we moved was blistering.  My role was to create and innovate a division that enhance personal relationships.  It was easy to feel like another number, so creating a mode and model for a dialogue and not just a monologue was imperative.  Each person needed to feel a part of what we were doing and needed a place to be known. 

The problem was, I was speaking to a camera that would send the messages around the world for the masses to hear… while I sat alone in a high tech recording studio.  I’m mean it was cool at first… yeah… however, it began to feel isolating to me.  I would tap the mic… “Hello, is this mic on?”  “Is anyone out there?”  Yeah, it wasn’t my gig and eventually I opted to move on to something with a little more human interaction.  That says a lot about my personality, doesn’t it?!  

As humans, we are made for community.  We long to be part of a tribe.  

More and more as I consult, I’m hearing a common theme…

And according to the Society for Human Resources Managment, as work has become more remote, hybrid, and dispersed…connection has become a defining component.  Two-thirds of workers report feeling disconnected from their colleagues.

Is that you my friends?  Are you doing great things… just kinda fading away feeling unknown?  Are you speaking into a mic and just wondering if it’s making a difference?  

Now, I’m not knocking any profession or any personality preference.  I’m just asking a basic question.  Is what you’re doing, where you spend your time and energy, leave you with a sense of accomplishment?  Are you thriving?  Are you alive?  If so, DOUBLE DOWN!  If not, turn off the mic and “walk out of the studio”… per say.  

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep: Is what you’re doing fulling?