Growth Instigator Hotline

#86 What are your dimly lit hallways?

June 24, 2024 Aaron Havens Season 1 Episode 86
#86 What are your dimly lit hallways?
Growth Instigator Hotline
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Growth Instigator Hotline
#86 What are your dimly lit hallways?
Jun 24, 2024 Season 1 Episode 86
Aaron Havens

It was straight out of a scary horror movie… you know the kind where nobody wins.  And I knew, the moment I opened the door, there was no turning back!

Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #86 and I am Aaron Havens.

One of my first jobs was working at a steel mill in Pueblo Colorado. It was my first experience of working shift work. We would work three days of the morning shift, have three days off, then work three days of the afternoon shift, and have three days off, and then we would work three graveyard shifts, and have three days off, then the rotation will begin again.

I grew up a lot during that job.

I operated heavy equipment, cranes, built things, welded things, torched things. It was a pretty aggressive job.  For a lack of coming up with a term for what I did… I was part of the maintenance crew. We kept the Steel Mill operating.  Occasionally, we would need to go under the mill to check on equipment to make sure everything was running smoothly. Under the mill was a dark, dimly lit area with miles and miles of tunnels and water dripping from the ceiling. Doesn't that sound like something straight out of a horror movie to you? Especially when you have to go down there alone at two in the morning!  Aliens anyone?  Am I right!!!

I had to overcome a lot of fears to walk those tunnels alone at night. I knew that as soon as I opened the access door to the tunnels, there was no turning around. I had to put one foot in front of another and go for it.  I had a grown up job to do, and the “what was that sound” or “did something move” or “what’s coming down the long concrete hall towards me” ways… had to be left behind.

Yeah, go ahead and make fun of me if you want, I bet there's something you're scared of.

Snakes, dark, sharks in the water, worms, flying, sleeping with your hand hanging over the side of the bed. 

Ok, let’s ask it this way.  What are some things you’re scared of that are less tangible?  You know that if you open up that access door, you’re gonna have to face some fears!  

Starting a business, taking a risk, investing in that thing, doing something new, creating that killer webinar, switching careers, sending that product, setting that meeting, committing to something big… on and on we can go. 

Sure, childish fears can be real.  Adult fears can be crippling. 

So my friends, here is your challenge. Make a list of things that scare you so that you can see where you need to apply your courage one item at a time!

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:  What is one thing you can do today to open an access door, step into a dimly lit, wet concrete hallway and face your fears?

Show Notes Transcript

It was straight out of a scary horror movie… you know the kind where nobody wins.  And I knew, the moment I opened the door, there was no turning back!

Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #86 and I am Aaron Havens.

One of my first jobs was working at a steel mill in Pueblo Colorado. It was my first experience of working shift work. We would work three days of the morning shift, have three days off, then work three days of the afternoon shift, and have three days off, and then we would work three graveyard shifts, and have three days off, then the rotation will begin again.

I grew up a lot during that job.

I operated heavy equipment, cranes, built things, welded things, torched things. It was a pretty aggressive job.  For a lack of coming up with a term for what I did… I was part of the maintenance crew. We kept the Steel Mill operating.  Occasionally, we would need to go under the mill to check on equipment to make sure everything was running smoothly. Under the mill was a dark, dimly lit area with miles and miles of tunnels and water dripping from the ceiling. Doesn't that sound like something straight out of a horror movie to you? Especially when you have to go down there alone at two in the morning!  Aliens anyone?  Am I right!!!

I had to overcome a lot of fears to walk those tunnels alone at night. I knew that as soon as I opened the access door to the tunnels, there was no turning around. I had to put one foot in front of another and go for it.  I had a grown up job to do, and the “what was that sound” or “did something move” or “what’s coming down the long concrete hall towards me” ways… had to be left behind.

Yeah, go ahead and make fun of me if you want, I bet there's something you're scared of.

Snakes, dark, sharks in the water, worms, flying, sleeping with your hand hanging over the side of the bed. 

Ok, let’s ask it this way.  What are some things you’re scared of that are less tangible?  You know that if you open up that access door, you’re gonna have to face some fears!  

Starting a business, taking a risk, investing in that thing, doing something new, creating that killer webinar, switching careers, sending that product, setting that meeting, committing to something big… on and on we can go. 

Sure, childish fears can be real.  Adult fears can be crippling. 

So my friends, here is your challenge. Make a list of things that scare you so that you can see where you need to apply your courage one item at a time!

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:  What is one thing you can do today to open an access door, step into a dimly lit, wet concrete hallway and face your fears?

It was straight out of a scary horror movie… you know the kind where nobody wins.  And I knew, the moment I opened the door, there was no turning back!

Thank you for calling GIH where we instigate growth one call at a time where we utilize antiquated technology to deliver 3-minute leadership lessons every day of the week!  This is message #86 and I am Aaron Havens.

One of my first jobs was working at a steel mill in Pueblo Colorado. It was my first experience of working shift work. We would work three days of the morning shift, have three days off, then work three days of the afternoon shift, and have three days off, and then we would work three graveyard shifts, and have three days off, then the rotation will begin again.

I grew up a lot during that job.

I operated heavy equipment, cranes, built things, welded things, torched things. It was a pretty aggressive job.  For a lack of coming up with a term for what I did… I was part of the maintenance crew. We kept the Steel Mill operating.  Occasionally, we would need to go under the mill to check on equipment to make sure everything was running smoothly. Under the mill was a dark, dimly lit area with miles and miles of tunnels and water dripping from the ceiling. Doesn't that sound like something straight out of a horror movie to you? Especially when you have to go down there alone at two in the morning!  Aliens anyone?  Am I right!!!

I had to overcome a lot of fears to walk those tunnels alone at night. I knew that as soon as I opened the access door to the tunnels, there was no turning around. I had to put one foot in front of another and go for it.  I had a grown up job to do, and the “what was that sound” or “did something move” or “what’s coming down the long concrete hall towards me” ways… had to be left behind.

Yeah, go ahead and make fun of me if you want, I bet there's something you're scared of.

Snakes, dark, sharks in the water, worms, flying, sleeping with your hand hanging over the side of the bed.

Ok, let’s ask it this way.  What are some things you’re scared of that are less tangible?  You know that if you open up that access door, you’re gonna have to face some fears!  

Starting a business, taking a risk, investing in that thing, doing something new, creating that killer webinar, switching careers, sending that product, setting that meeting, committing to something big… on and on we can go. 

Sure, childish fears can be real.  Adult fears can be crippling. 

So my friends, here is your challenge. Make a list of things that scare you so that you can see where you need to apply your courage one item at a time!

Thanks for calling in today.  Tune in tomorrow for a fresh new topic.  At the sound of the beep:  What is one thing you can do today to open an access door, step into a dimly lit, wet concrete hallway and face your fears?