Video Brand Infusion

She Pivoted from MLM to Online Business with YouTube (Karen Wilson) | Ep. 11

May 26, 2024 Meredith Marsh
She Pivoted from MLM to Online Business with YouTube (Karen Wilson) | Ep. 11
Video Brand Infusion
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Video Brand Infusion
She Pivoted from MLM to Online Business with YouTube (Karen Wilson) | Ep. 11
May 26, 2024
Meredith Marsh

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Can you pivot your YouTube channel and business from MLMs to selling your own digital products? In this video, I interview Karen Wilson who did exactly that! Find Karen at

👉 AIT Method:  👀 Watch Video Version:

📌 The Stupid Fast Way to get LEADS with YouTube (even with a small channel):

Follow on YouTube for Video Podcast:

👉 CRUSH IT ON CAMERA (new guide):
📹 Become Binge-worthy on YouTube:

Show Notes Transcript

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Can you pivot your YouTube channel and business from MLMs to selling your own digital products? In this video, I interview Karen Wilson who did exactly that! Find Karen at

👉 AIT Method:  👀 Watch Video Version:

📌 The Stupid Fast Way to get LEADS with YouTube (even with a small channel):

Follow on YouTube for Video Podcast:

👉 CRUSH IT ON CAMERA (new guide):
📹 Become Binge-worthy on YouTube:

Meredith  0:00  
Karen went from building her business around selling MLM products to building her business around her own products and programs and pivoting her YouTube channel, I

Speaker 1  0:10  
failed miserably. And I actually pretty much quit at all. I've been able to do so many things. Why can't I make YouTube or

Meredith  0:20  
doubled in one year? What you did in 10 years? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  0:23  
and I wasn't even consistent.

Meredith  0:25  
We have to talk about this here on episode number 11 of the video brand infusion podcast. My name is Meredith. And I'm here to help you infuse the best video marketing strategies into your business for consistent revenue with your own products instead of somebody else's. And you're about to find out why Karen is the very first guest of the video brand infusion podcast. So let's just get right to it. Hey, Karen, welcome to the video, Brandon fusion podcast. How are you?

Unknown Speaker  0:57  
I'm doing good, doing good.

Meredith  0:59  
I wanted to have you on here as your My first guest. Because that's really

Speaker 1  1:06  
exciting. I'm kind of geeking out about that in and of itself. So I'll

Meredith  1:10  
yeah, I know that you just recently implemented a YouTube funnel on your channel. And you messaged me yesterday with your first sale. And I was like, she's gonna be my first guest on the podcast, I has 100 to celebrate. So I want to have you introduce yourself in your channel and everything. And we'll dig into all of the details of your channel growth and your funnel. But before we do that, I want to give a disclaimer to my audience that Karen is my community manager inside of my membership. And the reason why I want to just give that disclaimer is because we're going to talk about the YouTube funnel clinic program that Karen went through. But Karen is not a paying client, per se, Karen had access to it like as a perk as one of the many perks of being on the Meredith Marsh team. And so I just want to make that disclaimer. So it's not it's it's a little different. But because you just made that sale and because your channel just recently reached a milestone. Aside from getting this out. I thought Karen should be the first guest. So we'll dive in. Give us your like 62nd backstory, how did you get started on YouTube? And what do you do? Oh, gosh,

Speaker 1  2:36  
I got started on YouTube. Because I started becoming an online fitness coach. And at the time it was it was called Beachbody is now called body at the time. I didn't even know that I was getting into network marketing. Like I thought like I was literally become a coach. And I was mortified. I'm like, I don't want to be messaging people and knocking on people's doors to, to come in, like work with me because I don't want to be approached like that. So I'm like, Well, I want to go to YouTube. What if I just started making YouTube videos. And that's where my YouTube channel started back in 2013. And it's been abandoned more than once in that timeframe. So, you know, fast forward, my husband and I have a company, I do a lot of the things that in the back end for our company like CFO, I, when I became a coach, I decided I'm gonna go further. I prefer working one to one with people. So I'm going to become a fitness leader, I got certified as a fitness instructor. I started teaching weight training. I was also a cosmetician. So I had quite a few jobs going along. And I got really physically and mentally tired. I felt like, you know, this isn't really my true story. I'm out here selling fitness programs and an idea of of health. And my story dated way back, you know, 20 years prior, where I accidentally lost weight just by walking. So I felt like people didn't really know the whole truth about me. They just saw me who as I was and I was really working hard at trying to teach people how to enjoy their body as it was during the process of perhaps losing weight or getting more fit. Because what I found was you know, people don't like themselves and myself included I wasn't looking to improve but I just I felt like nobody wanted to do that including me. Nobody wanted to love their body. I created my very first online program called the love your body now club. Nope. But he was googling that, including myself. And so I failed miserably. And I actually pretty much quit at all. I hung up my fitness instructor hat, I decided to go into helping other people create their online businesses and online digital courses and whatnot. And so I became a kind of on the other side where I'm helping other people make their dream happen. And so I knew all the nuts and bolts, but I could never apply it to me. And every single time I tried, it just seemed to fail miserably.

Meredith  5:40  
You mentioned that you abandoned your channel multiple times. So you, did you delete it and start again? Did you like what? Tell me about that? And then how did you end up sticking with YouTube? And actually making it work for you? Like, what made you decide to do that?

Speaker 1  6:00  
That Okay, yeah, so that's a really great question. Yeah, I just, I just left it there. It's not there, you know, generating no views. And in part of my journey of discovering how to do online marketing, I became an affiliate for a diet program. And so I started making videos of my journey. And those videos started taking off, because, you know, I knew a little bit about titling and SEO. And so I was doing all those things, right. And those just dominated my channel. And then when I wasn't an affiliate anymore, nor was I doing the program, or those were still dominating my channel. So I thought I, you know, for a while, I thought, I'll never get this channel back. I don't know what to talk about it on anymore, because now I'm doing online courses, I even started another channel for just specific online courses. But my heart and my soul just keeps going back to health. And I'm, I couldn't leave it alone. And I've always had this dream, that people are going to be able to just type in their search bar, at what their problem is. And if it has to do with anything that I can offer, they're going to find me and they're going to create this relationship with me, just just by just by being kind of like a virtual BFF. You know, like it can happen naturally the way it would happen naturally in the real world. And so I still had faith, tenacity and a stubbornness, that this YouTube thing, it's gonna work. But I had to get clear on what my message was going to be because it was it's my channel is a dog's breakfast, you'll find everything on there. It's just too much. So

Meredith  7:54  
you said that you had a little bit of stubbornness in that? Do you mean like, you were stubborn? Like I'm gonna make this channel work? Or were you stubborn in? No, I'm just going to upload whatever I feel like. And somehow that'll make YouTube work.

Speaker 1  8:12  
I was a little stubborn with both. I stubborn with the fact that I didn't want to be on multiple platforms. I didn't want to manage multiple things. Very stubborn, that I'm going to stick with YouTube, because I've seen so many other people have success, doing what I want to do. And I, I know it's possible. So it has to be that I'm not either being consistent enough. I'm not, you know, following structure enough. I don't have a second date for people to come on. Like, I'm not like growing my email list, like I know I should be. Because it's the people that are on your email list that if they're interested in one thing from you, they might be interested in another thing. It's not the people that are like just coming by. So I'm like, Okay, well, I have this podcast that talks about everything. And I want to do that on my YouTube channel. And then I have this and I have cooking and I have and you helped me make it. cohesive. That's our Word of the month. Yeah.

Meredith  9:27  
cohesive, I think is turning into the Word of the Year for. So what are some of the things that you tried? In terms of like growing your channel? Because you mentioned that you thought, maybe I'm just not being consistent enough. Maybe I'm just not using, like, not having a system or a structure? What were you doing to grow your channel were like, what strategies were you using?

Speaker 1  9:54  
I wasn't using many strategies. Like before it before I met you I was just using like, you know, keyword research, the basics that you can learn from any YouTube guru out there or YouTube video, like, look for your terms, do something around that, and put it up. And, you know, I've had some success with that. So that's where the stubbornness came through is like I've had some little enough success, that I knew that if I applied myself, the way I apply myself for other things in my life, that I could really make a go of this. And but I was consistently finding myself in the in the too busy world, like, I'll take on this project and that project, and, and maybe if I do all of this, then I don't need to make pay attention, and I get too busy. And then by the time I get back to what I was doing, I forget, like, where was I? So I kind of needed someone to continually guide me back to the fact that you have a plan. You made that plan, and you just need to go back and stick to it. Because there was a reason for it. Right? Because by the time I'd get back to it, I have this other shiny new idea. I kind of make the product first instead of get the, you know, I go into creation mode. I wrote a book told no one. I I know that's not to say that I say that I told no one because it reminds me of that line of the Grinch, and the Grinch Stole Christmas. solve world problems. Tell no one. My husband is always teasing me about that, like how many people have you told about your book? Not many. I took that book. And I learned how to be a better speaker. I went through all this training created a one woman show and I take that the concept around and I've been able to do that I've been able to run marathons, I've been able to do so many things. Why can't I make YouTube work? Because I was refusing to look at it. Like it actually could be a business. That's a that's a big hair. Like, that's a big scary dream.

Meredith  12:21  
So what changed for you then like, it was a couple of years ago. So you joined my membership thriving crater society a couple of years ago. Yeah, you came in as just as a member. And then last year, you you became my community manager, right? Yeah. And so it's been a year and a half. That you've been in still in the group participating in the group, but also helping me like manage it. But before that, you were just like, you're just like a regular member, like coming to the calls and learning the strategies and stuff. What, what changed for you? Or like, what was the moment that you changed or started implementing a strategy that that made your channel start growing? And where are you at with your subscribers now? Because I know you just reached a milestone.

Unknown Speaker  13:16  
Yeah. Okay.

Unknown Speaker  13:17  

Speaker 1  13:20  
I tried a few things with you. When when I was a member, I like I started setting up that other channel, I saw how quickly it was, it was gaining momentum. But again, squirrel wrote a book did all these other things. And I stayed in the membership honestly, out of, again, it's that stubbornness of myself. It's like, I, I know I'm not doing the work. So I can't say that my program that the program doesn't work, because I'm not doing the work. So every time you know, every time I show up, and I'm not doing the work, I would get that little ping of I'm seeing other people they're implementing and caring, you're not doing the work. But when I became community manager, I'm like, Okay, here's Karen, with this little channel have 208 subscribers. She's not doing the work clearly. And she's all of a sudden manager, like, what are they gonna think? Plus, not to mention the fact I'm helping to create systems in by which people can implement the lessons. So I got to be a little bit ahead of that, right. So I started actually implementing, like, implementing like a boss, like just, Okay, I'm gonna do the work and even though I had very minimal amount of time, I continued to come back to where I was because I had the plan out in front of me. I knew where I was going, I had the roadmap. And I knew what I needed to do. So at the time, you know, I was still getting, you know, your boat a year ago, I was still getting in my top five, we're still those old affiliate videos. And I'm like, I have to take back my channel. And that was the first thing that I focused on was taking back my channel. And it started to work. And then it really started to take off. A couple of months ago, two or three months ago, it was like, okay, hey, and then I crossed the threshold of 500 subs. Just recently, and those affiliate videos are way, way down the list, they're not even getting views anymore. And, and all the views that are, you know, accelerating more growth and subscribers are the ones that I actually want to be talking about. So for me, that's a huge success. And that was a huge, huge milestone, but really, the catalyst was, you know, if I'm the type of person is if I'm community manager, I'm not like, I gotta be doing the work, or I'm a hypocrite.

Speaker 2  16:15  
So I don't know if that was your plan. But hey,

Meredith  16:20  
I, I mean, I don't want to say like, well, you'd have to be my community manager to get stuff done. But I think and just to, I invited you to be my community manager, because I could see that you're very organized. And I'm not because you had like, oh, Karen is wildly successful and implements everything that I teach, she should be my community manager. So it's funny that you you saw it, like from a different angle. Like, I'm not doing the work, how could you possibly think that I should be thinking? But I'm curious it was there one thing and we'll dig into your YouTube funnel and your lead getter, and your secret video and all that stuff in a second. But was there something because you just crossed over 500 subscribers? And you said something in there about the videos, your older videos? That was the content you didn't? Not? Really that's like not really what you wanted to be talking about, has now sort of fallen off of like, it's still on your channel. But it's, it's not the thing that's driving views and subscribers right now, it's the stuff you want to be talking about. That's so how did you make that transition? Because it's to me, that sounds like a pivot. That is a pivot that has paid off and pivoting on YouTube is not easy. So was there some specific thing that you did that made it made that pivot work for you?

Speaker 1  17:57  
Yeah, that's, that's a great question. Because a, you know, it falls under the same umbrella of health, which is just a very wide umbrella. So very fortunate there. But I followed the it's the five and 10 principle, where I, I went back to the top performing video and I made a bridge video, because it was top performing. What you teach in the in the community is how to help allow that to help you pivot. And so I feel like like that one didn't like really overperform or anything, it still gets a few views here and there. But it allowed me to get it off my chest. And I think that that was the huge turning point because I you know, for me, I've always had troubles like when I've disappeared for a while how am I going to explain my absence, and you don't need to you just need to get up and get going right? But I needed to just just set the record clear that you know it I made a mistake when I was doing the program that cost me I wasn't a mistake that the program taught me it was what I was not implementing or listening to a piece that I just kind of cut out that I ended up in a state of body burnout because I was just staying in the in the in the zone too long, which is that we can go down a rabbit hole there but I just had to explain that this is not necessarily this way of life is not necessarily meant for everyone especially if you're not listening to everything. So I needed to really set that record straight that I I made a mistake. This is the mistake I made. This is what I wish I would have done and an Now, here we are. And then I just started talking about, you know, what I what I did to heal my body. And, and so that in that was just happened to be walking, right? So that's when I decided to do a beta on a walking challenge, which was about a year ago.

Meredith  20:22  
Okay, so you basically looked at your content and you were like, I don't really want to talk about this stuff anymore. But I can't just start talking. I can just shift it. So it wasn't really wasn't a full pivot, because you're still talking about health. Yeah, things like that. Right? So instead of just going another direction, you made a video, basically telling your audience, how many subscribers did you have at that point? Do you know?

Unknown Speaker  20:53  
I think it was like 220. Okay, so

Meredith  20:55  
like, so you've doubled since then you made a video that was like, hey, this other stuff that I was talking about, is not exactly like it was a mistake. Right. And this is not the way of like the not the way that I would recommend doing life. And so here's what I'm doing instead. And then you just started creating content like that,

Speaker 1  21:19  
started going in that and then I did another another video because like Beachbody has led into body. And although like I'm still technically a partner, I don't like build a business around it. But I'm still using the workouts right. So I did another I spilled another video off of that one to like what I'm doing now in the app. And that one's performing really well. So I have two places where I really want to share my experience is a 51 year old midsize mid life endomorph body with no gallbladder does for her health. Okay, so yeah.

Meredith  22:01  
So when did you start your channel? Like how long ago? 2013? So 20. So it's 2024. So we're talking about 11 years. So in 10 years, you had 220 subscribers. But in the last year, you've gained that exact many subscribers, you've doubled in one year, what you did in 10 years. Yeah. And

Speaker 1  22:27  
I wasn't even consistent. Like really? Like, you know, there was huge pockets where I'm like, No, I didn't publish anything this week, because you know, and fill in the blank. There was huge pocket. But the videos were working for me, which is exactly what YouTube does. Yeah.

Meredith  22:45  
So tell me, how did you What did you do? To figure out then, okay, I have this channel, add this audience. Now I'm on track with this is the type of content I want to create. This is what I want to talk about. These are the people I want to work with. How do we generate revenue with that? Like, what was your thought process for what you were going to create as an offer? Yes. And like, how did you connect it to your YouTube channel?

Speaker 1  23:19  
Well, I had to go back to again, like it really, it's it's almost like this inner calling in me, I had to go back to like, what my catalyst was, and that for me, it was walking. And it was back when you know, back when I was 26 years old, I had just gotten rid of my gallbladder that wasn't even enough for me to start walking. It wasn't until I had to start walking for life, because I had to walk my son to school and walk up a great big hill back home, huffing and puffing and dying, I didn't want to be seen. Because it was embarrassing. I was overweight, I just I didn't like the way I looked. So I would take this longer route. And it would take me 30 minutes to get home instead of 10. But I didn't have to walk up a big hill, it was a gradual Hill, and it was more comfortable. And within a year, nobody was more surprised me I call it my accidental weight loss because I never I never saw myself in that type of life before. And I was I was so surprised to be looking at a different person in the mirror a year later, but not only physically but mentally as well. And so that was the reason why I had a difficult time being like a beach body a body coach, because the concept is be proved the program works and I'm like but and people would come to me and they're like, I just can't stick to it. It's hard and and I'm like But all you got to do is walk, you know, you just have to, you just have to have something that you can do every day so that you can be successful at sticking to something. So I thought, Okay, well, the book I wrote about, you know, the journey, the ugly side of weight loss and, and everything in between. And then the play I do is all about body image and how we see ourselves differently and in different lights. And like, I just need to take people to the basics. So I decided that that's where I was going to start. Even though I was like, I had to block my mind to the fact that there's a million people talking about walking, but they're not going to talk about it, like, like, talk about it, like I. So that's where that's where I started. And I, you know, I put together a little challenge did a little beta test, and everybody loved the program. And then we went through our digital product challenge in the thriving creator society. And you taught me how to, it's not that I had never learned this stuff before. But I was being guided through, and then the community gives you feedback. And, you know, it's kind of like you have your cheerleader, and I'll be the last one to say that I need accountability, because Hello stubborn. But it's really great to have that that feedback. And then that process that you're reminded that this is your next step. This is your next step. This is your next step. It's not like it's a shortcut. Because while it is a shortcut, but if you continue to look for another shortcut, it's not the shortcut. Do you know like, it's, I think it's a longer process, to get the mindset where this is gonna work. Even though everything else is not, this is gonna work, I just need to put one foot in front of the other. And so I did that. And again, life got busy. You started the YouTube funnel, this January, you launched that program. And this January was, but in between there, this the stubbornness, and the and frustration was just growing. Because I saw that people were finding me, I saw that this whole vision and this dream that I have for how people are going to find me, and how natural it's going to feel. I felt like it was just the opportunity was being missed every time I was busy. And so when I went through the YouTube funnel process, it literally showed me all the holes that I had, and I had to fill them in, which was something that I had never done before I've done for other people over and over and over, but never for myself. And so it was that that process that was was really different to and again, it was taking me a lot longer than I thought it would be. And I'm thinking here's Meredith thinking Karen is just such a flake. She's been working on this thing for weeks. But again, I go by the guiding post of I need to ensure that I get the right amount of time away from screens and preserve, preserve.

Meredith  28:48  
Well, it's not a race or anything, right. That's what you're saying. Yeah, it's, it's not a race. And I know that. When, like with the funnel program, specifically, we're doing a lot of work on messaging, yes. Which is not something that comes naturally to our brains. Like it's something you have to learn. And so it's just like talking to a camera or something. No one's really born, knowing how to talk to a camera and being confident and comfortable. And so when you're learning how to do something, while at the same time spending the time to do the thing. Yeah, it can feel kind of slow. But once you've done it now, like you can do it again, or you now you can tweak it and now you know, you can just send traffic to your funnel. So it sounds like in so last year last summer, we did this six week digital product challenge inside the membership. Yes, you created an idea for a program or you already had a program.

Speaker 1  29:56  
I had already had this beta that that I did. I had played with,

Meredith  30:01  
and if you have had you made sales of the beta? Yeah, very

Speaker 1  30:04  
small. It was like pay what you can. So So you know, I think I earned a total of $45. Okay. And I had 12 members. And from that I was able to go through the process of finding out what worked and what didn't work, because I had people that actually did it. And they were willing to talk to me about it. So you took us through the, the digital product challenge, and then I learned the messaging because I can write, I can write and write and write and write. I'm a, I love creative writing, it's my favorite thing to do. But this was so hard. It was so hard to message, right? And just to kind of flip flip the way, I think, you know, and just make sure that I'm inserting the right calls to action, or else there's nothing's gonna happen. Right?

Meredith  31:09  
Was there anything that made it? Like you said, it's not it's not a shortcut, but it sort of is a shortcut into learning? It's not really a shortcut into the doing? No, you still have to put the time that the energy and effort into doing the work. But was there anything in the funnel program that made it like, made it possible to create your funnel that you feel like, made it quicker for you?

Speaker 1  31:44  
Yeah, I so here's the thing, I had to put it down and pick it up again. And I always knew exactly where I needed to go next. So and actually, your scripting process, the scripting process, although it took me a longer time to write, I be, I was very confident and am very confident about what it's produced. Like what's come out of it, like the quality of the product that I created for people just to go and learn. I feel really good about and that that was huge.

Meredith  32:23  
Did you use the Fill in the blank scripts? Yes. For the funnel for the funnel video? Yes. Yeah.

Speaker 1  32:29  
And then the email templates. Hmm. That's also something that's always been lacking in my own system. I always feel like it's like. pushy, you know, like, but I, it's interesting. I never feel like that when I'm receiving it. It's like, oh, yeah, that's normal. Right? It was just writing it. And so having having those scripts to follow as an outline it, like I said, it helped me figure out where my holes were. So there was one email in that I'm like, Does my sales page even say anything like this? And, you know, I go back to my sales page, and I'm like, what a wimpy sales page. No wonder 707 People have landed here, but nobody, nobody has found any interest in it. Because it's not clear. So it allowed me to it. The reason why it took a little bit longer is because I was also filling in all the other gaps and the holes, and I thought, okay, inside the program, we need a little bit more cohesiveness,

Meredith  33:42  
the word of the year, there's that word again.

Speaker 1  33:45  
And so I it allowed me to, to use a, you know, a fine tooth comb, and go through every step and system and process because I want to make sure that what I'm saying in the video, I'm also delivering, you know, above expectations. Okay,

Meredith  34:07  
so now you have an offer a program that you you've completed the funnel, you have it implemented on your channel? Yes. And you just did you just finished that. How many days ago? Wednesday. So today is Friday, so two days ago, and you made a sale yesterday? Yes. So it was like less than it was like 24 hours.

Speaker 1  34:35  
Oh, pardon me. It was Tuesday. It was Tuesday because that's right, because I showed up to the Wednesday call while proud.

Meredith  34:43  
It's like I actually done yeah, then I'm content

Speaker 1  34:46  
locked down. That was another thing that I did to myself out of my stubbornness is I'm not allowing myself to write, produce any other piece of content until this this process is is complete.

Meredith  35:00  
That's a really key thing. Yeah. Because if you're always creating content, trying to like, well, I have to be consistent on YouTube, I have to show up. I'm building my audience. But like, if you're putting the time into that, you haven't put the time to create some way to capture leads, or generate sales, then it's like, when are you going to have time to capture the leads?

Speaker 1  35:26  
Well, that's exactly and so that's, that's the hamster wheel I've been fighting with, right. And so nothing like this has has, quote, unquote, worked so fast. Like once, once I got it going, and every day, I would check my YouTube stats, and the video that I did two months ago, based on everything that you know, I learned in the thriving creator society, the using the script, using the calls to action using using everything that you lay out for us. still generating subscribers every single day. So there's two months without creating content, but my channel is working for me. So I have that like as as like, just couldn't continue to motivate me to be on this content lockdown. And so, so then it's it's kind of funny, because, you know, I had I was out, as, as you know, but our listeners don't know, I had gotten out to the trail. Because I've, I've started running again, twice a week for 20 minutes, I used to run marathons. But I wanted to remind myself what it's like to be a beginner. And I went down to the trail because I slept in a little bit. And I didn't want to be seen in the neighborhood being Thunderfoot lots of people might see me, someone I know might see me and might ask, Oh, are you running again, and that was like feeling all these fields. Right? And I was like, so I go down to just, you know, I was like, Okay, I did my funnel yesterday, I'm just going to treat myself, I'm going to go to the trail. And I come back from the run, and I get this message from Kajabi the server that I have a new student, like, this is my dream come true right now in this moment is that I am doing things other than being at my desk, and people are finding me so my little virtual assistants out on on YouTube, that are me, are working. And so that was Yeah, and so for everybody that doesn't know, I sent Meredith a sweaty video, volley message nearly crying because I was just, it's just happened so fast. And I know that there's still a lot of work to do to continue. But you know, I feel so free because now I'm back to content writing, I'm back I've set myself free from content locked down. So there's so many rewards, not to mention that I get to really help people through this, this catalyst of, of just, you know, loving the journey between the ups and downs of weight loss, it's not here or there, it's who we are being on the way there. And and the you know, it's just as worthy of that self love in between as it is when you get there so

Meredith  38:49  
So what happens next now that you have your funnel is set up, you know that it converts, you know that like it's so it's bringing in leads, but it's also converting sales wise. I mean, that's we obviously we've proved that so what happens next for you, can you give me like, What is your next plan of action now that you're off of content locked down and you can start creating regular YouTube videos again? What's your plan from here?

Speaker 1  39:21  
So my plan from here is is to definitely continue. I've you know, I'm pretty much okay with not being on Instagram and Facebook and just did like diving deep into YouTube finding out more about it. Getting to know more people, more communities on it, and then also just continuing to make content that's going to serve the person that is going to be eventually in inside my programs if that's where they want to be but I just I have this vision of being like this little corner of the internet where I'm But someone with you on the journey of just living in a happy, healthy body, navigating this thing we call life and age and continuing alongside each other. So that could be in a different place a year from now, but there's always going to be those catalysts. So I have lots of ideas of more like little mini products and whatnot that will go along with the program or be, you know, extras to the program. But I, I know, where I know where I'm taking the viewer, I know the path, I know, the stuff that I want to share. And, and yeah, so that that in itself is a gift. And so there's another book coming. It's actually a, it's, it's been written, but I know that when you write a book, you need to create an email list. So I'm also creating the email list for this next book, which is the walk of trust. So why it's goes hand in hand with the walking programs. So I'm really excited about that. I think there's always going to be something going on, I do want to create another funnel experience for those folks that use the body app, and that are, you know, around my age and get in there and are like, What am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to go? And just simplify it? Because it is a really great app that has awesome programs, but some of them suck. So.

Meredith  41:53  
So do you have any advice if I had, if you had one piece of advice for anyone, at any part of the her YouTube online business journey? Who is kind of in a similar spot where they're like, Oh, I kind of like talking about stuff on my channel that I'm not really sure if that's really the direction I want to go. I don't know what to even do next. What piece of advice would you give to people? Oh,

Speaker 1  42:22  
there's a couple. I mean, action is clarity, you're never going to know what that next step is. If you don't move on it. And and by move on it, I mean, actually doing the thing, recording the video, but actually also moving your body, go for a walk, after you've maybe written out a script, something else is gonna drop into your mind, I guarantee it because that energy moves through. Consistency is what you make of it. So if your consistency is like once a month, a really great video. Be okay with that. Just keep moving forward. And my last and final one is what you're talking about. Now, if you still know for sure, a year from now, you're gonna love talking about it. That's the thing to talk about. Because we can, a lot of times we can get stuck in that system of well, oh, they say that I'd be really good at that. So that must be what I need to talk about, or that person says and then you get there, and it just fizzles out, you get bored, but there's something inside you that you just cannot stop talking about. And that's the thing. Because you got to have the energy to keep

Meredith  43:45  
going. Yeah. Awesome. I love it. Thank you so much, Karen, for sharing your story and your journey and congratulations on 500 subscribers and generating a sale with your YouTube funnel. Where can people find you and check out your channel and see what you're up to on YouTube?

Speaker 1  44:05  
Oh, my handle is for for YouTube is at Karen Wilson online. My website is Karen Wilson dot online real original. Find everything about me there and on my YouTube channel. And yeah, thank you so much for having me. And you know, thanks for never giving up on me you know i i always have the the saying that. If I'm here that means I've committed and I don't go away until I least have given it my best shot. So I feel like now I'm actually giving it my best shot and I know I still have so much more work to do and so much more ahead of me and I look forward to like where are we going to be one year from now? Like we can look back on this art hive. Right? It's it's pretty exciting. So thanks, Meredith. Awesome.

Meredith  45:06  
Thanks so much, Karen. Now if you want to take your YouTube channel like Karen did, and set up a YouTube funnel to generate revenue from that, in episode one of this podcast, I broke down exactly what my YouTube funnel system looks like, how it works and how you can create one for your own business so that your courses and programs essentially sell themselves. So dive into Episode One of this podcast now and make sure you follow me here for my very next episode. Of course, my air conditioning had to kick on at the very last sentence