Video Brand Infusion

My Video Podcast Script Outline | Ep. 16

July 07, 2024 Meredith Marsh
My Video Podcast Script Outline | Ep. 16
Video Brand Infusion
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Video Brand Infusion
My Video Podcast Script Outline | Ep. 16
Jul 07, 2024
Meredith Marsh

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I’ve been using a reusable video podcast script on all of my video podcast episodes, and it’s worked so well for me I want to share it with you! Many people have requested this video podcast outline. This is one that I use for some YouTube videos, but mostly for the video podcast.

Download my Video Podcast Script:

👉 AIT Method:  👀 Watch Video Version:

📌 The Stupid Fast Way to get LEADS with YouTube (even with a small channel):

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👉 CRUSH IT ON CAMERA (new guide):
📹 Become Binge-worthy on YouTube:

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I’ve been using a reusable video podcast script on all of my video podcast episodes, and it’s worked so well for me I want to share it with you! Many people have requested this video podcast outline. This is one that I use for some YouTube videos, but mostly for the video podcast.

Download my Video Podcast Script:

👉 AIT Method:  👀 Watch Video Version:

📌 The Stupid Fast Way to get LEADS with YouTube (even with a small channel):

Follow on YouTube for Video Podcast:

👉 CRUSH IT ON CAMERA (new guide):
📹 Become Binge-worthy on YouTube:

Have a secret about how I record my video podcasts, and specifically how I script my video podcast to make them quicker to record, quicker to edit, easier to make decisions about what exactly I'm going to say once I hit record. And I'm gonna spill the beans here for you today on episode number 16 of video brand infusion. My name is Meredith. I'm here to help you infuse the best video marketing strategies into your business so that you can generate consistent revenue and build your binge worthy video brand. And when it comes to scripting a video or a podcast episode, whether it's something short and easy, a how to video, or something like this, where I'm just talking to the camera, the degree to which people get excited about scripting and writing out things. Word for word varies greatly, and it also varies for me too. It kind of depends on the mood that I'm in. Sometimes I like to script things word for word, and sometimes my brain is like, can we just hit the record button and go so if you think that you have to script everything word for word in order for the words to come out of your mouth correctly and perfectly. I'm here to tell you that scripting word for word does not create a perfect video, but having a reusable, customizable outline for every video or podcast video that you create is the key to making what you say cohesive so that it's understandable and interesting and easy to follow for your audience, but also easy for you to record without having to script it word for word. And if you thought that my big secret for scripting my podcast episodes was that I was using AI to script them. No, actually, it's the opposite. I'm being more human in the scripting and recording of these video podcast episodes than I am really, honestly, like in my regular YouTube videos, because I'm using a reusable, customizable outline. And in the world, the frontier that we're in, the new frontier of AI, I think this is more important than ever, to let the words that come out of your mouth be words that are generated by you, the human, rather than by AI. And there's a lot of script your videos with AI. Use my custom GPT to script your YouTube videos type of talk out there. And every single time that I have legitimately tried to let chatgpt Write a script for me, it is awful. It doesn't sound like me. First of all, to me, it sounds like AI. Is it great for, you know, getting a foundation? Is it great for getting some ideas of what you might want to say in your video? Yes, absolutely. And I have used AI to help me take an idea and make it more concise, or take an idea and structure it in a way that's like a little bit more interesting. So in this episode, I want to share my exact outline that I use for my reusable, customizable video podcast and video regular YouTube video script. This is one of them that I use for my regular videos, so that we can kind of have the best of both worlds, where it's sort of modular and customizable and repeatable, but also very, very, very human. And if you think anything like I do. You're a sucker for a script template or an outline template. That's why, inside of my membership, I give away fill in the blank YouTube video scripts that are not only customizable to your niche, but also they vary, so that not every single video you create sounds exactly the same, but I will link my script in a downloadable for you at Meredith, that you can download for free and use it next time you record a podcast or a video podcast, or even use it for a regular YouTube video. Okay, so this outline has seven parts, and I call this an influence script, and what I mean by that is it's not a how to video. I'm not teaching you something. It's not a product review or an opinion piece. It's not news. It's an influence script. It's just me talking in. Thing on a specific topic, in this case, scripting a video podcast episode. And I could just give you the PDF, but then you wouldn't watch the video, right? Or maybe you've already downloaded it, so if you're still watching, thanks for being here. But I could just start at the top and say, Okay, this is how it goes. This is my outline. But instead, I'm introducing you to the topic. I am maybe enticing you to watch the rest of the video, and giving you reasons why this customizable, reusable podcast script is a good thing for you to use, you know? So you already heard me go through all that stuff. So this is the order of my outline. Number one is an attention slash hook at the very top of my episode. I don't like to have long intros. I don't like to listen to long intros in a YouTube video. But also even podcasts have a little bit more of a past than a YouTube video for this. But generally, I start with a statement, and then a question, a couple of sentences, and then a question that entices you for what's to come in the video or in the episode, right? And then I finish that off with, let's talk about it here on Video brand infusion, episode number, whatever. And then I have an intro that I have been reusing. I've adjusted it a little bit over time. My name is Meredith. I here to help you infuse the best video marketing strategies into your business for consistent revenue. And sometimes I say without something, something, or in this episode, I think I said so that you can build your binge worthy video brand, something like that, right? So that's one and two, couple of sentences in a question. This is the podcast. This is the episode number. This is who I am, easy. Now you might think that I just go right into talking about the topic. No, I don't. I take a little bit of time to introduce some possible mistakes around this topic. Some reasons why you might want to avoid those mistakes and introduce my way. The thing that I'm going to tell you, which in this case, is using an outline, using a reusable, customizable outline for your videos, right? It's not like I'm trying to convince you to jump off a bridge or something. I just want this whole process to be easier for you, but in order for it to really sink in, so that you actually use the script that I'm giving you, I have to kind of like wiggle my way into your brain a little bit. I might bring up a common mistake that you might be making. In this case, I think I talked about spending time scripting your videos word for word, and how even if you script it word for word because you want it to be perfect. That doesn't mean that when you record it, it's actually going to come out perfectly. And sometimes my brain just says, I just want to hit record. Why can't I just hit record and then riff? So I'm kind of talking about my experience and hopefully relating it to the viewer and using that as a little bit of storytelling to introduce the new way, the new thing that I want you to do, which is to use this customizable,

reusable script outline. Now I'm still not getting to the actual body content, where I'm delivering the actual meat of the content. Yet there's two more steps and these, I sometimes work in and sometimes I don't, but these are talking a little bit more in depth about the consequences of continuing to do something the quote, unquote wrong way in this video, I talked about AI, and I brought up a possible mistake of using AI to script your videos, and the consequence of that being that they don't sound human, they don't sound real, they sound like they were created by AI and then, kind of like, topped it all off with The benefit of doing it using the script I'm giving you, which is that having a reusable, customizable outline gives you sort of the best of both worlds, where it's easy and quick to record, reduces decision making, but it's still very human. Now I didn't have to write any of that stuff out. You can't see my screen, but I'm looking at my screen over here, and I'm just looking at the outline, and I'm taking some time to think about what my next words are with every one of those points, before I start talking to the camera and all of that, like dead space and that thinking space. Is going to be edited out. Now we get to number six, which is almost the last thing on the outline list, which is the body content, the meat of the content. This is where I'm actually digging into, like, what, what I said I was going to cover in the video. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm in the body of the content, where I'm telling you, hey, there are seven steps to this, and number one is this, and number two is that, and number three is blah, blah, blah, right? And then number seven is the call to action at the end of the video. Now, because I have a YouTube funnel set up on my channel, and you know, on my podcast. If you get to the end of the episode, my goal is to tie what I'm talking about in the episode to how this ties into having a set and forget it YouTube funnel, right? Because that's my lead magnet. That's my lead getter. That's ultimately I'm here to help you generate consistent revenue with the content that you create. So if all I did was tell you, here's a script you can use, and then I don't also kind of like, take your hand and lead you to, hey, by the way, if you're here to generate consistent revenue, go watch Episode One, because that's where I outline how to do a set it and forget it. YouTube funnel, right? Are you following me here? This is getting kind of confusing. So here's what that looks like for this video. We are in number seven right now in the call to action. Now I put this entire video podcast, outline, this influence script, as I call it, into my freebie vault that you can access through the link in the description of the video or in the podcast show notes. And my hope is that this is going to help you spend less time planning and editing your videos or your video podcasts, and then, in turn, will take you less time to edit them so that you can create more content. Because if you are running a business and you want to generate consistent revenue in your business with YouTube, the more videos you have out there, the more that's going to happen for you. And when you have a set it and forget it, YouTube funnel set up on your channel, then all of the content you create with this script can easily guide your viewers to the top of your funnel, so that you can generate leads and sales in your business with your youtube content, and with this easy to implement YouTube video script, so you can find a link to episode number one, where I outline my entire set it and forget it. YouTube setup how it works on my channel and how to implement it on your channel. I'll link to that in the description and show notes below, and I'll see you next time.

Video Podcast Script: How I Do it
Podcast Video Script - Part 1: Attention & Hook
Video Podcast Script - Part 2: Introduce myself
Video Podcast Script - Part 3: Storytelling & Common Mistakes
Video Podcast Script - Part 4 and 5: Consequences and Benefits
Video Podcast Script - Part 6: Body
Video Podcast Script - Part 7: Call to Action