00;00;13;12 - 00;00;51;03
John Carnack
Hello. You're new. I see the system has logged this session, so, for the record: I'm Doctor John Carnack, investigator for the Department of Experimental Oversight. And your new actually. I guess the last person quit. Anyway, you're the new human resources person assigned to me for support and review. Human resources just sounds like Soylent Green to me. Soylent green is made out of human resources.

00;00;51;05 - 00;01;16;05
John Carnack
My background is, well, let's just say science. Why overcomplicate things? But a few years ago, uh I took a pivot, and I like to think of myself as an anomalist now. I got very interested in folklore. Here, let me just - can you see this? The Devil and Cold Iron by Olivia Sigsand. Great book. A collection of British folklore.

00;01;16;07 - 00;01;39;22
John Carnack
I just read this terrific piece about a pub in England. The devil walked in one night and a priest tried to exercise him. And it just didn't work. So the woman who ran the pub grabbed a poker from the fireplace, and the devil hates iron for some reason. And she beat the shit out of him, and the devil escaped back to hell through a crack in the fireplace.

00;01;39;25 - 00;02;08;19
John Carnack
So, she snapped off the end of the poker in the crack, and then lit a big fire so he couldn't come back. And do you know what? They kept that fire burning for 200 years. True story. Until the pub was knocked down and they built a McDonald's on the site. And you're just now realizing two things. One, I might be insane. And that's fair.

00;02;08;22 - 00;02;23;26
John Carnack
Two, I've had you on mute the entire time, but the system’s logged a full minute of conversation. Bye!

00;02;23;28 - 00;02;43;00
John Carnack
Listen. First, I wasn't asleep because you know bloody well I can't sleep. Second, yes, I'll drive out to the hospital right now, and then on to the Seven Rays Institute. Third, you will not send a team to meet me at Seven Rays because I don't want to have to worry about evacuating them as well as the people on-site if it all goes tits up.

00;02;43;06 - 00;02;59;10
John Carnack
Fourth, make sure that terrible new human resources drone has my last will and testament on file. Honestly, he’s useless. You should fire him.

00;02;59;12 - 00;03;25;25
John Carnack
It's okay, Abigail. I know talking is difficult now. I understand the sheer effort it must have taken to make that emergency call to us. But I just need a little more help. If you can. If you can write down any of the theorems Doctor Bestler is working with. You already told us which building to go to, and that's great.

00;03;25;28 - 00;03;40;15
John Carnack
I need just a little more to work with Anything. Anything you can remember and bring yourself to write down.

00;03;40;17 - 00;03;52;16
John Carnack
Abigail, are you sure? Oh, shit.

00;04;06;28 - 00;04;36;27
The Bellport Theater On The air presents The Department Of Midnight. Created and written by Warren Ellis. Episode 101, The Cold Spot. Starring James Callis and Alicia Witt.

00;04;37;00 - 00;04;52;26
John Carnack
It's Carnack. Just listen. I'm parked outside the Seven Rays Institute and I can see the east wing. It's a detached cluster of lab buildings, and I want you to hear this.

00;04;52;28 - 00;05;18;26
John Carnack
That's no machinery I've ever heard. I can clearly see cracks in the outside of one of these labs. Call the Federal Emergency Management Agency and tell them to put their nearest station on standby. If you don't hear from me in an hour, treat the east wing like it's Chernobyl. And now, I'm off to have the usual argument at their reception desk.

00;05;18;29 - 00;05;31;18
John Carnack
Yeah! Yeah! So you can actually get up on your hind legs and find your boss, or you can keep staring at me like a dog that's been given a Rubik's cube to solve and I'll make sure you're the first one arrested. And do you know what that means? It means

00;05;31;18 - 00;05;31;24
Sylvie Bestler

00;05;31;24 - 00;05;34;13
John Carnack
you won't have access to more fucking beard oil!

00;05;34;14 - 00;05;34;28
Sylvie Bestler

00;05;35;01 - 00;05;35;10
John Carnack

00;05;35;11 - 00;05;38;18
Sylvie Bestler
Who are you and why are you shouting at our poor receptionist?

00;05;38;19 - 00;05;43;09
John Carnack
I'm not shouting! I'm Doctor John Carnack.

00;05;43;12 - 00;05;46;13
Sylvie Bestler
Oh, the man from The Department of Midnight.

00;05;46;19 - 00;05;50;15
John Carnack
Actually, it's the Department of Experimental Oversight.

00;05;50;17 - 00;05;58;28
Sylvie Bestler
Yeah, yeah, but all your letterheads and email signatures have that Doomsday Clock graphic on them. Forty seconds to midnight. Oh, no! Better pay attention!

00;05;59;03 - 00;06;01;20
John Carnack
It'd be nice if someone did.

00;06;01;23 - 00;06;07;23
Sylvie Bestler
Doctor Sylvie Bestler. I'm the director of the east wing facility. What exactly do you want?

00;06;07;25 - 00;06;10;10
John Carnack
I'd like to start by talking in private.

00;06;10;13 - 00;06;13;08
Sylvie Bestler
You'll be leaving in a moment, so I don't think that's necessary.

00;06;13;10 - 00;06;23;07
John Carnack
Yeah, we can do it like that. And I can come back with a full team from FEMA. Or we can have a conversation in private about your little side project.

00;06;23;09 - 00;06;29;22
John Carnack
And Abigail Ibrahim. Your call Doctor Bestler.

00;06;29;24 - 00;06;35;08
Sylvie Bestler
Follow me. You can't actually have anyone arrested.

00;06;35;11 - 00;06;36;22
John Carnack
Oh, I know.

00;06;36;25 - 00;06;43;05
Sylvie Bestler
So you just lie and bluster your way into places? All in the name of government oversight on break through physics experiments?

00;06;43;05 - 00;06;49;18
John Carnack
The Department of Experimental Oversight is more like peer review for scientists who think it's better to hide what they're up to.

00;06;49;21 - 00;06;51;01
Sylvie Bestler
You're not even American.

00;06;51;03 - 00;06;56;22
John Carnack
Well spotted. Yeah, neither is John Oliver, and he's made a career out of pointing out when you're all being stupid, too.

00;06;56;25 - 00;07;08;25
Sylvie Bestler
It's dog eat dog out there. The more we talk about what we do, the more other people steal it and monetize it, and we're left with nothing. You're wasting time. I need for my work, Doctor Carnack.

00;07;08;27 - 00;07;14;17
John Carnack
Which brings me to Abigail Ibrahim. A member of your team.

00;07;14;20 - 00;07;17;20
Sylvie Bestler
What's the book in your pocket?

00;07;17;22 - 00;07;20;29
John Carnack
Oh. Oh. British folklore.

00;07;21;01 - 00;07;25;00
Sylvie Bestler
Oh, you're a doctor of myths and legends.

00;07;25;04 - 00;07;36;11
John Carnack
Physics. But my interest shifted. I suppose I'm in the field of anomalistics these days. Identifying and evaluating esoteric phenomena.

00;07;36;13 - 00;07;41;01
Sylvie Bestler
So, you're a Doctor of mystical bullshit? Hmm.

00;07;41;04 - 00;07;46;27
John Carnack
It's a matter of perspective, perhaps. Folklore is how we used to explain the world to each other.

00;07;46;29 - 00;08;04;08
John Carnack
Legends of Sirens, for example. Luring crews to their deaths on the water with their unearthly sounds. A tale of a Siren on a stretch of a river is a lot more memorable than trying to explain natural resonant rocks and wave mechanics. Folklore transmits information down the ages.

00;08;04;11 - 00;08;09;28
Sylvie Bestler
You're interrupting my work with fairy tales of sailors in distress. You're no kind of doctor.

00;08;09;29 - 00;08;14;11
John Carnack
Don't have to be any kind of doctor to know Abigail Ibrahim is in distress.

00;08;14;14 - 00;08;16;17
Sylvie Bestler
She's unwell. On leave.

00;08;16;19 - 00;08;20;23
John Carnack
She's in a bloody hospital, Doctor Bestler. She had a breakdown.

00;08;20;25 - 00;08;22;10
Sylvie Bestler
I'm sorry to hear that.

00;08;22;13 - 00;08;27;26
John Carnack
But when the medication started working, just a little, she summoned the last of her strength and made a phone call.

00;08;28;03 - 00;08;35;04
Sylvie Bestler
Wait, wait, you're telling me Abby made a whistleblower call to The Department of Midnight?

00;08;35;06 - 00;08;43;24
John Carnack
That's right. And I want to see the side project that she helped you with. Unit 23C.

00;08;43;26 - 00;08;47;14
Sylvie Bestler

00;08;47;16 - 00;08;49;16
John Carnack
That sound.

00;08;49;18 - 00;09;01;11
Sylvie Bestler
I can't hear anything. I direct work in ultra-cold physics, and it requires a lot of heavy equipment. Do you know what a Bose-Einstein condensate is?

00;09;01;14 - 00;09;02;23
John Carnack
Assume I'm an idiot.

00;09;02;25 - 00;09;16;26
Sylvie Bestler
Already did. When a gas of subatomic particles is super cooled to a fraction over absolute zero, it enters a state where previously invisible quantum processes can be seen by the naked eye.

00;09;16;28 - 00;09;26;10
Sylvie Bestler
That's what we do here. It will give us quantum computers, next level sensors, and a window into the mechanics of the universe.

00;09;26;13 - 00;09;36;10
John Carnack
Right. Haven't I read that the Bose-Einstein condensate is the fifth form of matter after solids, liquids, gas and plasma?

00;09;36;12 - 00;09;45;10
Sylvie Bestler
Probably. But it's not. Put your phone in that cubbyhole. There. You're not carrying anything else that's broadcasting, right?

00;09;45;13 - 00;09;48;11
Sylvie Bestler
Not too much metal? It interferes with some of the equipment.

00;09;48;12 - 00;09;52;05
John Carnack
Yes. I've been in a lab before.

00;09;52;08 - 00;10;04;28
Sylvie Bestler
Let me be very clear. I've spent my entire career dealing with people like you, trying to stop me from working. I don't put up with it anymore. All right?

00;10;05;01 - 00;10;16;27
Sylvie Bestler
Unit 23.C? Come in. And let's make this quick, please.

00;10;16;29 - 00;10;18;19
John Carnack
Bloody hell, It's cold in here.

00;10;18;21 - 00;10;21;18
Sylvie Bestler
What part of ultra cold physics was unclear to you?

00;10;21;19 - 00;10;24;07
John Carnack
And misty. Do you have containment issues?

00;10;24;10 - 00;10;26;26
Sylvie Bestler
Everything is as it should be.

00;10;26;29 - 00;10;28;17
John Carnack
So what's happening in here?

00;10;28;19 - 00;10;36;20
Sylvie Bestler
I got interested in something. And I have the privilege of spending 10% of my resources on personal projects. That includes assistants.

00;10;36;20 - 00;10;38;20
John Carnack
Like Abigail Ibrahim.

00;10;38;22 - 00;10;51;18
Sylvie Bestler
I imagine she just couldn't handle the pressure of working directly under me. Especially on something like 23C. Given my field, I would naturally be interested in the cold spot.

00;10;51;20 - 00;10;53;23
John Carnack
The cold spot?

00;10;53;25 - 00;10;58;09
Sylvie Bestler
The cosmic microwave background radiation cold spot.

00;10;58;12 - 00;10;59;19
John Carnack

00;10;59;21 - 00;11;06;11
Sylvie Bestler
A piece of the sky in the constellation Eridanus that's weirdly colder than the space around it.

00;11;06;13 - 00;11;07;24
John Carnack
Did you not hear that?

00;11;07;26 - 00;11;18;17
Sylvie Bestler
It's just the chilling effect on the walls. Shush. The cold spot is about 500 million light years across. A freezing bulge in the fabric of the universe.

00;11;18;23 - 00;11;23;11
John Carnack
Well, this sounds like it's worth everyone's time. Space is cold.

00;11;23;14 - 00;11;35;21
Sylvie Bestler
Yes, yes it is. But a chunk of it doesn't stay colder for no reason at all. And there's nothing around it. It's surrounded by a super void. Like the universe is being pushed out of the way to make space for it.

00;11;35;23 - 00;11;41;00
John Carnack
So you decided to make one of your own.

00;11;41;02 - 00;11;46;05
Sylvie Bestler
The thing is, I came across this paper. About dark matter.

00;11;46;07 - 00;11;49;14
John Carnack
Oh? I know a little about that.

00;11;49;16 - 00;12;03;22
Sylvie Bestler
Dark matter is supposed to comprise 85% of the universe, but it only interacts with the rest of it through gravity. It repels ordinary matter. Makes room for itself.

00;12;03;24 - 00;12;09;07
John Carnack
Is that sleeping bag I just tripped over. Are, are you sleeping in here?

00;12;09;10 - 00;12;31;28
Sylvie Bestler
I don't want to miss anything. You see, we can't see or measure dark matter, but we're certain it's there. Just out of sight. Now, the paper I read suggests dark matter is, in fact, information. That information itself is the fifth form of matter. It's just that it's dormant. Cold information.

00;12;32;00 - 00;12;33;20
John Carnack
What paper was that?

00;12;33;22 - 00;12;39;06
Sylvie Bestler
Oh, some thing being circulated on back channels. It's called the Wardenclyffe Papers.

00;12;39;09 - 00;12;40;13
John Carnack
I see.

00;12;40;15 - 00;13;01;22
Sylvie Bestler
Doesn't matter. But it led me to my theory. That the cold spot is another universe very slowly colliding with our own. And the super void is dark matter - information - rushing out of the cold spot and pushing ordinary matter away, creating what we see as a void around it.

00;13;01;24 - 00;13;09;16
John Carnack
I can barely bloody see in here, but those walls clearly have cracks in them. How long have you been in here?

00;13;09;19 - 00;13;27;14
Sylvie Bestler
Eight days. Do you understand, though? I've been making Bose-Einstein condensates thinking I'm working with the secret fifth form of matter in the universe. And now I realize I have the key to the real truth of reality.

00;13;27;16 - 00;13;30;01
John Carnack
Are there other people in this lab? I swear I just saw -

00;13;30;01 - 00;13;53;01
Sylvie Bestler
I think that if we supercooled a region of space for long enough and eliminated cosmic background radiation, we would create a thin place that allowed the pressure of another universe to crest into our own. Radiating out information on that other universe. Over here. The observation room for the test chamber.

00;13;53;03 - 00;13;54;22
John Carnack
Can you hear that?

00;13;54;25 - 00;14;19;06
Sylvie Bestler
So, we took a cloud of gas and drove it down to the same temperature as the cold spot. The cloud was about 100,000 atoms across. So, that's .001 of a centimeter. Not a big spot. But come and look.

00;14;19;08 - 00;14;23;25
John Carnack
I could hear voices. Are you sure we’re alone in here?

00;14;23;28 - 00;14;30;16
Sylvie Bestler
I never said we were alone. Just a sec. We have to type in our ID code when we enter. For the records.

00;14;30;17 - 00;14;34;16
John Carnack
Well, how about putting the lights on while you're at it? Yeah?

00;14;34;19 - 00;14;41;02
Sylvie Bestler
No. You get a better image through the viewport in the dark. Over there.

00;14;41;05 - 00;14;44;18
John Carnack
This is a glass window for an ultra cold test chamber?

00;14;44;21 - 00;14;56;21
Sylvie Bestler
Custom built. A lattice of diamond and helium pressurize to 50 atmospheres. Look, you can see an actual cold spot with your naked eye.

00;14;56;23 - 00;15;10;21
John Carnack
Wow. Okay, that looks to be about eight feet across to me. And it's circular. And it's spinning,

00;15;10;23 - 00;15;14;07
Sylvie Bestler
Right? Isn't that amazing?

00;15;14;09 - 00;15;18;06
John Carnack
And that sound is coming from that cold hole in the air?

00;15;18;08 - 00;15;22;13
Sylvie Bestler
Look at it closely. Can you see the motion in it?

00;15;22;16 - 00;15;24;01
John Carnack
Is that

00;15;24;03 - 00;15;38;15
Sylvie Bestler
Like fists pounding on glass, isn't it? Tiny little clawed fists, sharp little mouths. I am on the verge of solving the very shape of reality here. A cold spot is going to tell me everything.

00;15;38;16 - 00;15;42;13
John Carnack
Christ! Where's the light switch? Oh!

00;15;42;15 - 00;15;43;05
Sylvie Bestler

00;15;43;07 - 00;15;46;10
John Carnack
What do you mean, what? Those people.

00;15;46;12 - 00;15;48;03
Sylvie Bestler
I don't see the problem.

00;15;48;05 - 00;15;52;12
John Carnack
But there are three dead people in lab coats. Over there.

00;15;52;15 - 00;15;56;13
Sylvie Bestler
Oh, you mean the rest of my team? I'm sure they're not dead.

00;15;56;15 - 00;15;58;04
John Carnack
They're dissolving.

00;15;58;07 - 00;15;59;05
Sylvie Bestler
I don't think so.

00;15;59;07 - 00;16;03;19
John Carnack
You're dissociating. I feel sick just hearing the other voices in here.

00;16;03;21 - 00;16;12;17
Sylvie Bestler
I think the state of their matter is just being changed. I think they're becoming information and being transmitted through the cold spot to the other universe.

00;16;12;18 - 00;16;15;10
John Carnack
You have to shut this experiment down. Now!

00;16;15;13 - 00;16;20;24
Sylvie Bestler
Oh, the cold spot became self-sustaining six days ago. I couldn't if I wanted to.

00;16;20;27 - 00;16;25;00
John Carnack
You could just open the test chamber, surely. Bring the temperature back up.

00;16;25;02 - 00;16;43;04
Sylvie Bestler
That kind of sudden heat exchange would be catastrophic. It would devastate the whole campus. And what's worse; if I did that, it wouldn't whisper to me anymore, would it? Don't look at me like that. Listen.

00;16;43;06 - 00;16;49;00
John Carnack
Oh, I am. Something's talking to you through that ultra cold hole in the air, in that chamber.

00;16;49;03 - 00;17;07;01
Sylvie Bestler
That that's that's not what I meant. I'm trying to tell you. All I've ever wanted is to explain the way everything works. I have fought and struggled and sacrificed. I gave up a life to learn a universe down to its smallest and coldest parts.

00;17;07;02 - 00;17;12;03
John Carnack
Whatever's in there has been whispering in your ear for a week. You're not well.

00;17;12;05 - 00;17;26;00
Sylvie Bestler
I'm not insane. I'm tired and I'm stressed but I'm learning. Actual scientists, Doctor Carnack, experiment to learn. And I'm on the verge of deciphering whatever they're trying to say to me. I can't stop now.

00;17;26;01 - 00;17;28;06
John Carnack
Okay. This ends now!

00;17;28;09 - 00;17;38;02
Sylvie Bestler
Though I am kind of interested to see what happens when the cold spot breaches the test chamber in a couple of hours.

00;17;38;05 - 00;17;39;05
John Carnack

00;17;39;08 - 00;17;50;11
Sylvie Bestler
Don't worry. You'll have begun being transmitted through the spot before then. It doesn't take long. Leave the door alone. I changed its settings after Abigail escaped. Left. Right, I meant left.

00;17;50;12 - 00;17;57;14
John Carnack
No, you didn’t. But it's not really you speaking, is it? You've been in contact with that thing for over a week.

00;17;57;16 - 00;18;05;04
Sylvie Bestler
And yet I'm still here. I know. It's like they want me as a facilitator, but I don't get to go over there.

00;18;05;07 - 00;18;06;02
John Carnack

00;18;06;05 - 00;18;12;03
Sylvie Bestler
It's quite sad, really. You'll have to tell me what it's like. It’ll start for you in a couple of minutes or so.

00;18;12;03 - 00;18;14;06
John Carnack
Yeah. Fuck that. No.

00;18;14;08 - 00;18;21;28
Sylvie Bestler
You're not getting out of here. Just imagine the real oversight you're going to get going through the cold spot to the other place.

00;18;21;29 - 00;18;24;25
John Carnack
Get out of my way now!

00;18;24;27 - 00;18;32;10
Sylvie Bestler
Leave the key pad alone. I don’t see an anomalistic doctor of folklore opening a test chamber from the inside.

00;18;32;11 - 00;18;51;14
John Carnack
Listen! First off, I was an experimental physicist with a degree in electrical engineering. Second, I was carrying some metal. Sorry, I lie a lot. I don't go anywhere without tools. Though I do wish I brought my taser along. Third. I was at the Wardenclyffe experiment four years ago.

00;18;51;17 - 00;18;55;03
Sylvie Bestler
You have to stop. You're upsetting them. Can't you hear them?

00;18;55;04 - 00;19;11;07
John Carnack
Bloody right I can hear them. They got into your head, Doctor Bestler. And Abigail Ibrahim could feel them getting into hers. But she was strong. She managed to get away. Do you know what her greatest regret was? Having to leave you behind. Now let's go.

00;19;11;09 - 00;19;16;10
Sylvie Bestler
I'm not going. Leaving an experiment to run unattended is just bad science.

00;19;16;10 - 00;19;18;12
John Carnack
You're really not in there anymore, are you?

00;19;18;13 - 00;19;24;14
Sylvie Bestler
Of course I am. Everything is fine.

00;19;24;16 - 00;19;35;18
John Carnack
Okay. Okay. Let's try this. When the cold spot reaches the test chamber, it'll be exposed to normal ambient temperatures, right?

00;19;35;20 - 00;19;38;01
Sylvie Bestler
Yes, sure, but that's

00;19;38;03 - 00;19;44;11
John Carnack
What if I could call in help to reinforce this building? Trap the low temperatures in and keep the spot viable.

00;19;44;13 - 00;19;47;14
Sylvie Bestler
But why would you do that?

00;19;47;16 - 00;20;09;03
John Carnack
Because this is the culmination of your life's work. Even if that thing wasn't in your head, part of you'd want to keep the experiment going just to see what happens. That's the part of you it's talking to. So now, I'm talking to it too. Let me call the department and get you extra resources and federal protection.

00;20;09;06 - 00;20;15;27
Sylvie Bestler
You're not listening. Seriously, this doesn't matter to you the way it does to me. Why would you help me?

00;20;16;00 - 00;20;38;10
John Carnack
Because I've been right where you were standing. I know exactly how you feel. It's horrible. It's lonely. It's why I changed careers. So let me help. Please.

00;20;38;12 - 00;20;41;04
Sylvie Bestler
How long will it take? I don't want to miss anything.

00;20;41;05 - 00;20;45;19
John Carnack
Just a moment.

00;20;45;22 - 00;20;47;11
Sylvie Bestler
Just for a moment.

00;20;47;14 - 00;20;51;06
John Carnack
I promise.

00;20;51;08 - 00;20;54;06
Sylvie Bestler
Nobody on this planet has ever kept a promise to me.

00;20;54;10 - 00;21;00;09
John Carnack
The author name on the Wardenclyffe Papers are redacted, aren’t they.

00;21;00;11 - 00;21;00;24
Sylvie Bestler

00;21;00;24 - 00;21;18;29
John Carnack
I was there, Doctor Bestler. I was there at Wardenclyffe. For the dark matter experiments. The names on that paper are redacted. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?

00;21;19;02 - 00;21;21;19
Sylvie Bestler
All right.

00;21;21;22 - 00;21;36;29
John Carnack
Okay. Here we go.

00;21;37;01 - 00;21;40;07
John Carnack
We probably want to step further back.

00;21;40;09 - 00;21;41;28
Sylvie Bestler
Who on earth did you call?

00;21;42;04 - 00;21;44;25
John Carnack

00;21;44;27 - 00;21;56;14
Sylvie Bestler
And they sent giant cement mixers and cranes? I suppose it's nice that you want to try and reinforce the east wing. But wait. They're tipping that towards the lab roof.

00;21;56;16 - 00;22;15;05
John Carnack
We're pouring special nano-particle concrete impregnated with ferric sludge. Basically cold iron and stone. They did something similar to seal reactor 4 at Chernobyl. We’re building fireplace to trap the devil under and sticking cold iron in it.

00;22;15;08 - 00;22;19;19
Sylvie Bestler
Look. But - but the building will still collapse when that stuff hits the cold spot.

00;22;19;22 - 00;22;29;08
John Carnack
Yes. But so will the cold spot itself.

00;22;29;10 - 00;22;29;29
John Carnack
Are you all right?

00;22;30;02 - 00;22;30;25
Sylvie Bestler

00;22;30;28 - 00;22;39;00
John Carnack
You -

00;22;39;03 - 00;22;51;29
Sylvie Bestler
I don’t - I - I don't - I don’t know. Everything just went quiet. What's happened to my lab?

00;22;52;02 - 00;23;00;02
John Carnack
It's just a tomb now, Doctor Bestler. You know what's happened.

00;23;00;05 - 00;23;07;22
Sylvie Bestler
I think so. Your name's Carnack, right?

00;23;07;24 - 00;23;13;04
John Carnack

00;23;13;07 - 00;23;19;07
Sylvie Bestler
I killed people. Didn't I?

00;23;19;09 - 00;23;32;20
John Carnack
Your curiosity got ahead of our ability to pursue it safely. It happens to us all. The department will hold a tribunal. They'll be in touch.

00;23;32;22 - 00;23;35;24
Sylvie Bestler
Yes. Yes, of course.

00;23;35;25 - 00;23;40;28
John Carnack
I'll be there. To speak in your defense.

00;23;41;00 - 00;23;43;11
Sylvie Bestler

00;23;43;14 - 00;24;04;01
John Carnack
I told you. Because I've stood where you're standing right now. Wondering what happened. Where it all went wrong. Counting the bodies. And I killed a lot more people than you did.

00;24;04;04 - 00;24;07;15
Next time on The Department Of Midnight.

00;24;07;17 - 00;24;10;05
John Carnack
It's me. Jack.

00;24;10;07 - 00;24;11;19
Jack Doyle
John Carnack.

00;24;11;22 - 00;24;12;17
John Carnack
Jack Doyle.

00;24;12;23 - 00;24;14;12
Jack Doyle
What on earth are you doing here?

00;24;14;15 - 00;24;18;15
John Carnack
I came to see you. I heard about your trouble,.

00;24;18;18 - 00;24;23;20
Jack Doyle
Well. That’s very decent of you. I’d shake your hand, but I've been locked in plastic box.

00;24;23;22 - 00;24;26;06
John Carnack
Well, people are worried about contamination.

00;24;26;09 - 00;24;32;29
Jack Doyle
Oh, that's why you're here. Not to see me. To take a look for The Department of Midnight.

00;24;33;01 - 00;24;36;24
John Carnack
I really wish people would stop calling it that.

00;24;36;26 - 00;25;04;26
The Department Of Midnight is produced by Warren Ellis, Brian Gucciardo, Kevin and Diane Kolde, Fred Seibert. Main title and credit narration by Gildart Jackson. Casting and voice direction by Meredith Layne, CSA. Main title and score by Trey Toy. Dialogue editors Kevin and Diane Kolde.

00;25;04;29 - 00;25;51;13
Recording coordinator Kathy Cavaiola. Dialogue recorded at Salami Studios. Lead dialogue mixer Mark Mercado Assistant dialogue mixers Jonathan Bradley and Chris Story. Audio post-production provided by Salami Studios. Post audio supervisor Peter DiRado. Sound design and editorial Paul Menichini, MPSE. Re-recording mixer Sean Jacobson. The Department Of Midnight is a production of The Bellport Theater On The Air. All rights reserved.