Maria Luz's Conscious Curiosities Podcast
Where you are empowered to become consciously curious and unlock the wisdom of the Universe that lies within us.
Astrology, hypnosis, intuition, and more.
Learn more at https://www.marialuz.online
Maria Luz's Conscious Curiosities Podcast
What the dwarf planets Sedna & Ceres teach us about Cancel Culture (& Higher Consciousness) Part 2
In this episode we explore the following:
- The significance of Ceres in astronomy, mythology, and astrology.
- The lessons Ceres may bring to our individual and collective evolution.
- How to understand Ceres in your birth chart by sign and house.
Show references:
Astronomy from space.com https://www.space.com/22891-ceres-dwarf-planet.html
Mythology and astrology from Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George and Douglas Bloch
If you like this podcast, please follow and leave a review, and subscribe to my other platforms where I share slightly different content. I post an astro energy forecast every Friday morning on my YouTube Channel and just started an astro focused Substack called Maria Luz Astro.
My Links:
My website: www.marialuz.online