Homelessness Chronicles
Welcome to 'Homelessness Chronicles,' the podcast where we shine a light on the efforts to support homeless individuals in South Florida. Join us as we discuss the impactful work of our organization, Showering love. We'll share inspiring stories of progress in our cities, and highlight the dedicated individuals and organizations making a difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness. Tune in for insightful interviews, updates on initiatives, and ways to raise awareness about this important issue. Together, let's make a positive impact and work towards ending homelessness in our community."
Homelessness Chronicles
How charities help each other in the fight against homelessness.
Jeanne chats with Buddy Walck, executive director of #morningdaycommunitysolutions about their amazing mission providing South Florida charities with new and like-new household goods, hygiene products, mattresses, furniture, and more for a fraction of the retail price. Showering Love has done business with them for many years and has seen how they make a dramatic impact in reducing waste and enable charities to spend more money on critical programs and services.
Learn more about their mission at: www.morningdaycommunitysolutions.org