World Evangelism Podcast

The Role of Faith in Shaping Society's Laws

W. Austin Gardner Season 1 Episode 42

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Ever wondered how the Bible lays the groundwork for modern governance? Discover the divine origins of human government through a biblical lens as we analyze Genesis 1 through 11. We'll unpack the pivotal moment in Genesis 9:5, where God establishes human government and the sanctity of life, setting the stage for morality and order. Learn how Noah's teachings influenced his descendants and the importance of respecting life and authority as ordained by God. 

Next, we'll bridge these ancient foundations to contemporary times by diving into Romans 13. Understand the biblical perspective that all authorities are placed by God and why obeying these higher powers is crucial. We'll distinguish between the roles of government and morality, emphasizing how Christians can act as the moral compass in society. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on living righteously and being the salt and light in a world often confused about right and wrong.

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W. Austin Gardner:

I would like to show you. You know, everything is in the beginning Genesis, the book of beginnings, and Genesis 1 through 11, so crucial. So many truths are taught there that are going to be the foundation of everything. In Genesis, chapter 9, verse 5, god sets up human government for the first time. It was God who set up human government. He said, genesis 9, 5, and surely your blood of your lives will I require at the hand of every beast, will I require at the hand of man, at the hand of every man's brother, will I require the life of man, whoso sheddeth man's blood by man, shall his blood be shed for in the image of God made he man, so God placed men in charge of protecting other men. God made the sanctity of life valuable and important and set up human government. We know that Noah told us about how his children would turn out, and you know what, as the way we train and teach them, that's the way they'll go. But God has set up human government and as Christians we are taught to respect human government. We are to respect the sanctity of life. So if a man kills a man, that man receives capital punishment. That's just what God said do at the very beginning, in the first 11 chapters. In Genesis, chapter nine, that's what God said do.

W. Austin Gardner:

Then we get to Romans, chapter 13. And so, from the beginning, now we get it working out even more the Bible says in Romans 13,. One let every soul be subject, obey higher powers, for there's no power but of God. The powers that be, the authorities that be, are ordained of God, chosen by God, placed by God. Whosoever, therefore, resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance, the orders, the commands of God, and they that resist shall receive of themselves judgment, damnation. It says that's judgment, for rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Would you be afraid of that authority? Do what's good and you shall have praise. Good government praises good behavior and they are the ministers of God. It says in Romans, chapter 13 and verse four, and we are to be subject to them.

W. Austin Gardner:

Now, government can't establish morality. That's God's department. God is the one who decided. Government doesn't get to choose whether or not an unborn is alive or not, and government doesn't choose that God does. And government doesn't choose that God does, and government doesn't choose that you can do like Canada and kill thousands of your own people as they get older and euthanasia or if they want to die on their own and assisted suicide. Governments can't do that.

W. Austin Gardner:

A healthy government needs healthy citizens. They need people that learn from God what's right and wrong. The church is the salt and light of the world. We're the ones that are supposed to help the world know what's right, not the government. We are not to command people to serve God. No time should there be a church religion, a state religion. That to me, it tells people and the United States was started that way. Every state had its own religion, and so we are salt and light. Don't try to make people do right, just be right. You do what you're supposed to do, you live like you're supposed to, and we will influence the world around us. Thank God, he decided to tell us how men ought to act and react.