World Evangelism Podcast

Making Scripture Come Alive in the Classroom

W. Austin Gardner Season 1 Episode 50

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What if you could transform your teaching methods and inspire your students like never before? In this episode, we unlock the secrets to becoming an impactful teacher of the word of God. We delve into the importance of living with your lesson throughout the week, offering practical advice on how to start your preparation early and meditate daily on your teaching material. This practice ensures that you internalize your lesson, allowing you to present it with genuine enthusiasm and clarity. Tune in to discover how these habits can make your teachings more engaging and memorable for your students.

Moreover, we highlight the significance of having a clear direction for each lesson. Our discussion covers essential strategies such as setting clear objectives, understanding the core message of the passage, and making your lessons relevant and actionable. By staying true to the scripture and preparing thoroughly, you can guide your students toward a deeper understanding of the scriptures and leave them with valuable insights to apply in their lives. Join us and learn how to elevate your teaching approach, making a lasting impact on your students' spiritual journey.

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W. Austin Gardner:

Well, I'm excited to be back with you. I want to talk to you for the next few lessons on a few steps to grow us as teachers of the word of God. Many of you would be in Sunday school classes. You're teaching Sunday school. I love the verse that's found in 1 Timothy 4, in verse 15, where the Bible says meditate upon these things, give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear to all, so we can get better and we can do more and we can accomplish more with our work. If we will work at it, we can be more used of God in this area, and so I want to go over some things with you that might help you with that. Number one. I want to challenge you to live with your lesson. I want to challenge you to live with your lesson. So you want to start early in the week. You're going to teach Sunday school on Sunday morning, and I want to challenge you to start on Sunday afternoon or Sunday night and read the passage that you're going to be teaching. If you have any material in it, begin reading that so that all week long it can seep in your mind and meditate on it. You can think about it and it starts entering your heart and you start understanding what your lesson's about. So you want to start early and you want to be reading and thinking about your lesson all week long. You'd be far better off to take 10 minutes a day for six days and 60 minutes on the last day. That'd be far better than what many Sunday school teachers do, when they rush in at the very last minute to teach their lesson and they're totally unprepared. They just wing it, they just go through it. We don't want to do that. No, we don't want to do that. Your students will only listen for a few minutes. So someone is going to need to be very excited about this lesson. When you're teaching Sunday school, you got to remember they are in not listening, not learning mode. That's just who they are and where they are and what they do, and adults are the same way. So we want to be excited about our lesson and to be very well prepared.

W. Austin Gardner:

Second thing I want you to know is that you should know where you're going in your lesson. You don't get up and just ramble from the beginning of the lesson all the way to the end of the lesson, but you know what you're doing. You have prepared what you're going to think about and to teach them. You want to have an aim, a goal, a purpose, an invitation. You want to think about how do they take this application home.

W. Austin Gardner:

I'm going to teach you all these truths so you can see how it works in your life. This way, you are to believe God about this. You're to confess this sin. You're to go soul winning and witness to a person, whatever it is. You want to think through what you're doing as you work your way through that. So know where your lesson's going. Know what you're doing in your work your way through that. So know where your lesson's going, know what you're doing in your lesson and then make sure you grasp the point of the passage you're teaching. Don't teach whatever you want. Don't springboard. Stay what the Bible says, say where the Bible is and stay on target. What's the Bible talking about in that passage of scripture? What's the truth that God is teaching? What's the application he's asking people to do? You're not there to say what you want to say, but to teach what he has to say, and I hope you'll take that very seriously. What a privilege to be back with you and thank you for listening.