World Evangelism Podcast

Facing the Darkness: Strategies for Spiritual Resilience

W. Austin Gardner Season 1 Episode 58

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Can a believer be overrun by demonic forces despite the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit? Merle Unger tackles this unsettling question head-on, challenging us to reconsider our understanding of spiritual warfare. In our latest episode from Medellin, Colombia, we grapple with Unger's profound insights on the fierce battle between the flesh and the spirit. Unger asserts that persistent sin and disobedience can open the door to demonic invasion, turning a believer into a subservient pawn of the enemy. These spiritual squatters, though lacking any rightful claim, exploit the openings created by our failings, and their eviction demands the resolute prayers and actions of those armed with faith.

Join us as we confront the harsh realities of this spiritual battlefield, reflecting on personal encounters with bitterness and resentment. Unger's wake-up call urges us to scrutinize our lives closely and to safeguard against giving any ground to the devil in his war against us. Through vivid storytelling and real-life examples, we underscore the urgency of remaining vigilant and rooted in faith. This conversation is essential for anyone eager to strengthen their spiritual defenses and understand the dynamics of combating demonic intrusion through unwavering faith and prayer.

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W. Austin Gardner:

Coming to you from Medellin, Colombia, again, and I want to say some more stuff to you from Merle Unger. He says in such a case, the normal struggle between the flesh and the spirit Galatians 517, ceases. The believer is invaded and overrun by the enemy who, like any invading foe, does not permit the use of weapons of any sort by the citizens of the country overrun as a result, there's no struggle, only enforced submission and subservience. Isn't that a crazy thought. The devil comes in and he immediately neutralizes all the spiritual weapons we have in our defense. He goes on to say the Holy Spirit indwelling the believer ungrieved by sin Ephesians 4.30, and unquenched by disobedience 1 Thessalonians 5.19, most certainly precludes invasion by a demon spirit. But who dares assert that a demon spirit will not invade the life of a believer which the Holy Spirit has been grieved by serious and persistent sin and quenched by flagrant disobedience?

W. Austin Gardner:

The demon enters, it is true, as a squatter, not as an owner or a guest, as one who has a right, not as a guest or as one who has a right there. He comes in as an intruder, as an invader, an enemy, but come he does. If the door is opened by serious and protracted sin. Come he does. Satan and his minions have no legal right to enter, for the Christian's body belongs only to God, both by creation and redemption. But as a squatter defined as one who settles on land without right or title or payment of rent a demon can come in and settle down for a time. A demon can come in and settle down for a time he will leave only if he is forcibly ejected by faith and prayer on part of the Christian warriors who know their position and resources in Christ and use their prayer armor effectively.

W. Austin Gardner:

I know I was getting eat up with bitterness. I was getting it up with being hurt, resentment. I know it was happening in my life and I, after reading his book, realized so much where the devil was on the attack. The roaring lion was prowling and God was saying awesome, don't listen to this, Don't do it, Forgive, surrender, love, do right the devil's screaming other things.

W. Austin Gardner:

It must be stressed that demons cannot indwell a Christian in the same sense of the Holy Spirit. God's Spirit enters a believer at salvation permanently, never to leave. A demon, by contrast, enters as a squatter, an intruder, and is subject to momentary eviction. A demon never rightfully or permanently lives and dwells as a saint as the Holy Spirit does. No demon can ever have influence over any part of a Christian's life that is yielded to the Holy Spirit. I don't know what you think, but, boy, those are shocking words for me, me but they're words that I think deserve my attention to study and make sure I'm not letting the devil win in a war against me and against the God of heaven who wants to use me.