Investor Evolution

Episode 1

March 31, 2024 Kimberly Hoyt Episode 1
Episode 1
Investor Evolution
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Investor Evolution
Episode 1
Mar 31, 2024 Episode 1
Kimberly Hoyt

The Investor Evolution Podcast: Embarking on Your Real Estate Journey

In the inaugural episode of the Investor Evolution Podcast, Kimberly Hoyt introduces the vision and purpose of the podcast, aiming to cater to both new and experienced real estate investors. She discusses the importance of growth, learning, and personal development in the realm of real estate investing. Kimberly shares her journey, emphasizing the diversity of investment strategies beyond wholesaling, including buy-and-holds and rentals, and plans to explore different investor 'avatars' as taught by Pace Morby. The episode also promises to dive into mindset and personal development, with future episodes featuring guest stories, various investment strategies, and practical advice to empower listeners to find their place and excel in real estate investing.

00:00 Welcome to the Investor Evolution Podcast!
00:26 The Vision and Audience for This Podcast
02:31 Exploring the Many Faces of Real Estate Investing
03:07 My Personal Journey into Real Estate Investing
04:11 Discovering the Diversity of Investment Strategies
07:45 The Importance of Mindset in Real Estate Investing
10:17 Why This Podcast? Sharing My Mission and Vision
11:42 Join Us on This Evolving Journey





Gator Method Affiliate Link: Join Gator Now

Need a CRM: Check out Social Connector

Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, attorney, insurance, contractor, lender, or financial advisor. The content in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, financial advice, or other and may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information yourself. This is a podcast for entertainment purposes ONLY.

Show Notes Transcript

The Investor Evolution Podcast: Embarking on Your Real Estate Journey

In the inaugural episode of the Investor Evolution Podcast, Kimberly Hoyt introduces the vision and purpose of the podcast, aiming to cater to both new and experienced real estate investors. She discusses the importance of growth, learning, and personal development in the realm of real estate investing. Kimberly shares her journey, emphasizing the diversity of investment strategies beyond wholesaling, including buy-and-holds and rentals, and plans to explore different investor 'avatars' as taught by Pace Morby. The episode also promises to dive into mindset and personal development, with future episodes featuring guest stories, various investment strategies, and practical advice to empower listeners to find their place and excel in real estate investing.

00:00 Welcome to the Investor Evolution Podcast!
00:26 The Vision and Audience for This Podcast
02:31 Exploring the Many Faces of Real Estate Investing
03:07 My Personal Journey into Real Estate Investing
04:11 Discovering the Diversity of Investment Strategies
07:45 The Importance of Mindset in Real Estate Investing
10:17 Why This Podcast? Sharing My Mission and Vision
11:42 Join Us on This Evolving Journey





Gator Method Affiliate Link: Join Gator Now

Need a CRM: Check out Social Connector

Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, attorney, insurance, contractor, lender, or financial advisor. The content in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, financial advice, or other and may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information yourself. This is a podcast for entertainment purposes ONLY.

Whether you're just starting out in real estate investing or already making strides. The investor evolution podcast is tailored for you. Come along as we tackle these questions directly. And deliver practical insights. to empower your journey and the realm of real estate investing.

Yeti Stereo Microphone & FaceTime HD Camera-4:

Hey everyone. And welcome to the investor evolution podcast. I'm Kimberly Hoyt. And today is episode number one. Thank you so much for joining me and tuning in today. Today's episode is going to really be an overview of the vision that I have for this podcast. And I wanted to share that with you. It makes me think of that first day of class, especially in college where the professor is going over the syllabus and telling you like what to expect when your exams are. There won't be no exams here, but I want to share with you the path that I see for this podcast now, as the name implies. This will evolve and I am excited to see where it goes from here. When I was really sitting down to think about what I wanted this podcast to be and who I wanted it to be for. It really is for that new investor who is just trying to find their traction and really find their place in this crazy world of real estate investing. It's also for those who are maybe curious and trying to figure out if this is something they really want to pursue. Now it's also for those who have been on this journey and are just looking for good information, a good base knowledge, as well as incredible stories from different investors that are already doing, maybe what they want to be doing. We'll bring different guests on which I'll be excited to share with you. Some of the amazing people I have met in my real estate investing journey. I really want this podcast to be a place of growth. And learning. Whether that's in real estate investing or as well as, as personally, right. As we get into this crazy space. Having some personal growth, personal development mindset. Work is really important because this, this can be difficult at times. It's definitely very rewarding and very worth it. But there's those times where stress levels are high. We're transactions. Our tense. And I want to help you be prepared and. Be able to handle that with grace and be that investor that everyone wants to work with.

We will start off this podcast in this series with laying the foundation.

Yeti Stereo Microphone & FaceTime HD Camera-4:

When I came into real estate investing, I thought I had the wholesale because I joined a mentorship. And that's what they taught They taught some other things. They talked a little bit about BRRRs and they talked a little bit about short-term rentals. But the bulk of the education and the bulk of the focus. Was on wholesaling. As I've learned and grown in this space, it's almost unlimited the ways that you can operate. As a real estate investor and within this space, I want to be able to provide for you options. And opportunities. When I started in real estate investing, like I said, I started wholesaling because I thought that's what she had to do. And I got everything set up. I did the skip tracing and the pulling the lists and all the things got my email and text campaigns set up and did the cold calling. I hated it. I hated everything about it. There was nothing about it that I enjoyed. But I felt like that's where I had to be. So I kept on and I did, I did it for, three, four months. Which I think is good. Right. Because now I know I do not want to do that. When I, I took a little break from real estate investing because I was changing jobs. But then when I came back to it and found a different community to be a part of, which is I'm in the Gator method with Pace Morby and his community. There's also the Subto community. that Pace Morby is most known for. And what I found in my Gator community. Is there's really so many different ways that you can be an investor. You can be involved in transactions, you can do so many different things. And one of the most pivotal points for me I guess it was about 10 months ago. I was watching the zoom that, a unicorn agent had sent me that was Pace's avatar series. And then he talked about the different avatars or the different types of investors. That there are. And he had like 19 of them. Right. I thought you could just wholesale. So 19 different avatars for investors blew my mind. And I'll never forget. One of the things he said on that zoom is he was talking about the direct to sellers, which are typically the wholesalers. One of the things he said is you don't have to wholesale, all the other mentorships, talk about wholesaling, but look at all these different ways. And it was like this giant weight was lifted off my back Thank you. Thank you. Because felt almost defeated that I wasn't good at wholesaling and I hated it. And maybe I should do it. And so I want to give you guys. That peace of mind and that freedom that there are so many ways to be an investor, that there is something that is perfect. for you for your skillset, for your personality type. For your goals. And for, your lifestyle, there are different ways to be involved and anyone can get involved and find their niche. Right. That's where really, really, where we want to be is find that place. That we fit in. And there's a lot of different ways that you can be an investor. So episode two we'll we'll dive into those different investor avatars courtesy of Pace Morby. Other things that we'll overview is the different types of investment strategies. So we talked about wholesaling, which is a great investment strategy. There's buy and holds. You can have single family homes, multifamily homes you can do mid-term rental short-term rentals, all these terms that maybe you've never heard before, or weren't really sure. How that would work for you? Well, we'll get into that. We'll talk about the different types of transactions as far as is it a creative transaction? Is it a Subto? Is it a Morby method? Is it just a typical cash transaction? And we'll go over those different types of investments and investment strategies to help you get a feel for maybe what peaks your interest, where you want to be in this space and what you're drawn to. The most exciting thing will be bringing on special guests. People who are actually investing in these different strategies, people who are building businesses around. Sub to mid-term rentals or multifamily acquisitions, and bring those in to learn from their experiences and hear their incredible stories of how they got started. Because I think the more we hear yeah, me too. Right. When you feel like you're not alone. It makes you. More willing to jump in. And try, even if it doesn't quite work out that's okay. But when you know, you're not alone and you're not the only one that's ever felt that way, I cannot tell you, like I said, when. When I heard that you don't have to be a wholesaler. Not everyone wants to be a wholesaler. I was like, oh, thank you. Like it isn't just me. That feels that way. so I'm really excited to bring some incredible people on this podcast that I've met along the way. That have really been an incredible blessing to my life and my real estate journey. There are going to be some incredible people that you guys want to know and want to meet. Now another cool thing and probably the thing. If I have to say that I'm most passionate about or that's most near and dear to my heart. Is diving into mindset. I love, love, love personal development. Let me tell you a little story. I have been in the medical field for 20 years. And in that time, I have done so much. What they call continuing medical education. Right? Every year, every couple of years, we have to accumulate so many hours of continuing medical education or CME for licensed to stay current. And you learn and grow from that, right? You learn as a provider, the new drugs, the new treatments, different ways to treat things. Which is really great, right? That is great for. You as a provider to learn and grow, to improve your patient care. Now. For me, nowhere along the way. Did anyone ever say, Hey. You should. You should be working on yourself too. I did not know that personal development and personal growth in this whole world around it. Was even a thing until two, three years ago. Guys, I don't, I don't know where I've been. Apparently I lived under a rock. But when I. I joined a company and kind of as a side hustle, like we do. And that was where I was really introduced to this world in my mind was opened. And I just started devouring, all kinds of books and podcasts, all surrounding personal growth and development. And. It has changed the trajectory of my life. It has changed me. As a person the way I talk to myself, it has changed me as a parent, as a wife. And. Especially in this space where real estate investing can be. Risky. Emotions can be involved, right when there's, when there's money and risk involved. Emotions are, are in the mix. And if we can help with some of that mindset work. Along the way that's only going to serve you as an investor and improve your skills and be you'll be the person that others want to work with because man, you're calm and cool and collected during. The heat of the moment. we want to work on that as we're growing, we'll talk about lots of different things. We'll work a lot on limiting beliefs. Perspective shifting. We'll talk about different ways to set goals. That are more intentional. Lots of things with that, that part. My jam. I'm really excited about that. So why this podcast, why me? Well, really, because I'm, I'm just like you, I'm really just trying to find. My way and my place in this space. To change my life to change the trajectory of my life, to change my family's trajectory. I want this to be, and I want to evolve into. The investor that can create a legacy for myself, my family, my kids, and I want them to be able to come along on this journey as well. And I want that for you. I want you to be able to gain insight, knowledge skills. To change your life, to change the trajectory of your family and create a legacy for your family to carry forward now. My nine-year-old is very excited about this podcast and he really wants to be my editor. So he will probably be involved shortly. Once I learned it myself and he will be part of this journey with me and with you. And I love that. I love that I can bring him along and help him in a way that I never would've considered. A couple of years ago. For multiple reasons. One, because I didn't know anything about real estate investing and two, because I didn't really know. Anything about me and growing as a person. This is going to be an incredible ride. We are going to learn and grow together. As we move forward, This podcast will evolve. Right. And I love the name because it's all about growth and learning and together we will evolve. As we learn as we develop new strategies, new skillsets. And it's all going to be because of you and because of your comments, your feedback, I want this to be your podcast. So send those things in as we get rolling. And as we start talking about topics, if there's something that you're like, whoa, you touched on that a little bit. I need more. I need to know more about that. Let me know, send me your comments. Send me your emails. Let's grow this together as a community of investors. Just trying to. Learn from each other as we go, this will be an incredible journey. And I'm so thankful that you chose to tune in today. And let's get going on this ride. So tune in next week again, we'll talk about the investor avatars. So we'll see you then. All right. Have a great one.