Investor Evolution

Episode 6: Flourishing in Real Estate: Lessons from a Resilient Garden

May 13, 2024 Kimberly Hoyt Episode 6
Episode 6: Flourishing in Real Estate: Lessons from a Resilient Garden
Investor Evolution
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Investor Evolution
Episode 6: Flourishing in Real Estate: Lessons from a Resilient Garden
May 13, 2024 Episode 6
Kimberly Hoyt

Welcome to another episode of the Investor Evolution Podcast with your host, Kimberly! 🌿 Today, I share a personal story about my journey with Clematis plants and how it parallels the trials and growth I've experienced in real estate investing. Whether you're new to the field or looking to enhance your expertise, this episode offers valuable insights into persistence, learning, and community support in real estate investing.

🔑 **Key Takeaways:**
- Understanding the importance of being planted in education, community, and actual deals.
- The role of mentors and how to leverage their experience effectively.
- Strategies for immersing yourself in real estate for accelerated learning and success.

🌟 Join me as I delve into why resilience, patience, and continuous learning are crucial for anyone looking to thrive in real estate investment. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with more inspiring stories and tips from the Investor Evolution Podcast!

📚 For more inspiring stories and practical advice on real estate investing, tune into our podcast episodes and let us guide you through your investment journey. Together, let's evolve and flourish in the dynamic world of real estate!

00:00 Welcome to the Investor Evolution Podcast
00:25 A Story About Growth and Patience: My Garden
05:27 Drawing Parallels: Real Estate Investing and Gardening
06:46 The Essentials of Real Estate Investing: Education, Community, and Experience
10:33 Finding Your Path in Real Estate Investing
14:10 The Power of Mentorship and Focused Learning
19:13 Closing Thoughts: Embrace the Journey





Gator Method Affiliate Link: Join Gator Now

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Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, attorney, insurance, contractor, lender, or financial advisor. The content in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, financial advice, or other and may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information yourself. This is a podcast for entertainment purposes ONLY.

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to another episode of the Investor Evolution Podcast with your host, Kimberly! 🌿 Today, I share a personal story about my journey with Clematis plants and how it parallels the trials and growth I've experienced in real estate investing. Whether you're new to the field or looking to enhance your expertise, this episode offers valuable insights into persistence, learning, and community support in real estate investing.

🔑 **Key Takeaways:**
- Understanding the importance of being planted in education, community, and actual deals.
- The role of mentors and how to leverage their experience effectively.
- Strategies for immersing yourself in real estate for accelerated learning and success.

🌟 Join me as I delve into why resilience, patience, and continuous learning are crucial for anyone looking to thrive in real estate investment. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with more inspiring stories and tips from the Investor Evolution Podcast!

📚 For more inspiring stories and practical advice on real estate investing, tune into our podcast episodes and let us guide you through your investment journey. Together, let's evolve and flourish in the dynamic world of real estate!

00:00 Welcome to the Investor Evolution Podcast
00:25 A Story About Growth and Patience: My Garden
05:27 Drawing Parallels: Real Estate Investing and Gardening
06:46 The Essentials of Real Estate Investing: Education, Community, and Experience
10:33 Finding Your Path in Real Estate Investing
14:10 The Power of Mentorship and Focused Learning
19:13 Closing Thoughts: Embrace the Journey





Gator Method Affiliate Link: Join Gator Now

Need a CRM: Check out Social Connector

Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, attorney, insurance, contractor, lender, or financial advisor. The content in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, financial advice, or other and may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information yourself. This is a podcast for entertainment purposes ONLY.

Whether you're just starting out in real estate investing or already making strides. The investor evolution podcast is tailored for you. Come along as we tackle these questions directly. And deliver practical insights to empower your journey in the realm of real estate investing. Hey everyone. And welcome back to the investor evolution podcast. I'm your host, Kimberly And I'm glad to have you with us today. Today. I'm going to tell you a story. We're going to do something a little bit different. I'm going to tell you a story about my garden. About three years ago, we bought three different. Clematis plants. Clematis are these beautiful flowering, plants that vine, right? So they climb. They like to climb on things. And I had an idea of where I wanted them in my backyard. And so we bought three plants with this in mind. And we brought them home and set them down kind of by our porch. And then like things happen in life. Life happened. My husband, wasn't so sure if he liked where I had planned to plant them and he wanted to consider it and think about it a little bit. And in the process of us doing that. Like I said, life happened, the summer got busy. We traveled, we had other things going on and where we had sat those plants. Was below our patio. Which is a drop-off right. So we couldn't see them. It wasn't something that we saw all the time or every day when we were outside. It was when we were out in the grass that we would look back at the porch and see these plants there. They were in a spot where they were able to get water. So they did survive the summer. But again, Life happened. Summer came and went and we never planted these plants in the ground. And winter came. Snow came, freezing. Temperatures came and the next spring they were still there. And we didn't throw them away. We just left them there and just kind of waited to see what would happen. What was really cool was sure enough. They got watered. Cause they were in the same spot where the sprinklers would hit them. And they started. To sprout. Their green leaves started popping and the rest of the plants looked dead. And we should have thrown them out, but then they started to develop some, some buds of leaves and they started to grow again. And we were like, okay, these plans are still, still kicking. Let's get them in the ground. And we were still debating, where do we want them? Do we want to plan them by the fence? Do we want to plant them behind the fence? So they grow up over. Where do we want them? And again, Life happened. We went on another vacation. We were doing different things. We were traveling quite a bit during the summer and never really got to a point of establishing where we wanted those plants to go making the plan for it and actually planting them. So again, Another summer came and went and those poor plants. I sat there by our porch. Continued to get water. They, they did grow, but not. Flourish, right. They, they were getting some greenery. They may have even gotten a flower too, but they weren't flourishing. Fall came winter came, they froze again in the snow came. And again, in the spring, these amazing plants. Started to sprout again. Because they were getting water, they were getting sunshine. They weren't getting everything they needed. To flourish. But they were still growing. So finally last summer at the end of the S at the end of the summer guys, Apparently, we've got a lot of life going on and gardening is not my forte, but finally we figured out where we wanted them along our back backyard, along the fence line. And we finally planted them and they did. Okay. So they were starting to grow. But they weren't. Sprouting as huge as we thought they would, again, summer came and went, fall, came, winter came, and now this, this year we decided we were going to put some. Lattices for them to grow up on and I kid you not, they are finally flourishing. So they are climbing up these trellises. One of the plants has some blooms on it already. Another one's getting ready to bloom. And they are finally doing what these plants wanted to do to grow, to flourish, to show their beauty. Now why in the world am I talking about these plans and my inability to put them in the garden? I think this is a great metaphor for life, especially when we're trying something new. And I liken it to my journey. In real estate investing. When I first started in investing, I was gung ho. I was like, okay, I've got the course. I've got the things I'm ready to go. I've got this beautiful new plant ready to grow. And though I was doing the education and learning and getting to know people I wasn't immersed. Right. I wasn't totally all in. I was kind of toe dipping. And. The season kind of came and went and some things changed. I tried wholesaling. Didn't love it. Didn't like it. And then things in my personal life were changing. I was changing jobs. Right. So winter came. And then the next summer, when things settle down and I dove back in. Aye. Did a lot of activity to start, but I didn't fully immerse myself. And so I, I think of the soil. Water and fertilizer of different parts of my journey as a real estate investor that, you know, we can take from this whole planting. Really, I think the soil is the education piece, the learning, the stuff that you need to know in order to be a successful investor, whether you're fixing, flipping, whether you're wholesaling. W, whether you're building teams, whatever that looks like. And that soil is rich and it's full of nutrients and it's super important. And if you're not fully immersed, right. If you're not planted in that, and you're not working in that realm and incorporating that education into your life. It's going to take time. Just like these sweet little plans of mine. They didn't die, but they weren't flourishing either. Right. They were surviving. And maybe that's how you feel in your real estate journey. Maybe you've started on the path and you've started on the process. You're doing the education, but maybe it's just not falling into place. Like you thought it would. What else do you need to grow? You need water. And I think of the water as. The community. When you're immersed. In the education you're learning. And then you have the support of the community around you. It's going to take you further, faster, because you have a lot of the things that you need to grow. And to get moving and to learn, you have people who have done what you're doing and you can gain and glean from their experience. Another thing that is also important. That we do for a lot of our plants, right. As we fertilize them. We give them this kind of infusion of nutrients to help them. Get that quick start and get the leg up and so that they can start growing and. Start to flourish. I think of fertilizer in our journey as. The experiences. If you are not in a deal, if you're not looking at underwriting, if you're not cold calling or finding leads, I guess, lead generation, or you're not talking to sellers, if you're. Whatever the realm that you're working in or want to work in. If you're not doing those things, it's going to take a lot longer to grow. When I think of the fertilizer and being immersed in the education, being immersed in the community and then actually doing the deal, the deals that you're working on, that you're working through, you're going to make mistakes, but you are going to learn so much in the process. You may feel like I don't know what I'm doing. I have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing with this, how this really works, but. If you just sit on the sidelines and you never walk through that process. You're still never going to know. So when you're walking through that process, when you're learning as you go, that's how you're going to. Absorb those nutrients, get some information glean, those lessons that you needed from that project. So that for the next one, you know, so much more. So we all need those things as we're diving into. This world of real estate investing. We need the education. A hundred percent. We need the water. We need the community to be around us, to support us, to help us. No, where to go to show us what they've gone through so we can learn from them. And then we need to dive in. We need that experience. In order for us to build and grow on our journey. I have talked to a lot of new investors, people who are new to this community, whether it's in the pace Morby world or other real estate communities. And there are some people that just take off like rockets. And a part of that is because of maybe their background, their skillset. Their knowledge base that makes it easier for them to springboard into this world. I was talking to a guy last week and he did underwriting for mortgages for years. So when he came into real estate investing, he had a significant advantage because he's done those things before and that's helped him as he's built his business. Now I didn't have that. I came from the medical field. I have no business background. I have no financial background. I have no real estate background. So it's taking me, it's taken me a lot longer to get going than some other people. And what I want to encourage you as a new investor, if that's where you're feeling like, okay, I am a little bit. Out of my depth. This is not something that I really know. Inside and out yet because it's brand new to me. First of all, give yourself some grace. You know, Being new to this area. There is so much to learn. But good on you for taking the leap. And jumping in and saying, I'm going to learn it. So don't be discouraged that it's taking you some time to learn. Again, sometimes we see these posts and there's certain people that just come into the community and they blow it out of the water. For multiple. Different reasons. But there's a lot of us who, who don't and we just take our time. The one thing that I want to encourage you. As long as you keep going, you will get where you want to go. There's a great, I think I've said this probably on here a couple of times already, because I love this proverb. That's an African proverb. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. What I want to encourage you as a new investor. Is to find people who are doing what you want to do. And maybe that's several different areas of investing. Maybe you want to learn underwriting. So I want to encourage you to find someone who is underwriting and ask them if you can bring deals to them and have them show you how to underwrite. Maybe that's one area that you want to learn. Maybe you want to learn how to close. Hey, can I listen in on your conversation with sellers so that I can understand how you're talking to them? How you're presenting the ideas and the opportunity is to them. So that they can see that this would benefit them in their situation. If that's something you're interested in. If you're interested in being a TC. Maybe ask, Hey, can I, can I talk to you a little bit more about what that means? And can you maybe show me some, some of the things that you're working on or talk me through the projects of what, what is needed? What do you do as a TC? Maybe that's something I'm interested in. Whatever your whatever realm within the real estate space that you're interested in. I would encourage you to find mentors in that area. I was talking to my mentor this last week and he encouraged me to have three mentors. And I do. I have three different people that I'm in three different realms of investing that I'm working on right now. And building those relationships for those areas. And. Maybe I'm not going to do all three. Maybe I'm going to focus on one, but one of the things I would also encourage you to do is. If you're not sure where you want to be. It's okay to try different things. Because you might get into something and think like, oh my gosh, I would love to be a TC and I'm going to dive in and do that. And then you get in and you're like, I actually do not like this. You know, that's how I was with wholesaling. So don't feel like you have to pigeonhole yourself in one area. But what I would encourage you to do is find. Mentors in different areas that you're interested in and start learning from them. And it's okay. When you start ruling stuff out. This past couple of months, I've really been trying to hone where I want to be. What I truly want. And I'm finally in a position where I can say, okay, this area is not for me. I don't like that. I don't want to do that now coming into it. I knew wholesaling wasn't for me. Right. Because I knew that one coming in, but there's other areas that I'm like, okay, I'm learning about this, I'm hearing about this. And it just isn't resonating with me. It doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel like it's where I'm supposed to be. Awesome. That is a great place to be. Because now I know what I don't want, and I can take that off the table. Put it over there. And now I'm starting to shift to the things that I'm like. Ooh, I love that I want to, I want to learn more about that. I want to dive into that. I want to learn. I'm listening to this, um, book. It's I gotta look it up real quick. It's by Bob Proctor. It's changed your paradigm, change your life. And. Um, one of the things that he talks about is we are all creative. We are all intelligent beings. And we Excel with repetition when we do something. Over and over and over. And we repeat it over and over and over we learn, we grow, we develop new skills. And we can harness the power of that. Area. Whatever you're looking to work on to do, just make sure you're doing it repetitively. I would tell you, pick. Two or three areas that you're interested in and dive in for 90 days. Now, maybe you want to do one at a time and that's okay. If, if that's, if it's too much to pick a couple of different areas and try and do it all. If you're still working, maybe just pick one area, dive into it for 90 days, 90 days. That is your obsession. That is your goal. That is your focus. You are repeating. You're diving into that education. You're diving into that community. You're diving into that experience. For 90 days, because in that 90 days, you're going to learn a lot and you're going to find out if this is an area that you are like, okay, Maybe I'm not great at it, but I really like it. And I really want to see this grow and I can see how this is blooming into the area that I want to be into, or maybe it's like, okay, I tried that and I know for sure, like check. I'm good. I don't need that. Part of, uh, of investing. So those would be the things that I would encourage you find three mentors. Find one to three areas that you want to focus on and dive deep. And get all the information. In. So that's what I would encourage you to do. Find three mentors. And in different areas. Um, and it could be in the same area, but maybe slightly tweaked. Maybe they're doing things just a little bit differently and that's okay too. If you're like, I know I want to do wholesaling. Maybe you find three mentors who have three different, very different processes. And ways of building their business. So you can see maybe what resonates with you. So find three mentors and then one or three different areas that you want to focus on and dive deep for 90 days. And see how you feel at the end of that 90 days. See what you're thinking. Is this something you want to continue to pursue and maybe so, maybe you're find that thing. And you're like, okay, this is where I'm going. And I'm just going to dive deep on this. And if so that's a great place to be, but I do want to encourage those who are new it's okay. That you don't know where. What you want to do, and you don't know where maybe the best fit for you is. If this is a brand new space to you, give yourself some grace and start learning, start ruling things in and start ruling things out. All right guys. That's what I have for you today, with my metaphor, from the beautiful Clematis to our amazing journey as real estate investors, we will continue to evolve as we, we learn and we grow. This whole journey will evolve over our lifetime. As we continue to pursue it. So it's okay. Start where you're starting and just take one step forward and just don't stop. Just keep moving forward. All right guys, until next time, have a great one.