Investor Evolution

Episode 9: The Power of Connections- Insights and Stories with Karianne Klomp

June 03, 2024 Kimberly Hoyt
Episode 9: The Power of Connections- Insights and Stories with Karianne Klomp
Investor Evolution
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Investor Evolution
Episode 9: The Power of Connections- Insights and Stories with Karianne Klomp
Jun 03, 2024
Kimberly Hoyt

In this episode of the Investor Evolution Podcast, we delve deep into the world of real estate investing with special guest Karianne Klomp. Karianne shares her inspiring journey, from facing personal challenges to discovering creative finance solutions and joining the Subto community led by Pace Morby. As a natural connector, she explains the crucial role of connectors in real estate, her meticulous process for vetting deals and borrowers, and the importance of building strong relationships. Karianne also discusses her vision for empowering women in real estate and her aspirations to speak on stages about overcoming life's trials. Tune in for practical insights, tips on networking, and a heartfelt conversation on turning setbacks into opportunities.

00:00 Introduction to Investor Evolution Podcast

00:25 Special Guest: Karianne Klomp

00:52 Karianne's Journey into Real Estate Investing

01:56 Discovering Creative Finance

03:49 Becoming a Connector

07:00 The Role and Responsibilities of a Connector

09:17 Building Relationships with Borrowers and Lenders

17:03 Vetting Borrowers and Deals

24:12 Organizing and Managing Lenders

27:16 The Problem with 'Lucrative Liaisons'

28:29 Effective Communication with Borrowers

36:21 Building and Maintaining a Network

45:22 Personal Growth and Future Goals

53:21 Conclusion and Contact Information





Gator Method Affiliate Link: Join Gator Now

Need a CRM: Check out Social Connector

Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, attorney, insurance, contractor, lender, or financial advisor. The content in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, financial advice, or other and may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information yourself. This is a podcast for entertainment purposes ONLY.

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of the Investor Evolution Podcast, we delve deep into the world of real estate investing with special guest Karianne Klomp. Karianne shares her inspiring journey, from facing personal challenges to discovering creative finance solutions and joining the Subto community led by Pace Morby. As a natural connector, she explains the crucial role of connectors in real estate, her meticulous process for vetting deals and borrowers, and the importance of building strong relationships. Karianne also discusses her vision for empowering women in real estate and her aspirations to speak on stages about overcoming life's trials. Tune in for practical insights, tips on networking, and a heartfelt conversation on turning setbacks into opportunities.

00:00 Introduction to Investor Evolution Podcast

00:25 Special Guest: Karianne Klomp

00:52 Karianne's Journey into Real Estate Investing

01:56 Discovering Creative Finance

03:49 Becoming a Connector

07:00 The Role and Responsibilities of a Connector

09:17 Building Relationships with Borrowers and Lenders

17:03 Vetting Borrowers and Deals

24:12 Organizing and Managing Lenders

27:16 The Problem with 'Lucrative Liaisons'

28:29 Effective Communication with Borrowers

36:21 Building and Maintaining a Network

45:22 Personal Growth and Future Goals

53:21 Conclusion and Contact Information





Gator Method Affiliate Link: Join Gator Now

Need a CRM: Check out Social Connector

Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, attorney, insurance, contractor, lender, or financial advisor. The content in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, financial advice, or other and may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information yourself. This is a podcast for entertainment purposes ONLY.

Whether you're just starting out in real estate investing or already making strides. The investor evolution podcast is tailored for you. Come along as we tackle these questions directly. And deliver practical insights. to empower your journey in the realm of real estate investing.

Investor Evolution:

All right, everyone. Welcome back to the investor evolution podcast. And I have a special treat for you this week. Today we are going to be interviewing Karianne Klomp. And I met her through our Network 2 Networth group, and she is a fantastic connector and I am excited to introduce her to you today to bring her on with us and explore this world of connecting. So Karianne welcome. Thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here. Absolutely. All right. First of all, let's start with your journey. Tell me about your journey into real estate investing. Like how did you get into this crazy world?

Karianne Klomp:

Um, it is a crazy story. I was, my husband became disabled after getting COVID. And so he owned a business. Um, we were in Northern Utah and we were at a point where he can't work. And so we had this big house we had just built, custom dream home, all the things. And. so much. We knew that if this continued, we would have to sell. So I was talking to real estate agents and we were having showings. We were getting offers, we were getting good offers, but every single time something would happen. And I said to my agent, I'm like, so what do we do? Oh, well we can drop the price or we can have another open house. And I thought there has got to be another way. this is all you can do for sellers. It's not enough. So I started for my own home to start look at creative finance. What does that look like? I came across Pace Morby and his community started talking to people in the free Facebook group and I actually got on a call with Pace and talked to him about buying my house. But, um, we had a lot of equity and it was a very big. Brand new house. But he just said, you know what? I think this is amazing and I want you to be able to have the money you need to live and to move your family. Just drop it, get the money you need, and then join my community. So I did. we sold our house. We moved to Florida, which is better for my husband's symptoms. Um, and I joined Subto and haven't looked back.

Investor Evolution:

Awesome. And so when was that?

Karianne Klomp:

That was November of just this last year.

Investor Evolution:

Okay. And. So I love that you were like, there has to be a better way. Like there has to be something else. And you were able to find that different community and the different options, right? The creative, because not everything is textbook, right? Not everything is going to go by the book as clearly you found. So I love that you had that. That vision to just look for something else. Right. To find the opportunity and the obstacle. I love that.

Karianne Klomp:

Well, things are only the norm because at one point they're not, at one point they were the weird thing or the creative thing, and now they're the norm. There's always, always. a way to fix something or do it in a different way. You just get there a different path.

Investor Evolution:

So when you came into, I call it Pace Morby world, so when you came into Pace Morby world, were you looking to, to buy and hold, or how did you find your way into this connector space? How did that look?

Karianne Klomp:

I, I was looking to just figure it out. I didn't have any background in real estate. I had done marketing for our family business, my husband's business. I was a personal trainer and a group fitness instructor. So I, I really had no idea. And I was like, we'll just figure it out. We'll listen to the avatar series. We'll figure it out. And I have to tell you the first time I heard about connectors, I was like, jerks. They're just making money. They don't do anything. They're making money off other people's deal, There's just, there's not a lot of info about what a connector is. There's, you know, they make money on other people's deals and then Pace gives. Just a brief example of like, I had a friend who needed money. I had a friend who had money. I put them together. I got 5 percent and I was like, geez, like that sounds great, but I don't want to work with a connector ever. They sound terrible. They are just, you know, using the system. So then I, there was a leader and newbie challenge and I was like, okay, yeah, I'll join that. I joined like five teams. I'm, I'm a bit of an overachiever. Um, I want to do all the things I want to do them all. Well. So I thought all the team leaders were doing different things. They had different strategies. So I thought this will be a great way to get on a team and I'll find out what I, what I like and what I discovered within about two weeks is all of those leaders. We're like, did you not know you're a connector? Just after being on calls with you and. You owe, you have a person or a friend or a contact every everywhere we go, every person we talk about, you're like, Oh, I may know something, or I may know someone. So I've always been this person. So I did not know that that was a thing. Like, I'm a connector by nature. I'm a great matchmaker. Um, but I am the person who's like. Oh, you need a lawyer? My cousin's friend's neighbor has a brother and he does this kind of law. Let me just, you know, let me get on this and I'll just help you out. So I didn't know that that's what that was. So I started to that. I joined the network to net worth, um, group and started looking more into that and then really trying to delve in into what it really means. Because like I said, there's not a lot of information,

Investor Evolution:

And that's, that's probably the biggest thing. Cause even when I came into it, I, you know, because of the story that you hear and you're like, okay, so like I can just introduce people together. This is great. You know, and insert myself in the deal. And.

Karianne Klomp:

5%, 5%. I'm rich.

Investor Evolution:

Right, right. Which is obviously not. So yeah, let's break down what the connector role really is because it is so much and there's a lot of pieces and parts that go into it. So maybe walk through kind of how you started like how you come to a deal and, and, and walk through what that looks like for us.

Karianne Klomp:

Okay. Well, I will preface by saying in everything there are, there's levels, right? Like there is a hairstylist who works at great clips for 9. 99. And there's a hairstylist in New York or on Rodeo drive and they're making a thousand dollars. There's levels For me as a connector. I knew I, I met a few and they were like, Oh yeah, I'll just put you in this. I'm like, well, how do you know what's good? Oh, well I just introduce you. And then I make a fee and I thought, yeah, I'm not doing that. I don't like that. So for me, I have borrowers that, I'm cultivating to a very small core group. I don't work with people who are brand new, don't have any experience or just don't have enough like collateral to meet my standards. And these are things that like I came up with where I knew it would be a slower start, but if I was going to do it. And if I'm going to continue to do it, I'm going to do it right. So I talked with borrowers and you know, if you put out there like, Oh, I'm a PML cause I'm also a PML. I'm a PML. I'm a connector. Everyone comes out of the woodwork and they'll just text you like, Hey, I need 60, 000. Who are you? Like, so I started creating relationships with borrowers that I had met and then I talked to, I want to talk to past PMLs. I want references. I make sure that they, if I'm doing a second position loan, either my money or my lenders, that it's cross collateralized. There's just standards I have. Like I said, they're different for everyone. These are mine. So, Because of those, I wanted standards that would meet what I want as a PML myself. So then I take it to lenders. These are people, most of them are not in Subto and not in real estate because I am the connector by nature. And so I'm just going out and I'm like. Hey, I'm, I have a PML that I met at Sam's club talking about fabric softener and she's great and she's in two different deals and it, that's just how it happened. But because of that, I like to also educate my PMLs. I give them a PML packet of like, this is how it works. This is how it goes. Here's how you're secured. And then I also, I will not just because my preference, I will not. Put anyone into a deal that I would not personally lend on myself because it's something I'm not comfortable with. I'm sure is I'm definitely not going to send it to someone else because I know how hard I work for my money. I'm not going to risk someone's retirement or someone's 401k or anything else. I'm not putting that at risk because I am. You know, I'm like the spoke of the wheel where I'm putting these two people together. The reputation and the relationship that's going to be damaged is ours. It's not going to be the borrower and the lender. This falls on me. It is a lot of responsibility and something I take very seriously. So that's why I put a lot of thought and a lot of intention to who I lend to and also to my lenders. There are some where the way that they want to use their money or the way that they're coming across their money just doesn't feel great to me. And the fact is there's a lot of money out there. If you're marketing yourself, if you're good at showing that you're competent, know what you're doing and you're willing to go out there and speak about it. So I don't need your money if you don't meet my same level integrity, morals, values, principles. There's a lot of people out there. There's a lot of money out there. And so I just, I, those are my standards.

Investor Evolution:

So much to unpack there. That was so fantastic. So one

Karianne Klomp:

There is a lot.

Investor Evolution:

there's a lot in there. Yeah. But one of the things, especially that last thing that you said is like, as a connector, a couple of things. You're, that's just who you are. And that's very natural. Every connector I have met is very similar and they know like the 85 different people who you need to talk to about the things that you're going through. Right. So we, we just naturally have those, Oh, this is who you need to talk with. You need to meet with this person. Cause they're doing deals there. You know, we have all those little networks already lined out. But the other thing that you touched on and what I love is that. You have your standards and you're going to attract what is, what is for you. And it's okay to repel the things that don't align with you because there's, there is so much to go around and that's okay. Those lenders will find their, their tribe too. Right. And to really cultivate your tribe because money can be very emotional, especially when it's invested in, you know, deals are maybe not working out like we thought. And. To have that core group of people that you have cultivated, that you have built that trust with is imperative when, if that happens, right? So you want to make sure that you guys are all in alignment and knowing that beforehand is, is really setting yourself up for success and your lenders up for that trust that they have in you. Cause you're right. Like it is going to be our reputation if, if things go sideways. Love that you have that kind of education piece to like, as a PML, here's, here's how this process works. Here's what to expect. Here's what to expect from me. And I assume it's like, here's how I'm communicating with you and the borrowers, uh, that lends a lot of, uh, Comfort as well of, okay. Like I'm being taken care of in this deal. And it is really a concierge type service. And I love that you're offering that that's incredible.

Karianne Klomp:

I think also it's important for people to like, I customize what I do to my PMLs. I have a lot of PMLs because I'm in Florida. I have a lot of PMLs who are retirees. They want far more communication and far less choice. So if I send out like I'm, I'm funding seven different deals, I'm actually doing a separate newsletter for my retirees because if I send them that they're not in real estate, they're going to be overwhelmed and uncomfortable. So they're not going to be able to grow their money. They're not going to be able to grow their retirement. I won't be able to help them and I won't be able to get my borrower funded. So I look at things where I'm like, these two, like I have one named George. I met him at the gym, sweetest guy, 76. And he's like, I had enough money. I thought until the last four years, which there's so many people right now with the economy, with the way inflation is, their money's not going as far as it is. It's in the past, it's just not. So I have him in a deal and I said, here's these two. They're very similar. Here's the only differences. You can choose one. You can choose the other. You can choose both. You can choose neither. And then how often do you want me to get back to you? Now he loves it because I work out at the same gym and so he sees me three to four times a week anyway, but he said, you know, if you could just like text me or let me know every couple of weeks. I have other PMLs. I have one who is, runs an ICU in Washington. He does not want to be bothered. So, he said, unless there is something, like a delay, Or a problem I don't really need to know I don't want to sign more contracts. I don't care. I just want it to happen with the least amount of work. And so I have all that in my CRM so that I know what their preferences are. And I'm sure as I scale, that will have to change a bit. Like I won't be able to offer like just one on one. Coffee talk to every single person, but initially that, that is something I do because I want them to feel comfortable and then just know where their comfort level is at and what that looks like for them.

Investor Evolution:

Yeah. And probably too, as, as they get to know you and as they see that level of intention there and they're more comfortable and know that the deals that you're bringing are vetted and we'll talk about that and, and are good, solid deals. That's probably their, their need for that communication is probably going to go down as well.

Karianne Klomp:

For sure.

Investor Evolution:

yeah. So let's talk about, so when a borrower comes to you and another thing that I love, and I think, I think a lot of connectors are going to start off with all the borrowers and then really start honing down into, uh, Okay. Here's my five, 10, however many that is, but kind of a smaller set of consistent, stable borrowers who have a reputation that is, you know, high quality, they pay their lenders back and, you know, you can kind of count on them, so to speak. So as you kind of, so I love that you're definitely kind of narrowing your field of borrowers and that makes it a lot easier. For you too, because you've already vetted them, but tell us how a little bit about your process and vetting a borrower and vetting a deal

Karianne Klomp:

I would say, first of all, the borrower is far more important than the deal, which is why I have a core group. The deal, if it makes sense, great, but I may have a deal brought to me, makes great sense, has great numbers. But the borrower is new, but you know, there's, there's so many variables, but with my core group, I know how many deals they've done. I've talked to previous PMLs. I've sometimes talked to their partners half the time. I'm now friends with their spouse. Like it's just almost everything, almost every like borrower or team that, that I work with, they're like, you should get on a call with my wife. Yeah. Yeah. Let's do that. So that's. Just who I am. But I like to make sure that these people, even if the deal does go south, I know their level of integrity. I also know that they're doing consistent things. So if the deal doesn't work out as well as it could, they have ways to make it right. And that's where that, that personal relationship comes in because also like my borrowers, they're awesome people. There are people where I'm like, let's do this. Let's go on vacation. Let's hang out. And, and, you know, that's another huge piece for me. I, I have relationships with my lenders. I have relationships with my borrowers and you know, if they're lucky, then we can all go on vacation together. But at the moment I, I'm able to vet them for their integrity and, and for their background as much as the deal. So when they bring me a deal, it's already underwritten and it's already At the first though, like they bring me a deal. I always do because we own pharmacies. When you go to a pharmacy and you have never noticed this, but you will notice it now because I'm going to point it out. You have two techs and a pharmacist. They will count out 30 pills and they'll slide it. The next person, same bottle, same everything. They count it again with a counter to make sure it's like precise. Then they slide it to the third person. He does the exact same. So three sets of eyes. Which is why you never get home and be like, that's weird. I have 32 and I was supposed to have 30. The more sets of eyes you have on it, the less chance for human error. So I always overlook the borrower's underwriting. I have someone on my team look it over and then I always just send it to like, I have three or four friends that are amazing underwriters where I'm like, I know everything looks good. And I, you know, I like what they've sent me before. Will you just like, will you just do me a favor? And at that point I know that it's, You know, if it's gone through two of us, it's probably good, but it's, I've been married to the pharmacy guy for 20 years. I've been married to that for 20 years. So that's just what we do. That's, that's just part of like, that's our industry standard. So I do that. And then at that point, if the deal passes our underwriting, and there are a lot that don't until I got my core group of borrowers, I was maybe one out of every 20 either because the deal wasn't good. Or the borrower, not that they weren't good, but um, they would be new. They didn't have any experience, but they gave me the awesome opportunity to be like, look, I love this deal. This is great. And I'm excited that it's your first deal. You've never fixed and flipped. Oh, I know. But you know, I'm a fix it guy. My brothers are going to help me. So cute. I love that for you and your brothers. I don't love it for me or my lenders. So here's what I need you to do. And then I'll tell them exactly what I need to be able to fund their deal in the future. So I met one guy, he's in the air force. And he said that, he's like me and my brothers, we're fix it guys. And we're going to do the flip. And I, I definitely just said, that's so cute. Um, because it is, I love that. That sounds great for you and your brothers. You're going to bond and have a good time. Doesn't lend a lot of credibility or comfort. To me giving you money. So I said here, I'm going to look it up. You're new. So I'll look it up. Who's your local leader. Go to him, ask him who's flipping in your area, team up with him. Then come back to me, borrow on his credibility, borrow on his reputation. And he'll probably also have some cross collateral. to make me feel safe in the deal. So by doing that, not only have I saved a lot of, you know, just mitigated risk for my PMLs, I've mitigated risk for them. Cause at the end of the day, first position is the least risky then second, but the most risky position to be in. Is the borrower because the buck stops with you. You are the last line. So I'm saving everyone. He didn't, I don't think he felt like that at the very beginning, but, but I've talked with him since he's do he's in the middle of his first flip. He's thrilled. And I'm like, cool, do a couple more like that. Come back. Oh, that's how I just kind of, you know, that's just basically my process that I'm just designing and constantly evolving.

Investor Evolution:

I love it. Well, and what, what I like about that is you're providing value to both sides, right? You're protecting your bar, your lenders and protecting that borrower possibly from themselves. Cause they don't know what they don't know. Right. And I think it goes to the fact that we all come in and we're like, we've got to do something. We've, we've paid this money. You know, we've got to do something girl. I've, I did that. Yeah. And.

Karianne Klomp:


Investor Evolution:

And, you know, and we see people who come in and they're like, I did 85 deals in two days. And, you know, and so it leads to that FOMO of like, Oh, I'm not doing enough, but I do want everyone to like, take that step back. And like, it's okay to learn first to know exactly where you're going before, before, especially you're lending thousands, tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars, you need to make sure it's super safe. And you don't know what you don't know when you first come into it. And so having a connector who is helping kind of keep, keep their eye out for you and really almost kind of protecting you from, from all those bad deals that are going to come your way is really important, is really important. One of the things I wanted to go back to is. How do you keep your, this is more of maybe a strategy type question, but how do you keep your lenders, um, organized? You mentioned a CRM, so that's possibly, if you can go into that a little bit, but yeah, how are you making sure that you're keeping those relationships moving forward and connecting with, your with the people that you've already connected with and, and continuing to build those relationships moving forward.

Karianne Klomp:

So what I like to do is anyone that has shown interest or like a soft commitment to be a PML. So they're like, you know, I have this much money, but I don't have anything for them at the moment. Or anything that fits their criteria. I put them in my CRM and then I will, even if they're not in a deal, I talk to them or reach out to them once a quarter because something's going to come along at some point and I don't want it to be like, Hey, remember me, I spoke to you two years ago, what's up? Cause I would be livid if someone did that to me. I would click like you're a stranger. You don't care. Um, so I do that. I have them in my CRM to where if I have something and I type like I type extensive notes, I have keywords like where they're from, what they do, how many kids, because once again, I'm forming relationships with these people. Also, luckily for me, I have a crazy memory. So, if you tell me, like, Kariannee, chocolate covered cinnamon bears are my jam, next time I see you, I will be like, those are for you, and I will remember. I just do. I won't remember important things, but I will remember stupid things, like your favorite candy. So, I have it all, and then, with my, you know, with my lenders, I'll put, like, every two weeks. George, every two weeks. Or, you know, Dr. Michael, every, every never, unless there's a problem, but even then I will reach out once a quarter and be like, things are on track, everything's going well, just thought you should know because you're in an 85, 000 deal. You should know, and I know you say you don't want to, but I would rather let you know, and just because I am escorting you through this deal. Like someone said, you're like a Sherpa, which I don't love. It's not a cute title, but

Investor Evolution:

That's a good title. It's, it's very, it's very supportive and very mystic. I don't know. I like it.

Karianne Klomp:

just feel like I should be in Kathmandu with like a, like a wool sort of a situation. And I don't like that. I like that picture in my head's not fun. I was talking with someone, um, who's, who's a Also in sub two with, and she's does things very much the way I do. And we were talking about, we're brainstorming because apparently we have too much time on our hands, but she was like, we're like liaisons. So I was thinking of that and I'm like, Ooh, what's a word that starts with L that goes with liaisons. And then I realized that when you put a money word like lucrative, which is the word we came up with, and you put that with liaisons, it makes you sound like a madam. Tell me it doesn't.

Investor Evolution:

I mean, you're not wrong.

Karianne Klomp:

It's the verb of liaisons. Is not family friendly. So I'm like, I cannot go out there and be like, we're going to coin ourselves as like lucrative liaisons. Cause that, that, that's a very murky, like, what do you offer?

Investor Evolution:

could go south quickly.

Karianne Klomp:

yeah. Yeah. Where it's like, this is not at all what I thought I was buying. So, you know, the definition of a liaison is someone who goes with it through you. Or like you said, like a concierge where here's what I have. Let me show you, let me take you, let me guide you. So maybe Sherpa does fit. It's just not as cute, but it's also not brothel oriented. You gotta take what you get. I mean, I'm open to suggestions is what I'm saying. Anyone can write in and give me suggestions, but liaisons might have to be off the

Investor Evolution:

Okay. Yeah. Well, we'll have to. See, see what else we can come up with.

Karianne Klomp:

We're going to workshop that.

Investor Evolution:

White glove service. That's, that's kind of overused. But so let's talk about borrowers. So you've talked to how you kind of keep your lenders informed. Borrowers can be a little more, I don't know, cause they're doing the work. They're busy. They've got all that going. So how do you keep, um, in communication with them in order to be able to provide that information to your lenders?

Karianne Klomp:

I set up. So I have it very clearly. Like I want weekly, at least at least twice a month, but usually weekly, even if my lenders don't want it. I just want to know so I can keep tabs. And so, and then in my CRM, it has it so that when it's close to the end, it'll send them an email that says like, Hey, this is coming up in a month. And then, Hey, it's in two weeks and then it's in one week so that they're not caught off guard. But that's also something I have, I've built into my CRM to be automated so that I don't have to do that. But, but I set those expectations clearly at the beginning. So, I mean. Because I've created relationships with them. They know what they're getting into and that's their own fault where it's like, we're probably honestly with, with, with my borrowers, we're talking every couple of weeks anyway. Um, cause we're in a bunch of things together because we're friends because we like hanging out we have genuine relationships. And so I set those expectations clearly. I don't want to bother them But when you know, that's the thing about communication and clear expectations If you set those expectations at the beginning, it's never gonna be seen as a bother It's never going to be seen as interrupting because I told you this is what we wanted to do. You agreed to it So If anything, they feel bad when they're like, Oh shoot, I was supposed to email you a couple of days ago. I forgot. Oh yeah, me too. It it's automated. Sorry. I forgot about it too. Did you not? Because it's one of those extras, but because we have that relationship because they know what I ask for and what my standards are, they signed on for it. And honestly, I think Everyone in the world needs to be held more accountable. you know, I mean, we're moms. You don't hold your child accountable, they're gonna grow up to be a monster. They, they, I have six, so I can say that. You need to hold them accountable. I need to be held accountable for things that I say I'm going to do, just to make sure I do them, which in turn makes me a better person. So, and also builds trust. If they know that at the end of the day, they're Oh, I'm going to have to send Kariannee an email this week. I haven't gotten this done. They're going to go in there and get it done. Cause they don't want to have to send me an email being like, so I went out and played Frisbee for six hours and I didn't actually finish the painting. We're going to have to have a talk, but they do it because they know they're being held accountable.

Investor Evolution:

Well, and like you said, setting those clear expectations upfront helps so that if, or, you know, and we know like nothing, no real estate transaction from start to end ever goes 100 percent perfectly. There's always something that pops up. And so setting those expectations clearly in the beginning. Makes it easier for that communication when things aren't going as anticipated. Makes that communication easier. Can you tell me, like, is, is there a time where you've had to have those tough conversations because, you know, maybe funds weren't coming back when we thought they were, and how did you navigate that situation?

Karianne Klomp:

Honestly, what I've discovered as a PML and as someone who has PMLs and deals, as long as the communication is open and they know what's happening, it's never as bad as no communication. No communication is scary because then your mind starts going and you're like, Oh my gosh, it burnt to the ground or he took my money. I can't tell you how many people have been like, what if they just take my money and run? I'm like, okay, it's not the 1980s and we're not in like Cuba. We're fine. We're fine. And I have protections and securities in place. We're good. But I've, I've had one where it's like, this was supposed to come back. It has not my attorney saying this it's happening this week. That's fine because they let me know it's when I have an expectation and they've said, Oh, it's going to be two weeks. It's going to be two weeks. Fine. Two weeks comes and I hear nothing. That's when there has to be a conversation. I just will state clearly like, well, we have late fees and as long as everyone is being paid, they're agreed upon late fees, then this is fine. But you also have to make, you don't want the late fees to be so much That they're just like, I'm never gonna get out of it, and then they ghost you, and then, like, I don't know, I might have to go, like, bounty hunter? I've never had to do that? I mean,

Investor Evolution:

I feel like you would probably be amazing at it. So there's that.

Karianne Klomp:

like, this little 411 redhead, I'm gonna bounty hunter you. Dog the bounty hunter. Um, but, as long as, like, as long as you know. That's, that's the thing. And so just being able to then clearly communicate, that's really all it is. And with all of my deals, whether they're first or second position, there's collateral and there's cross collateral. So your fees need to be enough, not to motivate them, but not so much where they're going to get overwhelmed and just shut down because at the end of the day, we're all doing our best. We're all trying to make it work. They don't want to default. I don't want to foreclose. I don't want to take away their property. Absolutely not. Like, what am I going to do with a property in Alabama? I don't want that. I mean, maybe I do, but usually I don't, I don't want, I don't want the hassle. That's not what I signed up for, which is why you have all those securities in place. And so at the end of the day, it's really just. Keeping that communication open. And then because of the clear expectations, there's not a surprise where it's like, you're going to do what they knew. Now, sometimes they may choose not to remember, or they're like, I don't remember reading that. Well, you signed contracts. And because I use four to five different pieces of documentation, there's no way you missed it. So we all know where we are. We all know the terms. We all know the percentages. You may not like it when things go south, but it still is what it is. And that's what we all signed up for.

Investor Evolution:

Yeah. And again, that's where it comes back to when you have those, those Regular borrowers, they know your system, they know your structure, they know what they need to, to get a deal for in order for it to work. In, in those situations. So that, that makes the whole process so much smoother. Yeah. So I love that you have kind of cultivated that, that huge community of borrowers and lenders. It's, it's fantastic now for a new, a newbie coming in, his like, I am that person. Like I know all I can see all those connections. I can connect all those dots in my head. Uh, what, what tips, um, would you have for that new investor? Who's like, I think I do want to be a connector. I think that's like my superpower. What, what tips and strategies do you have for them?

Karianne Klomp:

First of all, you just have to meet people. Like, you know, when Pace is like, Oh, go out and make 50 friends. I talked to 400 people in the first like three and a half, four months. I did 20 minute calls for like seven hours a day, five days a week. And then from that, I'm able to be like, okay, this person has this, this person needs this because you can't connect anything if you don't have the network. So you've got to build that. And that does take time, but it's something that you can build up. And then you also start to find those people where, Oh, okay. I can't see partnering with them. But I could do this kind of a transaction with them or Hey, I've everyone that I am partnered with or that I'm working with. It all started with the zoom or at a meetup. It all started with connecting with them and just getting out there. And so, you know, and then you meet them in person at squad up and you're like, that's my best friend but just to be able to, to just, to just build the network, you know, so making those connections. And then, I mean, take notes. If you're doing that, then take notes. Because. In seven months, someone's going to say, I'm looking for someone who's investing in RV parks in like, you know, Montana or Idaho. And right now, if you said you could throw not anything super random, but you could say, I need someone doing this in this area. And I could give you two to three resources.

Investor Evolution:

Yep, I have a name for that. What you just, what you just mentioned, I have a name in my head.

Karianne Klomp:

Right. I have three. Cause someone asked me the other day, Hey, I need this. Or I want to, someone wants to manage an RV park. Do you know anyone who's investing in these four states? I'm like, I know five people who are investing in those five states. Let me reach out to them. But you can't do that if you're not making the connections. So get out there, make the connections, take notes. And also it sounds like cold or weird. I categorize them where it's like, these are people, these are wholesalers. These are buyers. These are that, that, that, and then what markets they're not only living in, what markets they're buying in or doing deals in because most of us are not just doing deals where we live. And so I kind of put them into a graph that, yes, I draw a graph. I don't Excel it. I draw it. I have a ruler. I, I I am that weirdo, slightly OCD. I'm that weirdo, but I want to see where it's like, this matches up here. This matches up here. I don't know. I like doing it. I have colored

Investor Evolution:

You're like the beautiful mind. Is your wall like,

Karianne Klomp:

that would be amazing. Can you imagine that's going to be my zoom background is just I'm at the center Karianne. And then all the strings and all the dots, but that's, I mean, that's kind of the way I do it where it's like, and then keywords. So I can put those into my CRM. And then, and I learned this, or some guy, I don't know, saw it on Instagram, you know, the Instagram magic. And he said, if you, you know, put this into certain, there's an app and I'm can't remember the name and I don't have it yet. But he's like, you can put these contacts into it with keywords. So he was saying like, if the Spurs are playing, I can put Spurs and it'll bring up like seven contacts of people who are fans of them. And then I'll text them like, Hey, did you catch the game last night? Saw the Spurs won changed my world. Cause I can't remember things like that. Like, I don't know what team you like. I won't remember that. I'll remember random things like candy, but I won't remember what team you like.

Investor Evolution:

that's so important, especially if you bring them with candy, right? But it goes, but it goes back to, that's a, that's a way to help cultivate Those relationships, right? Because, you know, when, when we feel like someone remembers something that we told them, like we know that we're important to them and we feel like, okay, like you care. And so what, if you had to write it in your CRM or, you know, you had to write it down, like none of us are superhuman and we need those reminders, but when you can get on a call and then, you know, talk about their chocolate covered cinnamon gummy bears or whatever you. Said earlier, You know, then they're like, Oh, she really remembered that. I told her that, like, that's really

Karianne Klomp:

And I usually do, I usually do. But it's like before our call, I'll look up in my CRM or in my notes. And, and then I'm like, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know who we're okay. I know who this is. I remember her. And you know, it's at the end of the day, then you get to the point where you don't need that because you're, you're constantly funneling. And so it's like, these are my PMLs that are constantly revolving, or these are my PMLs. Like I have one who just keeps sending me more people where he's like, He did a deal with me and he came in as a borrower. He's a potential borrower. And then I was telling him about a deal I was funding just because we're buddies. And he's like, Oh, I do that. Can I share this with some of my friends? Then I have three other PMLs they were just like, Hey, I talked to so and so. He suggested I call you. What do you have? Two of them are now in a deal

Investor Evolution:


Karianne Klomp:

it's like my he they were at their brother's house in another state and his neighbor came over and then they were talking about this and what are you doing? Oh, I'm doing this. And so then it just grows, but you have to start with the network getting out there and also listen. Don't go into a call being like, I want to connect them with someone because it'll come across as inauthentic.

Investor Evolution:


Karianne Klomp:

I'm really just like, I get on every call thinking this could be my next partner. This could be my new best friend. My husband teases me cause he's like, you make 10 new best friends a week, but, but I do. So I don't feel bad about that. I'm not going to apologize, but get on there with the intent to listen and the intent to be like, how can I help them? How can I create a relationship? And just listen to what they have to say. No one cares more. Like people just want to be heard.

Investor Evolution:

Exactly. Yeah. And it may be, it may be someone you connect with. You know, six months ago that now you're finally doing a deal with them, but you've been cultivating that relationship along the way, and that's going to be so much more powerful and joyful for you as well to like be finally working with them because you've been connecting and, and all of that, and it'll be so much more powerful and a, a greater experience than just being like, Hey, Do you got money? Hey, I got a deal, you know, and which, which feels slimy and skeezy and no one wants to feel like that.

Karianne Klomp:

Well, that's why the connector didn't resonate with me. Cause that's how there just wasn't enough information to know that what it was. then I also discovered where it's like any of these avatars for new people and for, you know, all of us looking to grow any of these avatars can be what you make it. Like, the connector is an avatar that is especially moldable and it is what you make it. There are other connectors who do it very different and in ways where I'm like, I would never do it that way, but that's their way. They're doing it their way. And if they're having success their way, fine. That's just not my way. You know, there's closers who have different ways of speaking or different tactics they use to get a sale. Make it your own. Do it your way.

Investor Evolution:

I love that. And that's the perfect advice, right? Like just, just come into it and your full authentic self be you, because that's, what's going to attract people to you and figure out your process. And it may take a little bit of time. Like you have an incredible process. I'm still trying to figure mine out and it's all good, and Being able to. look at the people who are doing what you wanna do, and getting advice from them and learning from them is, is gonna help you grow. And, and you know, you're gonna take little pieces from this connector and little pieces from that connector, and you're gonna create your process that's gonna be beautiful and perfect for you. Right.

Karianne Klomp:


Investor Evolution:

Yeah. So as far as your, your vision, your trajectory, how do you see, right? We're, we're the investor evolution. So how do you see yourself evolving over the next several years? Is there something that you want to grow into

Karianne Klomp:

I would say, um, with all the changes in the past year, going from full time mom to this, um, with a, a lot of prayer and a lot of faith. So whether you believe in God, whether you believe in the universe, I believe in God. And I would say my trajectory is such that I can't dream that big because I don't see the potential. That my Lord sees in me. So every time I have a new level, I think, I don't know how I got here. Like, and we were talking beforehand, I have new opportunities and they blow my mind. I can't think that big, but if I had to, um, what I would really love to do, and it's something I'm in process of, so I can say it. What I would really love to do is I would love to speak on stages about, overcoming trials and how we can take negative setbacks and surprises that may change our life and turn it into something amazing, into an opportunity to grow and. Opportunity to become, um, that's been my life the past four years. My husband's now been sick and disabled with his, it's a neurological brainstem balance thing that they don't know if he'll ever get better. This has flipped my life upside down. And a year ago I was stuck. And so to be at a place now that I am and seeing all the growth that's happened, I would love to be able to take all that because it is the harder road. It is the harder path to say, you know what, I'm going to bet on me. I may not be the smartest, I may not be like the youngest, the coolest, the prettiest, any of these things, but I will outwork. I will out hustle anyone out there because I have six kids and a husband who, who need me. And when you have your why and you can grow from that and become from that and be able to maybe just, just maybe see a little bit of that potential that our savior sees in us. Without all the garbage that we have in the world. That's when we become something really amazing. And so I'd love to, I'd love to coach and speak on stages for that. And then I'm helping grow. There's a women's trailblazers group. That's for women in real estate where we all get together. We have zooms. We are doing a retreat this fall sometime, probably in Puerto Rico, because I'm planning it because I want to choose where we go. And, uh, But we're going to have regional meetups and dinners and things, and we're supporting each other. But like, I want to help other women in this space. I want other women who, even though I'm not technically like, I'm not a single mom in many ways I have to be because my husband isn't able to do that for me right now. And I hope, and I have faith that someday he will be, but for now this is on me. So if I can help other moms who are struggling with not, not just like imposter syndrome, but like, What can I bring?

Investor Evolution:


Karianne Klomp:

I never would have thought a year ago that I would be in this place and I'm looking at buying a couple of hotels. That wasn't on my plans even six months ago. That was never even a thought. But then through creating my network, I found someone who's like, I would love that too. And I have this experience. Oh, I actually have a property in Puerto Rico. I want to get rid of in a year. Okay. It looks like we might buy a hotel.

Investor Evolution:


Karianne Klomp:

But these things happen because of the network, because, you know, the energy I put out and just where it's like, this is what I want. This is what I need. This is what I have. Faith can happen. So those are a couple of things I really want to do, but I want to grow the women's group. I want to have more than only 31 percent of investors are women. I want that to be higher. And so if I can do that and I can help women financially, emotionally, spiritually, in any of those ways. That's, that's what I'm looking to

Investor Evolution:

I love it. Oh girl, I got goosebumps. Um, have you, I don't know. Do you ever listen to Ed Milet?

Karianne Klomp:

my gosh. Do I DM Ed Milet and I'm just like, hey, if you're hanging out at your house in Florida, I could drive over.

Investor Evolution:

I love

Karianne Klomp:

I, I comment, he's repinned a couple of my comments.

Investor Evolution:


Karianne Klomp:

And I'm just like, and every time he does, I do a little dance and I'm like, honey, I'm going to meet Ed. I'm doing the whole, like, I don't manifest. Like I, I pray and manifest, but I'm like, I'm going to do all the things. Like I need to meet Ed. I love him. I love

Investor Evolution:

Me too, girl. I love, I love that. One of, one of his podcasts with Rory Vaden, it was from a couple of years ago and Rory Vaden, um, One of the things he said is you're most powerfully positioned to help the person that you once were. And I love that because, you know, you've, you've come through this journey and, you know, for everything that you've learned, you've grown through. To be able to, to reach back and help those who are in that same position and to help them through that is. It's so powerful and, you know, probably part of God's purpose for you in this world. And I love that you can, you know, and, and I'm sure it's been a journey, right. To be able to take this obstacle and turn it into that opportunity that, that you are able to help others. And I, I love that. It makes, The heart is so happy for you. Why, why I chose the name for this podcast, right? Is this investor evolution? We come in thinking we're going to do one thing. And as you develop that network and as you learn, and as you grow, your mind does expand into these different opportunities. You know, you said you, you can't see it bigger, but girl, you're already seeing it bigger. You're. You're looking at hotels and, you know, really expanding what, what is possible for you and, you know, I love that process and we're all in that same process. And it's, our timing is going to be what it is. And like you said, even just that, like six months ago, like that wasn't even on your radar. And I love being able to look back and see the growth that, that people have in such a short, short amount of time. And I just want to encourage people that take your time because you're going to, you know, you may feel like you're, you talked about this on Jesse's, um, on the network to net worth group this week. You know, you're in that dip, you're in that sludge of like, Oh, it's just, it's tough, but man, it is. It's going to catapult you and like you're in that uphill swing. And I, I'm so excited to watch your journey, to see you grow and expand and evolve into this amazing woman, this amazing investor, and to see what God has in store for you. It's, it's going to be awesome. I'm excited to be along on this journey with you. Yeah. So we have. A gazillion more things that we need to talk about, but we will, we will have to save this for another episode. We will definitely bring you back because this has been so fantastic and I have learned so much. I'm like over here like I Glad this is recorded because I'm going to go back and take notes from, from things and start pulling them into, into my business as well. So thank you so much for dropping all this knowledge and all this gold through this time. Tell us where we can find you. So what, how can we follow you? How can we find you on social media?

Karianne Klomp:

I'm on Instagram and Facebook, Karianne G Klomp. I don't know why my maiden thing has to be in there, but Karianne Klomp, I'm the only one on there. Um, and Instagram, Facebook, and those are all linked to my website.

Investor Evolution:

Beautiful. Okay.

Karianne Klomp:

can go there to look at deals. I'm funding. You can go there to read reviews with people who have lent with me, um, to see my private money lending packet and credibility and resources, tips, all the things I'm building into it.

Investor Evolution:

Oh, I love it. That's fantastic. That's an incredible resource. So make sure you guys go check her out and we will bring Kariannee back for another round of talks on, we're going to do capital raising next time. So I'm, I'm excited about that one. So, all right guys, until next time, Kariannee, thank you so much. This has been gold. So fantastic. Thank you so much.