Investor Evolution

Episode 11: From Scarcity to Abundance: Transforming Mindsets for Success

June 24, 2024 Kimberly Hoyt
Episode 11: From Scarcity to Abundance: Transforming Mindsets for Success
Investor Evolution
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Investor Evolution
Episode 11: From Scarcity to Abundance: Transforming Mindsets for Success
Jun 24, 2024
Kimberly Hoyt

Episode 11: From Scarcity to Abundance: Transforming Mindsets for Success

Welcome to the Investor Evolution Podcast hosted by Kimberly Hoyt! In this episode, we delve into the contrasting mindsets of scarcity and abundance. Explore the three Cs of Scarcity—Competition, Coveting, and Cutthroat behavior—and how they contribute to negative feelings and limitations. Transition with us to the three Cs of Abundance—Creation, Celebration, and Collaboration—which foster positive energy, growth, and success. Learn actionable strategies like gratitude practices, reframing challenges, fostering generosity, and focusing on personal development to shift your perspective and achieve an abundant mindset. Join us on this journey and transform your approach to real estate investing!

00:00 Introduction to Investor Evolution Podcast
00:25 Understanding Scarcity Mindset
01:36 The Three Cs of Scarcity
05:46 Transitioning to Abundance Mindset
06:56 The Three Cs of Abundance
13:52 Strategies for Embracing Abundance
20:22 Conclusion and Key Takeaways





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Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, attorney, insurance, contractor, lender, or financial advisor. The content in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, financial advice, or other and may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information yourself. This is a podcast for entertainment purposes ONLY.

Show Notes Transcript

Episode 11: From Scarcity to Abundance: Transforming Mindsets for Success

Welcome to the Investor Evolution Podcast hosted by Kimberly Hoyt! In this episode, we delve into the contrasting mindsets of scarcity and abundance. Explore the three Cs of Scarcity—Competition, Coveting, and Cutthroat behavior—and how they contribute to negative feelings and limitations. Transition with us to the three Cs of Abundance—Creation, Celebration, and Collaboration—which foster positive energy, growth, and success. Learn actionable strategies like gratitude practices, reframing challenges, fostering generosity, and focusing on personal development to shift your perspective and achieve an abundant mindset. Join us on this journey and transform your approach to real estate investing!

00:00 Introduction to Investor Evolution Podcast
00:25 Understanding Scarcity Mindset
01:36 The Three Cs of Scarcity
05:46 Transitioning to Abundance Mindset
06:56 The Three Cs of Abundance
13:52 Strategies for Embracing Abundance
20:22 Conclusion and Key Takeaways





Gator Method Affiliate Link: Join Gator Now

Need a CRM: Check out Social Connector

Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, attorney, insurance, contractor, lender, or financial advisor. The content in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, financial advice, or other and may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information yourself. This is a podcast for entertainment purposes ONLY.

Whether you're just starting out in real estate investing or already making strides. The investor evolution podcast is tailored for you. Come along as we tackle these questions directly. And deliver practical insights. to empower your journey in the realm of real estate investing.. Hello and welcome to the investor evolution podcast. I'm your host, Kimberly Hoyt and I am glad to have you here today. Today, we are going to get into the mindset a little bit. And we're going to talk about the three CS of. Scarcity and the three CS of abundance. Now when we are talking about. Business in general, there can be this scarcity mindset versus a mindset of abundance. And I want to talk briefly about those, those things that may be holding us back. And shift our perspective to show us how we can have that mindset of abundance and move ourselves forward. All right. Let's dive in. So we're going to talk about scarcity first. Now, what is scarcity? When I think about scarcity, I think about. a pie. There's only so many slices in that one pie. And as soon as you take a slice out of that pan, it's gone and it's gone forever. It doesn't come back in, right. And that's what scarcity is to me. It seems like there's only so much money and so much resources to go around. And when you think about that pie lease for me, that's the picture that I have is once it's gone, it's gone. So what are the three CS of scarcity that we can see happening, especially in business? So the first one is. Competition. Okay. And when I think about this part of it, I think back to sports. There's only one winner. When you're playing a game of basketball, somebody wins, somebody loses. When you are running a race there's someone's in first place, maybe a second and a third, the rest. Don't get anything, but there's only one. Winner. And I feel like this has also kind of been ingrained in us from the time that we were little. especially for those of us that played sports, but even in school, I've either won or I've lost. And it's such, um, a negative mindset to be acting from. But that's the first sea of scarcity and that is that negative. Feeling that feeling of lack. Someone else gets that last piece of the pie. Then I don't get anything. the second C of scarcity is covet. if someone has the dream car and you see it. And maybe they're in the same business that you're working in. Maybe they're doing the same thing that you want to be doing. And it can be our tendency to think. Well, if they have it, then I can't. That's probably not even a conscious thought that you actually have, but it probably is there.'cause that's kind of how we have been trained and to think that. You know, It's somebody else's toy. It's not yours. That's theirs, not yours. And that leads to, again, it all comes back to the negative connotation of things. So when you see something that someone else has and you want it. And you're coveting that that creates a negative vibration and it creates a feeling of lack. And the third C of scarcity is cutthroat. And especially in business. Now, this is that. Feeling of, you know, Everybody in for themselves. And I can only do what I can do, and I'm only going to help myself because no one else is going to help me again, think of like the negative feelings that you think about and feel when you start thinking that way. I have to do it by myself. No one else can help me. You know, it's all of these you know, extreme extremes, right. Always, never, you know, And when you're again, when you're operating from that. Place of, uh, emotion. It, it's not going to bring you the things that you want now. In the short term. You might get that promotion. You might achieve the level that you were looking for. Uh, close that deal. But over the long run, when that's your mode of operation, where you're, cutting everyone else out and only fending for yourself. Then in the end, in the long run. It's going to limit your ability to advance because you're going to ruin relationships. You might even ruin your reputation. You might be someone that no one really wants to work with. You make, get stuff done. But people don't like working with people like that, where they realize that at any point they could get cut out. Because of the way that that's operating. So the three CS. Of scarcity, competition, coveting and cutthroat. And all of those. Are on such a low vibrational frequency. And. We can talk about vibrations and. Harmony. I could talk about it all day, but what happens is those are the things that you start attracting into your life. Whatever you're putting out is what's going to come back in. So if you're putting out the negative, that competition, the feeling of lack and scarcity. That's what you're going to bring into your life. So let's talk about the opposite. Let's talk about the three CS of abundance. So when we think about abundance, what I think about is let's take a cherry tree, for example. So when you plant a cherry seed, it's one seed. And when you plant that cherry seed in that tree grows up and begins producing fruit. There is an abundance of fruit that, that one. Cherry seed. will produce from that one tree. I don't know what the, you know, the amount of cherries. A typical tree will produce over its lifetime, but I guarantee you hundreds and thousands of cherries compared to the one seed that was planted, right. It is abundant. It is 10 X, a hundred X times what it started from. And that's what abundance is when we start operating from a place of abundance. That is what we're going to expect. And we're going to see. Why? Because we're vibrating at a higher frequency and what we're putting out is what we're going to bring back in. So we're going to bring back in those characteristics of abundance. So the first C of abundance is creation. Everything that you see here, everything that you see behind me, my little elephant, my painting, all these plants and whatever. It all started from a thought, someone had a thought, like, I want to carve an elephant out of this tree stump or out of this log. And they created it. Everything that we see started from a thought. So when we are creating. Things. We are. In a high vibrational frequency. And we're in a state that is so attractive, that other things are going to start coming in. And you're going to come up with new ideas and better ideas and bigger ideas. And that's a great place to be. When we have that abundance mindset. We realize. A lot of different things. I would say that that place of creation. So opposite of that place of scarcity, because we're just starting to see things bigger and different and, you know, tweaking things a little bit. And when we are in that place of creation, We're going to see different opportunities. This is going to lead to different business opportunities and different connections and so much growth for us. So creation is really powerful. The second C of abundance is celebrate. So we talked about. How in scarcity, we covet things and we want, what other people have. And we're frustrated when other people have something that we wanted. But when we celebrate. I want you to think about this. This was the mindset shift for me. That was huge. When I see someone with something that I want and it sparks up feeling. Of jealousy. Okay. When you start feeling jealous of something, it's because it's something that you want or desire. But when we see something that someone else has, and it's something that we want. I want you to, instead of. Feeling frustrated cause they have it in you don't. I want you to start celebrating them. Why. Because if they can get it, you can get it. When you start shifting that thought of the pie. Of this finite resource and start seeing things in abundance. You're going to realize that when someone else has something. That is evidence that you can have it too. That is evidence that it is out there and available. And if that's what you really want. You can go out and get it. So when we start celebrating others, Again, it's that positive energy that's going to bring others. To us as well and other things into our life, we're going to start attracting those things. So when we can start celebrating. Celebrating the achievements that other people have gained, celebrating the success that they have and the places that they're going. Because it's all evidence that you can do it to. Now. Maybe it's someone you need to learn from. Maybe they need to be a mentor to you and you need to figure out a way to, to align with them and say, Hey, how can I help you out? And how can I learn from you? So that you can follow along in their footsteps, but again, Use it as evidence. If they can do it, I can do it too. So the third, that was the second C. Celebrate the third C of abundance. Is collaborate. We talked about competition and there was only someone first when we're in that place of scarcity. But when we're in this place of creation and celebration, And collaboration when we can collaborate with others. So like that, that person that has the thing, or is doing the thing that you want to do. Get close to them, collaborate with them. Figure out a way that you can provide value to them and their business. And in return. Learn from them be in being in their presence and around them and learning from what they're doing is going to allow you to do what you want to do and to get to that same place again, when we can work together. You know, I've said this a hundred times, that African proverb, if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Together. We are so much better. We can do so much more. And we have so much more resources. Okay, this is where that abundance comes from. When you begin to realize the power of collaboration and the resources that others bring, they may be. Physical material, monetary resources. They may be intellectual creation or experiences that they're bringing to the table. That is going to move everyone farther, faster. And that collaboration is such a joy also, right? Because when you're doing things with people, you enjoy, you love, you like to be around you like to work with. That makes the work fun. And profitable. Right? You, you get to move. Both of those needles and that's a great place to be. If you want to succeed, you need a team around you. You need others around you. However, that looks get people in your life, get people in your business that are going to help move you forward. And if there's something in your business that you're lacking, that you need. Ask for it, put it out there. I'm looking for. This type of person in my business. Does anyone know anyone who could help. Especially in this age of social media. And if you put that on a post in a Facebook group, guaranteed, there's 12 people, at least who can help you with that skill, if not more. Or somebody in that group knows exactly the right person. That you need to be connected with. So don't be afraid to collaborate with others and ask for help. That's going to help move you forward. All right. So how do we bring this all together? So when we're going from this feeling of scarcity to a mindset of abundance, How, how can we do that? What are some strategies that we can do to put these things into place? Kind of, like I talked about. Scarcity is probably something that a paradigm that we have been. You know, uh, immersed in for most of our lives and for those who are new to personal growth and development. This is rocking your world. I know I've been there and this I'm new to this. Personal growth and development space just over the last, like two, three years. So it's very new to me. And these are things that I'm working on. So I'm not super far ahead of you. I am right here trying to shift that mindset from scarcity to abundance. It's trying to shift that mindset from scarcity to abundance. So what are some strategies for. embracing an abundant mindset. It's all about shifting your perspective. So things that you can do to help shift your perspective from scarcity. To abundance. Is gratitude practices. I know this may seem like very cliche and very, you know, popular right now. But it is powerful. When you are thankful for the things that you have. You realize how much you have, right. And that you begin to see that abundance of things that have been given to you gifted to you that are in your life. And as you can start building that practice of gratitude, it's going to open your eyes to really. The abundance that you truly do have and continue to grow. Now, this could be a journaling practice that you do. It could be. You know, you sit at the dinner table and with your kids and your spouse. And each of you says something that you're grateful for for the day. However that looks for you putting in putting that gratitude practice in there once a day. will be powerful another thing that you can do. And this is, this takes time. This takes practice is reframing challenges. When you come up against a roadblock. An obstacle. A challenge when you can take a moment to step back from that and ask, how is this happening for me? Versus why is this happening to me? When we're in that feeling of scarcity, that's what we're thinking. Why is this happening to me? This all was bad. Things happen to me again, it goes back to that mindset and that vibration that you're operating on. But when we catch ourselves saying that stop. Okay. This is happening. It's not happening to me. This is just happening. Why is this happening? How can this work in my favor? How can I use this situation? To move myself forward. Let me tell you a little story. I had applied for a job back in. I want to say late September. And this job was something that. I was guaranteed to have, I was referred by a friend who works there. Um, the nurse manager of the, uh, procedure center was a nurse that I had worked with. The office manager, um, was the son of a physician that I had worked for. Uh, I had all these connections. I went in, interviewed, it went great. They really liked me, went in for a second interview with the other physicians. And it was like guaranteed. And a week went by. And I sent emails, you know, nothing really happening. And I finally called the, um, HR person and she called me back and she was like, I'm so sorry. They decided not to hire for this position. You know, we thought we were going to be busy or whatever the reason was. And was I upset? Yes. cause. I was like, it felt guaranteed. But, you know, after I had my little frustration and it's okay to be frustrated. You know, but I didn't live in that. Right. You know, I let it pass and I began to see how this was working for me. Well, fast forward. A month. My stepdad got sick. He was in the hospital and I had to go to Arkansas. Early for Thanksgiving. So I could be there, help my mom out, help him out. And had I had that job. There's no way would have been able to do that. My stepdad then passed away in January of this year. And again, I went and spent two weeks there with my mom. Had I had that job. I never would've been able to do that. And so sometimes we can see that easier in hindsight, of course, but I remember as I was driving out there and especially when my stepdad first got sick, that was the first thought I was like, I am so thankful that I didn't get that job because I wouldn't have had that time. When we can start seeing obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow. Man again, it opens up the world of what is possible. Another thing that you can do to help. change from that feeling of scarcity to abundance. Is find ways to foster generosity and collaboration when you can share with others, whether that's sharing knowledge, whether that's sharing resources, Whether that's teaching them a skill that you have that they need. Any way that you can. Offer up your expertise in whatever area that is and can give that freely to others without expecting anything in return. Is awesome because it will come back to you. What you're giving out. We'll come back to you. It may come back in a different way than you expect, but it will come back to you. So give it is. More blessed to give than to receive because when you give it will come back to you. And then being receptive when it does come back to you and accepting of that outpouring, that's coming back. When there's someone else that's doing something that you want to do and you can support them and celebrate them along the way that's going to. Um, you know, just help you see. And again, I think it's all about changing that perspective. From that perspective of lack. To that perspective of, you know, It's available. It's available to them. It's available to me and seeing that in abundance The final third thing that I think is important for getting. Into that mindset of abundance is focusing on personal growth and development. When we are. Focused on growing internally. It's going to show in the world. You know how we talked about earlier, um, that it all starts with a thought and then it comes into creation. So everything on the outside needs to start on the inside. First, we need to grow inside, work on our mindset. And that will translate into the outcomes that we're looking for. Investing in ourselves is the best investment that we can go. Your business will never outgrow the pace at which you're growing yourself. So always, always be working on you, improving you, refining yourself. Now. As we kind of wind down and, and, kind of wrap this up today. So three CS that we see in scarcity. Competition coveting and that cutthroat behavior. Versus the three CS of abundance. Creation. Celebrating and collaborating. We see the stark difference. We see and feel the energy differences between those two. And as we work on gratitude practices and, Working on sharing with others, the lessons that we've learned. And collaborating with others. And when we can see ourselves shift from that mindset of scarcity. And into that mindset of abundance, we are unstoppable. All right, guys. Thank you so much for tuning in today. I look forward to hearing from you about this. What did you learn? What were your takeaways now don't forget to like, and subscribe and share this episode and until next time, have a great week.