Nutrition Is The Key To Health

Stress, Depression and Suicide is a Present Day Reality

Alicia Singleton Episode 11

Our world seems to be upside down.  We have increase inflation, a huge number of people losing their jobs and their livelihood.  Foreclosure on houses are increasing, and financial stress is abound.  

Stress is a good thing for our fight-or-flight situations.  However, when it becomes chronic and long-term, it can manifest in mental and physical symptoms.  How do you know when your stress becomes depression?  

Join me as a take a look at some glaring realities of our world today and what we can do to try and mitigate or lessen our load.

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Nutrition is the Key to Health Blog

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Episode 11

Welcome back to another episode of Nutrition is the Key to Health, where I talk about all things nutrition, health, and everything in between.  

The world seems to be upside down right now.  Stress is at an all-time high, and doesn’t seem to be getting any better.

Disclaimer, I am not a physician, nurse, registered dietician, physical therapist, or mental health professional.  This is my story and what I have done and learned over the course of my journey.  If you plan to start a diet or exercise program, please get approval from your doctor.

Okay, let’s jump in. 

Stress is defined as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances” or “something that causes mental strain”.

Stress can manifest in many different ways in our bodies.  It can be psychological, or physical.  It can increase headaches, acne, rapid heartbeat, sweating, changes in appetite, and digestive health issues such as bloating, nausea, and vomiting.  It can cause chronic pain and more frequent bouts of sickness including infections.

Stress and anxiety are very closely related.  They go hand in hand.  They can share many different symptoms such as muscle tension, moodiness, sleep interruptions, concentration, and digestive problems.

Stress is a normal human reaction that has been built to trigger our fight-or-flight response.  We have all heard the story of the caveman facing the tiger, right?  It helps keep us alive.  That is what we call short-term stress.

In today’s world, we have many of the same modes but they have taken various forms and resulted in more of a long-term modality, like financial, a bad job or boss, layoffs, robberies, rape, or unhinged or politically driven individuals that walks into a school, church, or mass event with bombs and automatic weapons.  Countries and people are being persecuted for their beliefs.  Hostages being taken.  All we have to do is watch the news.

The current state of our world today keeps us in a state of “chronic” or continuing stress.  Our bodies never get the opportunity to reset.  Our cortisol levels remain high for extended periods and begin manifesting physical and psychological symptoms.

Maybe you are going through an upcoming big test, a cheating partner, a divorce, a child that is on drugs or going the wrong way in life, the death of a family member (s), the loss of a pet, or a sick child. 

The loss of a job is a huge one because it can and will cascade into financial stress, as will chronic illness.  The threat of bankruptcy, and losing your home with nowhere to go, might be around the corner, or the threat of a serious illness you might be facing, or trying to recover from an extensive surgical procedure or accident, and all the debt that comes with it.

The pathway from chronic stress might look like this

Stress > Anxiety (Panic Attacks) > Depression > Suicide

The World Health Organization estimates that over 5% of the global adult population is suffering from depression.  That is 400M people.

Chronic or continuing stress is difficult on the body.  According to, 

Physical symptoms of stress include:

·     Aches and pains

·     Chest pain or a felling like your heart is racing

·     Exhaustion or trouble sleeping

·     Headaches, dizziness or shaking

·     High blood pressure

·     Muscle tension or jaw clenching

·     Stomach or digestive problems

·     Trouble having sex

·     Weak immune system

Stress can lead to emotional and mental symptoms like

·     Anxiety or irritability

·     Depression

·     Panic Attacks

·     Sadness

Often, people with chronic stress try to manage it with unhealthy behaviors including:

·     Drinking alcohol too much and too often

·     Gambling

·     Overeating or developing eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia

·     Smoking

·     Using drugs

Because stress is subjective, which means there is no test in which to measure it.  Only the person experiencing the stress knows the extent of its severity.

If you are experiencing stress, and I think we all have it in some way or another, some maybe more than others.  What are some of the things we can do to help ourselves?

 ·     Get out in the sun and go for a walk

·     Exercise

·     Practicing Moments of Gratitude

·     Set goals for each day, week, and month.  Narrowing your view will help you feel more in control.

·     Consider talking to a trusted friend if you have one

·     Consider talking to a therapist

·     Meditation

·     Yoga

·     Chair Yoga for those who are limited

·     Tai Chi

·     Breathing exercises

·     Muscle relaxation exercises

·     Eat a healthy diet

·     Try and disconnect from social media and TV for a better night’s sleep

·     Stay positive

·     Except that you cannot control everything

·     Learn to say “no” to friends and family

·     Journaling

·     Stay connected to people who keep you calm or make you happy

·     If that is not an option, then listen to a motivating podcast or YouTube Channel.

Here are a few warning signs someone might display if they are experiencing high levels of stress and depression:

·     Talking out wanting to die, guilt, shame, or being a burden to others.

·     Feelings of 

o  Emptiness, hopelessness, trapped, or no reason to live

o  Extremely sad, anxious, agitated, or full of rage

o  Unbearable emotional or physical pain

·     Making a plan or researching ways to die

·     Withdrawing from friends, family, school, or work.

·     Extreme mood swings

·     Using drugs/alcohol more

·     Eating or sleeping more or less

The World Health Organization estimates that over 703,000 people globally commit suicide each year.  Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and is the fourth leading cause of death among those 15-29 years of age.  The highest suicide rate is those 85 and older.  Males are 4x more likely to commit suicide than females.  

According to the CDC (2021) stats, 48,183 people committed suicide.  That equates to 132 suicides each day.

If you or someone you love begin to feel overwhelmed, talk to a medical professional.  

If you are abusing drugs and alcohol, please get help.

If you have thoughts of hurting yourself, please seek a professional or reach out to the Suicide Hotline at:

Text 988 on your phone 

Chat on the web at

Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Text “Hello” to 741741 for the crisis text line

The hotline is also for caregivers.  If you are concerned for someone, you can call this number as well.

Well, this was a very depressing episode, but a very real one.  We don’t need to shy away from this topic.  This is not something that just goes away.  It all starts with stress, and everyone needs to know the warning signs.

I will see you in the next episode

Stay safe!