Nutrition Is The Key To Health

Why I Have Been MIA

Alicia Singleton Episode 12

When life throws you a curve ball, and the stress hits, it’s difficult to stay the course.  I had such a curve ball and had to take a step back from everything.

In this episode, I talk candidly about trials that I resently face and continue to face, and how I got back on the horse.  We all have life happen to us, it is how we cope that can get us through.

Whatever your trial is, I think this might help.

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Nutrition is the Key to Health Blog

Blank Writing Journals

Episode 12

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Nutrition is the Key to Health, where I talk about nutrition, health, and everything in between.

I have been MIA from this podcast for about two months.  This was not planned and I apologize.  I just needed to take a step back for me.

Today, I want to talk about what to do when you find yourself reverting to old habits.  This can apply to your diet, or maybe even drugs, alcohol, or another addiction or just life in general.  Maybe you are struggling with depression, as so many are in these times.

Disclaimer, I am not a physician, nurse, registered dietician, physical therapist, or mental health professional.  This is my story and what I have done and learned over the course of my journey.  If you plan to start a diet or exercise program, please get approval from your doctor.

It’s true, have been completely MIA from this podcast for a few months now.  But, this episode is my attempt to get back on the horse. 

I think we can all agree that diets, or changing your eating habits can be difficult to start and even more difficult to maintain, especially through times of stress.  

You might be like me, when unexpected stress hits, and you find yourself reverting to your old ways.  This can apply to food, drugs or alcohol (or anything other addiction, just fill in the blank), or again just life in general. There is no shame in that, but you do need to find a healthier coping mechanism, or at least recognize your path and try to make an attempt to auto-correct.

I will be the first to admit that I fell off my plant-based diet and began eating meat and fast food again.  I stopped walking and haven’t gotten back on that horse yet. 

You see, my dog got very sick.  This was all very unexpected, so all of my focus was on her.  There were trips to the ER, multiple vets, and then I finally had to make the decision to put her down.  I wasn’t going to let her suffer.  To say I was devasted, would be an understatement. 

The stress of it all got to me.  I was depressed and sad.  I haven’t walked since I last took her for a walk.  She was the reason I started moving and walking in the first place.  I didn’t do it for me, but for her initially.  Then, it was for both of us.  I cannot seem to bring myself to walk yet and my plant-based healthy diet just stopped. 

When I did start eating, it was fast food and meat.  I fell out of my plant-based routine and quickly found all my old behaviors.  I only gained five pounds, which was surprising, but I can be certain all my lab numbers have increased like cholesterol, and triglycerides.  I am currently holding a weight-loss of 40-pounds on my journey.

It’s been almost two months now, and I want to get back to my healthier eating and lifestyle, but I cannot bring myself to cook.  She was always on her bed watching me cook, and hoping I might drop something, even though she knew she was never allowed to eat it.

I have since started small, making a few smoothies and some oatmeal.  I still do not have any desire to be in my kitchen for longer than 5 minutes at a time.  I am hoping that will change very soon.  I want to cook some soup, but that hasn’t transpired yet.  The quietness in this house is deafening at times.  The sound of her following me through the house is no longer there. 

Last night, if I am being honest with you, I had a dream Gracie, my dog, was injured and I was carrying her.  It was quiet disturbing, since she has been gone for a few months.

This all brings me to my point for this episode, what do you do to get your healthier lifestyle back when you fall off the wagon?

Well, if you are like me, you have to start all over at square one, and  that can be a difficult step.  I will tell you it gets easier each time you do it.

The point I am trying to make is, that life will throw you curve balls, but you still have to muster the energy to swing for the fences.  If you have to start all over at the beginning because of a slip-up (whatever your journey might be), just take that first step.  Mine was making my morning oatmeal, then a smoothie for lunch.  

Food has always been tied to emotional eating for me.  When I have a bad day, I want comfort food or a glass of wine.  When I have a great day, I want to celebrate with something nice to eat.  So, if you are like me in that respect, it is easy to fall in and out of step very quickly.

Maybe start by journaling, meditating, or just taking a deep breath, count to five, and take a small action.  Life can be difficult at times, but you have to move forward if you can, and that is taking one step at a time.  You didn’t get here overnight, and you’re not going to get out overnight.  After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

If you’re being honest with yourself, you might just might be struggling too, so I know what you are going through.  It might not be the loss of a pet, but maybe it’s a divorce, a death in the family, or a recent health diagnosis.  We all have our demons that we have to fight.   

My hope is that you can find coping mechanisms that are healthier than when you started your journey, or at least recognize the direction you are heading and auto-correct.

So, this was my attempt at taking a small baby step, for my podcast.  

Until next time,
