Heart Light Sessions

Healing the Self, Healing the Collective: Insights from Keren-Or Atari

April 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 1
Healing the Self, Healing the Collective: Insights from Keren-Or Atari
Heart Light Sessions
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Heart Light Sessions
Healing the Self, Healing the Collective: Insights from Keren-Or Atari
Apr 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 1

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In this episode, Jenee interviews Keren-Or Atari, a master teacher and healer in the Mayan Curandero Lineage. Keren-Or shares her awakening journey and discusses the importance of courage on the path of personal mastery and expanding one’s consciousness. She emphasizes the significance of developing a strong center and self-esteem, respecting others, and avoiding judgment. Keren-Or highlights the role of healers in guiding others without imposing their own beliefs and the importance of finding one's own strength as a healer.  In this conversation, Jenee and Karen-Or share insights on empowerment, women supporting each other, and the need for women in leadership roles. They delve into the influence of plant medicine on artistic expression and the power of art as a teaching and healing tool. The conversation concludes with a focus on living a prayerful life by creating beautiful manifestations.

About Keren-Or Atari:
Keren-Or is a gifted intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and visionary artist. She leads transformational retreats and trainings worldwide and combines contemporary mysticism with powerful ancient healing modalities.  If you would like to learn more about her offerings and artwork, including her upcoming Divine Intervention training this summer, check out the links below.


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Introduction script:  Jessica Tardy
Introduction mix and master:  Ed Arnold
Theme Song: "Heart Light" by Jenee Halstead and Dave Brophy

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Jenee Halstead International, LLC - Disclaimer

This podcast is presented solely for entertainment and education purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or any other qualified professional. We shall in no event be held liable to any party for any reason arising directly or indirectly for the use or interpretation of the information presented in this audio. Copyright 2024, Jenee Halstead, LLC - All rights reserved.

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Let's Connect! Send us a Text Message.

In this episode, Jenee interviews Keren-Or Atari, a master teacher and healer in the Mayan Curandero Lineage. Keren-Or shares her awakening journey and discusses the importance of courage on the path of personal mastery and expanding one’s consciousness. She emphasizes the significance of developing a strong center and self-esteem, respecting others, and avoiding judgment. Keren-Or highlights the role of healers in guiding others without imposing their own beliefs and the importance of finding one's own strength as a healer.  In this conversation, Jenee and Karen-Or share insights on empowerment, women supporting each other, and the need for women in leadership roles. They delve into the influence of plant medicine on artistic expression and the power of art as a teaching and healing tool. The conversation concludes with a focus on living a prayerful life by creating beautiful manifestations.

About Keren-Or Atari:
Keren-Or is a gifted intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and visionary artist. She leads transformational retreats and trainings worldwide and combines contemporary mysticism with powerful ancient healing modalities.  If you would like to learn more about her offerings and artwork, including her upcoming Divine Intervention training this summer, check out the links below.


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Follow Jenee on Instagram @jeneehalstead @heartlightsessions
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Introduction script:  Jessica Tardy
Introduction mix and master:  Ed Arnold
Theme Song: "Heart Light" by Jenee Halstead and Dave Brophy

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Jenee Halstead International, LLC - Disclaimer

This podcast is presented solely for entertainment and education purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or any other qualified professional. We shall in no event be held liable to any party for any reason arising directly or indirectly for the use or interpretation of the information presented in this audio. Copyright 2024, Jenee Halstead, LLC - All rights reserved.

Welcome to the Heart Light Sessions, a podcast about light working your way through dark times. I'm Jenee Halstead. I'm a singer-songwriter, holistic vocal coach, intuitive guide, and plant medicine facilitator. I'm also a survivor of childhood abuse, auto-immune issues, and my 30s. I'm on a lifelong healing journey, and along the way, I want to share the ideas and teachings that rock my world. Every week on Heart Light Sessions, I call on artists, healers and thinkers to explore what's helped them live and thrive from a heart -centered place. Because the heart, it's where the best things happen. If you've ever wondered how to unlock your biggest breakthroughs or how to come back from that stuff that tried to kill you, you know the stuff I'm talking about, the stuff that's supposed to make you stronger. Or if you've ever wondered how to just do you straight from the heart, you're in the right place. So join me, won't you? Let's turn on that heart light.

Jenee Halstead Okay, here we are. It's official, my first podcast guest and my teacher. I would like to welcome Keren-Or Atari. So this feels very, very special to me to have you on as my first guest. 

Keren-Or Thank you Jenee. It's such an honor also to be able to like, to be in your presence and present to your audience. You know, hopefully like nourish, nourish them with like some insights. Yeah. 

Jenee Halstead So I know a little bit about your story and I was wondering if you could tell the audience how your awakening journey happened...if you had found the Curandero lineage that you currently teach from or if there were other things happening in your life that lead to your spiritual awakening.

I would say everything happened in the same year. And right now that it's really interesting that Pluto is going in like, you know, finish like 20 years and going into Aquarius. So like 20 years ago, this is where a lot of things happened to me. So I'm Israeli and I used to live in New York in Manhattan. And I was, you know, I had all these difficulties of a new mom in the city by myself almost. And I probably needed a lot of healing, but even the word healing didn't come to my mind. Right. I didn't really understand it. I was like, max, you was thinking about like, I wish I could clear space to receive a massage. Right. You know, right. Like something physical. I didn't really understand. Like.

I was into yoga and I read some spiritual books, but I think the concept of healing was still far. And I went to this one community in Costa Rica and they offered different things. And I remember the first thing that I've experienced and I was initiated is into Reiki. And I think it was pretty powerful experience because it did something to my heart. I didn't even know my heart was closed. I was just in suffering, you know, living in the city and like have these difficulties and like whatever and just, and everything was like closed and blocked. And I was not even aware of it, that it can be different. And you know how like, when you have that shift, when you get the healing something, then you realize like, you know, you realize something was off.

And you get alignment and the heart starts singing. Wow, that's more breathing and there's like more joy coming and there's flow of energy and it's like, oh my God. And then I realized I can apply to myself and I can like use my hands to direct energy. And from there, I participated in another class that called like soul retrieval, soul pulling. 
And that class was like about bringing back different soul parts from places that you had different traumas and you didn't even need to think about which trauma. It was like very fast. And I remember coming out of there and I was crying and crying and crying. And I think the tears were really like this welcome home, really home to myself. I haven't realized it back then. I was just like, oh, I didn't understand why I'm crying.

But today I know that I got reconnected to my soul. And from there, a lot of things happened that brought me to the medicine circle and to expansion of consciousness and all of that. And when you talk about expansion of consciousness, it's more specific about realizing that everything that you know in theory, you get it from inside. It's not...

There's a ha that that whatever you think is like spiritual, it's actually it's real. It's not a theory anymore. And that that was like so big for me that I couldn't like everything shifted since then. Like what happened when you connect to your soul, everything that is off first has to let go before something new will enter. So I felt the new wave that is coming, but there were so many things that were off, including my marriage, including living in Manhattan, including the profession that I used to work, I used to be graphic designer. And although I still like to play with things today, we're like designing things, but it was not the main like life purpose, it was not that.

You know, I was always an office. I always painted. And I think this is something that like, like vitamins always nourish my body, my soul, my spirit. And this is like, was always part of my life, but my profession was off. My marriage was already, you know, was not working. But as like first marriages, I was like, you know, you get married, you think it's forever. You have to deal with difficulties and it will pass and maybe one day you'll do therapy or whatever. And what happens when your consciousness is open, you get that, aha, you realize what is true. And then you don't wanna waste your time anymore. Because if anything that you lived was off, it is just better to let go quickly so you can go on the path. It's not easy. It is not something that like, you know, you do for one day to another, but you, it's like, you know, you, you open for you like a new tunnel and you can see light at the end of the tunnel and say, all right, I'm going there. Totally. This is my new path. I'm not even sure what is happening there in that light, but I know this is the direction. Yes. I think this is really what healing is doing with this is what expansion of consciousness is doing. And whether realize that my main tool in this work is is courage. Just courage. Yeah, you're incredibly courageous.

Jenee (08:21) So how long before you find the work that you're in now as so Karen-Or is a, I would say a master teacher. Is that what they call you in the, in the Mayan Curandero lineage? Yes. And so how long after this process do you find Starr Fuentes? Who's the holder of the lineage?

Keren-Or So, um, so after that, like opening healing expansion, that was like a process of probably uh, like almost a year I found myself back in Israel and I started to look for different classes from that lineage that brought this soul retrieval because I realized I was very powerful. It was like five minutes work that changed my life. It was very powerful. And I heard different like things that from the teachings, like light language. And the language of light is like geometry and color, which was anyway, like something that I used to play with geometry and color, but more on another level of the energetic level and multi -dimensional level. And as an artist, I was really attracted to it. I, it just was like vibrating, like something that I have to learn and anything else. I was like, I'm going to learn anything from this lineage. I was just.

It was just a calling and that knowing it was just like, okay, let's look for whatever I can find. And there's different classes that came from the Mayan lineage. And the same teacher that was teaching Costa Rica came to Israel. So I went to study another, it was like the Matrix Excavation. I didn't know what it is, but it was like a major healing work. And I was like, okay, I'm going for it. Until Light Language will come on my way. And what happened that besides that was really powerful alignment, another one, I think everything that I've done in this lineage, every little thing was like, it looks like very small course, was very, very powerful.

Keren-Or (10:41) And besides that, I used like something have shifted because it felt like I'm very high. The vibration was very, very high frequency. And I used to go to sleep and wake up in the middle of the night. It looks like I'm on like, like on a high vibration medicine, you know? Yeah. I was like, wow. I was like so high and I remembered my teacher and she was teaching me things. And I saw the other students and I was like, what's happening? My dreams became real. And then I come back to sleep and you know, and then I talked to my teacher and I was like, what's happening? And it's like, this is Night School. It's like Night School. I didn't know it even exists. And he said like, yeah, when you go to sleep, we meet in night school, you study a lot of things on, you know, on like other levels and the spiritual level, the subconscious, and it's many, like, you know, something that we call today downloads. Yeah. They called caught teachings. So, um, I was really fascinated basically. And when I learned that afterwards, I learned Light Language and then I decided I have to, to meet the lineage holder. I just knew it. And, and I was surprised. I was like easier than I thought. Yeah. She lives in Arkansas in hot Springs and I called her and I scheduled private teachings with her and it happened. And I remember like being in the airplane and I had the book, I think was like the book of death from like the Buddhist, the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Yes, that one. Yeah. And it sounds like a phrase that the only phrase that really stayed with me from there that you said like, sometimes you're lucky in a lifetime to meet your teacher. And I was on my way to meet her. And it was so powerful that I knew that she's my teacher. Wow. Yeah. And many years later, I probably met her 18 years ago. And I went to many, many classes. I met her from more private teachings and group teachings and different settings.

And beyond that, I feel her guidance like a, like a spiritual guide. Yeah. No, she appears in my vision. She teach me things. She gave me download. I see her in, in, in Night School where she gives me different teachings. And since I arrived to her, I knew that my path is to be also teacher in this lineage. Not only to study the different techniques, but also to teach them and to teach night school and all of that. And another thing that was like really, I think was, it's a little cute, but you know, a little story. But I think one of the time in a year, like few months after I met her, I came back again to her for one conference and I had time to stay by myself and I didn't know what to do. So I like, okay, I'm going to watch a video. And I looked at the cassettes, there were like cassettes there. Okay, yeah. And I saw it was like Harry Potter and I heard about Harry Potter and never heard like read the books and I was like, okay, I'm going to watch it. And I was like, I was blown away. I mean, I'm stuck with this house by myself watching Harry Potter. I like, yes, I arrived to Hogwarts. Totally. This is all real. This magic, magic is real. And I have been to Hogwarts. Yeah. So.

Exactly. And there's so many things that like from this film that are real, but they're coming in different forms that people can just connect to it. And it's funny because like my daughter grew up reading the books and my first daughter and like watching the films together. And anytime I had to teach her something or educate about anything, relationship or whatever, I used to like...give her a reference from Harry Potter. Makes the parenting easier. Yeah, she had the map. Yeah, exactly. Here you go. Why don't I get an invitation? She was really disappointed. And it's like, well, I guess when your teacher is like, you know, your mother is a teacher in the school, you don't get a special invitation. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. We did access.

Jenee (15:28) When I met you, it's funny because Dana, who's my best friend and brought me to you, she tells this story of the first time meeting you. And there's a big gathering, there's a big room of people, and there's a guy there that's like triggering everyone. And, you know, Dana tells this story very dramatically. She's got a flair for stories. So she says she's watching everybody in the room go down. He's got his little button on everyone in the room. He's probably so full of entities or whatever and he's just triggering everyone and people are going down and then she sees you with him interacting and she said not only did you stand there and you were completely unfazed but you were...clearly also like holding a compassionate stance. And she said that's when I knew that that was my teacher I wanted to work with her. And that's exactly meeting you and having the opportunity to work with you and just seeing how like that is the sign of someone walking their path of true mastery, of just being like unfuckable with. And I remember thinking like, what it's been a year and a half since DI or it's been two years almost since I got a chance to study with you in Brazil. And I remember watching you through the two weeks and wondering like, how does one get to that point?

Keren-Or Okay. This is, well, this is really the path of mastery. And I think it's really relevant and important questions. And how, how do you get to a place where your core, your center is strong enough that you don't get off from like any emotion or anyone pushing your buttons or whatever weather that's changing. I mean, life is full of surprises and a lot of things that can get us off and working on our center and our strength is something that is ongoing work. It's like going to the gym.

Keren-Or  (17:49) You know, you don't, I mean, you can be born like strong, right? But I mean, you have to maintain it or you have, or you can develop it. Anyone can develop their like stronger center. And the thing is really to understand that like first, like the core issues of what push your buttons, you know, what make you more emotional, what, what like activate your thoughts to be off and like throw you off center. And I think the first thing is really to understand when are you in your center? Because most people that I know, they don't even understand what it means. I think like, I like to explain it as like, you know, being in your heart, our heart is our center. So when you are like a line between spirit and earth you have like a place where like, you know, in the chakras that you have three chakras below, three chakras above, and the heart is just in the middle. So this is like our center. And also to be balanced between receiving and giving and to be in the present moment. That means that you not too much thinking about what happened in the past or worry about the future, normally future, or it can be dreaming, daydreaming or worries, but it's still not being present. So there's a container field that you learn to hold together with what you mentioned, like with a compassionate place of understanding that everyone are on the path of growth and evolution and enlightenment. They're in different places. And when we are judging, we are reducing our own light. Totally. And I think like just like good exercises to be a whole day without judgment and just start watching. It's so difficult. Think about politics or the neighbors or the dog that is barking or the food in the restaurant that is too salty or this or this or that. I mean, there's so many ways to be judgmental all the time. And also about ourselves. Oh my God, my hair, my curls, my...skin, oh my butt, whatever. It's something that can throw us off all the time, being judgmental. So this is another way to work towards being more centered, while also understanding that each person is a whole universe. You don't know really what's happening. So just judging the appearance is a default. Yeah, it's kind of a mirror. Like, you know, it's something inside of you that reflecting on whatever you know, whatever your vocabulary. And and from there, like, you know, you judge a person where they can be completely from another universe, maybe part of the universe, maybe another galaxy. Yeah. Yeah. We want to teach you something. And like, you know, I learn I think this is maybe something I had and is something about respect. Not only compassion, but also respect the other person. Although they can be asshole and I can acknowledge that they're asshole. I'm not only like peace and love and everything is pink. But really see the reality, see all the colors and understand that every person have a light and have a shadow. Totally. Just respect that. You know, respect that the way I wish people respect me if I'm... Totally. I'm not centered, I'm weak or whatever. I think there's a wide variety of topics that we can work and work in a place that we get strength in our center. And how we do that is I think each person has to find what...communicate better. I think each person can find different healer that is more clicking to their personality. There's no one person that it can be the master for everyone. Yeah, you know some people like really like love very enthusiastic people and some people like very mellow because it's on there, you know their spirit and I Believe that it's good to have someone to inspire you for someone that you understand that there are higher frequency and they can, they can like, like, you know, being a guide show you like a torch. It's like, okay, you can see. I also don't believe that someone needs to tell you anything because it has to be like that. This aha of growing, expanding and healing. They really have to come from inside of you. And when I'm teaching and like, uh, initiate in healers. I teach them how to be a guide without telling people, oh, you need to do that. This is why you are like this. Your guides are telling me that you're completely off and you have to like divorce and do this and this and that. I mean, I can see people that they're completely in like a rotten environment and it's still not my work to tell you, to tell anyone that is rotten, get out of there now. It really have to come from inside of them. I can open their senses to notice that it smells bad. You know? Yeah. Now I can smell that it rotten, maybe I can do something about it and empower them to understand that they can do something about it because it's our responsibility to take care of our life. Nobody will do it for us. And we are also to understand that we are creating our lives. So we have responsibility to recreate it. We have the power to create something like beautiful. Why not? Yeah. No. Yeah. I mean, if we are creators or co -creators, we can create anything that we like is better. We choose something like, you know, something that works well and harmonious and beautiful. For me, beauty is important. Maybe, you know, just because I'm...maybe because I'm an artist and visual artist and I think beauty is important. Maybe from another person will be something else that is important. Yeah. And this is exactly where I start, you know, when people come to me for a session, I ask them, what are your priorities? And this is, I always start with that. Wow. Because you know, maybe some people will be like relationships, some people will be like...

Keren-Or (24:57) purpose, some people like spiritual connection, some people will be like, you know, buy a house and more cash flow. I respect every person with their priorities because from there, you can access anywhere else. And like working on their self esteem that they believe that they have worth to like, you know, they're worthy to have a healthy relationship, they're worthy to have like abundance of cash, they're worthy to have to be healed. I really like to start with that for a lot of people, this is like a big point and from there they can evolve and from there they can connect to their life purpose and et cetera, et cetera. Each person is a whole universe, but there's a lot of things that similar. And yes, as a healer, we need to like, we need to find a way, our niche, how to like, you know, our people, our tribe. Yeah. And yeah, I think this is like, this is important also as a healer to find what is your strength and to understand that like the people come to you because this is your strength. And maybe that's why so many people come to me to work on their relationships, because this is something that I have in my work field. This is something, a gift that comes to me or working on self -esteem, maybe because I worked on my self -esteem, that was not good. And now where my self-esteem is healthy, I can support other people on this path because I have that grid. If you've been sexually abused and you healed it, you can help so much other people who've been sexually abused. You know, this is like basically like when you heal something, this is like a key for you. That is something that you definitely can support other people on this path. You know? Yeah. I'm so curious. You know, I didn't intend to ask this question and not to get off track, but for me, self-esteem is like probably my big Achilles heel.

Jenee (27:16) Yeah. I'm so curious. You know, I didn't intend to ask this question and not to get off track, but for me, self-esteem is like probably my big Achilles heel.And it's the root of like every issue. And I think, you know, self -worth and self -esteem, it's such a tough, tough wound to have. And it's part of how I ended up in this lineage and in this work. Why is it so difficult? The self -esteem wound, like, can it be healed?

Keren-Or So first, like healing is possible. Any kind of healing is possible. So if someone comes to me with issues of self-esteem or with cancer or it like cold, it for me is the same. It's something to heal and let's go. You know? The thing is like there's like a sole purpose and sometimes you're like, you know, it's set on stone working on self -esteem. So you arrive to this world already with a whole...like, you know, life experiences that bring you back to yourself to work on your self -esteem, because this is something that you have to like do this before you get out of this life. Yeah. It's like, check, you know, and there's so many levels because you, you worked on healing, you know, emotional and like mental and, and spiritual. And then like, there's more layers and more layers. And then you start sharing until you get to a layer that you're strong enough. And then you teach. So I'm sure that where you are right now is very different than 15 years ago. When you realize you have to work on it or 30 years ago when you even didn't know there's an issue, but you're just like a leaf in the air, always put yourself below other people. So there's like, we are like multi -dimensional beings. And that's why it looks like, oh my God, the healing is never ending, but it's not. Exactly. You always heal another layer and like things from like the ancestors line, genetics and like, you know, collective consciousness. At the end, there's like so many layers and sometimes like what you think is yours at the end is not yours anymore, but it's part of the collective consciousness and you still working. I know. It's so wild because recently I started thinking about my self-esteem wound in terms of it's starting to feel like it's braided in with my  matrilineal line so deeply. You know, so for so many years, I was like, this is my wound primarily, I was sexually abused when I was a child. So yes, there is that. And now I'm starting to feel this, this line, you know, the ancestral line of women behind me. And the other day, I was just like, oh, you know, and instead of this feeling daunting, it's like, okay, obviously my soul shows, you know, that's a hard one sometimes to digest, but it's like, that's the only way for me to feel empowered. Some days it's just like, I'm like one 13 trillion, whatever stars that got a chance to be here. I chose this exact moment to come here and do this work not just for myself, for my whole lineage, for the collective. And that's, yeah, some days that doesn't, you know, I don't always feel that strong, but that's something that I have to remind myself of.

Keren-Or It's a huge collective, especially a collective like challenge, especially for women. And until we will not see more and more and more women in leadership, at least, like equal to the amount of how many men in leadership or more that can really help our humanity, you know? And that's, until we'll not see that, that means there's more work to do, you know? More work on the collective. And we still see that, you know, if there's like, unfortunately, if there's like abuse in the family, a lot of times it's more the woman that suffer than the men, you know? And like what attracts, attracted it's still the whole, the whole like crazy constellation that we have here. Yeah. Yeah. The whole dynamic of like, of our society. And, and that's why empowerment is a big word. And maybe for some people that is just, okay, we heard it so much. It's like, it's already boring, but you know, boring or not is something that is really important that women stand for each other and women like, you know, strength, like they do work together. Exactly. They're, they're healing their self-esteem. They start having like a good reflection from other women and he'll reach it to a point where they understand that, you know, respect completely themselves and, uh, and value their gifts to humanity. It's not about like being like men, but being like women and loving yourself and also leading because like this world is missing so much, that feminine leadership. Also in some women leaders.

Jenee I see that so much and that's like definitely one of the shifts that I have been praying for is to see women in their divine feminine leading from the female paradigm. And that, I think as that vibration is continuing to come on the planet and anchor in, for me, I get a lot of inspiration in the social media space because I'm seeing so many amazing women starting to step up and embody their work in whatever, you know, it's like whatever specialty they're in, in herbs. Some women are doing womb work. Some women are, you know, and it's like the witches are stepping up. And, and, um, so I find that incredibly inspiring. And unfortunately we do really need it in the public sphere. You know, we need women stepping into, um, all of those areas. You know, I think a lot of, a lot of women that are on this path, the thought of like going into like the political realm or, you know, doing the work in the public is just like, there's, you know, a lot of resistance to that because it's like, oh, who wants to go into the battlefield or who wants to go into a system that's completely crumbling? Yeah, because it has to change. And this is like part of the change. Like many systems are going down. And even if you know this, like different like,

Keren-Or (34:28) Like many systems are going down. And even if you know this, like different like, family dynamics, constellations, everything is changing so much. Relationships are so different than how it used to be. And this is part of it. The resistance not to step on like where the leadership roles were like men were holding is because the whole system is like rotten. It has to be rebuilt from something new, from like from like different concepts and like sharing and heart connection and all that feminine energy that is not only for women, but also for men. And thank God you can see more and more men that are connected to that, to this energy, like fewer than women, but they're coming. Thank God they start working on their emotional body and this is like so important. And it's happening. We cannot stop that. I mean, this is like a wave that is coming anyway. We are part of it. And the thing is, it's easier if we participate. Exactly. Exactly. And we can participate also with humor, with joy. We can participate with whatever energy that we add. It doesn't have to be through like the old fashioned way, like digging and suffering and like, you know,

Oh my God, it's so hard to forget, whatever. It's just like, all right, let's go. Yeah, let's do the work. We're going down. Come back. We're going to. Okay. Like little children just think about toddlers that learn to walk and they don't think about, Oh my God, I fell and I cry and I don't want to do it again. Try again. Back up. And this is like where the emotional body keeps dragging us because it's like, it has like all the codes, all the blocks, all the, all the old stuff there. And that's okay. The thing is like, all right, but we don't have to stay there. We don't have, it's just like, okay, let's get courage. Let's get the joy. Let's get whatever can inspire us. Just like, you don't have to get out of the house to receive inspiration today. You just like, fine, go on YouTube. And there's like, so many things that you can just like listen to or watch or you know, yeah, you know, for me, like being in nature is such a such a healing like see green or the ocean or or doing something with art is like nature like that like full, you know, blessing for for everyone. And if someone cannot get there, you can just go online and listen to something that nourish them and not like bullshit stuff. There's so much bullshit. We have to really honor our emotions and not going into anywhere that the frequency is lower. And how can we know if the frequency is lower? It's just like, just listen. Do you feel good? You feel not good? That's it. If I watch a horror film, I will feel afraid. I will feel bad. It will haunt me maybe in the night with my thoughts or whatever to not waste energy on that. Totally. It's my energy. I prefer to like get in the place where I am inspired. And then in the midst of like, of a challenge, I can be fine because like I, I watch my body and I'm like, I'm going back. And like in the last few months, I can tell from my own experience, I went through another big shift because I was, I was married for the second time for many, many years, 20 years together, 18 years of marriage, living together, sharing, working together. And it ended, it was time to end. And there's like grief around it. There's a lot of emotion. There's like many difficult waves, but you go there. And inside that big wave, you don't even know when you're gonna...come out, but he's like, okay. Yeah. No, it's not. You're not going to stay there. And when you go up, it's like, all right, let's celebrate a little bit when I'm like out of this deep water. And then you see that each time you go in, the waves are less deep and they're less frequent. Yes. You know, but you have to ride in the wave. Yeah. You cannot fight with it. And I mean, I'm not interested in like staying there. Forget it. I wan't to enjoy my life.

Keren-Or (39:14) I mean, like, life is short and I have friends that already passed and family members that already passed on. And like, you know, they just reminded me that, you know, we all gonna go so better when we already doing the best that we can and, you know, yeah, and serve, serve whatever it is to be part of like, you know, of the transition team of humanity, whatever is going on now is like huge. It's like, okay, let's do it and let's do it with some humor because if you look at the old structure that's falling apart is like. Yeah, it can be really daunting.

Jenee This is such a gift to hear you talk about joy and doing things with humor. And that's like, I love laughing with you and I just. your medicine, that's part of your medicine is that levity, because I know you fucking go deep. You know, I've been in your presence, I you know, it's like, I, of course, like, you can sense it even just online. But when you're in your presence, it's like, bam, not afraid to go there. But like, let's have some joy and humor. And I think, just for me, I get so like caught up in like, I don't know if it's like my soul feels like there's such a job to do that it, I almost get like squashed down with pressure. It's like, there's a part of me that's like, I'm not doing, I don't know what it is. I'm not doing my mission. I'm not doing my, it's something like, you're not doing it right. You know, it's like. It's wild because it's like, can I get it wrong? I don't know.

Keren-Or You know, not getting wrong is exactly that. And also respecting your part of personality. You came with that kind of personality that charge yourself for more and like for more perfectionism and for more, you know, like you can study, you can study a lot of like, you know, you can get so much self knowledge about, uh, Enneagram and horoscope, the Astrology, like so all the effects that on your personality. And at the end also have compassion to yourself. It's like, okay, I know this voice is part of my, my constellation. I mean, okay, it's sweet. I like to look at it as like, all right, sweet is cute is, is, is that child, the child in me that used to be like that all the time. I'm not pushing it out. I'm also like, all right, fuck off. You're not welcome here because I just want to feel joy. But it's just, you know, all right, you're here and, and, you know, just welcome it and accept it, but don't give it so much space. You know, when you all, I always like to get another perspective, like ego perspective, another perspective, another perspective. And as much as I get like a higher perspective, it's easy. Like, you know, I see the vision and I look at myself from like a higher perspective. And I don't get so much attached to all the voices that I see. And these voices don't get overwhelming anymore because you're getting a higher perspective as a mother and see the toddler, like, you know, like, I don't know, they get crying and a whole drama over something that you know is, it's nothing, but go explain to them is nothing. You just have to hug them and like, okay, this thing. And then they forget about it and it's gone. So I like to mother myself. I like to mother myself a lot. Not all of us had a mother that knew exactly what to do. So we have to do that to us, to all these voices of that child, of like, don't think they're good enough. They have so much stress because they have to show that accomplishment or maybe there's more and more. And this is also part of like, when we are looking outside, there's so much work. Yeah. So many people who needs help, who needs help. There's so many, I mean, like we are in the transition and there's so much work to do. And thank God we don't have to do it by ourselves. Exactly. This is like, all right, we have to relax, take a deep breath and first work on ourselves. Yep. First and like, and the first thing is just relax.

Keren-Or  I'm here and I need to feel good. That's it. Yeah. All that we need to feel good. I have a whole list that I made in the last week that I need to accomplish and I haven't done that. It's like, okay, yeah, I can wait. Yeah. One more week, two more weeks, one month. Who cares? Right now? What do I need to feel good? Oh, maybe make love with my hobby. Maybe to make a nice meal. Maybe just relax there in the air and doing nothing. I learned that nothing is such a challenge and it's such a blessing as well. You have to do some nothing because that's the main part. This is the part where we integrate. This is the part where we are having a space for something new to enter. There's so much new. There's so much new that needs to enter. We need to give nothing. That's that pattern of like, feeling guilty of not doing something, this is like, it's like, it's all school already. You know? I mean, this is like the masculine energy. Yeah, totally. To have to do and feeling guilty of not doing and feeling proud of being busy. I've been busy all week and like, there's a lot of like connection of our self -importance or self -value of like a compliment. And, and, um, no, I mean, actually, our goal is to feel happy. Yeah, to feel joy, to feel good. Yeah, so much shifts when we're in the receptive and just being state, you know, getting in that space and being able to to shift, you know, and so much can shift from that. It doesn't it doesn't even take very long. Yeah, you know, it's the dance, the dance with the universe, because to understand that we are never alone and we don't do anything by ourselves. Yeah. But we need like in the universe, need us to have the intention to reflect. And it's like my paintings, if you, if you see me paint, I probably half of the time just staring at the canvas. Yeah. I need that space to just reflect and just like, oh, okay. And then you do.

Keren-Or (46:19) And this is that space is the whole dance. Like, all right, I have an intention and my intention is that and I want to do something for it. But then it's enough to send the intention and let the universe co -create with you. Yeah. All right. They get it. They get it. Universe, your guides, your angels, your like the whole whatever your soul, they are coming together to make it happen. But if you're too busy. You miss the opportunities of creativity, of surprises. I love surprises. I mean, I nourish from surprises, from things that I'm... And I love to surprise my students. If you remember, I don't like to tell them everything that's happened because it would be so boring to know everything. We have to get that and to understand that we are never alone. We are really never alone. And it's all about frequency. So if we don't take care of maintaining a high frequency, whatever happens to us will reflect what is in our vibration. So if you're not sure what kind of frequency you have, just notice what kind of day, what you have during the day, what kind of conversation, how do you feel? Everything is part of your frequency. What has happened to you? Do you have an accident? You probably maintain a really low frequency for a while. You know, and that's, that's, this is why it's so important to understand that it is our responsibility to maintain a higher frequency. And it's not that we will not go to the, to the, to the lower ones we used to it, but as soon as we realized that we're not happy, it's like, okay, it's my job. It's a high frequency. That's, we have to really understand to be in a place of love, to be a place of compassion, a place that we feel good. This is when we understand, all right, this is the right frequency. And this frequency attracts to us, you know, the law of attraction. It just attracts to us with similar frequencies. I'm tired of hearing people like desperate to have a relationship. And it's like, but you're so desperate, how are you gonna have a relationship? You know, exactly. You can't those two frequencies don't go together. 

Jenee Speaking of joy and high frequency, I want to talk about your art, which totally lifts me up when I see it. How much does or did plant medicine play a role in your style and evolution of painting.

Keren-Or  I think it's like something that understanding that psychedelics have helped many, many, many people evolve and be grateful for it. Yep. And you can see some caveman's pictures and you can see them with mushrooms. You know, the evolution of humanity happened a lot because different psychedelics that opened the door for us to see beyond the physical realms and to understand that there's much more. And I think this is like where it was influenced on my painting to understand there's more. And this is that more. I think what it got me in the beginning is more focus on different details. I think I was not so much into details and it brought me more on details. And then later, I really tried to bring all the visions and I'm not so skillful as Alex Grey. He's amazing of bringing technical things from the astral realms into the canvas. For me, I realized that I can bring the feeling, I can bring the energy, the light and some extra messages. And it does reflect to people. Cause my path is more about healing. A lot of time, like what it did, it opened the door, I think of like different portals through my third eye to understand that. I can convey different things from the astral plane on the physical as above so below and bring it through my paintings. Where before that experience or these many experiences, I was, yeah, I was more probably on the emotional place or mental. Like, you know, was painting from my mental body or my emotional body. And I think like the...like the medicine work brought more of the spiritual and energetic and the healing into the painting. And I think this is like the door that the medicine, the plant medicine has opened. It opened like different portals and sometimes I get from people that something that the value that they see in my painting, And that I know sometimes I bring, but sometimes I'm not even conscious about it anymore. It's just become part of me. Yeah. You know? And yeah, it's something that like, I think you said something before. What was that?

Keren-Or (53:14) That you know, about the spirit, about the entities that the person was possessed. I mean, like all these things that are, like you talk about it, like it's something common, but it was not common before, you know, right? We didn't grow up knowing about different entities. No. No, maybe we heard about ghosts and ghostbusters. Yeah. That's it. We didn't really understand all what is happening. And when you start opening your third eye and you start seeing like all the different like levels in the auric field and the different like maybe even dimensions or universes or whatever it is, you know, after a while you get your tribe that is easier to talk about it and it's not strange. But still it will be strange for so many others. Yeah. And that's why art is a good form to teach people because not everyone has the opportunity to access the teachings from the medicine. And some people will get the plant medicine for their emotional process and not necessary as a teaching tool. Yeah. Yeah to reflect. And I think this is what artists like...when they get to work with plants or mushrooms or anything like that, like, you know, they become teachers. So you probably notice that through your voice as well, right? I mean, for me, it's art, it's painting. I know many musicians that, like, you know, I mean, you can use words that make sense to people and teach them, but sometimes it's just the vibration. Yes. That is different. And through this vibration, you, you emanate a lot of different teachings. Yep. We can call them downloads, right? Yep. So artists, artists have like a big role in, in, uh, you know, for humanity, for information of what is happening now.

Jenee  (55:32) Yeah, it's amazing. Someone can look in, look at that picture, look at the painting you did of Yaya just behind you and like through that painting.you know, have an enlightened moment, you know, it's so beautiful.

Keren-Or Thank you. It's just amazing. Growing with her, I started when she was younger and then it's... So like, you know, part of the medicine here is also for her, things that she needs, you know, for her self-esteem, for her healing, for, you know...and the dancers. But it definitely can emanate for anyone else. Yeah. Right. It's amazing.

Jenee So Yaya, her daughter is a dancer. And so the dancers here in the painting is just stunning.

Keren-Or Thank you. I use my art a lot as a tool. And in the beginning, I haven't... I mean, I use that consciously, but I didn't really realize how much. I do until actually things really manifested from my art. For example, I have maybe I share with you this story before, and I'm going to share with the people who's listening and watching that I was working with a woman that was never in a long term relationship. She was like already 50 years old and beautiful woman. And she was like full of different blocks. So I started working with her about like releasing vows that she made and court cuttings. And, you know, I work with light language to shift herself value. And like, I worked with a lot of things and still something was missing. And then she asked me for a painting. So I painted her with, with like, you know, kind of like her and another man, beautiful man. And there's like a tree to collect shoes from like, you know, Munich and, and it needed like more nature and like I brought all the elements that I thought were like missing and I sent it to her and she was like, oh, it's nice, but I'm not sure. I thought you're going to paint it like as a goddess. And it's like, you need a man in your home, in your apartment, even in a painting. Yeah. In three months, this man appeared. He looks exactly like the man in the painting. No way. She brought him to Brazil to one of our festivals for me to meet you. And he said, I even have the same shirt as you painted. So this is where like the visionary come. Like, you know, I don't know, but like you pick up things that probably from a potential parallel universe or some like, like we always have, it's not like someone psychic will tell you this is your future and that's it. I don't want to believe in that. I feel like we have different frequencies that we can connect and I probably could connect to one that had this like beautiful man, a yoga teacher, 10 years younger than her adores her to the max, you know? And they're still together since. So this is where I realized that that whatever we do in is a prayer and I can use my as the prayer and you know, I go and I paint and I use my brush and not only the stroke, but the colors and whatever I do there at the end is a masterpiece for that person. And it doesn't matter if it looks like them or not. It can be like few lines, but if it has that intention, that intention will bring back results. And it's everything that we do. I mean, life can be a prayer. If we walk, with intention, if we eat with intention, if we make love with intention, if we are working on the computer, whatever we bring, whatever frequency, whatever intention is what actually manifests at the end, like a certain result. And this is basically the secrets, part of the secrets of this universe. And I think like living from a prayer, and it doesn't matter what you do is what will bring you a beautiful life. And when we get it all together as a community, as like, you know, community of human beings, we will create like a beautiful manifestation here. And we started with ourselves, you know?

Jenee Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Well, we could talk all day, but with that, I think you can't leave it at a better spot. So after you move and get settled in, I'll have to have you on again. All right. We'll be wonderful. Yeah. Hopefully so much. Thank you, Karen.

Keren-Or So welcome. Thank you for inviting me. Such a pleasure. And I know you have so much magic in your art. Thank you. It's such a blessing and a gift to witness that. And like, you know, I just wish to...continue and like bring goals around you and to your own life. Thank you.

Jenee Halstead The Heart Light Sessions podcast is executive produced and hosted by me, Jenee Halstead. It's edited, mixed, and mastered by me too. And that theme song you hear, it's called "Heart Light." And yep, you guessed it, it's from my record Disposable Love. Got questions about a certain healing modality or about heart -centered healing? Or maybe you just need some advice on life, love, or creativity? Send it my way. Email me at letters@heartlightpodcast.com.

Until next time, I'm Jenee Halstead and thanks for listening to Heart Light Sessions.

Keren-Or's Spiritual Awakening
Soul Retrieval and Reconnecting with the Soul
Shifting Life Paths and Letting Go
Courageous Healing and Spiritual Expansion with a Lineage Holder
Walking the Path of Mastery and Emotional Resilience
Nurturing Personal Growth and Healing
Unraveling the Complexity of Healing Self-Esteem Wounds
Feminine Empowerment and Leadership Revolution
Embracing Change with Joy and Humor
Self-Care, Intuition and Connection with the Universe
The Influence of Plant Medicine on Artistic Expression
Art as Alchemy: Healing and Manifestation through Painting
Living a Prayerful Life and Creating Beautiful Manifestations