Accelerate Your Performance
Accelerate Your Performance is a weekly podcast hosted by Dr. Janet Pilcher, Managing Director of Studer Education and author of Hardwiring Excellence in Education. Every week, Janet highlights tactical and actionable strategies that leaders in educational organizations can hardwire to meet successful student, service, and people outcomes. Listen now, and you’ll see why it’s ranked by ListenNotes in the top 5% of podcasts worldwide.
As she introduces a variety of pivotal leadership practices from the Nine Principles ® Framework, Janet underscores the importance of seamlessly integrating each practice to deliver positive and impactful results. For each leadership practice she introduces, Janet provides a solid foundation and then collaborates with coaching experts to dig deeper and demonstrate its practical application. Janet also interviews leaders and partners who excel at the tactics to hear about their implementation journeys, hurdles they’ve faced, and their notable achievements. To bring it all together, she offers a broader perspective on leadership, interviewing guests about a diverse array of topics on their paths to achieving organizational excellence.
Follow for weekly insights and actionable strategies to accelerate your performance and become your best at work!
Accelerate Your Performance
5 Leadership Lessons for the Future
As we progress through phases of transitioning back into something that resembles life before the pandemic, people will need their leaders to lean into the emotional side of the workplace more than ever. This change won't happen overnight, rather we will move through stage after stage - each requiring us to build energy into our workplaces. To help teams thrive on the other side, Janet shares 5 lessons for leaders to carry into the future.
This episode addresses questions, such as:
- What virtual leadership lessons support the emotional needs of employees?
- How can leaders support people as we move into phases of returning to normal?
- Why is it important to use a combination of hope and honesty about the brutal facts when communicating?
Recommended Resources: Motivate with Recognition, 4 Tips to Become a More Vulnerable Leader, Anxiety & Leadership, & Drive Team Success with Consistent Communication About Results
Recommended Podcasts: Blending the 80% Emotional 20% Rational, How Can We Build Strategic Agility for Continuous Change?, The Ritual that Keeps People Aligned, Take off the Armor & Are We Energizing Others?