Accelerate Your Performance

Fuel Success with a Feedback Loop

Studer Education Season 7 Episode 379

When Superintendent Dr. Shawn Tennenbaum looks back at his career and wishes he’d started one thing sooner, it’s rounding. Tune in as he explains how the practice of rounding has transformed the San Benito High School District—from the boardroom to the classroom. Listen now to learn how this approach to gathering feedback and integrating it with district services surveys creates a feedback loop that drives positive and lasting change.

Destination High Performance K12 Leadership Conference: Go here to learn more and register.

Recommended Resources: Rounding for Results, Create Connections Through Rounding, Strengthening School Board Collaboration to Drive District Success 

Read and study: Each episode of the podcast aligns with the tactics and principles of our host's book, Hardwiring Excellence in Education: The Nine Principles Framework. In conjunction with that book, you can join the mission to create great places to work, learn, and succeed by leading a book study with your leadership team for Hardwiring Excellence in Education. Our free, on-demand book study offers additional tools and resources created by Dr. Pilcher and our Studer Education leader coaches. Each chapter in the study also features exclusive interviews with influential education leaders sharing how they’re making a difference in their districts and beyond.

Order book here.

Sign up for book study here.