HomeWord with Jim Burns

Episode 1-Having Serious Fun in Your Marriage with guest Ted Cunningham

March 27, 2024 Michael Segovia Season 1 Episode 1

We all want a love that lasts, but do we have a love that laughs? While it’s true that marriage takes a lot of hard work, we shouldn’t ignore that laughter plays a huge part in creating a marital legacy of joy, intimacy, and depth. On this very first episode of HomeWord with Jim Burns, Jim speaks with renowned author, pastor, and comedian Ted Cunningham about his book, A Love That Laughs, and the importance of having fun with your spouse.

HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

Ted Cunningham Bio: https://woodhills.org/im-new/meet-the-team/ted-cunningham/ 

Ted’s Books

A Love That Laughs: https://helpingcoupleswin.com/resources/a-love-that-laughs/

Fun Loving You: https://helpingcoupleswin.com/resources/fun-loving-you/

From Anger to Intimacy: https://helpingcoupleswin.com/resources/from-anger-to-intimacy/

Greater Joy TWOgether: https://helpingcoupleswin.com/resources/greater-joy-twogether/