HomeWord with Jim Burns

Episode 2: The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace with guest Lucille Williams

April 08, 2024 Jim Burns Season 1 Episode 2

Raising a strong-willed child can seem like a daily fight that leaves everyone exhausted on the battlefield. How do you parent these feisty little individuals with love while maintaining your sanity? On today’s episode, Jim speaks with author, speaker, and fellow parent of strong-willed kids, Lucille Williams. Tune in as they discuss how your marriage, your discipline choices, and your approach to this parenting journey can result in powerhouse kids who grow up to be incredible adults.

HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

Lucille Williams Website: https://www.lusays.com/

Books Mentioned

The Impossible Kid: https://a.co/d/2WOgnwk

The Intimacy You Crave: https://a.co/d/j42afdG

Understanding Your Teen: https://homeword.com/product/understanding-your-teen/