HomeWord with Jim Burns

Episode 6-Empty Nest Success with Charlotte Guest

May 09, 2024 Jim Burns Season 1 Episode 6

When you’re smack in the middle of this wildly beautiful and exhausting thing we call parenthood, it’s hard to imagine life after the kids are grown - but next thing you know, you’ve dropped the last one off at college…now what? Join Jim Burns and Charlotte Guest as they dive deep into life as “Empty Nesters”, and how to find joy, purpose, and maybe even rekindled romance with your spouse in this new season. Parents of young ones, don’t skip this! There’s some applicable wisdom here for you, too. 

HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

Charlotte Guest website: https://www.charlotteguest.com/about

Empty Nest Guests Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/empty-nest-guests/id1534634660

Mission Quest Worksheet: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/7tKtFC3


Finding Joy in the Empty Nest: https://homeword.com/product/finding-joy-in-the-empty-nest-discover-purpose-and-passion-in-the-next-phase-of-life/