HomeWord with Jim Burns

Episode 23-Building Love Together in Blended Families with guest Ron Deal

September 05, 2024 Jim Burns Season 1 Episode 23

Blended families are a beautiful picture of hope after loss or pain. Two adults find themselves falling in love again and the possibilities seem endless! But - how does blending your family actually work? How do you navigate stepsiblings, former in-laws, money, and parenting? On today’s episode, Jim welcomes renowned blended-family expert Ron Deal to talk about the principles in his book, Building Love Together in Blended Families. Jim and Ron discuss the beauty and complexity of bringing two family units together - and how ‘all you need is love’ is, with all due respect to the Beatles, not going to cut it in the long run.

HomeWord Website: https://homeword.com/

HomeWord Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@homeword

Jim Burns Blog: https://homeword.com/jims-blog/

HomeWord+ Online Courses: https://homeword.com/homeword-plus/

About Ron Deal: https://www.rondeal.org/

Smart Stepfamilies: https://smartstepfamilies.com/

FamilyLife Blended: https://www.familylife.com/familylifeblended/blended-families/


The Smart Stepfamily: Seven Steps to a Healthy Family: https://a.co/d/glkVkMm

Building Love Together in Blended Families: https://a.co/d/bsATUm8

Preparing to Blend: https://a.co/d/ezJ0VkN

Ron’s Books on Amazon

Order Jim’s New Book:

A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity:  https://homeword.com/product/students-guide-to-sexual-integrity-gods-plan-for-sex-and-your-body/