AI for Kids

C is for Coding – ABCs of AI (Elementary)

Amber Ivey (AI) Season 1 Episode 7

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What if you could create your own secret language that computers would understand?

Imagine designing games, websites, or even controlling robots just by writing a few lines of code! In this episode of AI for Kids, we explore the magical world of coding, the backbone of all things tech. We break down the basics, showing how coding is not just for adults but a fun and creative tool for kids too. Through engaging activities and relatable examples, we explain how coding works, the special languages used, and how it intertwines with artificial intelligence to make smart decisions.

Highlights of this episode include:

  • Interactive Coding Game: Play along with a coding game that you can enjoy with your family and friends, emphasizing the importance of writing clear and correct code.
  • Creative Projects: Discover the joys of creating your own projects using platforms like Scratch and
  • Online Safety Tips: Learn how to stay safe while coding and exploring the digital world.

This episode promises to ignite your curiosity and inspire you to start planning your own coding adventures. Keep your imagination alive and join us next time as we continue our exciting journey through the ABCs of artificial intelligence!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the AI for Kids podcast, where playtime, learning and creating collide bit by bit. Ever wonder how your phone recognizes your face. How does a game learn to get harder as you get better? This is AI. This podcast is designed for kids like you and your human parents, making the complex world of AI easy to understand and, most importantly, fun. So are you ready to unlock the mysteries of artificial intelligence? Subscribe and join us on AI for Kids. Join us today as we embark on an exciting journey through the ABCs of artificial intelligence.

Speaker 1:

In this episode, we explore the letter C, which stands for coding. Ready to learn how? Coding is? Like creating your own secret language for computers? Let's get started. So what is coding?

Speaker 1:

Coding is like writing instructions for computers to follow, just like giving directions to a friend. Can you think of a simple instruction you could give a computer? Shout it out. How does coding work? Coders use special languages like Python, java and Scratch to write these special instructions. Coding tells the computer how to perform tasks, from simple ones like adding numbers, to complex ones like creating video games, but coding is all around us. Like adding numbers to complex ones, like creating video games, but coding is all around us, every app or game you use is created with coding. Websites are built using coding languages like HTML and JavaScript. Many robots and gadgets around our house, and even some of our toys, use coded instructions to work. So here are a few fun facts about coding. Kids all over the world are learning to code and creating amazing projects. Coding lets you create anything you can imagine, from games to art. What would you like to create if you knew how to code? Share your idea. But I know you're wondering how does AI and coding work together? Well, ai uses coding to make smart decisions. Coders also create algorithms remember that word that help AI learn from data. We'll learn about data next week.

Speaker 1:

So let's play a coding game. You need a friend, family member or someone else nearby, paper and crayons For this activity. You're going to write down a simple set of instructions for your friend to follow. Walk three steps forward, turn right. Pick up the toy. Turn around. Walk three more steps. You get the idea. Your friend has to follow the instructions exactly. Then we want you to switch roles and see who can create the funniest or most interesting set of instructions. But, as always, I got to tell you something and I need you to keep this in mind.

Speaker 1:

There are things called bad code. What do you need to know? Just like following a map with the wrong directions can lead you to the wrong place, bad code can make programs not work properly. It is so important to write clear and correct code so that your computer knows exactly what to do. How do you stay safe while you're coding?

Speaker 1:

You always want to use trusted resources. Stick to coding websites and tools recommended by parents or teachers. Also, ask for help If you get stuck. Ask an adult or friend or teacher for help to help you get through your coding issue. Keep learning practice and learn from your mistakes to become a better coder. The earlier you learn, the better you're gonna be.

Speaker 1:

So what do I want you to do next? I want you to think about what kind of project you like to create with coding Maybe a game, an animation or website. Share your ideas with someone nearby and start planning your project. Next, I would love for you to try it at home. Try coding with Scratch or Codeorg with your parents and see what fun projects you can create. Well, I hope you enjoyed this adventure with the letter C for coding. Keep that curiosity alive and join us next time as we continue to explore the ABCs of AI. See you soon. Bye-bye. Thank you for joining us as we explore the fascinating world of artificial intelligence. Don't keep this adventure to yourself. Download it, share it with your friends and let everyone else in on the fun. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or on YouTube. See you next time on AI for Kids.

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