Practical Manifesting for Busy Women

Cultivating a Manifesting Mindset Through Daily Habits

May 05, 2024 Kim Mazzella Season 1 Episode 5
Cultivating a Manifesting Mindset Through Daily Habits
Practical Manifesting for Busy Women
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Practical Manifesting for Busy Women
Cultivating a Manifesting Mindset Through Daily Habits
May 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 5
Kim Mazzella

In this episode, we will embark on a journey together, exploring how you, as the architect of your destiny, can manifest a life that truly resonates with you. As your spiritual counselor and intuitive guide, I will provide insights into a structured practice that aligns our thoughts, beliefs, and energy with the vibrant life we're meant to lead.

We'll also delve into the challenges of sustaining joy in a fear-driven world and debunk the myth that happiness and service are on opposite ends of the spectrum. I  will guide you through the principles of A Course in Miracles, illuminating how we can discern short-lived pleasures from enduring joy and how joy and service can beautifully coexist.

As always, all the tools offered are those that you can implement into your hectic life!  Small mindset shifts can have a huge impact. I invite you to this empowering session, where you'll learn strategies to sharpen your mental focus, choose love over fear, and step boldly into a life of joy and manifestation. 

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You can sign up for my classes here:

Seven days to a New You
The Fundamentals for Awesome Relationships
The Four Steps to Miraculous Manifesting
Manifest Your Dreams

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, we will embark on a journey together, exploring how you, as the architect of your destiny, can manifest a life that truly resonates with you. As your spiritual counselor and intuitive guide, I will provide insights into a structured practice that aligns our thoughts, beliefs, and energy with the vibrant life we're meant to lead.

We'll also delve into the challenges of sustaining joy in a fear-driven world and debunk the myth that happiness and service are on opposite ends of the spectrum. I  will guide you through the principles of A Course in Miracles, illuminating how we can discern short-lived pleasures from enduring joy and how joy and service can beautifully coexist.

As always, all the tools offered are those that you can implement into your hectic life!  Small mindset shifts can have a huge impact. I invite you to this empowering session, where you'll learn strategies to sharpen your mental focus, choose love over fear, and step boldly into a life of joy and manifestation. 

Support the Show.

Thank you for listening!
You can sign up for my classes here:

Seven days to a New You
The Fundamentals for Awesome Relationships
The Four Steps to Miraculous Manifesting
Manifest Your Dreams

Follow me on all the socials!

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome. This is Practical Manifesting for Busy Women a podcast designed for busy women who have so much on their plate but also want to live consciously as creators rather than reactors to life. Today, I want to talk about really just doing that becoming a creator rather than a reactor to life. So one of the things that I work on a lot as a spiritual counselor and as an intuitive is the idea of a practice, having a practice. So manifesting is turning thoughts into things, which sounds so easy, but if you've ever tried, you know that it's quite an ordeal, because manifesting is really about healing your entire energy field to match what you want, becoming what you want before you have it, which really is a practice of healing. And the healing is everything Healing your mindset, healing the way you think about things, healing your beliefs so that they align with power, and there's certain mindset shifts that we all have to make. It's not easy. So anybody who's ever tried to manifest anything recognizes that it's just not that simple. But there is a process and it's a practice, and what I've discovered is there's a specific practice that, if I put into place, there's a structure to this practice, and the more you put that structure into place, the easier manifesting is. So what's your manifesting practice? What are you doing? What is your daily practice? Are you just trying to think positive thoughts? Thinking positive thoughts is a great start, but it doesn't really work if you don't believe them. And is there a way for you to feel better if you don't feel good right now? That's my purpose is to help people who don't have a ton of time create a practice that they can put into place. That is, a structure that can help them heal their energy field to align with what they want. Just like your body doesn't stay healthy if you don't feed it right, you don't exercise it, and your muscles won't grow and do what they need to do if you don't exercise them, our mind needs exercise too, and this world is designed to keep us focused on fear. We live in a world of tremendous fear, and the world is not going to support you in manifesting. Actually, the world is going to support you in staying afraid. The world is designed to support you in staying afraid If you can think of this world as an obstacle course that you've come to succeed in. That's supposed to be fun, which is so hard to believe, especially when some of us are going through some really difficult things, but it can become more fun.

Speaker 1:

I remember I was talking to a friend when I was very young and I said to her well, the goal is to be happy. And she said that's not true. We're not supposed to be happy, we're supposed to be of service. And I just didn't want to buy that. I don't buy that. I don't buy that we're not meant to be happy. Because I do know the creation of things are all created in joy. Really, think about everything the great that you ever created in your life. Weren't you excited by it?

Speaker 1:

We came here to work through and figure out what excites us, what makes us happy, what makes us happy long term, not necessarily the ego mind. So the problem with understanding what makes us happy is because there's two platforms that we're always standing on. One is fear and one is love, and, according to A Course in Miracles, they both have very structured ideas, but one is insane and the other one leads you to real joy. So all happiness in the ego mentality, which is the Course in Miracles, ego, which is all happiness from the point of view of fear, is something that makes you feel better right now. So we'll do a drug Food is an example. We'll overeat and we'll use things that take us from the pain and bring us to immediate pleasure. But the problem with things that we do in fear, you know sex. It certainly feels pleasurable and it's a lot better than the tax problem that you may have going on right now. But what happens is often we distract ourselves with things that feel good right now. Anything that we do is based in fear. That we do to distract ourselves. Anything that we do that is outward focused is always going to keep us from really stepping into our joy. It just distracts us and lengthens time. So it just takes longer for us to get there because we're not really dealing with the problem. We're finding a temporary band-aid fix.

Speaker 1:

The one thing I know is that all ego cures, all cures of the ego mind, usually make us feel great in the short term and then in the long term, we're recovering from them. This is drugs. Drugs is an ego-based alternative to fear. Unfortunately, they don't really work. No, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that we shouldn't go on medication and I'm not saying that, but they don't really solve the problem. Even people on medication have to deal with their fear.

Speaker 1:

So what do you do? Instead? You put a structure in place. So what's your structure? The world is going to tell you that manifesting is a woo-woo activity that is going to waste your time and you should just work harder, is going to waste your time and you should just work harder. Manifesting doesn't pay the bills. But this is the truth. The way you feel is attractive. If you feel that you really have to work hard to pay the bills, you will. You'll have to work hard to pay the bills. But what manifesting does is it creates what I call a miracle. All a miracle does is speed up time. It's a shift in perspective that speeds up time. So we want to manifest, which is simply getting from where we are to where we want to be. But as long as we stay in fear, we're never going to get there. So what we need to do is to put a plan in place to help us overcome the world, because the world is always going to say you can't do it, you're not smart enough, you're not wise enough, you're not hot enough, you're not whatever enough to do whatever it is that you want to do, and it's really hard to overcome the messages of the world, and I hope that this podcast is helping you.

Speaker 1:

I always talk about when we're trying to manifest something. The first thing that you do is think about what you want and get clear on what you want and get excited about what you want. And then you do what I call the reality check. And the reality check of the world is well, you don't have enough money to do that, or you don't have enough time to do that, or you're not smart enough to do that. That's not my reality check. My reality check is you just told me what you want.

Speaker 1:

Are you in alignment with it? Are your behaviors in alignment with it? If you say you want a lot of money and you want to make money, how are you behaving with money? Are you disciplined in your thinking about money? Are you disciplined in your expectation of money or are you afraid and reacting from fear? What do you believe about money?

Speaker 1:

If you were trying to manifest money, do you believe that money is hard to get or do you believe it's easy? How do you feel about people who have a lot of money? Do you think they're selfish SOBs? And then, what's your dialogue? How do you talk about people who have money? How do you talk about money? Are you constantly talking about its lack? Are you constantly talking about the amount you have?

Speaker 1:

So, what you believe, what you talk about, how you behave, these are all important reality checks because the goal of manifesting is aligning with it. So if we don't believe we can have it, we're not going to get it. If we are constantly talking about its lack, we're not going to get it. If we are constantly complaining about where we are, we're not poised to get it. So the goal is putting a structure in place that reminds you throughout the day to be a conscious creator. And it's not easy. I know that because I work with people in my 12-week program and in my program we practice about 40 different tools, because not all tools work for everybody. But I promise you none of them work if you don't use them, and nobody uses a tool when they need it if they don't practice it when they don't. Besides just a structure, you need the tools in that structure.

Speaker 1:

So what do you do to manifest? Are you just trying to think positive thoughts or do you have a structure on what you do first thing in the morning? I always say first thing in the morning is the most important time when you're trying to manifest, and right before you go to bed, and mealtimes. Mealtimes are great too, because they're times you stop. You stop doing whatever you're doing. These are all good times to remind yourself.

Speaker 1:

I want to be a conscious creator of my life. I want to be a conscious creator of joy. Are you a conscious creator of joy or are you complaining? You know? Another reality check is how do you talk about other people? Are you constantly lifting other people up? Do you feel separate from them? That's what the ego believes. The ego mind believes that we're separate from each other or do you feel connected to them? Because that's the truth? Whatever you give away to another person is actually what you get to keep, according to A Course in Miracles, because in A Course in Miracles it says we only get to keep what we give away. So, give joy all day long and you get to keep it. Give peace all day long and you get to keep it. Whatever you're not giving, you're not receiving. So think about what your structure is. What things do you do throughout the day to remind yourself I'm a conscious creator creating my life and I want a life filled with joy. I'm a conscious creator, creating my life, and I want to feel good. And those are the questions that you ask yourself.

Speaker 1:

What tools do you use? There's so many out there and available to you. A great tool is just to set up your day with little reminders. Use sticky notes. I use them all the time. I constantly use sticky notes and put them throughout my house to remind myself what I want to think about. Use time Every time you go into the bathroom, remind yourself I'm a conscious creator.

Speaker 1:

What do I want to create? Remind yourself that you are a spirit having a physical experience and that spirit is meant to be joyful, and that spirit is meant to be joyful and that spirit can create. I know that we get really busy and it gets really easy to forget. I know that the world is constantly coming at us with challenges. The world is. That's the truth. So, if you can remember, my thoughts about this thing are the reason I'm unhappy and my thoughts are so creative. I can think, in a certain way, that I start to feel better, and when I start to feel better, I'll be inspired to take action. That is much more in alignment with what I want to create than what I don't want to create. So check your reality out Am I aligned with what I want to create? And make sure that you have a structure in place to remind yourself throughout the day that you're a conscious creator. And I know you're busy, but if you want to work with me, you could always reach out to me.

Speaker 1:

I have several programs. They're all called Empowering you. I have shorter programs and longer programs. You can work one-on-one with me. They're all designed to get you to use these tools and put the best structure in place, because not everybody uses all the tools. You've got to figure out what tools work for you and which ones don't, and so my program is designed to help you practice all the tools so that you leave with the structure in place, so that you are constantly creating what you want throughout your day, constantly remembering I'm a conscious creator and I know you've got family and so much going on and you've got work and you've got so many responsibilities. But the most important thing that you could do today is to remember you are a creator of your experience and your creation starts with thought, and the more you can think and behave in alignment with what you wanna create, the more you're on your way to manifesting the life that you love. So that's my two cents. Remember, life is super short, so please be kind, have fun and love everything. Thanks for listening.