Practical Manifesting for Busy Women

How to Unlock Your Power to Manifest a Life You Love

May 20, 2024 Kim Mazzella Season 1 Episode 7
How to Unlock Your Power to Manifest a Life You Love
Practical Manifesting for Busy Women
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Practical Manifesting for Busy Women
How to Unlock Your Power to Manifest a Life You Love
May 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7
Kim Mazzella

Are you struggling to stay afloat in the whirlwind of everyday life? As someone who has experienced the juggling act of career, family, and self-care, I understand the challenges too well. Join me as I share my transformation journey and invite you to explore the profound impact of meditation. In this podcast, we'll delve into how meditation serves as more than just a source of calm; it's the powerhouse where we shape the trajectory of our lives. Together, we'll redefine our thought patterns and cultivate joy, essential elements in manifesting the reality we aspire to.

Do you ever feel like your dreams are being overlooked by the universe? You're not alone in this feeling. In this open conversation, I'll provide the tools and strategies to amplify your voice. By incorporating meditation and nurturing belief in your internal power, we'll master the art of attraction, ensuring that your dreams don't just knock, but confidently stride in. Let's savor the fleeting moments with compassion and love, and remember, I'm just a Zoom call away to support you on your journey toward success and fulfillment.

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Seven days to a New You
The Fundamentals for Awesome Relationships
The Four Steps to Miraculous Manifesting
Manifest Your Dreams

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Are you struggling to stay afloat in the whirlwind of everyday life? As someone who has experienced the juggling act of career, family, and self-care, I understand the challenges too well. Join me as I share my transformation journey and invite you to explore the profound impact of meditation. In this podcast, we'll delve into how meditation serves as more than just a source of calm; it's the powerhouse where we shape the trajectory of our lives. Together, we'll redefine our thought patterns and cultivate joy, essential elements in manifesting the reality we aspire to.

Do you ever feel like your dreams are being overlooked by the universe? You're not alone in this feeling. In this open conversation, I'll provide the tools and strategies to amplify your voice. By incorporating meditation and nurturing belief in your internal power, we'll master the art of attraction, ensuring that your dreams don't just knock, but confidently stride in. Let's savor the fleeting moments with compassion and love, and remember, I'm just a Zoom call away to support you on your journey toward success and fulfillment.

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Thank you for listening!
You can sign up for my classes here:

Seven days to a New You
The Fundamentals for Awesome Relationships
The Four Steps to Miraculous Manifesting
Manifest Your Dreams

Follow me on all the socials!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Practical Manifesting for Busy Women. This is a podcast dedicated to those women who feel sandwiched in their lives between the responsibilities of family and their careers and all the different things that we do, and sometimes feel like we've created this house of cards that could come down at any moment. Yet we still want to be conscious creators rather than reactors to experience. I've been working with women for over 20 years now, and one of the things that I have found in the 20 years that I've been working is that there has never been not once, not once in all the women that I've worked with over time have I ever met anybody that really, truly, when first introduced, enjoyed meditating. Some women were more open to trying it, some women balked right away. So just a week ago I was talking to a client and she said to me oh yeah, no, I like all the tools that you give me, but the meditation. That doesn't work for me. And I'm going to be really honest about my own journey in my own life. I would say for the last eight years of my life, maybe nine for the last nine years of my life, I've been pretty on the ball when it comes to meditating, because for the 15 years before that I had been really trying to make meditation a daily practice and I resisted it. But I knew I wanted to do it for a long time and then I tried and I would be consistent for a few days and then I would be inconsistent, then I'd fall off the wagon, get back into consistency until it really dawned on me that I just felt like I liked who I was better when I meditated more often. I've also found that meditation makes everything better. So I get it. I get that if you're listening to this and you've come here for the tools because you want to manifest your life and be a conscious creator and this woman's going to talk about meditation, why do I have to do that? I'm going to tell you why this is going to be my hard sell on meditation and why I think it's so important. If you want to really be a conscious creator, you need to go within.

Speaker 1:

Manifesting is really all about being able to control your thoughts, not in the way of thinking, oh, what am I thinking right now? No one's walking around going. What am I thinking right now? What am I thinking right now? But what we do notice, what is easy to notice, is when we feel less than content, when we feel unhappy. If you understand the mechanism of manifesting, all it is is keeping your energy, keeping your thoughts focused on those things that bring you joy. The way you energy, keeping your thoughts focused on those things that bring you joy, the way you know if your thoughts are focused on those things that bring you joy is if you feel good in the moment. So really manifesting is a way of keeping yourself working on feeling good in the moment, of focusing on what you love and just making more of that. So of course, we think of manifesting as bringing big things into our lives and of course we're all working on that bringing the big things, bringing the little things. No one attempts to manifest because they just want to feel good right now.

Speaker 1:

But the truth of the matter is, what manifesting is is a way of controlling your emotional experience, which sounds so boring. Let's be honest. It's not really going to ignite your second chakra to think to yourself oh, I want to control my emotional experience. What really does is say I'd like to be that best-selling author or, oh, I'd like to take that yacht trip. Those things all sound juicy and delicious. Saying I want to control my emotional experience just sounds like really. Why would I put any effort into that? However, it is through the controlling of your emotional experience that you become a conscious creator.

Speaker 1:

Part of controlling your emotional experience is the ability to focus, and many of us struggle with that. I still struggle with focus in all these years. Focus is not easy for many of us, so, really, meditation is the best way for you to start practicing the art of focusing. How can you focus on what you want if you can't focus on anything? And really, what meditating is is it's focusing on one thing. Right, because we can't focus on nothing. It would be great if we could focus on nothing, but we can't. We cannot focus on nothing. We can focus, though, on one thing, and what meditation does? It shows you how easily distractible you really are, which makes sense if you find yourself not able to attract what you want, and it gives you an opportunity to learn how to focus. That's the first thing. It teaches you how to focus. It is the best tool in your toolbox for focusing, and really manifesting is all about focusing on what you want. But how can you focus on what you want if you can't control your thoughts in any way, shape or form. And I know, before I started meditating, it took me 15 years, really, really to become a better meditator, and I'm not going to lie, there's still times I sit down and find a thousand different ways to distract myself before I start doing it.

Speaker 1:

But even more important than just being able to control focus, even more important than that is the idea of what we're doing when we're manifesting is we're creating new patterns. Right, we have patterns of thought and we're creating different patterns of thought. Our patterns of thought have gotten us what we have right now. So if you want something different, you start with you and your thinking. And how are you going to create different patterns of thought if you can't even pay attention to the patterns of thought that you currently have? But even more important than that, what meditating does is it creates space for what you want to come in, and so let me explain what that means. We are so action oriented, and that is what we would call a yang energy Yang energy if you ever studied that, it's fiery, it's hot, it's action-oriented. We do stuff in the world. But just as important actually in the art of attracting is creating space for what you're attracting, which is a yin energy. Yin is cold and receptive and open. So if you think about creating space for something, how can you bring something new into your energy field if you haven't created the space for it?

Speaker 1:

What meditation does is it creates space for inspiration. How can you be inspired if your thoughts are going 100 miles a minute? You're not creating space for inspiration, but the truth is it's not always when you're meditating that you get inspired. It is almost like imagine trying to get water into a hose and you haven't opened the spigot right, you haven't turned it on so that the water can come through the hose. It's a way of creating an opening so that the ideas can flow through. Without creating the opening, you're working off of your ego mind In order to manifest.

Speaker 1:

Manifest goes to the super conscious. It goes to source, or whatever you want to call it super conscious energy. That super conscious energy is not accessible when you're busy. It's just not unless you're so busy that you just get out of your own head. But really, if we want to bring in a higher thinking, we've kind of got to get out of the way. And what meditation does is it gives you an opportunity to get out of the way so you can bring in higher thoughts, so you can bring in thoughts and inspiration from a higher source, so that you're not just operating on action.

Speaker 1:

One of the things, of course, that miracles teach is there is no difference between having and being, and so if you want to attract something, you have to become it first. You have to make the space for it, you have to sit in that energy of it, and so meditating is a way of becoming it first. I know you're busy, I know you're busy and I know you feel like, but I'm doing nothing, I'm wasting my time, I have laundry to fold and bills to pay and you want me to go sit and do nothing. And you think that's going to help attract. Yes, because what it does is it creates space to speed things up and create miracles, to bring in higher energy. So you're not just working off your own thoughts, you're working off highest thoughts.

Speaker 1:

And finally, what meditation does is it raises your vibration. What the heck does that mean? So, if you think about right now, you have an energy broadcast. Your energy is set to a certain dial and that dial is attracting whatever you're getting right. So if you want to understand what you're getting, understand that you are the source that's attracting it. What meditation does is it just naturally moves you into a more calm place. It naturally moves you into a higher vibration, also known as a more calm place, as a peaceful place, and in peace we attract better stuff than we attract in anxiety. So a meditation is a way to move into calm so that you can attract what you want. So I understand that meditation feels like a big waste of time. I feel like that every once in a while. It makes a difference in your life.

Speaker 1:

My favorite thought about meditation comes straight from Dr Wayne Dyer and he said you can always find the time. A great time to meditate is when you get to a red light. Just close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing, and the car behind you will let you know when you're done meditating. They'll think you were on your phone. He didn't say that because he said that many years ago, but it doesn't matter. Let them be angry. If you have no time, you'll always come to red lights. It's a good time to take a breath.

Speaker 1:

If you struggle with meditating, dr Joe Dispenza's Breathwork isa great way to start, because what it does is it brings your body into calm to meditate first. You could look it up right on YouTube Dr Joe Dispenza's Breathwork. Breathwork is a way of telling your body to calm down so that you can meditate, or you could just talk to your body. One of the things I do with my clients is I'll say talk to your body first and ask it is there anything you need so that I can get through these next few minutes? The other thing to know about meditation is it's like a muscle, just like when you start working out. You might be able to ride the exercise bike for five minutes before you get up to 30, start with one minute. Sometimes I just make my clients breathe and focus on their breathing for one minute and then tell yourself every three days you're gonna add 20 seconds to get yourself up to 10 minutes. Sure, it would be great if we could meditate an hour a day, but I understand that's not necessarily realistic. So I would say your goal should be 10 to 15 minutes of meditation a day. I will not lie, I do a little longer than that, but it's my job.

Speaker 1:

In my programs Empowering you, I give tons of tools on different ways to meditate and I also give different guided meditation. You can go on YouTube right now and find a billion guided meditations, but I do think there is an important thing about just listening to your breathing, or listening to white noise. Every once in a while, allow yourself just to do that. It's just the most quiet way that you can make space for inspiration. Just allow yourself to focus on your breathing for a few minutes a day and it creates so much space for inspiration and it really will help your manifesting efforts. So if you're interested in learning how to become a conscious creator and if you'd like to work with me my name is Kim Mazzella and I have so many programs. I have programs at all different price points, but you could also work with me directly in my program called Empowering you, the advanced program, and it's a 12-week program where I teach you almost 40 different tools.

Speaker 1:

We see which tools are the right tools for you. You will get very clear about what you want. You'll get a path to creating what you want. We will clean out your energy field to get in alignment with your power, which is what empowerment is. By the end, you're going to become a magnet for your dreams. We can meet through Zoom. I work with people all over the world. But regardless, remember life is super short, so please be kind, have fun and love everything you can meditate. I have faith in you. Have a great week.

Practical Manifesting for Busy Women
Empowerment Through Tools and Alignment