Practical Manifesting for Busy Women

Unlock Your Inner Power

June 17, 2024 Kim Mazzella Season 1 Episode 9
Unlock Your Inner Power
Practical Manifesting for Busy Women
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Practical Manifesting for Busy Women
Unlock Your Inner Power
Jun 17, 2024 Season 1 Episode 9
Kim Mazzella

Join Kim Mazzella as she delves into the transformative journey of unlocking our inner power and manifesting our dreams. Discover how to take charge of your experiences, rewrite your reality, and tap into your inherent ability to create change. Drawing from the profound wisdom of her mentor, David Michael, Kim will unravel the four essential life rules that guide you in reprogramming your mindsets to access your innate power. 

Kim will outline the seven pathways to personal empowerment and offer practical suggestions you can implement immediately to connect to this power. Take advantage of this uplifting conversation designed to help you manifest your desired life. Tune in and unlock the incredible power within you!

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Join Kim Mazzella as she delves into the transformative journey of unlocking our inner power and manifesting our dreams. Discover how to take charge of your experiences, rewrite your reality, and tap into your inherent ability to create change. Drawing from the profound wisdom of her mentor, David Michael, Kim will unravel the four essential life rules that guide you in reprogramming your mindsets to access your innate power. 

Kim will outline the seven pathways to personal empowerment and offer practical suggestions you can implement immediately to connect to this power. Take advantage of this uplifting conversation designed to help you manifest your desired life. Tune in and unlock the incredible power within you!

Support the Show.

Thank you for listening!
You can sign up for my classes here:

Seven days to a New You
The Fundamentals for Awesome Relationships
The Four Steps to Miraculous Manifesting
Manifest Your Dreams

Follow me on all the socials!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Practical Manifesting for Busy Women. This is a podcast designed for women who have so much on their plate but they want to eat it all before it gets cold. Women who want to be creators of their experiences rather than reactors to life's experiences. So recently I was talking to a friend of mine, someone on a similar spiritual journey, and we were talking about the power of women and how we're really coming into ourselves and stepping into our power, and she was talking about how, for thousands of years, women have been oppressed. I said that may be true, but I'm going to say something that you may not like, something that may make you uncomfortable and something that may piss you off, because the rules of power are always the same, whether or not we want to believe them. The laws don't change. If universal law is true, it's always true, and so if we are oppressed, it's because, on some level, we have allowed ourselves to be, both collectively and individually. Also because we've had thousands of years of mindset training, of being oppressed. Reprogramming those beliefs has taken some time and it will continue to. And, of course, she didn't agree with me. This was a true thing, that happened. We were oppressed and I said but the rules don't change just because we don't like the outcome of them. I'm not saying that if I was living in the 1800s, all of a sudden I'd be this strong, powerful woman. There's collective belief as well as individual belief. In order to change our experience, we have to do it on a very individual level, and then the individual level will change the collective level. And if you don't agree with me, you can always explain why. But I do believe that we have so much power in our lives that we have not tapped into, and today I want to talk about it a little bit. Today I want to explain what our power is, how to tap into it and why we haven't tapped into it through belief. But the thing is, you cannot manifest something if you don't believe in it. And if you don't believe in your power, you're never going to be powerful. So the entire point of manifesting is to understand that the power is already in you. It's already there. You're not taking power, you're just expressing the power that's already there. You're not taking power, you're just expressing the power that's already there.

Speaker 1:

When I was a young woman, I had a wonderful teacher. His name was David Michael and he taught me the four rules of life. These rules of life really are the rules of power, and he said to me that until you understand who you are and until you understand the rules, you'll have to work very hard in life to be happy. When you understand the rules, you'll still be working hard, but you'll have a much greater shot at creating a life that is fulfilling and on purpose. And so rule number one he taught me was that I am the architect of my experience. This means that everything in my life on some level whether or not I want it there I've attracted it. It also means that everything in my life, because I've attracted it, I can change it. So it's a very powerful rule.

Speaker 1:

Rule number one it says you're so powerful, you created this, and if you're going through something that's really awful, you're so powerful you can recreate it. And rule number two says I don't believe that, and none of us do, because it seems impossible, it seems implausible and it also sounds a lot like blame and shame. And also there's things in life that none of us want. We all have experiences that are negative. You're going to tell me those negative experiences I've asked for and of course we didn't ask for them. See, the rules go from living from the body to living from spirit. We did come here to climb the mountains On some level, on some spiritual level. We know that when we climb the mountains there is a satisfaction in it. We know that when we go through difficult things and come to the other side and solve problems, it feels good On some level. We want what's in our lives and even if you can't believe that, to understand that all of the difficulties that you go through shape who you are and really make it clear what you want. You did not come here for a clean and pristine life. You came here for a big, messy life, the good and the bad. You came here for it all.

Speaker 1:

Rule number three teaches you how to make it better, and it is anything I want. I must give away why this changes the perception of who you are. Why the rules give you a different perception of who you are, is that there is no difference between having and being Anything in the world that you've ever experienced on an energetic level, on a spiritual level, on a vibrational level. You are a match to it. This is why abusers are attracted by people who think they're abusable and don't believe in their power. This is why victors are attracted by people who believe they're victims. This is why oppressors are attracted by people who believe they're oppressible. And these are dirty little truths that none of us want to believe. But if you want to step into your power, it's time to start believing these things. So rule number three is nobody believes that because it feels like you'll have less.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing that David was teaching me that we are not physical beings having a physical experience. We're spiritual beings having a physical experience, and when we understand that all of our power is in spirit and that when we connect to our spirit, that is when we can express our power. In order to grasp these rules, you have to understand you're not who you think you are. You are spirit. You're light having a physical experience. You're a powerful creator and you create your experience with your thoughts. You have access to the power that can move mountains.

Speaker 1:

Because how you came here? You came here as a spark. You came here with this spark that you were supposed to turn into light, and it is in light that you attract everything. It is when you stand in light, and you can call that light love, because that's what it is, or you can call it God, if that works for you, or you can call it power, and when you shine brightly, all the things that you want naturally come to you when you're shining brightly. So it's like a light bulb.

Speaker 1:

You're like a light bulb and if you've ever seen a light bulb, if you've ever purchased a light bulb from the store, if you come home with a light bulb this I found out, and I am certainly not a light bulb scientist. I know nothing about the science of light. What I do know is that in every light bulb that you ever purchase already has within it a negative and positive charge. They come that way. It's an amazing miracle. You have the negative in your life. I promise you you already have it, you don't have to go searching for it.

Speaker 1:

Your job with the negative is to bring the positive to it. Every single thing that you're going through that's a challenge has a solution, has several solutions. Every thought that you're going through has a positive way to see it, a more powerful way to see it. So your job is to bring the positive to the negative. But light bulbs come that way. They already come with the positive in them and they're not shining, they're not lit we're. They light up when they connect to a power source.

Speaker 1:

That's what you need to do. You need to bring the positive to the negative. But that's not enough. You have to connect to your power source. And what is your power source? What's your power source? It is already in you.

Speaker 1:

The light is the spark that you were born. It is the spirit within you. And your spirit is the part of you that has your highest information. It has your highest truth. It knows what's best for you. It knows your best path forward. You connect to the spirit through your energy body, this energy that's already in you. That's how you're going to connect to it.

Speaker 1:

You're a physical body, you're an energy body and you're a spirit body. Your spirit houses all your truths. Your energy body is how you access them. This is where you decide. This is also where you get blocked. You get blocked emotionally. This is where we're connected to our spirit. It is through this connection that we have access to the power of our spirit, and that power is the power that moves mountains.

Speaker 1:

But we do live in a physical body. What gets in the way of our physical body connecting to our spirit body through our energy body is fear. Fear is the block that gets in the way, and all our beliefs of fear are like blocks in the way of our light. We already have this light within us that's dying to shine. How we shine is by removing fear, and that is called becoming empowered.

Speaker 1:

So what are the themes? What is this light teaching us? Now? This light has several messages and it comes in different forms. It's very organized and I'm not going to get into it on this podcast today, but I teach it in all of my Empowering you classes. How it's organized? You can see it in so many different ways, but the best way to see it is through the messages of light, and those messages are I'm safe, I'm secure and nurtured.

Speaker 1:

This is what our spirit knows you can create. It might not look the same for everybody, but it is possible for you. I am creative, worthy and love my body. This is something that you could create. No matter what your body looks like, no matter what you're going through, your spirit has the power to create for this, for you. I'm confident in control, capable and courageous. That energy is in you already. I'm loving and lovable and deserving. I'm authentic and heard, and I can receive and discern truth. These are truths that you can create. They may not be in your physical body, they may be blocked in your energy body, but your spirit has all of the information to create this. I'm wise, intuitive and can see the truth. I have connection to an intuition that can guide me to every best solution, and I'm connected to the wisdom that moves mountains, the power that moves mountains, and I am joyful. These messages of spirit, of your spirit, are in you now and they are simply the light within you that is blocked by fear.

Speaker 1:

We can manifest specific things. We can make our light so much better, but manifesting is healing. What your healing is the blocks that you have placed in the way of your power. That power is within you already. You don't have to do anything or go anywhere. You have to change the way you believe. What we're taught in this world is work really hard, and then you'll get thin, you'll get beautiful, you'll get money, you'll get all the things that you want, but you won't have an attachment to the feeling of those things, because it is in the healing of the blocks to your energy body that life feels fun. So if you want to learn how to do that, there's a million different ways.

Speaker 1:

But you can also take my Empowering you programs. I have so many. I have seven days to a new you. I have four steps to miraculous manifesting. I have the 28 days fundamental class, which is all about repairing a relationship, and I also have my advanced programs.

Speaker 1:

Empowering you is about connecting to the light within you. It's so much easier that way. If you believe you're worthy, the universe says yes to that. If you believe you're safe, the universe says yes to that. And yes, we have tons and tons of years of collectively not believing in our power. It is a process of reprogramming on the individual and the collective, but it starts with you. It starts today.

Speaker 1:

Practice believing in yourself and share it, because the rules say if you want anything, give it away. So today, the best way you could start is think about the thing that you want the most and give it away to someone else. Now there's a caveat. A Course in Miracles says do not do anything that would create more fear in you. So if giving money away would make you more fearful, don't give your money away, but give good thoughts away.

Speaker 1:

If you're struggling financially, imagine everybody that you know. Send them the energy of money. See them abundant and rich. See them wise. The easiest way for you to start today to empower yourself is to think of all the people that you love and ask the universe to send them what you want. Ask the universe to give them what you're looking for. All of these programs are designed for you to as quickly and easily connect to your power, which you're meant to do, and I'll put links to the description on how you can get them. If you have not subscribed to this podcast, please do. I'd really appreciate it. It would make my day. So. Remember life is short, so please be kind, have fun and love everything. Thank you for listening and have a great day.

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