Beauty Justice with Whitney Di Bona

Safer Beauty & Peptide Choices: Trusting Providers with Kristen Hanenian & Spencer Sheehan

BBNL MEDIA Season 1 Episode 8

In this highlights episode of the Beauty Justice Podcast, Attorney and Advocate for Safer Beauty, Whitney Ray Di Bona, is joined by special guests Kristen Hanenian and Spencer Sheehan to discuss the importance of informed decision-making in the beauty industry. Together, they explore how to choose the right peptide provider, the risks of using unverified sources, and why trust is key to avoiding potential health dangers.

The episode also uncovers whether terms like "green" and "natural" in makeup products truly indicate safety or are just marketing buzzwords meant to mislead consumers.

Whether you’re in Houston or beyond, this episode equips you with valuable insights to navigate the beauty and cosmetic surgery industries wisely.

Click here for more information: Be safe. Be beautiful. Be informed. (

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