Bestie Buzz

Episode 8

June 07, 2024 KassoAsh Season 1 Episode 8

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Can celebrities truly reinvent themselves, or is it all just an illusion? On this episode of Bestie Buzz, we peel back the layers on some of the most jaw-dropping and contentious stories circulating in Hollywood today. We begin with the staggering abuse allegations against Shia LaBeouf, dissecting the impact on his career and public image. From there, we touch on a wild conspiracy theory suggesting that celebrities returning from breaks with blonde hair might indicate replacements or hidden messages. Plus, we delve into the murky waters of Justin Timberlake's latest music video, which is stirring the pot with its overt satanic imagery.

Is hero worship in sports and entertainment justified, or are we just being manipulated? We tackle this thorny issue by examining athletes like Travis Coulson and Tim Tebow, scrutinizing how their personal initiatives and religious affiliations shape public perception. Our discussion broadens to consider the moral and ethical dimensions of professional sports, questioning how money and fame can distort the authenticity of the game. Moreover, we shine a light on the darker corners of celebrity lives, debating whether their philanthropic actions can genuinely offset their past misdeeds or if they're merely a smokescreen.

What’s really behind bizarre animal behaviors and mysterious whale beachings? We explore the possibilities, from solar activity to scientific experiments at CERN possibly opening portals. Our conversation also veers into the eerie world of influential figures and their dubious connections, like Epstein, Bush, and Obama, unearthing a troubling pattern among the elite. We even touch on the bewildering aspects of modern technology, discussing how algorithms seem to know us better than we know ourselves. To wrap it all up, we reflect on the political landscape and the role of money in corrupting true justice, questioning whether happiness can genuinely be bought.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Episode 8 of Bestie Buzz. I'm Ashley and I'm Cassandra, and we are just going to dive into this today because we have got some topics, oh my gosh. So let's just start out with something a little light, some celebrity gossam, something light, something light like Satan. Satan Very light, no, but so and I know you and I had wanted to talk about this already, but the Shia LaBeouf crap like that is, I had no idea about this stuff.

Speaker 2:

I mean I knew bits and pieces. I knew about his break. I knew about like the psychotic break. I knew he was losing his fucking mind, but I did not know that this motherfucker was abusing people. Yeah, I didn't know. Like I always heard that he was a victim to everything that was happening. I've never heard the whole.

Speaker 1:

He was doing it, yeah, and like that's why he took a break basically. Yes, and stuff like, and they threatened to kill that which I don't. Remember what the woman that is, but the. I don't, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

So it makes it creepier now with the whole music videos, though, with little girl, yeah, or dance thing or whatever. So yeah, that did.

Speaker 1:

uh, that does bother me. Yeah, that one. I really liked that video. Um, that does bother me a little bit more now. I really liked that video, yeah that. But now I've heard a new conspiracy with that and that is that all these actors or actresses or singers all of them you notice when they come back from these mental breaks or whatever they are, that suddenly they're blonde.

Speaker 2:

Yes, okay, who was it? It was, kanye was blonde at one point. Britney spears came back blonder yeah, what she was like.

Speaker 1:

She had gone dark and then went back to blonde well, and freaked the fuck out and shaved it off yeah, and then came back as blonde.

Speaker 2:

That's what was crazy.

Speaker 1:

And then, um well, and she came back with a completely different fucking face a completely different yeah, I don't even believe not even her dental records are the same.

Speaker 2:

That's what people are saying and that one lady from tiktok that did a professional face reading yeah, like this is shit that legitimately you cannot change without like a lot of like extensive surgery even surgery, that surgery can't even change. These are things you're born with and just genetically. That's where, yeah, I don't think she's the same person either.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but yeah, I thought that, I thought that was an interesting one. I was like, oh, and then when you start thinking about all the ones that do end up, coming out that they're crazy or some shit it's like. And then they come back, blonde, and it's like hmm, so is that the replacement then? At that point, yeah, or is it just symbolism? For you know, like something, I don't know. Did you see Justin Timberlake's new video?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What does Noodles have? What, what, what? Yeah, justin Timberlake, I guess it was like two months ago, but his new song, it's like all kinds of Satananism and different things in his video. So everybody's like, well, cancel him. But I've stopped listening to him so well, I've really stopped listening to music in general, or mainstream, I guess.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like I don't really, I don't know. Then again, my, my weakness and my all-time favorite is still, like some does, rap. I love rap I love jo Cool. I love Tech N9ne, I love all of them, but like I don't know like they talk about consciousness and their stuff, though, Like known by energy and knowing that their circles got small, I don't know, Tech N9ne kind of does.

Speaker 1:

I feel like it's just one of those things, though, where it's like some of them do stay true and stuff. But there's just one of those things, though, where it's like some of them do stay true and stuff, but there's just too many who want more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they want more.

Speaker 1:

They want more money. They want more fame and the only way they're going to get that is to sell their souls apparently.

Speaker 2:

And that was sad with the whole Sam Smith thing too, because they get such talented people he had such outgunned voice and I guess can't was it? Was it you that sent me that video, or did I send it to you?

Speaker 1:

yeah, it was like the one with like how he was in the very beginning, and then I didn't even realize that that was his song, the body shop one and then, when I saw the video too, I was like oh, never again. Oh, my god, I like that song. For a minute it's like yeah, I think like if you don't listen, if you don't watch music videos, when you decide you like a song, you should probably go watch the music video before you decide if you like that song.

Speaker 2:

And nowadays especially too yeah. And look into people Like, well, and that's what was so crazy too is like how that video was talking, how they're so innocent and it's like pop things, and then they've been turned and there's so many artists that you can look at Katy Perry, Doja Cat, like all of them, Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift, Well, and which is so funny, because we all, at a certain point, we're like no, if any of them, that one yeah, right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And it's like you and I never liked her. It's like that was just like from the beginning.

Speaker 1:

Like no, don't care for that girl. Like that was just like from the beginning. Like, nope, don't care for that girl, right.

Speaker 2:

And then now I saw that her and Travis might break up, because, you know, oh, because she's so worried that the fame is going to go to his head, because he's going to be in a show, as if it hasn't already.

Speaker 1:

I was like pretty sure it already did when he came. Like okay, let's just break. Like okay, the minute he started dating.

Speaker 2:

You like okay, like, let's just uh right. Like okay, the minute he started dating, you like that already influenced and like put the spotlight on him and everything else. Yeah, why are?

Speaker 1:

we worried about that. Now, well, and it's like, but it's like I hate it because I want to be like okay, everybody like let's not talk about Travis Coulson. If we want to talk about a football player that's doing some shit in the world, we let's not talk about Travis Coulson. If we want to talk about a football player that's doing some shit in the world, we need to talk about Tim Tebow, because that man he does all kinds of stuff with child trafficking and like working, like to help break up those rings and different things. And I was like see if you're going to get out of that stuff and go to like help something like that Cool, like good for you, yeah, but I always hate.

Speaker 1:

I could never stand him when he was, and I don't know why.

Speaker 2:

It was just too he was too, uh, organized religion. Yeah, weird shit. Like if he would have just laid off of that angle, like yeah, this is my brother not my king kind of thing, like I, it would have like grasped more, but because they made it so and that was on purpose, though, and I feel like that to turn, off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because it was so organized religion like weirdness well, and I also feel like that was like right around the time that football to me just became a joke in general yes, when it was starting to become that, it was like about the people themselves, not just that but like, uh, what is it called when you can already like?

Speaker 2:

it's no longer just a game of like. Who is actually like better at the game? It's a game of no. We already paid this and we know how it's going yeah yeah, to where you could tell that sports aren't just sports because of their athleticism. It's because of the money that goes into it yeah, yeah, but then that goes all the way back to. We're peasants and give them entertainment like that to be distracted, make them happy, yeah give them a sense of their shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, and then it comes down to it all being a distraction type thing and it's like, yeah, because there's no fucking way that one athlete that that's your whole fucking job, yeah is to get paid that much too like.

Speaker 2:

And then there's teachers that bust their ass and work with actual real people. Minimum wage pretty much yeah, and help teach our kids to read. What like? What is a professional dribbling a ball that has a magnet in it? Anyways to a freaking ring teaching your fucking child. Like at that point like why is that so much more fucking credible and more money involved than like somebody that legitimately helped your motherfucking?

Speaker 1:

child to read and you know what's interesting. I don't know why this just triggered that because you talked about basketball. Did you know that when Kobe Bryant died, that he was just in the midst of suing Big Pharma? Yeah, I didn't know that and I was like what?

Speaker 2:

And a bunch of other things too. But it's like yeah, so you can get to a level of money and elitism until the elites don't like what you're doing or the fact that you can turn it around or how you can't help people and to do all that and then boom, you're out. But there's a lot about Kobe Bryant.

Speaker 1:

That is also not good in the shadows too, so it's like, but I didn't even know about that. I had heard that one yesterday and I was like, oh, I don't know, that's interesting. I don't know that that's interesting, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

But then how much of that is then them being like, oh, we got to look kind of good, because then you look at, what is that one brand that Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher were making that were supposed to be all natural and there's no chemicals or whatever. But then you find out all the shady shit that they were involved in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can't remember what the name of it was. Is it just a?

Speaker 2:

form of penitence to still hide that you're being shitty.

Speaker 1:

That's what I've heard a lot of people saying is like even all these people that are coming out now and like trying to like open your eyes and stuff, it's just because they're trying to repent, basically, for all the crap they've done and it's like nope, too late. Well it never is, though it's never too late to repent, but if you literally sold your soul, to Satan, then, yeah, it's probably a little too late to repent.

Speaker 2:

And that's my whole thing too Like, because that's, I want to believe in the good of what's her name. She was on Frozen. She's the voice of Anna.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you told me this the one time, and I want to believe in her and her husband too, because it's like they supposedly have rented out all these apartments and turned it into low-cost apartments for all these other people. But then you hear all the shitty shit that they have done and that they're involved in, but yet you hear about all the good things and the brands that they've made and all that, and it's like, at what?

Speaker 1:

point. Is it just you?

Speaker 2:

still being shitty and pretending you're doing good things for good people and you still shouldn't be on the fucking pedestal that you're on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's. The biggest thing is it seems like that's all I find anymore.

Speaker 2:

It's like oh I love this person and then, all of a sudden, I find out 10 shitty things about them and it's like, ah, dang it yeah, or just the fact that all of them know and have said that they have sold their souls in some way or done something that has sold, and they just blatantly admit it too, it's not.

Speaker 1:

And then everybody's like, oh, they're just kidding, it's just a joke.

Speaker 2:

That's like when somebody looks you in your eyes and they say I don't fucking like you, Like you're shitty. Oh just kidding. It's like, no, we're gonna go with that first thing and the second. Thing is null and void because of the first thing you said.

Speaker 1:

Like, are you?

Speaker 2:

freaking insane. Yeah, and speaking about sold and getting into celebrity gossip. The whole thing about yes, and northwest.

Speaker 1:

That shit is well, and I saw a lot of people even saying that, like with with northwest specifically, that they knew she was going to be the downfall of that fucking family type thing I didn't.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know anything about her other than her name is northwest, which is kind of a strange name, and I was like, but they're conya's her dad, so what do you expect, like you know. But but yeah, I saw that about the that she was selling. Well, I don't know if you can actually say that Kim was selling her, but it was. She pushed her into doing that type thing and was like, well, this is how you get famous. And then all that shit came out with how Kim got fucking famous and Diddy parties and different things, and it's like, oh, and then, with Kris Jenner being connected to fucking Diddy and shit, I'm like, oh my God, but then how?

Speaker 2:

does. How does Caitlyn Jenner fit into all of this too? Like, oh my God, maybe he knew about all of it too and just couldn't handle it and was just like, maybe if I become a woman, this will offset all of this like yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well then, when you think about it though, so was that just a distraction?

Speaker 2:

then yes, and then same, with the little sisters coming out with their own drama and doing their whole thing. But then how does the travis scott thing set into? This there's too many damn connections, but that whole family is literally the icon and the main for why all this fucking started in the first place like literally.

Speaker 1:

That was nuts to me. When I saw that I was like oh god damn like if she's speaking out about it, though that's what's different, like usually you don't hear about shit until years later, so it's like for her to already be coming out with this stuff.

Speaker 2:

I'd say she's sick. What, how, how much is that a part of pentance? Because you know you fucked up so bad, and now you're just in camp.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or somebody already told you they were gonna come out with it so you decided to come out with it first or something, but I I think that could always be it right now, because everything is coming to light like the veil is being lifted constantly so hard, yeah, so it's like I could see people just being like ah fuck, I better just own up now, like okay, I got famous because I was a prostitute like well then, technically, what candace owen says is that she still is like.

Speaker 2:

That's the whole point.

Speaker 1:

Like yeah, she's a problem. Like yeah, you literally have sold yourself for money, like you're a prostitute at that point.

Speaker 2:

Well and still doing things if you were involved so deep. But then, when people got caught, all of a sudden you're cutting ties.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, like interesting.

Speaker 2:

And then Did they ever find that little?

Speaker 1:

girl that he adopted, so supposedly I don't know. I tried to find out if they have and all I have found is that the family, the Baldwin family, made a announcement that that is not her type thing, but it's like. But how would you know if she had gone, since she was a little kid and this is supposed to be like the age progression type thing and she looks like this girl dna? Well, that's what I was wondering. But they never tell you that. So it's like.

Speaker 2:

That's where it's like tell us the whole story and it never gets to that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's like it's not like we have the right to know too. Yeah, get a maternity test, yeah, like. And then somebody was even like well, how much did they get paid to say it wasn't her?

Speaker 2:

then you know or?

Speaker 1:

whatever. And I'm like, well, if they sold the kid, you know, even if parents did, even whether it was them or not, like how much? Yeah, I would assume that that would be a no disclosure type thing where you'd have to say, nope, not her, we know, but yeah, so it does make me wonder with all that. But I was trying to see if she had been found or something, and then I did see that she has a tiktok and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's under like ava 88 or something, I don't know, but I was like yeah I hadn't gotten that far into it, though. I just started that at like 4 am this morning and it's like, okay, I gotta do this later too tired, cannot possibly posting things on facebook at 4 am. People are gonna think you're on drugs again.

Speaker 1:

Oh my no, but um, but yeah, that kim kardashian. What that one was. Nuts to me. I was like, oh my god, like you. But I'm sure they're gonna just try to say that she's lying for attention, or they'll try to cover it up pretty quick.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure, but that was the other thing too. Was with that? What was it? The? Well, I guess it does kind of tie into that. So the guy that just got shot and killed in Seattle was so, his name was Bruce Covill-Minelli and and he was like a huge, uh, navy captain and stuff. Oh okay, yes, and um, he worked very closely with bush and obama and all those people and he's like famous in the military type thing not like famous, but you know, because I had never heard of him obviously, but he was like they're like righthand man for fucking military stuff and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that video goes into all of how he was like a decorated Well.

Speaker 1:

And then it was the mother had sold her kids to him, like not for good, but like she dropped her kids off to that hotel An 11-year-old and a fucking 7-year-old To him to have some fun. And then the police ended up showing up and but then I was kind of wondering with that video, like so was it that the parent just pretended to do that and called the police, or were the kids already there with him? You know, I was like that was the only thing. I wasn't sure up from it, but it was in. The Seattle police showed up or whatever, and he ended up pulling a gun and they shot him. So he's dead, you know, but it was just like man. Then, when you find out all the ties he has did with epstein and then bush and obama and different things, and it's like dude and you are still in denial that all these people are fucking sick yeah, well, in the level of military that he was in and

Speaker 1:

yeah, his career in general yeah, it's just like holy shit. Like, yeah, that's why I was like famous military I don't know what the word would be for that, but highly respected, definitely like oh yes, and very well known then yeah that community is not very big either.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I saw a few people in the comments that were like I tried googling this and I can't find anything. And then then, when it was like, when you looked it up with his specific name, then you can find all the stories and stuff, but I was like, but even with that, that mother and I was like. So then at the same time, like, yeah, chris and court, and uh, kim and different, it's like, yeah, see, that's how easy it is for all these people to do like they don't even give a fuck. It's just, oh, like I can make some money from this or whatever. Like literally selling your child.

Speaker 2:

Like how can you do? That goes into what jamie kennedy was talking about and how I didn't realize how awake he is type thing. I was like yeah, oh, yeah, I hadn't heard like anything from him in forever oh my god, I was like oh, I think the last time our last movie I even watched him in was uh, malibu the gangster one yeah. Is it Malibu's most wanted?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Malibu's most wanted, I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 2:

Is it?

Speaker 1:

I think so. Oh my God, that shit was so funny.

Speaker 2:

But even then he wasn't like it was funny to be funny but it had realism to be funny too, Like he was legitimately pointing out certain things about that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

To make it funny Wigga, wigga, what Like, stay up. Oh yeah, I didn't know he had a podcast out of that video. Is how I found that out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was going to say that, well, and I feel like that's where I was, kind of like I felt like I hadn't heard anything about him in forever. And then I was like, but I feel like that's how it always is when they stop doing movies and stuff, because then you don't see them in the public or they hit that level of.

Speaker 2:

Here's your choices you want the golden juice, or yeah, or you're not a part of this. Are you done? Yeah, and then that's when they do get real jobs or start a podcast, or they start doing things, but they're not in the limelight anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, straight up. But yeah, that one I thought was really interesting and I can't even remember what all he was talking. He went through a lot and, yeah, he did just that like five minute thing but it's all basically back to satanism yeah and all that yeah and I yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think that's what was nuts to me about the um justin timberlake one too, and stuff, because it's like I had not with all of this coming out and you're really gonna still do this like I lost respect for him when he uncovered, uh, janet jackson's breast and she took the fall for it and he sat there like a prissy little bitch and was just like, oh, I didn't know that was gonna happen, but, sir, it was your fucking actions that caused it. And then she had her whole career ruined because of it. She had to make an apology to fucking everybody, and even outside of the united states yeah, and it wasn't like.

Speaker 2:

She's the one that fucking did it like that. Uh-uh, no, fuck you. Justin timberlake like no, 1000 percent, like yeah, and then his whole manipulative bullshit with britney spears and everything like sure, I'm sure britney wasn't innocent and some of that shit, but just the I don't know. He's just one of those men that you can tell he doesn't like women, he doesn't yeah he doesn't respect us.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't like us, I always thought it would come out that he was gay like honestly, I'm sure he is yeah well, I'm starting to feel that way with any of these guys.

Speaker 2:

That you just see that constantly that they can't stay with a woman in different things. I'm like dude.

Speaker 1:

It's gotta be, then, that you're just. They don't actually like women but I don't know.

Speaker 2:

And then his marriage to uh jessica beale, yeah because they're shocked me too.

Speaker 1:

I know, yeah, I was like I don't know that we're married.

Speaker 2:

Like I thought you kind of respected yourself. Bitch like what are you doing?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I was kind of surprised by that.

Speaker 2:

I was like huh that's interesting, like, and then I just, yeah, I don't really like her that much anymore because of that, because there's no way I could stand behind a man that literally was the downfall of two fucking mainstream women yeah, and one of them completely, it was not her fucking fault, like that, uh-uh. No, get out of here with that stupid shit. Like cannot will not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't like that. Yeah, that one was crazy.

Speaker 2:

Oh, speaking, though, of women in general, shit like cannot, will, not, yeah, don't like that. Yeah, that one was crazy. Oh, speaking, though, of women in general and standing up, have you heard about what is happening or what's supposed to happen on the 23rd is it the 23rd of june, maybe? Wearing red and standing with our fellow women? Oh no, oh, okay, well on.

Speaker 1:

The Q site has that date on there, but not for that.

Speaker 2:

That's interesting. What does Q have for that?

Speaker 1:

It says specifically and they might have changed it now to the 24th, it might be 6-24, but it was saying Hold on, where's my brave fallout? 2024, dawn of the first day. Oh no, 6, 9, 24 dawn of the first day 6, 9, 24 the start, but then the thing down there says 6, 90, 24, which I was kind of like hmm, huh. So I don't know what these numbers mean, but are those coordinates instead of? I don't know that. One time they put coordinates all I found was that was that fucking stuffed tiger somewhere in asia china.

Speaker 2:

How do we get to that? Uh, I'm gonna find it hold on hold on um it's already been canceled history. Here we go. History history. You know, the problem with this is you watch so many fucking videos but it's like was it tiktok, was it uh facebook? Was it instagram? What the actual news?

Speaker 1:

I know. That's why it's like I have to go back through and kind of like go back into all of them and like, okay, I feel like this one show things okay, so it's on tiktok and it is.

Speaker 2:

I just want the date please help boost this algorithm to the.

Speaker 1:

We can spread awareness and clear up this.

Speaker 2:

June 24th okay wearing red, so that 666 2 plus 4 is 6, and then 2 plus 4 is 6 okay, I wasn't going there with it, but basically it's for women's rights and go figure, this would be happening in the middle of Pride Month, like fuck yeah, it needs to, because, I'm sorry, pride Month. I have never stood behind that shit. I don't think it's right, I don't think it's fair.

Speaker 1:

I've never even understood how they take over these whole fucking eras of time, it's like a whole month.

Speaker 2:

You need a whole month to celebrate that you're gay and Target is throwing a fit about this, because they're trying to say that women can't use red because red is a corporation color. You don't fucking own a color. You don't own a color, just like the gays don't own the rainbow Like fucking quit yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's why I hate when people are like, oh, I hate the rainbow.

Speaker 2:

So basically this movement is we wear red, we don't buy anything, we don't do it as women. Wearing red is showing that you are supporting your fellow women and that you are standing up for anybody that has bled because of the freaking patriarchy, basically Anybody that has been wronged, anybody that hasn't been given their rights, anybody suppressed by the patriarchy.

Speaker 2:

like not not joking, like yeah, and go fucking figure that it would happen in pride month, like hell yeah, because I am so tired of this trans fucking movement where we are not safe, our children are not safe, we are not protected, we are not safe, our children are not safe, we are not protected, we are not given even our simple fucking rights. And hell yeah, I am wearing red on the 24th of June, like I'm so fucking over this and it needs to be in Pride Month because that does not trump what real women were already doing and being, and all of it.

Speaker 1:

Well, that was just like how the trans thing fell on easter this year and everybody was like that's, all you were saying was stuff about it yeah, trans day and it's like so it's not easter, like no. What happened?

Speaker 2:

to easter. Even the easter bunny was like what the yeah, he was like fuck this shit no, I'm sorry, and, if it comes down to, if I had real consequences in my life by having a stance that it was not appropriate for my minor children and I don't agree with it in the sense that they shouldn't have been exposed, and it caused real consequences by the law, and I went to jail for this fucking house too because of it.

Speaker 2:

No fucking way. Then my stance is fuck, no, it is not okay, it's not appropriate, and I don't want my fucking children, or anybody else's children, involved with it. Yeah, like, a five-year-old can choose their gender, but a fucking 20 year old cannot drink. There is something fucking wrong with that.

Speaker 1:

I did love that video, though. Oh, you're right, we should change the drinking age to five.

Speaker 2:

Like seriously, like what the fuck are you all on?

Speaker 1:

What are you all on?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's nuts, I'm over it, I'm fucking over it and I do not support it at all.

Speaker 1:

The one that I've been watching a lot lately is that Charlie Kirk. Yeah, I like him a lot.

Speaker 1:

It's like, well, he reminds me of like Ben Shapiro or somebody type thing, you know, but it's like uh, his stuff with that is like, the only reason this is all a thing is because people are lying to you. Then Like, and I love the one where he's talking to that one and he's like Nope, everybody tells me I'm a woman and blah, blah, blah. And he's like well, I look at you and I see a man. So if your friends are telling you that, then they're lying your feelings or whatever they're enabling your, your psychosis.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're enabling it, and that's the shit that it's like. No, I'm tired of that. Reality is reality. You were born on this fucking plane of existence and either a male body or a female body, and the rare one percent, and it's not even one percent, it's point zero, zero, zero zero, zero, zero, one that were born with both because your genetics got weird inside the womb, you still got to pick, you still were.

Speaker 2:

And even if your child, if your parents picked and you don't feel it's right, regardless, your body is still that one way. Yeah, like, get over it, love yourself as you are. If you want to play dress up, that's great, play dress up, but no, at the end of the day, you are still the only thing that you were brought into this world as. Yeah, and stop fucking going into spirituality and oh well, my past life was this and oh, I was a girl here. Great, once again, you are presently here.

Speaker 1:

You are presently what you are and you are loved, you are wanted, you exactly the way you are, yeah, just just stop, well, and you can't tell me that half the time it's not just for fucking attention, oh God, you know. And it's like, but then they are. But then it's like every, even when you in movies and shows and stuff, it's like, well, why can't you just accept? And it's like it's not a matter of accepting, it's a matter of like, why do you have to make everybody else's life fucking hard because of whatever you decided?

Speaker 2:

your fucking truth is like fuck off, then, and go find a new thing and people that have really found their truth don't need this weird uh label. They don't need the labels, yeah, they don't need the glorification for it they don't even need to be acknowledged.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like that's what's so crazy up in the label, it's so caught up in the and it's like the power. Yeah, and that's all it is. You can feel like you're a woman or a man all you want, it doesn't make you one get over.

Speaker 2:

It like a power struggle that's all this fucking is and people, and what gets me too, is that the motherfuckers that argue with me or try to put me in my place are mothers. Yeah, mothers, or real women like are you?

Speaker 1:

fucking insane. Did you just see that? Uh, miss maryland, uh-uh. So miss maryland, who won usa or whatever pageant trans? Oh jesus, I was like the fact that we're allowing this to happen as women. Yes, it's very sad and that's where it's just like I'm so over it and I never thought I'd agree with Ted Cruz.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so get this. He called out a judge for following her political views instead of the safety of her inmates, by allowing a trans woman to enter her prison because she wanted to make sure that she was following.

Speaker 2:

Uh, that that person felt good and felt right, instead of realizing about anybody else yeah, or their rights or their safety or any fucking thing else, and he called her out on it and it was like yes, yeah, I don't like you at all, but thank god, like, because that's true too. Breaking it down to did you follow safety or did you follow, uh, your political view? Did you follow the, the people and all the society bullshit, or did you actually follow the law and you fucking didn't?

Speaker 1:

yeah, well, hey. And then, speaking of psychosis and psychotic, psychotic things.

Speaker 2:

Body odor yes oh my god, yes, okay, and I'm not gonna lie. It's just uh, there there's too much of, uh, actual science behind that too, because it's been known since the 1960s, yeah, like literally been known.

Speaker 1:

It's just yeah, well, and I was gonna say because, like I know the stuff she was showing and that was old, yeah, old, uh, documents and different things. But I was kind of like see, that's the first time hearing of that, like why no?

Speaker 2:

but I've known this but I've never been able to associate it because there has to be underlying things or symptoms that you would have if you had schizophrenia or something really wrong mentally, just like narcissism. Narcissism is the deadness in the eyes, like they can fake smile and they can fake, be happy and whatever, but you never lose that deadness in your eyes. And serial killers, what is that? They have the dead spot in their brain, right behind their eyes.

Speaker 1:

And then it's actually been proven that almost anybody who was or is well, I can't say is because they can't talk to them unless they find them Right, but the ones who were, it's like they all end up having a problem with going blind, or losing their eyesight different things.

Speaker 1:

And I was like that is nuts, but that blind or losing their eyesight, different things. And I was like that is nuts, like, but that's where I was so disappointed with like dahmer. Uh, because when he had died in prison they wanted to take his brain out and like, yeah, research it to, like look at it and stuff, and his dad wouldn't give him permission. And I was like, see, I think anybody who does that's a serial killer. We should, we should be looking at that, especially after they're dead.

Speaker 1:

It's not like they wanted to kill him to do it, you know. But yeah, I was like that would be interesting to see if they would start doing more research on that, because I guarantee there is ways to tell. Yeah, and I heard that there is, because there's that one gene that you have. Like that, any person that has been a serial killer has a specific gene in their body and I can't remember what it's like gene, some gene, something, but I can't remember what it was called but, but, but.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Genes are turned on, if you allow yeah, or you can change your genetic makeup too with your you can influence your genetic expression just by foods and herbs, and all that too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, yeah, because then I saw the other one where it was like that he had said that he always craved Big Macs and that's where a lot of people were like, nope, never eating McDonald's. And I was like you know, what's funny is that is the one thing that once in a while, that's like if I get a craving for McDonald's, that's what it is, is a Big Mac. Specifically, I have not.

Speaker 2:

I don't, I literally I don't know what it is the mushroom coffee or the Unimosity, or Unimate with the Unicity brand or the Balance that I've been doing now but even before then. I just started that like two weeks and three days ago. But the mushroom coffee, I've been on for years now. But the mushroom coffee, I've been on for years now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I do not like. I think the last time I ate McDonald's legitimately was over two years ago. I don't eat McDonald's anymore I don't get a craving, but that's interesting.

Speaker 1:

Well, and then I've learned, though, that it's like. It's not that I'm craving a Big Mac, it's just that I want a burger with fucking Thousand Island on it. Oh yeah, you know it's just that I want a burger with fucking thousand island. Oh yeah, you know it's like that specifically type. But when I do get a craving, that's what it is is and I'm like interesting, because that's what hit them are always not saying I don't need fast food.

Speaker 2:

Yeah fast food I just literally not, not ever since. Um, I want to say it was ever since that last sickness. I want to say, the last time I got that COVID it was like COVID-ish and it was weird, yeah, and it was worse than the actual COVID that I had like, and it was right after I had a McDonald's meal and I was like uh that shit lowers your immune system, so fucking bad, and I do think that's fast food in general.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, when I go like, if I like a week or two without eating any fast food at all, it's like, yeah, I will be like sprit and spry and ready to go, type thing. But as soon as I eat that, then it's like, nope, I just want to sit around, I don't want to do anything. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I have not and I don't even my kids too, like I'm sure, but I have not with them gone through a McDonald's drive-thru shit in a long time. Yeah, a long long time. That's really good to say. But, Culver's, on the other hand, new, I like.

Speaker 1:

Curbubs, right Damn their cheese curds.

Speaker 2:

They're so good.

Speaker 1:

Wisconsin squeaky cheese. I can't remember if I like theirs or not. I usually don't like any cheese curds if they use cheddar cheese instead of no, this is.

Speaker 2:

Wisconsin squeaky cheese. It's not the same Like it has yellow in it, but it's not the same as cheddar yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure I tried those and I didn't care for them.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I like it though.

Speaker 1:

No, a lot of people do. I was that good because I think it was my cousin's mozzarella.

Speaker 2:

I love our mozzarella damn it you know, what they got rid of. That I really missed too this is so random potato cakes like oh damn it, I love potato cakes like I went to go get them and they're like we don't make those and how dare? And McDonald's hash browns are not the same either. Oh they're terrible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was like they're just oil. They taste like oil. That's what I was going to say is anytime I've had those, it's like it's all I taste.

Speaker 1:

You take a bite of it and it's like you feel it like squelch into your mouth and it's so hot and it's only because it's feeling like the only way I can even eat it is like a covered drenched in ketchup type thing, and then it's like, yeah, then it's probably not very good then it's just the ketchup really, but the crunch ketchup with the crunch potato cakes actually tasted like potatoes yeah, they were fried in oil, but they were so freaking good and sometimes it was just like, fuck yeah, potato cake in a shake or something you know right, and they don't have them anymore.

Speaker 1:

Huh, they have crinkly nasty fries I like their, I like I'd rather go to culver's their crinkle fries are good too, my biggest thing though is anywhere that doesn't use 17 fucking ingredients for their french fries you know it's like why what would you need to be putting into that, like potato, potato, that's all you need oil, salt. Yeah, that is three ingredients tops.

Speaker 2:

Speaking about salt, oh no, no, I don't know if it works. It's so weird. So I found a video about deodorant and how you really don't need it. All you need is iodized salt rubbed on your pit until it becomes dry and that's it. I'm like kind of I feel like I did that this morning just to try it.

Speaker 1:

For the record, though, she had to smell herself first and then decide she doesn't know if she wants to talk about that or not.

Speaker 2:

You know what Fuck you Still. No, I do kind of feel like it is working, but I feel like I already have like a natural like musk, if you will to begin with and I don't know if it's the detoxing with the unamate tea and the balance, though everything's gonna be being sweated out and stuff oh my god, talking about sweating out.

Speaker 2:

not only that, I had this weird thing on the bottom of my tongue that like it was a bump. I have no idea if something was gonna cut it hurt so bad. And every time I was talking I never realized, like, how much my tongue like hit my teeth until it was sore.

Speaker 1:

That's how I always was whenever I would get a canker sore or something and it was like, ah, and then you can't help but to fuck with it and everybody's like don't mess with it. And it's like dude, I feel like I've got to like drain the poison out of it.

Speaker 2:

It's a bump and it's poisoned and I've got to like or yeah, like a zit, like, yeah, it's, like there's something you've got to push out of it.

Speaker 1:

I've been noticing I haven't gotten those in a long time though, which I would wonder if that could be from all the natural stuff I have gone to, because I officially am using, like all, natural deodorant, fucking hair stuff. Fucking made my own face wash, yeah. I'm like yeah, mad hippie is what I'm using for face wash, so I didn't make it. But they use all natural stuff, um, and toothpaste, yep, all of it.

Speaker 2:

It's like I've gone to everything for that, the only thing is, I was going to make my own deodorant until I found that video and I was just like what, if there is not just that, salt would be easier. But I wonder if there is something to that, like, I'm wondering if there is because the chemicals, the way that our food has changed, the way that I mean even thinking of planting, like they gave us more male-based plants, because male-based plants produce and like excrete more, but also make us have allergies, yeah, whereas female plants make fruit and they don't have the same things that give us the allergens and stuff like that. So it's, I don't know where I was going with that, but it just like how, all the connections and like if we never really smell like this to begin with and everything was all natural, how much is it just okay to not go to the extreme with the moisturizers and all the other shit and just simple salt.

Speaker 1:

Like you know what I mean. Well, I was going to say, uh, that I saw one too that was talking about just having like a salt deficiency in general. But they weren't talking about like rubbing it on you. They were just talking about but it can't be like the salt that you go buy at the store. It got to be natural, like actual salt, and that, if you make sure that you're not deficient with that, that that does take care of like body odor and different things and I was like, yeah, so how many people think they're doing anything and just buying the salt at the store when, therefore, it's not doing anything for you?

Speaker 2:

but and then I was kind of confused, because it didn't go into it though, though, but iodized specifically is what she said, and then you hear so what I hate about this age and I know I have said it before and we have talked about it is how you can be fucking right and wrong, yeah, with anything At the same time, and then you can find supporting fucking evidence for either side, for either side it's just really annoying.

Speaker 2:

So iodized salt is one of the ones that's like linked to being cancerous or you know weird shit like that, but then at the same time, it's linked to that missing element that you need. Yeah, for all the other things, I don't know. I don't freaking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it does make me wonder, though, with all of that, because and I know my parents like they do keto and everything, but they do the Himalayan salt specifically, and I'm just like I don't know I would wonder with the iodization, because doesn't that have something to do with like oxygen and like yeah Right, you know?

Speaker 2:

like I don't know. Yeah, so yeah, right, you know, like I don't know. Yeah, so I was like, so I don't know, but and then it makes my brain spin even more with the Terrence Howard stuff, because then did you finish it?

Speaker 1:

Going into yes Super good Right, super freaking good yeah.

Speaker 2:

And how is nobody understanding?

Speaker 1:

Well, that's why I was like and I keep seeing it too Everybody's like yeah, if you could actually connect any points or all he does is use big words. I'm like yeah, I'm like he connected all of it. Yeah, I did all of it.

Speaker 2:

I was like minus like the times that like joe would cut him off with like a question or something like that, but I thought he did a very good job of keeping like his train of thought and where he was and then keep going with it and how it developed and how he founded it and how it patented and how that one patent in like spiraled upwards into another one because of the connection of the patent in the beginning yeah well, and now I keep seeing all those stories that are like oh, that's been debunked, like he's.

Speaker 1:

Like he claimed that he's part of that, pat.

Speaker 2:

I looked it up, he is like yeah, he is literally, so yeah but this is just like people spreading shit about my fake duis, when you could fucking look it up yeah, and prove that it's not true yeah, exactly like come on and then, like in the age of, in the age of, uh, knowledge and technology that we were in, that we are in, it is definitely by choice that people are ignorant, yes, and by choice. Uh, well, and and no, I guess by algorithm not getting the right information too.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the comments and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yes, how you can get one version of comments and then your significant other get another based on their views and what they do on that app. Yeah, it's like so, not saying that those comments weren't in her comments, type thing, but it's not shown to her because of her stance and views and what she does on the app, Like that's uh, yeah, Cause that's like man you want to talk about an algorithm going like way further than I ever even imagined, Like I mean, I know about the algorithm, but I never imagined it could go that far.

Speaker 1:

And then I was like but why not Like of imagined it could go that far? And then I was like but why not Like, of course it could? And then not only that, but then you get into like the ads, you see the everything, and it's like so how many things are listening to us? How many things are? Oh, so many fucking things.

Speaker 2:

Dude, after we got the new podcast equipment, how many soundboard shit things were coming up on Facebook. How many fucking things were coming up on facebook.

Speaker 2:

How many fucking things were coming up on instagram. And that was just like in the same fucking less than even an hour. Yeah, that was in the same fucking 10 minutes that we were looking in. Well, what did you call it? What was the name of it? What was your google? I didn't even fucking google search that you did, and it was coming up on my shit yeah, what the fuck?

Speaker 1:

yeah, it's so weird how that so fucking weird.

Speaker 2:

Like it's not weird though like yeah, and if everything is programmed like that and then you get into it a little bit further out and how, like train of thought and certain energies are uh linking around the world and vibrations in general, like how they changed. Music hurts yeah, and everything.

Speaker 2:

The all of those patterns, all of those frequencies are to keep it going like, to keep it suppressed, to keep you suppressed like I don't know. Oh, and speaking about all of that, so if they're changing frequencies, we're having solar flares and all this stuff. Do you think that's why we're having a weird fucking bug problem now?

Speaker 1:

I was wondering because, yeah, I was even telling my mom that, like literally yesterday, and was like, did you notice that like there's bugs again, these little?

Speaker 2:

and she was like yeah, and she was like in the thousands always bugs, and I'm like, no like the past couple years, mom, I could drive all the way down to colorado, or whatever and back and not have one bug on my windshield.

Speaker 1:

I could draw like I could sit outside and smoke cigarettes. I could do whatever and not see one bug. Now it's like every time I walk out stops flying up my face and different things.

Speaker 2:

I'm just getting out of the car there was a bug on my youngest daughter's leg and she's like ah, a bug. And then all of a sudden, we're walking to the door and you looked at. I thought they were ants. They're not ants. Yeah, they're like those little, and they're. I don't even know what they are. They're a certain type of flying bug, but they're not quite fly-ish. They're not those cicadas. No, somebody was talking about it on Facebook.

Speaker 1:

this morning too, I saw a video where a lady was like now, don't even ask me to go outside and get a close-up of these, because I'm not. I'm not going to go out there and look, and it was like you could see the whole road moving.

Speaker 1:

but they were tiny, tiny, and I was like I thought cicadas are like huge. Yeah, so I'm like, so are you sure that's what they are? You know, that's where I wanted her to go out and get a close-up. Yeah, we need you to live out your fear here and go get one. If anything, catch them, send them to me, I'll feed them to my dragon. Oh, and I'm saving another animal.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, yeah, my parents found a kitty, little baby kitten, out at their house. Its eyes are all fucked up and different things, and they had seen another cat carrying it and they thought it was the mother at first. But now they're like it. They don't think it was. They think it was like something that took it from wherever it was. But I went and saw it this morning because they were finally able to get it out last night from under the porch. And yeah, it's eyes like you can tell, it can see. But it's got like so much gunk and different, like my mom even bought, like some. She went bought like eye wash for it and different things. You you know, and it still looked terrible. But I was like told the kids, I was like we're going to have to take it to the vet and then if we find out it's chipped or anything, we can't keep it. But I was like I feel like I just have that happening a lot lately. How many animals have I fucking saved in the past? Like few months, just animals everywhere.

Speaker 2:

That's how I felt. Like that's how I felt yeah, I got my dogs and then poof, I got two turtles and I was like whoa, what the hell.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like between Luna bringing me bunnies and shit, and you know I mean those have been released now oh yeah, except for the one. But still it's like yeah, I'm just going to start a fucking sanctuary an animal sanctuary in my home, I don't know. Then again like oh, and it's an orange kitty, so I'm going to name it Oliver.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yeah, all right, interesting, just in case you wanted to know.

Speaker 1:

No, but oh, and that's something. Speaking of animals, that was. Something else I want to talk about is how weird animals are acting about the sun still, Because now I'm seeing ones where it's like cows and stuff that like are not like, they will not go and just sit in the sun, they're all finding shade and stuff when it's only like 70 degrees. Now don't get me wrong, I've never had a cow, so I don't know what's normal. But the people who are posting this are like ranchers and stuff, so I'm gonna go with that. They probably know and they were like no, this is not normal. Like they're, they like to sun gray, sun gate, uh, sun graze and you know, like sit lay out there.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah I was like what's the word? Yeah, they like to bask and stuff and all of their cattle is just like hovering under this one tree in the shade.

Speaker 1:

That's creepy and I'm like so, between that and the sunflowers and all you know, it's like it's a lot, and I'm sure there's so many people out there just be like so basic fucking science and like, no, it's like it's a lot. And I'm sure there's so many people out there who would just be like so basic fucking science and blah. And I'm like no, it's not, because it's weird, it's different. Like things are changing, something's happening. The whales and shit beaching themselves and stuff Like so it's even happening in the ocean. It's not just on land, like there's weird shit going on Like, and like there's weird shit going on like and that, those one, that one like herd of way, I don't know if they're called a herd, but that one thing with all those whales, it was like the people actually did save them and got them back out and then they just went a few miles down and beached themselves down there.

Speaker 2:

It was like oh but so with that, though, they're saying that there's a huge creature in the ocean, that's, but I don't think so either because of vibration and frequency.

Speaker 1:

That's what I was going to say, the thing that I saw that made the most sense to me was the fact that they use the sounds and stuff under there and that makes people think that there's like a different vibration or a different frequency happening to where it's driving them crazy, basically type thing. But I was just kind of like huh, that that makes does make you wonder, you know.

Speaker 1:

but yeah, I'm like with how many people are like oh there must be this huge beast out there and it's like, yeah, but they would have already picked that up or released something about it, or right. But then with that one angular fish, um, that they found on the beach and it's from like the depths that it lives at, or like 20 000 feet down and stuff, or like that. That's weird, that one is just like okay yeah, so it's like where the where the fuck did it come from? Yeah, it's like where the fuck did, but where did it come?

Speaker 1:

from a lot of them yeah, but even that was weird because it was like, well, where did they're not a pot?

Speaker 2:

of animal anyways, but or a group animal anyway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it makes me wonder with that other story about them finding the other ocean, like under the ocean oh yeah, you know so it's like so what opened where?

Speaker 2:

or you know, or with all the shit that cern did and stuff, maybe they did open a portal in the ocean this isn't tying and I don't know why I want to talk about it really fast, but yeah, so maybe it's just because it's, uh, ocean related, but like okay when did australia get involved in? Uh, us political weirdness? Why is australia really encouraging us to vote for trump all?

Speaker 1:

of a sudden. Not just them, it's every country why? Because of a sudden because, uh, that's probably our only hope at this point.

Speaker 2:

Like so I heard a really good one.

Speaker 1:

But if he's a part of all the bad shit too and his family has ties to all that, it just depends on how you look at that, though, and different things, and if you're listening to the negative shit that they put out, type thing, then most likely it's not true. I get both I get both, yeah, so. But I saw one where England's doing the same thing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Basically all these ones are like yes, please, everybody like, don't, like, but it's because of the fact of the war thing I think is the new thing with Ukraine and stuff and then the fact of that when he was in presidency there was no new wars, there was no like we were helping where we needed to help and not where we needed to, not, you know, type thing.

Speaker 2:

He was still being weird about the border though and it's like, but I don't know, the border thing is real and yes, we all a real country does have borders, and I understand how you know keep illegals out, but at the same time, like we were putting a lot of effort when it should have just been rules on how to get in, Like, if other countries have a set of rules on what the requirement is to become a citizen, yeah, why wouldn't we just make that instead of, like, really gung-hoing about a physical wall?

Speaker 1:

yeah you know what I mean yeah, I think I think, uh, the one that I heard that I thought best represented it was, I think it was charlie kirk, that it that he was talking about it. But, um, he was saying how, oh, okay, yes, it was Charlie Kirk. And this kid asked him like so how do you even know? Then, like who to vote for? And he's like, well, first vote for somebody who has a chance. He's like all these people who go and vote for somebody independent or something you're not doing anything, then you are just wasting your vote because they are not going to win. He was like Robert or something you're not doing anything, then you were just wasting your vote because they are not going to win. He was like robert f kennedy is not going to win this time around this, he named off everybody else running and was like which? I hadn't even heard two of the other names you know. So it was like, yeah, they're not going to win. So if you decide I'm not voting for trump and I'm not voting for biden, well then don't go vote.

Speaker 1:

Just, you know it's like, but it's was saying like pick from those two and then really think about, while Trump was in office, we never had a new war, like inflation was at an all time low, the deportation rate was where it needed, was like much better than what it needed to be, or what it is now, especially, you know. It's like all those good things that there were that they try to just cover up and make it sound like it wasn't Trump that did that type thing and he was like so your choice, then, is do you want another? Like what can your life survive another four years of? Can it survive another four years of Biden, or can it survive four more years of what was going on when Trump was in office and I was like, yeah, I can definitely deal with mean tweets and fucking over everything else.

Speaker 1:

Racism went up a lot. He's not racist, though. Even that's all faked Like. When you watch the full interviews, it's not shit that he said. It's shit that they try to make it look like he said it. They try to make it look and it's not. It's like it's taken out of context. It's different things, like there was one where they were trying to say that he's a homophobe and there that he asked him like oh, and you're there.

Speaker 1:

I can't, I don't even remember what it was an interview for, but he asked him something about being homosexual and it was the only guy in there that was homosexual. And the guy was like yeah, you know. And he was like well, I've always said that that's what makes our country great is because, just because you like steak and I like lobster or chicken, yeah, whatever he's like that's what makes our country great is that you have that freedom to be what you want to be and everything. And I was like yeah, see, so how can you take him saying that to him being a homophobe? It's like no, he just said that he has no problem with it. You know it's like, but they won't show you that. They show you whatever he said right before that that made it sound.

Speaker 1:

It's like they always take things out of context like grabbing pussies, though I don't even know that whole one yeah, I feel like that. Rosie o'donnell, yeah, I was like I just remember, I know he did say something about grabbing her by the pussy or whatever, but but I feel like it was like those type of things that they tried to like blow it out of proportion so much like the whole hispanic community does not like him, though, and because he has legitimately said things to them like see, I don't know, because when he was in office I was still at the hospital and I had a lot of people that worked for me that had came here legally, yeah, and did it the right way, and they were all for him like completely.

Speaker 1:

It's like no, it's like they take things out of context, they make it look like he does all this bad shit and he does not like he. He's definitely the best out of the options right now.

Speaker 2:

And if those are the only fucking choices we have, then that person is right. We do have to choose from what we have.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's where it's like yes, I completely agree that we just need to undo the entire system and start over, but I feel like he's our better hope for that. He's honest with us at least. And I feel like he's our better hope for that. He's honest with us at least. And I feel like, if we're gonna get some honesty out of a president, that's what we need in this country.

Speaker 2:

We need we need them to stop trying to protect us from shit or whatever the hell it is that they're doing, leaking things like just give it to us, yeah, just tell us like if we can handle it, we can handle it, like there's already enough mental health issues in this country.

Speaker 1:

It's not gonna can't make it any worse. But but yeah, it just amazes me the things that they twist and stuff to make it sound like he's so terrible and stuff, and I was like, ah, I've always liked him anyways, you know. But but uh, oh, I did start reading the baron trump books, oh yeah yeah it's interesting.

Speaker 1:

Uh, the only thing I hate about them is how old they are. Like I don't do well with like even reading Shakespeare and stuff. It's like I can get what they're saying, but it's just so hard to follow, especially when you're listening to it, compared to like actually reading it. So I was like I feel like it'd be a better one to actually read so I can like look at the words and like realize what it's saying, type thing. But it is interesting so far. And then I never thought of the fact of that it's not Barron Trump, like the name it's that he's a baron, and I was like, ah, yes, that word. I forgot about that word not being just his kid's name. Yeesh, yeah, yeesh.

Speaker 2:

We are so well educated.

Speaker 1:

Public schools after this right product of, but yeah, I've been.

Speaker 1:

Uh, I think that's my other thing, though, with him, though, too, is I've heard a lot of people trying to say like, oh, but look who's funding his campaign. And like no, that's a fucking lie, he's funding his own campaign. It's not like nobody's funding it for him. Like and now, if he does get sponsors and different things, then okay, but that's no different than anybody else running. So it's like but they try to act like it's a problem. And it's like no, it's fucking not. It's like it's just no matter what he does, he's wrong, you know, and it's that's where I don't like it. It's like it's turned into a witch hunt, rather than what I am still waiting for a response though donald trump.

Speaker 2:

I'm still looking for my legal with a lot of court stuff and now he's a felon so just cut him some slack, but that means he has an in with attorneys.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say in general, though, I think that's exactly who you should vote for for that reason because I guarantee that's the first change you'll see is a big change with the fucking judicial system and stuff and help and I think he already said that as part of his campaign was taking out all of these judges that have been in forever and different things.

Speaker 1:

Women then, because, like you know, I I'm really, I'm really sick of non-law becoming law well, I think that's what he was talking about too, and especially with after his all, after all his shit, like he got completely fucking. Well, after my shit.

Speaker 2:

This is where I can look at my pen pal and be like this is where you need to hold them to the fire.

Speaker 2:

This is where you need to call out, and I don't give a fuck if they keep telling you about this fake wrath that they can put down on you like fuck that yeah like you're already sitting in there for however long, just deal with it like straight up, like oh, I don't know, like I never thought that I'd be able to even help somebody through what I went through, even though it's completely different, completely separate fucking things like we're talking about, like custody in a house versus drugs and conspiracy, like are you?

Speaker 1:

fucking, and even through that I can see where the fuck wyoming already fucked up even on that case yeah, oh my god, you people yeah, it's nuts, but I but I feel like when I had originally I felt like it was when I wrote that econ paper that I I think I told you that I had ended up just turning into like a pro-Trump fucking paper, but it was like all of his fucking things that he was saying for his campaign was all shit. That it's like. Yeah, how come nobody's talking about these issues? You know it's like, unless you're dealing with the courts or anything, you're just blind to it.

Speaker 1:

You don't even know, like, how corrupt it's gotten and how everything it's nuts because there was just that one with the guy who, uh, the juror that came out, that somebody tried and I didn't. I was like I have no idea who it was or what the case was, but it was like that the juror came out that he tried to pay them like 150 000 to give him a non-guilty verdict or something. And it's like when you hear things like that, it's just kind of like yeah, so how many times does that happen?

Speaker 2:

Like the fact with Hunter Biden and shit, the fact that somebody could literally get arrested three times with DUIs but then, magically, when you look it up, they only have two.

Speaker 1:

DUIs First one. They probably got that thing where it takes it off your record. Uh-uh, Because what's that called?

Speaker 2:

no, but see, the person didn't, though. They legitimately still have three arrests for dui, like literally, and then only two, but knew that they had a due time, but they didn't. They only, and they still only have two, isn't it? Yeah but then had admitted to me back in the day that their parents did pay a judge.

Speaker 1:

Oh. So sorry, but like hmm I thought you were talking about somebody famous. Now no, no, no, no, no. I was like they have that one thing where you get a DUI and I can't remember what that's called, but that doesn't apply in Wyoming. That doesn't. I got one. Oh, you did, yeah, what the fuck yeah.

Speaker 2:

What the?

Speaker 1:

fuck. What sucked, though, is. I wasn't told that it's for a felony, and my DUI was only a misdemeanor, so then they tried to not let me use that when I'd gotten in trouble, trouble you know, and it was like but it has to, but they can use. I can't remember what it's fucking called, though, but it's like. If it's like your first time in trouble with something like that.

Speaker 2:

But it wasn't though. That's the thing. Well, I do know more to that story than that. It's just irritating. Well, it just goes back to the everybody can be fucking bought and that's where it's like nope, money is fucking evil, Then that's not real law. Then that's not real law.

Speaker 1:

And that's what's sad is because I remember how long I lived my life saying money could buy my happiness and different things, and money could buy my happiness and different things. And now I'm just like nope, like I'm happy where I'm at, I'm not trying to make any more money, I'm not trying nothing, like I'm good. But yeah, I think that's all I had for today. Yeah, that's about sums it up. All right, then Ashley Cassandra Out.

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