The Digital Toolbox Podcast

#5 - Chase Grant - Grow Landscaping

April 30, 2024 Enmanuel Tejada
#5 - Chase Grant - Grow Landscaping
The Digital Toolbox Podcast
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The Digital Toolbox Podcast
#5 - Chase Grant - Grow Landscaping
Apr 30, 2024
Enmanuel Tejada

Welcome to another episode of The Digital Toolbox Podcast! 

Each episode features a guest in the home services industry, sharing their personal journey and the challenges they've overcome to get to where they are today. This is a very conversational podcast and we do not stick to a pre-written script. We keep it real!

Today our gest is Chase Grant, the owner of Grow Landscaping in Trinity, Florida. 

On this episode me and Chase discuss various topic including being as efficient as possible, scaling as fast as possible, getting success from door hanger and door knocking, and much more!

Grow Landscaping Website:

Chase Grant's Instagram:

Go Growth Club Community:

WEBPIXEL is a digital marketing agency for home service contractors. We help you turn clicks into customers so that you can stop relying only on word of mouth referrals!

Let us show you how we leverage Website Design, SEO, and Google Ads to make it rain with qualified leads! Get in touch with us today!


Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to another episode of The Digital Toolbox Podcast! 

Each episode features a guest in the home services industry, sharing their personal journey and the challenges they've overcome to get to where they are today. This is a very conversational podcast and we do not stick to a pre-written script. We keep it real!

Today our gest is Chase Grant, the owner of Grow Landscaping in Trinity, Florida. 

On this episode me and Chase discuss various topic including being as efficient as possible, scaling as fast as possible, getting success from door hanger and door knocking, and much more!

Grow Landscaping Website:

Chase Grant's Instagram:

Go Growth Club Community:

WEBPIXEL is a digital marketing agency for home service contractors. We help you turn clicks into customers so that you can stop relying only on word of mouth referrals!

Let us show you how we leverage Website Design, SEO, and Google Ads to make it rain with qualified leads! Get in touch with us today!


Enmanuel Tejada (00:04.72)
started pull this up. Alright cool. Welcome everyone to another episode of the Digital Toolbox Podcast. This is a podcast where we bring on owners of businesses and the home services arena. Today we've got Chase Grant, the man, the myth, the legend. Go ahead and introduce yourself my friend.

Chase Grant (00:25.262)
What's up guys, my name is Chase Grant. I have a lawn care company here in Tampa, Florida. If you ever watched any of my videos on YouTube, you know that I teach people how to get customers in lawn care and landscaping.

Enmanuel Tejada (00:37.776)
Let's go. So, so chase, let's get into it, man. This is going to be a fucking exciting one because how old are you? 22 and you already own a business. You've done so much. Let's get into it. So who was chase grant in high school?

Chase Grant (00:44.238)

Chase Grant (00:54.926)
Chase Grant in high school, he was a troublemaker, for sure. I was not the A plus, B plus student. My GPA was, I'm pretty sure it was like a 2 .8. And it wasn't because I wasn't good at school, it was because I refused to do homework. I was too busy growing a lawn care company instead of doing homework. I even told the teachers, I said, I'm not doing the homework, I have stuff to do.

Enmanuel Tejada (00:59.44)
Uh oh.

Enmanuel Tejada (01:14.192)

Chase Grant (01:23.565)
Now it's focused on the bag.

Enmanuel Tejada (01:23.792)
I have stuff to do. So when did you start your lawn care company?

Chase Grant (01:32.236)
I was kind of doing it part time in high school, but it wasn't like big at all. I was probably doing like, that was senior year.

Enmanuel Tejada (01:36.368)
But what grade though, what grade did you start doing it?

senior year. Wow. So what the hell, what about the previous three years? What happened to their homework?

Chase Grant (01:48.653)
previous three years, I'll be honest, like freshman, sophomore year, I was, I was an honor roll student, 4 .2 GPA. Junior year, I started to realize that I kind of think I know what I want to do and that school really is not going to apply to me. And there's no point in starting to do the homework and wasting my time outside of school, on school.

Enmanuel Tejada (01:50.224)

Enmanuel Tejada (02:07.088)
And what did you think that what you wanted to do was at that time? Was it landscaping?

Chase Grant (02:13.068)
I wanted to become a real estate agent and hop into real estate. So that's primarily what after I graduated I went to real estate.

Enmanuel Tejada (02:16.784)

Enmanuel Tejada (02:21.68)
real estate school, wow. And then what made you kind of drop that and focus 100 % on landscaping or lawn care?

Chase Grant (02:29.451)
Yeah, so as, as we know, I did start in high school. So I was technically mowing just very part time, probably making like $200 a week. But I decided to go out and door knock to see if I can just get more customers, just so I can make a little bit more money in the meantime while I was in real estate school. And I closed three customers in an hour and a half door knocking. And that's what happened. I was like, Whoa. And I was like, you know what?

Enmanuel Tejada (02:53.424)

Chase Grant (02:59.307)
if I could do this every single day for the next three months, I'm gonna be a millionaire. And that's how it just started to get my brain turning in thinking about the possibilities that I could do.

Enmanuel Tejada (03:10.704)
Dude, let's fucking go. That's an awesome story. And then, man, so where are you today as far as how big is your lawn care company? How many guys do you guys have? How many trucks? What does that all look like right now?

Chase Grant (03:26.026)
So a lot of people on Instagram and YouTube don't really know how big we are, only because I record the same crew daily, but we are a little bit shy of $500 ,000 a year in revenue. That's our rolling revenue rate. So we're about, we'll probably this year do about 468 -ish, 478 in between there. And it would just be right under 500 grand a year. And that's four guys and then me in a truck.

Enmanuel Tejada (03:34.928)

Chase Grant (03:54.346)
kind of doing part -time landscaping, whatever.

Enmanuel Tejada (03:57.84)
Whenever I feel like it, I like that. But man, so you guys are only four guys. So it sounds like you kind of build a core and even though more work is coming, you don't haven't added more people to it.

Chase Grant (03:59.53)

Chase Grant (04:09.915)
No, what I try to focus on is efficiencies. So I would say this is where I think a little bit different than other people in the lawn care industry. A lot of people in lawn care, they started because they like mowing the yards. I liked business. I didn't technically like lawn care. So I always thought in efficiencies and I always thought, okay, what's the most efficient business that I can learn from? And I thought warehouses. Warehouses have to move efficient or they don't get paid.

Enmanuel Tejada (04:22.64)
Mm -hmm.

Chase Grant (04:39.017)
They would not make money unless they move efficiently. So warehouses, Amazon, I started really analyzing those businesses and seeing how they move so efficient and try to apply some of those characteristics into my business.

Enmanuel Tejada (04:52.272)
And what are some ways that warehouses do that?

Chase Grant (04:55.24)
really minimal, minimal things in the truck, having bare necessities, exactly what you need to just go finish your day, having nothing in the way, the most efficient route setups that I don't, I look, I don't care about what is the mower you like the most. I care about what's the most efficient mower to mow as fast and as clean as possible. So with everything, I analyze it in that way with efficiencies. I don't really analyze it with, I would say suggestion or.

Enmanuel Tejada (05:25.136)
The emotion. Damn bro.

Chase Grant (05:25.48)
Um, yeah, like I don't, I don't really care what mower I used. I just care about what's going to be the most efficient.

Enmanuel Tejada (05:32.656)
Yo, that's fucking dope. That's fucking dope. And do you push this kind of same dream or this mindset to your team as well?

Chase Grant (05:42.183)
Yeah, so literally I have a lot of people who are on my team who at first they were like, cause we use a mower called a walk behind mower. And in the lawn care industry, a lot of people don't like the walk behind mower cause they like stand ons and stand ons are so much more luxurious. As soon as I started to show my team the difference between stand ons and walk behinds, they all now like the walk behinds better. They understand that stand ons are going to be a waste of time and I pay all my guys salary.

So they have the same influence that I have. So when they mow faster and more efficient, technically they're making more per hour. So now they have a direct correlation to being efficient.

Enmanuel Tejada (06:25.712)
Holy shit, so it kind of incentivizes them, yeah, so the more lawns that they know, the more lawns that we get done, the more we make. Damn, that's fucking awesome right there. So how do you handle that then? What if, I mean, what does the salary look like for that if you really don't have a set number of lawns that you know they're gonna lawn, they're gonna mow?

Chase Grant (06:27.91)

Chase Grant (06:32.198)

Chase Grant (06:45.029)
So we actually do have a set amount of dollars. So what I try to do is have each maintenance route at $13 ,500 a month in revenue. And that's just maintenance revenue. Mind you, when it does go winter, that's where we get a lot of the mortgage sales. That's where our revenue starts spiking like crazy. But 13th, huh? Yeah, like November through February, we go bi -weekly in Florida. So we get paid the same amount, but we mow every other week.

Enmanuel Tejada (07:03.888)
You said in the winter? You said in the winter? Wow.

Chase Grant (07:15.013)
And with the extra time, since we have 50 % of time, instead of me running a skeleton crew and dropping 50 % of employees, I just replace it with straight mulch. And we just do a bunch of mulch and do just a bunch of upstalls.

Enmanuel Tejada (07:29.04)
Holy shit. And then what was the main point that you were making there?

Chase Grant (07:32.677)
So we do $13 ,500 a month. And what I do is I actually, instead of pricing like per cut, or I give them a price for what we're gonna do this month, I average it out with all the work we're gonna do in a year, give everyone a standard schedule. And what I do is I average out the cost, the cost that it's gonna cost the customer. So they're paying the same price year round. I make the same money year round. So technically if I'm profitable during the busiest time, during the not busy time, which would be winter,

I'm going to be reaping in cash.

Enmanuel Tejada (08:10.224)
heard of that approach before.

Chase Grant (08:12.868)
Yeah, I mean, a lot of people haven't done it. So it's just something for me. It just felt like common sense. Like I didn't even hear this. This was not an idea I got from anyone. I just thought if I can charge the same price year round and still be profitable at the most busy time the rest of the year, it's going to be extremely profitable. When it's the most busy, I'm still profitable.

Enmanuel Tejada (08:37.488)
I mean the opposite is true though, or not the opposite, but as long as you're profitable during... because you're going to be profitable no matter what during the busiest time, right? Because that's when you have the most jobs. So what's up?

Chase Grant (08:50.596)
Yeah. So why would I do that? So why would I, why, why even do all that if that time's going to make more money anyways?

Enmanuel Tejada (08:59.472)
Yeah, why why why?

Chase Grant (09:01.188)
So at the end of the day, we're all in the laundry industry. If you're charging $30 a cut, for example, you're going to make the same amount of money. What I'm trying to do is instead of making a seasonality business, make it very standard where it's the same income year round. I don't have seasonality in my business. There's no low months, high months. It's all the same month. And actually it's the complete reverse because in winter where we would usually

be a low month, it's actually double because now we have all these upstalls. So I never have a low month. I don't have downtime.

Enmanuel Tejada (09:39.888)
I like that mindset where you said, you know, you're not trying to have a seasonal business. You're trying to standardize it. Dude, I fucking love that. And it makes me even think, because up here, like in the Northeast or even in the Northwest, in the winter, landscaping companies turn to snow removal or things like that because they don't have the opportunity that you have to be able to keep doing mulch and keep doing things like that. So...

Chase Grant (09:58.948)

Enmanuel Tejada (10:07.024)
Wow, man. So I guess that's kind of a plus of living in Florida too, right? That you get to be profitable all year round as long as you look at it how you mentioned.

Chase Grant (10:15.524)
Yeah, it's, it's, it's easy. I would say it's easier for sure in Florida, but even up north, there's a lot of companies who do do it. You can just set, I think how the commercial, how they people bid commercial properties, commercial properties, people get paid year round. So if they just priced regular residential yards, the same way they do commercial, they would get paid year round the same way. Because what people do in lawn care and landscape is during the winter, like you said, they do, um, um, snow clearing, snow plowing.

But that's factored into the price. So they're already charging and that's just their standard rate. They could do the same thing for the residential houses and add snowplow as that's just part of their service. You see what I'm saying? Yeah.

Enmanuel Tejada (10:57.552)
Wow, bro, that's fucking unique. That is very, very unique, man. And the fact that you figured that out on your own is fucking impressive. Holy shit, that's awesome. And man, so you know what, Chase, let's go on to the next segment. So you, as a young man, right, you're 22 years old. How do you handle...

Chase Grant (11:06.916)
Thank you.

Enmanuel Tejada (11:21.488)
business and personal life, right? Because we're both young, so I'm glad because I don't have get to have this talk with a lot of people. Most of my guests are a little bit on the other side, but how do you handle women and dating? How do you handle a social life? If you even focus on that, how does, how do you manage all that?

Chase Grant (11:36.958)
Yeah, so that's the funny thing. A lot of people who know me in person know I have a social life. I actually do. And people online would think that's impossible because how much I'm doing. I'm producing content on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook every single day. I'm scaling the business and I still have time to do all the social stuff. I'll be completely honest. A big factor is the fact that I don't sleep a lot. Like I don't, I'm not a person who needs like 10 hours of sleep.

I would probably sleep like five, six hours a day. And I've been like that my entire life. So with that, I never give myself the excuse of I don't have time. I do have time. If I get done with the day, a lot of people would want to relax. I don't, I just keep going. I would say if I were to work all day, go club at the night, I could wake back up and start working the next day again.

Enmanuel Tejada (12:12.368)

Chase Grant (12:36.445)
Obviously I wouldn't, I would not like have no sleep, but I don't let things affect me still moving. So if I sleep six hours, I will wake up and I will keep going. I don't have, I'm not going to act groggy or anything. I just go.

Enmanuel Tejada (12:53.424)
Dude, I fucking love it. I fucking love it because I have the same mindset and it's not for me to brag or for me to do anything, but I look a bit tired right now. I wouldn't recommend it for anybody, but I actually haven't slept since yesterday when I woke up at 9 a .m. Right. So like I worked through the whole night because I had some invoices to put out because I own a digital marketing agency and I was just fucking busy and I was like, fuck it. I'll stay up. Boom. Take a shot of espresso and I'm up.

Making shit happen bro, and I love to see fucking young guys like you and myself that are out here making shit fucking happen, bro, because Fuck and I just saw Kristen Tate make a video the other day or it's a he made it a while ago, but he was saying that If he has to wake up at 6 He's already up at 559. It was something like that something like that where and his his what he was trying to say is that If he has something to do then he just won't fucking sleep. He'll just stay up and get it done, bro

Chase Grant (13:20.86)

Chase Grant (13:48.987)

Enmanuel Tejada (13:49.168)
And that's what you've been doing. So damn, like imagine that. So you boom, hard day at work, you're working on the business, you're fucking tired. You come home, boom, maybe go on a date, maybe go to the club and then sleep, you know, five, six hours, wake up, do it again. That's fucking skill right there. Let's go. And so when you do go out, what do you do? Like, are you single or you in a relationship? Do you go clubbing by yourself, friends? How do you go about that?

Chase Grant (14:04.315)
Yeah, work hard, play hard, eh?

Chase Grant (14:15.579)
No, I'm in a relationship. I have a bunch of boys though. So we do kind of, and the funny thing is this, I don't live by myself for a specific reason, could I? Yes. But what I do is I live with a bunch of other guys. Andre's right there. He has a pool cleaning business. Clark is doing insurance sales. Like all of us are cooking our own separate thing. Yes. The oldest is Andre and he's 22 as well.

Enmanuel Tejada (14:20.368)
Mm -hmm.

Enmanuel Tejada (14:25.808)

Enmanuel Tejada (14:38.192)
Holy shit, and you guys are all young.

Enmanuel Tejada (14:45.2)
What the fuck you're 22, what do you mean he's the only... Got you, got you.

Chase Grant (14:45.498)
Yeah, exactly, but he's a little bit older than me a couple months you got me back But we're all just grinding but it raises the standard so it's like in our house if you were doing say for example, I was doing eight grand a month I Couldn't it's like hard to be satisfied when you're looking at Clark over there and he's doing 18 grand a month You see what I'm saying? It's just hard to be satisfied when you're

Enmanuel Tejada (15:11.056)
You got that pressure to do it. Yes.

Chase Grant (15:14.202)
You're living with people who are cooking. It makes you have to kind of cook. So it brings up the competition.

Enmanuel Tejada (15:19.28)
Yeah, yeah. Exactly. And I would imagine it's the same thing because you are very well kept, right? You of course hit the gym. I see your content all the time. So it's like, if you see, if you see Claude going and go to the gym, you're like, yo, I gotta get it in, bro. I gotta get the workout and I'm not going to be the bitch. Like, what the fuck?

Chase Grant (15:33.466)
The weakest deadlift out of our house is 405.

Enmanuel Tejada (15:38.352)
Holy shit, bro. I fucking love that. And dude, you guys live together, which is awesome, bro. In fact, I don't I live, I live by myself, but I'm in a network. It's called the BFP network, the bill from pain that movement. And it's the same shit that we're talking about here, bro, where like we hold each other accountable for things we hold each other accountable for workouts. We make sure we're eating our diet. We're making sure we're making money. You know, we go out together. We smoke cigars. We we, you know, mastermind.

Chase Grant (15:45.528)

Chase Grant (16:00.152)
I would say for majority of people it's very you know beneficial only because majority of people let's be honest aren't really that disciplined. For me specifically I always been disciplined.

Enmanuel Tejada (16:06.96)
And I fucking love that, bro. How important would you say that is to the success that you've experienced that grow, which is your, your, your lawn care company.

Chase Grant (16:29.24)
So I would say I'm probably one of the guys in the house who raises the standard because I've always been disciplined. I always will wake up. I don't need to sleep. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is, I can wake up and I can get it done. I've kind of always been that way. So for me specifically, I could do this in this house or out of this house. It wouldn't really change the factor for me, but it does help me. It puts people in a scenario where they're also able to see that 24 seven.

Enmanuel Tejada (16:34.064)

Enmanuel Tejada (16:50.736)

Chase Grant (16:59.255)
And it kind of makes everyone as a whole.

Enmanuel Tejada (17:02.544)
Dude, absolutely, man. And I love what you mentioned there that kind of you having that mentality and that vigor, it raises the standard vote. Because you are that type of person that if you walk into a room, you'll elevate that room with you. So that's fucking awesome.

Chase Grant (17:16.791)
Yeah, I try, I try.

Enmanuel Tejada (17:20.56)
That's fucking awesome. And so you know what, Chase? I mean, you're an expert in what you do, right? You're young, you're an expert at lawn care, you own this business. What's some advice that you would give to somebody that's starting out, right? Maybe they may be in high school, they may be in their 40s, who knows? But they're just doing basic things, mowing lawns, little babies, stuff like that, but they're looking to make more money out of it and scale. What advice would you give to that person?

Chase Grant (17:44.566)
I would say the reason people aren't big is for one specific thing. They don't focus and prioritize gaining more customers. Anyone who prioritizes getting customers and marketing scales. It's like, that's just how it is. If you want to grow a business, you sell and close more business. If you want to, if you're someone who just doesn't focus on any marketing at all, and you're kind of just a guy sitting there word of mouth, that's probably the reason why you're small.

Enmanuel Tejada (18:00.464)

Chase Grant (18:14.741)
If you just prioritized marketing and focused on getting your online marketing advertisements up, getting your SEO done, getting your door hangers actually efficient, like actually split testing it and trying to constantly figure out more, more ways to get more customers. There's, you would not, there's, it's almost impossible to fail if you're constantly trying to get more customers. And I would say that's probably the reason. Like they do not focus.

on obtaining customers but they focus on trying to make their business efficient when they don't really have that much of a business to make efficient.

Enmanuel Tejada (18:51.472)
So what does that look like then? You know, because I'm sure you've caught a lot of younger, smaller companies that are doing what you're doing at a smaller scale. What do they focus on instead of getting clients? Do they try to, you know, mow the lawn perfectly or what do they do that's a time waster?

Chase Grant (19:00.725)

Chase Grant (19:08.821)
I would say a big one is that a lot of people, a lot of time is wasted just genuinely not being efficient with the physical work. But let's be honest, unless someone's physically teaching them, it's probably going to be hard to correct that. So I'm not going to like sit there and bash them for that. But one thing that I see a lot of people do is they're always focused on what they should buy next for the company, what equipment they should buy.

And it's never what marketing I should do. It's always what should I buy? What truck do I need? What lawnmower do I need? What weed whacker do I need? They're never focused on buying customers, but they're always focused on buying things for their business. For example, like if you were to start a YouTube channel, instead of actually making videos, they're focused on how to have the perfect setup.

Enmanuel Tejada (19:56.976)
Yeah, before making a fucking video.

Chase Grant (19:58.389)
Yeah, and they haven't made a video. So it's like, if you want to start a YouTube, pick up the camera and make a video. I did that with my first YouTube video and it's at like 78k. And that was literally, I picked up the camera, zero editing YouTube video. And my first video kind of went a little viral off of a channel with zero subscribers. And that's purely, I just picked up the camera and started recording. You don't need to have the perfect setup. All you need to do is actually take action and be consistent.

Enmanuel Tejada (20:28.144)
That's gold right there. That's gold right there. Anybody that's listening that, that was some serious here right there. You know, stop focusing on the small stuff and start focusing on the big thing. It's like you said, I mean, shit, I was just on another different podcast with a good friend from a mom maker window cleaning Jackson Blackburn. He mentioned that a hundred K is the marketing budget for a million dollar company. But what most people will do with that hundred K is go and buy a fucking new truck.

Chase Grant (20:56.917)

Enmanuel Tejada (20:57.168)
Right before they buy customers before they have clientele. It's crazy how you know, some people do that and they make it logical in their head, but it's just not the right decision at all. And I'm with you a thousand percent about, uh, you know, investing in marketing and investing in all these things. In fact, I was listening to a video recently, a very successful roofing company owner. He mentioned that his company is not a roofing company. He mentioned, he said,

And I quote, he said, my company is a marketing company and a recruiting company that just happens to do roofing. So that's that kind of little light bulb. I mean, like, holy shit, this guy doesn't even worry about what his company actually services. He's worried about marketing and hiring new salespeople, which is fucking insane. That's awesome.

Chase Grant (21:38.293)
Yeah, there's three sections of a business you have sales admin and operations You're gonna fall on one of the three but what you need to grow the company is sales Operations is what you need to maintain the company and admins what you need to keep it organized so if you're trying to grow it's because you're lacking in sales and

You're just, you are one of the people who just kind of do focus on operations. Like for example, I don't care about operations that much. I'm the guy who I will close a bunch of yards and I'll worry about doing them later or I'll, I'm not looking for the most efficient equipment or the most, I would say the best maintenance methods for all the equipment. I'm not focused on maintenance and equipment. I'm just going to get out there, mow the yards as quick as possible and try to get more clients.

And then...

Enmanuel Tejada (22:36.112)
And you're kind of hoping that you will, well, you know that you're going to pick up more clients than you're losing, even if you want to focus on the operation of it.

Chase Grant (22:44.437)
Yes, I would be losing clients if I didn't have an operations guy, which I do now. So I do have a guy who's in operations who literally, he is the complete opposite of me. He's not focused on, yeah, he cares about getting clients, but he's the guy who will be doing research on what's the best grease to grease the mowers. You see what I'm saying? Like I'm not the person who would be doing it. I don't care. I'll just say, oh, we need grease. I'll just go buy grease, any grease. I don't really care. I'm not really thinking about it.

Enmanuel Tejada (22:49.296)

Chase Grant (23:14.581)
Like, but he's the guy who thinks about all the nitty gritty details. I will move us fast. I just need someone to clean up the mess.

Enmanuel Tejada (23:24.08)
That's a fucking heat baby, let's go. Let's fucking go. And that's what a CEO was supposed to do, right? I mean, it sounds good. You know, when I think I used to be very, very inspired by Napoleon and how he would fight alongside his soldiers. But in business, it's like, if the CEO came out and started mowing lawns, I mean, it would be cool, but it wouldn't be the best use of his time. It would not be the best use of his time.

Chase Grant (23:27.797)

Chase Grant (23:48.885)

Enmanuel Tejada (23:52.848)
So that's some fucking gold right there. And Chase, let's get into this. Let me ask you this question. Let's say now that, uh, that same person now let's say that they scale their business. They have a one, they have some consistent routes and making good money. They're, they broke a hundred K and they're looking to continue scaling. But he sold too much and the operations is not able to keep up. So things are kind of flowing through leads are coming in, but they're coming right out of the back.

How does that person organize themselves to be able to manage all of the leads, especially right now, like in March Madness? Like for example, like Spring Rush, people need their lawns taken care of right now. Too many leads, how would you go about that?

Chase Grant (24:34.133)
Yeah. So again, you said he just scaled past 100k. That's before you're able to even hire someone to admin. So you're going to have to take on that role yourself. So one thing I feel like a lot of people underestimate is spending. You don't even need to spend a super, like a high amount of time. You could spend two hours a week, just twice, two days out of the week and just focus on organization.

Listing out all your leads listing out all the people you need to follow up with if you just stayed organized and spent two hours a week Just locking in with organization for admin 99 % of those problems would be solved. So I feel a lot of people when they are moving fast Especially in the beginning before they can hire everyone because you don't have enough money to hire admin operations manager sales manager You don't have time. You don't have the money for that what you need to do is like

Enmanuel Tejada (25:25.424)
Mm -hmm.

Chase Grant (25:33.077)
schedule time for certain tasks. You need to understand those three different hats. And instead of you just doing whatever, you understand that right now I'm in the sales role, right now I'm in the operations role, and right now I need to be in the admin role. And you need to have scheduled time. You're like, okay, I need to do my admin work in these two hours of the week. And two hours a week is a lot that a lot of people don't understand how much of a difference that makes.

of just organizing leaves and organizing all the quotes that you have to do. You can organize everything in a lawn care company probably a little bit past quarter, a little bit past half a million dollars with just two hours a week. It doesn't take that much time. And that's what I do now. I do it. So I'm not even saying this just hypothetically. I physically only work two hours a week in admin. That's all I'm really doing.

Enmanuel Tejada (26:14.64)
Wow. Is that more like where you're at right now?

Enmanuel Tejada (26:26.48)
two hours a week on admin.

Chase Grant (26:28.437)
Yeah, it doesn't take that much time.

Enmanuel Tejada (26:30.928)
Wow. And so what do you consider happening? Like what's fits inside of that bucket? What does those two hours look like for you?

Chase Grant (26:36.373)
So that's where I am organizing all the leads. So anyone who has called that I haven't got a quote out, make sure I have a list of everyone. That's why I'm making sure I'm collecting all my payment. That's where I'm making sure any customers I need to follow up with, I list them out. This is not following up, that's sales. But I'm listing out having it organized so I know who I need to follow up with. That's like looking through your text messages or your call logs.

and saying, okay, this guy called, maybe you screenshotted his Google address while you were on the call with him and screenshot his number, making sure you organize all that. So you like, okay, I have it very easy to see and accessible so I can see exactly what's going on. This is also where you're gonna be organizing the schedule, any new customers that came in, you're gonna be plugging them into your CRM system. And this is just when you're gonna make your, like everything when it comes to billing.

Just super organized. You're gonna make sure you have all your payments in. You're gonna have a payment tracker. You can even do this. I do it literally in my Apple Notes. I just have a list of, I mean, I have a CRM system, but I like use a Notes tab just to like check off. Okay, this person paid, this person paid, this person paid. Only so any person that I, maybe I need a card on file, I can, I put like a little card emoji and then bam, I know I need to ask them for a card on file. I just have it organized.

And yes, at first to create this, it may take you an hour, but that's the whole point. You have two hours a week, one hour you create it. And now for now on, all you have to do is maintenance it. In the beginning admin takes a while only because you have to download the CRM. You got to plug all your customers in. You got to creating the organization structure is time consuming and it feels pointless. But once you have it all in place, your company can run so much more organized that you can grow a lot faster.

Enmanuel Tejada (28:32.944)
I like what you mentioned there as well about it taking a while at first, but it's kind of an investment, right? You're putting money into like that bank account. You know that once you have some money in there, it's going to multiply. In this case is you're putting time into it. You build it once and then you keep reusing it. Oh, I like that. I like that. And how, how systemized are you guys as far as like what CRM do you guys use? What systemizations do you guys have in place with it to automate stuff?

Chase Grant (28:45.766)

Chase Grant (28:50.726)

Chase Grant (29:01.766)
Literally everything we do is systemized. When it comes to oil changes on the truck, we have it checked off with mileage. Like we know once it hits this many miles, this is when we have to do the oil change. And we have it like a hundred thousand miles booked out. We have all of our customers and a schedule called jobber and it's all the crews have it on their phone where they can go and see their route and from that route, like when they see this is the next customer, they can click it and it automatically has Google maps attached where they can map.

Right to it.

Enmanuel Tejada (29:33.392)
Right through the app so they don't even have to open up ways or Google Maps right through the app

Chase Grant (29:34.725)
Yeah. Nope. It just right through that. And just a lot of things on the backend when it does come to the payment collection, it was already on CRM. So I would just make sure your CRM has obviously card on file. That's another system that we have. We do not, I don't really, obviously when you have new customers, that's why I'm saying you have to keep it's maintenance. Cause you have to keep getting more cards on file. It's keep getting more cards on file.

keep organizing stuff, keep asking people for this, ask people for this information that you need to plug in. But these are usually new customers. But we have card on file, we charge every single person on the first of the month, and it automatically runs through at like 9, 10 p .m. at night on the first. And literally after that, it automatically sends them a message the day before we come service that we're coming in to mow their yard, so I don't have to remind anyone. When people do text me,

Through my door hangers, instead of saying like, oh, call me, I say text grow for more info. I have an immediate copy paste note that I send. So immediately as they text me, it doesn't matter what I'm doing. I have enough time. It's literally copy paste. So I can answer it. Yeah. People think it's like a messenger automated. Like it's actually just an automated message because how fast I can send it out. So it's just making sure you have everything ready to be like copy pasted, everything ready to go.

Enmanuel Tejada (30:43.504)
Wow, even that can probably be automated, right?

Enmanuel Tejada (30:53.264)
Shit, that's all.

Enmanuel Tejada (31:00.464)
Wow, that's dope. And that's your strategy. So your door hangers, although they have your phone number listed, you don't mention call me, you mentioned text me.

Chase Grant (31:07.876)
Yeah, a keyword. I say text girl for more info.

Enmanuel Tejada (31:12.656)

Chase Grant (31:13.283)
So I just get a bunch of texts that people just say, grow. And I already know what it is. It's called an easy bag. That's what it is.

Enmanuel Tejada (31:19.344)
Ha ha, you're back!

He said, dude, I love that, man. I love that. And wow, bro, this has been a fucking wonderful podcast so far. I have a couple more questions, man, because this is a fucking epic episode. I hope you guys are getting a lot of fucking value out of this, because Chase is not your regular fucking 22 -year -old. This guy's a fucking G. So when you guys buy equipment for the company, whether it's trucks, whether it's lawnmowers, weed -whackers,

Do you have to do all of that or does the operations team handle that? Like can employees that are on site go out to Home Depot, buy a weed whacker and how would that work? How does that look?

Chase Grant (32:07.073)
So we're not, I wouldn't say 500 ,000 to a lot of people sounds super big.

Enmanuel Tejada (32:14.576)
It sounds what? Mm -hmm.

Chase Grant (32:15.329)
Super big, 500 grand a year. But in reality, it's not that big of a business. I mean, we got four guys. Everything that's going on, I know what's going on. I don't have to be directly involved with them mowing, but if a weed whacker is about to break, they can just text me. And that's what I would say I do mostly. I'm doing sales, and then I'm also just support. Whenever something does go wrong, I can just swing by the store, grab it.

so the crews can stay as efficient as possible. You see what I'm saying? So instead of having them be inefficient, I mean, what else do I have to do? I just have to sell and then I'm not gonna just act like I need to be on vacation 24 seven. I'm down to have the business grow a little faster. I'll go drive to Home Depot real quick. I'm not in an ivory tower. So until we get to that point,

Enmanuel Tejada (33:00.4)

Chase Grant (33:12.672)
where the operations manager is not in a route, he's out of a route, then that would be his task. He would have a company card. And I mean, they actually, we are about to give them company cards for gas. So when we are at the gas station in the morning, instead of me being there at all, there you have the gas card, the operations manager. So I won't have to.

Enmanuel Tejada (33:31.952)
Let's fucking go. What are you guys gonna use human fleet? What are you guys gonna use human fleet cards?

Chase Grant (33:38.464)
No, we're just going to use American Express gold cards. Yeah.

Enmanuel Tejada (33:41.744)
Okay, okay, okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. Dope. That's fucking dope. And actually, do they? Actually, I because I have Amix for my business too. And you can add a user. That's the dope part. You can add an employee to it. So that's fucking dope. Shout out to Amix. Sponsor this video. Sponsor this podcast. But yeah, that's awesome. And I like the fact that you already have it planned out, right? That right now, it's more efficient for you to go.

Chase Grant (33:53.472)

Chase Grant (33:58.592)

Enmanuel Tejada (34:08.4)
and stop making sales calls for 32 minutes to an hour, then it is for your guy to have to leave the job site to go to Home Depot when he could have kept mowing other lawns in the route where he didn't need that tool. So that's fucking awesome right there. And I love the humbleness too, right? I mean, if you wanted to, you don't have to be in that route. You don't have to be so involved. In fact, you're probably living the fucking four hour work week that people talk about, right? Tim Ferri.

Chase Grant (34:22.27)

Chase Grant (34:36.127)
Yeah, pretty much. I do a lot of content now.

Enmanuel Tejada (34:39.408)
So, but that content, let me ask you this too. That's a good fucking segue to go into actually the content that you put out, right? On the chase grant. Everybody go follow chase. If you don't have it already on Instagram, the chase grant, the content that you put out there, who are you targeting? Are you targeting and consumers?

Chase Grant (34:56.03)
For like actual mowing customers? No. So I'm targeting other lawn care professionals.

Enmanuel Tejada (35:00.048)

Enmanuel Tejada (35:05.264)
Gotcha. So people that do what you do that need coaching.

Chase Grant (35:08.382)
Yeah, or hell.

Enmanuel Tejada (35:09.936)
or help. Gotcha. So what's the difference between the two in your words?

Chase Grant (35:14.782)
So I would just consider coaching more one on one.

Enmanuel Tejada (35:19.76)
Oh, but help is like you put out some free advice anyway, they can consume it and apply it. God.

Chase Grant (35:23.101)
Yeah, I have free info products. So for people who do need some free sauce, I do have free door hanger template, free door knocking scripts that I use to grow my business. So I give some stuff out for free, some actual heat. If people use that, they could literally build my exact business. So.

Enmanuel Tejada (35:42.416)
Dude, giving out the game. And how can people get access to that, Chase?

Chase Grant (35:47.485)
Literally under any video on my Instagram, if you just comment grow, it will automatically send you a DM that if you click it, then you'll open my gum run to that free info.

Enmanuel Tejada (35:58.96)
Boom, there you guys go, you guys heard it. Go to The Chase Grant on Instagram, any of the posts, comment grow, you're gonna get a DM with the blueprints that you need to scale your business from the one and only. That is very, very awesome right there that he did that. And what about your Grow Growth Club? I know that's something new that you're doing, what's that all about?

Chase Grant (36:20.252)
Yeah. So the Grow Growth Club is a private members group that's going to be basically a collection of all long care information. So we have, it's not just me. I have creator affiliates or super affiliates who are assigned as well, who are going to be bringing their members into the group. And we're just trying to create many courses and a bunch of information into that group. We're...

Instead of you having to go on YouTube and search up all these different videos and really funnel through videos, it's not all my information. Some of the information, if I'm not an expert in it, I'll have people source it on YouTube what's the best video and we'd put the most efficient video in the group. So instead of you having to look for the best video or look what's gonna apply to lawn care, we are doing the front work. So it's super organized.

Enmanuel Tejada (36:52.432)

Enmanuel Tejada (37:12.657)
So it's not just content that you put out, it's content that other people have put out as well, but that's relevant to the overall goal.

Chase Grant (37:19.002)
Yeah, that makes the most sense for a person trying to grow now. Like, because they're, let's be honest, things change constantly and you can go search up certain things and maybe someone with a smaller account has a way better video and it's so much more digestible. That's what we're finding. We're finding the best of the best information. And if there's not the, if there's not information on a topic, that's where I go deep dive and cover.

Enmanuel Tejada (37:48.432)
Yourself like you record a video yourself Wow, okay awesome and give us some more details too about that chase like how can people join the Grow Growth Club? What should they do? What should they expect?

Chase Grant (37:49.369)
Yeah. Yeah.

Chase Grant (38:01.561)
Actually, at times you can't. So we do limit access. So not everyone can join all the time. But when we do relaunch, we are relaunching phase two, actually today, which is April 12th. And we're relaunching at 8 p .m. And phase two is gonna have a lot of, that's when now all the creative courses are gonna be involved. So we have creative courses that are dropping at 8 p .m. today. And for the time being,

Enmanuel Tejada (38:17.936)

Chase Grant (38:29.881)
until we hit a thousand members, you'll be able to go to the Grow Growth Club Instagram, it will be linked in my Instagram, or linked in any other creator who's involved in it, and you'll be able to just join through that link on school. You would have to request, so it's not just anyone can get in, so there is a questionnaire you have to fill out and you have to be approved.

Enmanuel Tejada (38:53.136)
Gotcha. Okay. Awesome. So guys, by the time that this podcast comes out, it's going to be past the 12. So phase two is already going to have been released until when is it going to be open?

Chase Grant (39:03.608)
So our plan for phase two is we only think it's going to last 90 days before we put a hold on it again. As soon as we hit 1 ,000 members, we're putting a hold on it. So we planned phase one to 250 members to be 30 days. And 12 days was completely bad. We actually wore over a little bit. And then we had to shut it down because, well, the people inside are in it. But we can't let people keep coming. We've got to build the men.

Enmanuel Tejada (39:10.544)
Mm -hmm.

Chase Grant (39:33.079)
You gotta make it exclusive. So we do close it off time to time. And once we hit a thousand members, we're gonna close it off again. I guarantee you we'll probably hit a thousand members within the first 45 days.

Enmanuel Tejada (39:45.2)
Wow. So guys, if you are a lawn care company, landscaping company, and you're looking to level up, go ahead, go to the Chase Grant on Instagram in his bio. He has the account link there, which is grow growth club. And can people just search grow growth club on Instagram as well to get there? Boom guys, grow growth club on Instagram. Go follow that. Go get in that room before things close up.

Chase Grant (40:03.607)
Yep, and it'll pop up.

Enmanuel Tejada (40:13.392)
for phase two, if not, you're gonna have to wait till phase three and do we even know when that's gonna be? We don't know when that's gonna be, guys. No promises, no guarantees. Get in there while you can. Is there any pricing or anything like that involved with it?

Chase Grant (40:18.647)
Not necessarily.

Chase Grant (40:28.31)
Yeah, so phase one was free. So anyone who was in phase one who took action gets rewarded by they have free access for the rest of their life. And that's what I wanted to promote. I want to promote action takers. If we launched this and immediately you take action, we're going to let it be free for the rest of your life. Phase two, it will be $50 a month. Phase three, the price is unknown. So I guess we'll all figure it out.

Enmanuel Tejada (40:39.728)

Enmanuel Tejada (40:50.864)
$50 per month guys.

Enmanuel Tejada (40:56.272)
Yes sir, no, and that's a very fair price. Guys, most of you spend 50 fucking dollars in a week on coffee at fucking Starbucks. If you took that fucking coffee, made your coffee at home, you would have $50 to invest into yourself, into something that can make you $100 ,000, if not more, within the first three months, right? So take action. Like Chase just mentioned, he's...

Chase Grant (41:16.245)
And I like to tell people one thing, I say this, if you don't believe it will be worth it, go say grow under one of my posts, get the free info product, and if you can't close a customer with any of the free methods I give, so be it. But if you close a customer, I just paid for it.

Enmanuel Tejada (41:35.44)
Boom, he just paid for it and he gave you the free advice for free, completely for free. So there's no excuses. If you're an action taker and you're listening to this podcast and you're like, fuck, I have to get in, then get in. If you're just a bitch and you're just going to roll around and let life fuck you in the ass, so be it. The choice is yours. Man, that was a lot of fucking soft right there. Chase, do you have any last words for the for the listeners that are listening and maybe somebody that needs some advice, somebody that's down? What would you say to them?

Chase Grant (42:04.915)
What I would say is this, I like to say this to a lot of people, I feel as if 99 % of the world knows what to do, they just don't do it. You know what you have to do, you know you have to call people, you know how you have to make the cold calls, you know how you have to pass out the door hangers, you know you have to knock on the doors, you know you have to send out the looms. It doesn't really matter, you know what you have to do. So instead of trying to ask for advice, do what you already know you should be doing anyways, because 99 % of people already know.

Enmanuel Tejada (42:36.208)
Heat guys action is the only way out of it There's no point in talking about doing the work. There's no point in thinking about doing the work What matters is doing the actual fucking work. So get after it chase Thank you so much for your time to remember there being on this podcast you gave us You gave a lot of value You gave a lot of fucking value and I hope the people that are listening to this or applying it and taking action right away Because those are the people that went at the end of the day

Chase Grant (42:39.845)

Chase Grant (42:52.21)
That's great.

Enmanuel Tejada (43:03.504)
Chase, where can people find you? Go ahead and say it yourself. Where can they find your Instagram, YouTube? Where can they find the course? Tell us all about that.

Chase Grant (43:10.546)
So on Instagram, I'm the Chase Grant on Instagram. So you can find the Grow Growth Club. It's in my bio. I have it linked below as in Money Glitch. And it is Money Glitch. You will make a lot of money if you join. And if you actually apply the lessons in the Grow Growth Club. On YouTube, it's just Chase Grant as well. So Chase Grant, just pretty much on Instagram. Chase Grant on YouTube. Even if you search up Chase Grant on Instagram, I'll pop up. So as long as you have my name there, it'll pop up.

Enmanuel Tejada (43:39.312)
Boom, there we go. Guys, go follow Chase everywhere and go get some more gems. Chase, thanks so much for your time out, brother. Have an amazing rest of your day and keep fucking killing it, bro. Keep setting the fucking example for these youngsters and for the rest of us that are watching you, bro. Let's go.