Pillow Fright

Event Horizon (1997) | Spaceship Slaughters!

Pillow Fright Podcast Season 1 Episode 19


...that we're starting a new theme today, Pillow Frighters! And an out-of-this-world theme it is as we step into our spaceships MTV Cribs style and talk all about spaceship horror! You read that correctly, we aren't limiting ourselves to just outer space travel, but we certainly starting with it by talking about 1997's EVENT HORIZON.   

Other talking points include our recap of Midsummer Scream in Long Beach, CA, Elissa's not-so-subtle hint drops for how much she loves Critters 4, and Ama explaining to Kay what The Shunting is. 

So grab your eyeballs and found copy of the Blood Orgy and let's get to it! 

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Pillow Fright theme by Brandon Scullion

Welcome everyone to another episode of the Pillow Fright Podcast. I'm Elissa. I'm Kay. And I'm Ama. And we are your three besties here to keep you in the loop with all things horror in a virtual setting. Yeah, we're living our post convention crud quarantine lives right now. So sorry for the virtual episode this week. It's too bad we're not doing

like host or something and it'd like, it's a theme. Don't ask a question. When we do do host, we will do it this way and I will hire ghosts to pop out. But I really want Jamiroquai to play right now just in the background. Futures made of virtual insanity. We're talking about Jamiroquai today on today's episode. So did you guys watch anything this week? You know, for being

Bedridden, you'd think that that would be a great opportunity, but no. I'm not exciting this week. This is the only one that was not bedridden. I'm the only one that watched a s--t ton of stuff. No, that's good. I wish I did. I saw the House of Dragon's finale and The Boys finale. Finally, that's about it. I snuck and saw Trap. was it your favorite movie of the year? No, no, it wasn't.

But you know what, they made a movie. Kind of sad because the reviews are really rough and I don't know. I like the trailer. That's why I'm kind of disappointed. It's not. It's barely a movie. like, I hate to say that the trailer shows the best parts and everything else is just a big old mess. That's the thing that I heard. I heard a couple of things and they both said the same thing that if you watch the trailer, you watch the movie.

Yes and no, but anything that's not in the trailer is not worth watching. You're like, OK, there there's not an end. it's ending. No, no, no. There's 45 minutes. Awesome. as long as Josh Hartnett's walking around. And you know, he was OK in it. I love it. It wasn't his return to glory that I was hoping for, but it was still pretty good. Yeah. As long as he's back in the Earth realm of film.

I don't my brain's not working today, but, you know, as long as his presence is known and the youths see him and know who he is without the haircut of the 90s, I'm cool with that. I'm happy he's back. The youths must know. They must know the power of the Josh Hartnett, effed up bowl haircut. Also, not a horrible day. Anyway, Kay, did you see anything?

I was going to. Yeah. So I watched Abigail the first night, like the next day when we were recovering from the con. So I did fall asleep during it and then had to go back and rewatch it. But I hadn't seen it in movie theaters. And I was actually pleasantly surprised. I was like, this is kind of fun. Like, it's not trying to be an Oscar winning phenomenon. It's just like, hey, we're going to do a different take on a vampire movie. And it was a little bit ridiculous. But I think like.

The cast wise, everyone did a good job and I really do like those actors. I'm going to be blanking that at their names right now. But Melissa Barrera looked amazing. She looked so hot in that film. outfit, like her outfit choices. was like, all right. Amazon shopping list right there. I love Dan Stevens. Like he's so creepy, but like in a great way. He plays a good piece of s--t.

You want to add that to your repertoire. And Kevin Durand is also like, I don't know. I just want to hug that guy like I really like him from that TV show, The Strain. You guys watch that? Yeah, he was great in The Strain. Another vampire, but not but like a whole nother take on it, which is which is fun. I actually I thought it was fun if you're just looking for like a fun movie where you're with blood, but also like a watchable plot. Great. I liked it.

that's all I need for more indie horror. watched Baghead, which was, I actually thought it was, I thought it was good. I didn't know what to expect. Effects makeup, like the makeup choices were great. It wasn't like horror, like jump scare horror, but like a little bit on that, you know, family trauma, generational trauma type of thing and loss, but dealing with it in like a way because people don't deal with it.

and then you get demons. So a Baghead had, think, was actually really good. That one was on shutter. Abigail is streaming exclusively on Peacock. And then I also last night watched Idle Hands, which I hadn't seen in a while. And I won't say anything about it because I feel like at some point we're going to have to cover that movie. But like effects wise, it holds up. And then I looked up how old Seth Green was and it broke my heart inside. Like I was like, God. But I remember him from when I was a child. Yeah.

Well, he still looks like a child, so he does. But I think it actually really threw me when when I. When I like when I rewatched it, the original it and I was like, wait, this movie was made before I was born. How is he in it and how is he like over the age of 10? And my brain was like, no, Oz can't be. What's going on? You are a high schooler, sir.

Yeah, he will forever play a high schooler. I watched a lot of True Crime, like while I was sick in bed and I was like, don't know if if my soul needed this, but no, I feel like that's the perfect time to do it. And then chug the NyQuil and then pass out and see what your dreams are like. I did so much of that. I was like drinking NyQuil like water. We should have cheers NyQuil today. Right. So I feel like we should talk about Midsummer Scream a little bit because we did

a lot. I was there pretty much all week because I set up not just my clothing company booth, but also the Slashercise size booth. And then we did a fashion show that Elissa choreographed. And then we did the Slashercise size live show, which Kay pretty much wrote, right? I don't know what the process was there. Yeah, we we

Me and Vanessa collaborated on a story and script, but also because it's only in a live setting, we wanted to have like, this is what we want to say. But we also have to play with, you know, what the audience wants, because especially a midsummer scream audience, like in the first time doing something, you never know how they're going to react. And honestly, I think they actually reacted great because it can go two ways. It can go. I haven't heard anything. Awesome.

There was a little girl that ran up and joined in at the end. They were like, all right, if the kids get involved, that's a good sign. Did and you did a whole burlesque show as well, right? I did. Apparently, I'm very, bummed because the people who were able to make it got turned away at the door because it was sold out or sold out. There's no more room. It was a haunted mansion theme with Peep Show Menagerie. It's a burlesque one of the burlesque groups. I.

do shows for and one of the producers is Chris Beyond. So if you listen or watch this Chris Beyond, love you. And I did the Hatbox Ghost and I'm really hoping I can get a hold of at least a photo because that was unexpectedly the best routine I've ever done. did it d--k in a box, but I edited like my own version of head in a box. It was so stupid. So stupid. So I really hope I could get ahold of footage because it was fun. It was a lot of fun.

That's exciting. Nobody filmed it. I. So there was a professional photographer. I think he was supposed to get film, but Chris doesn't know if he actually did. And I didn't know anybody who saw it. So I wasn't able to ask for photos from anybody. So if anybody is watching this or listening and they randomly happen to see it, I would love to have some footage, except just unless you did like creepy like titty footage, then I don't know what to tell you with that. But yeah, that'd be awesome.

And then we got a little bit of time to run around and do like the Hall of Shadows, which was super cool. That was my first time doing that. really did go all out. Everyone, almost everyone I talked to was like, did you go through Lionsgate? Did you go through Lionsgate? I think that one was definitely the fan favorite. We went through. No. we went through the one with Toy Story. Yeah, but I can't remember.

I was so ran. It reminded me of like a foreign theme park, how they try to do like American films, but they don't know like what genres what it was really. But that little girl was. she was terrified. And she was working harder than anyone at that con. Good for her, man. I someone said one of the other actors in Slashercise Size said that when she went through that little girl, went through the entire maze with her, like would not leave her side.

I was like, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, because that little girl was terrifying. But sometimes it's I remember that happened to me at Queen Mary. There was a little girl in because one of the Queen Mary haunted things is because of little dead girl. And so one of the little girl actors followed me through the entire maze when I went and then like exited with me and I was like, she's going to push me down the stairs. I was like, she.

She was like, No, you can't leave. You're my best friend. And I was like, she's going to murder me. Like I'm she is going to die. She is in character. She's method. I'm going to wait out. There was no little girl. No, I was like, what? There was no. I'm just going to live on the Queen Mary. None of this is real. I'm going to wake up now. But it's really fun to get like because I remember originally Midsummer Scream was about it was a lot of it was about small haunts like home haunts.

things that you're going to find on the SoCal Haunt List, which for anyone who doesn't know, SoCal Haunt List is a compilation of haunts and backyard, and front yard displays in the Southern California area. And they do it by map. They categorize it by like free, paid, walkthrough, kid friendly, not kid friendly. And they would showcase a lot of those and like smaller haunt attractions. It's just recently that the big names have gotten involved. Lionsgate doing one is pretty like,

That's pretty new. But of course, the lines for the smaller ones were still just as long. Like people want to see all of them and support them. And there have been some really, really great ones, especially in years past. There was a Blockbuster video one last year that was awesome. And there's been a couple that I've been I've only gone to the real haunts because I saw them at Midsummer Scream. And it's really great to promote these like passion project artists who are making these or haunters, I guess.

But it's still even the one other thing I noticed about like the Haunt area is that there was still more of a photo op incorporation. And I think the big theme for the entire con this year was like photo ops were king. We did some really good ones. Universal, their monsters one was great. They did, you know, the individual little photo ops and then Paramount scares, which I'm guessing is new. I because I had not

But it's not on their app. I was like, hey, if you're telling me Paramount stairs exists, put it on your app so I can watch my horror movies on it. Maybe it's something that's going to be coming this Halloween and they're kind of like teasing it. But yeah, they had a really great Jason set up. Same with and then like, you know, of course, every year haunted hayride and Queen Mary do a photo off except for for Queen Mary. Last year, was Shacktoberfest. That's gone. Queen Mary's back. love Shaquille O'Deal. I'm not going to lie.

I I told you in fourth grade, you know, when you have to do a presentation as like a celebrity, I think that was a common thing. And you had to practice your speech giving. I decided I wanted to be Shaquille O 'Neal. So I bought a whole jersey. And I remember going, hi, I'm Shaquille O 'Neal. I wear a SAS 15 shoe and I'm this tall. And everyone thought I was crazy and I cried afterwards. cool story.

He's got a lot of money and he puts his name on stuff. Like, honestly, there's considering there's billionaires that are doing lunches like stuff where it's like you could be Batman and you're committing atrocities. like all Shaq wants to do is just like, hey, I want to be a DJ today. So I'm going to buy a music festival so I can DJ. Hey, I like Halloween. Let me buy a Halloween. Like, you know, let me buy Halloween. You know, I loved his video game when was a kid, the Shaq 3 one. Yeah.

So good. my gosh. And he did like a whole like pretty hardcore rap album with the Wu Tang Clan. Also kind of great. I love it. Was this before after he was a genie? Before, I think. Now, there's that Mandela effect. He was Shazam or Kazam. No, he was Shazam. No, he was Kazam, right? Only one of those existed. Which one? I know. No, there was one with Sinbad. That's the one that doesn't exist. I will.

I will show a picture. It doesn't exist in this picture. And by the end of the episode, I will share it because we have that capability now. We're really progressing into our movie. We're we're just talking s--t about Shaquille O 'Neal. listen, I not mean to say matter of fact, I'm not cool enough. In scary movie, she says, what's your favorite scary movie? Shazam. yeah, it is Shazam, because she says Shazam. Nope.

Kazam. It's Kazam. Kazam is a found a screenshot. It's a super hero movie. I'm going to save it. We can move on, but I will save it. He's awesome in Jingle All the Way. Jingle All the Way is the s--t. I wish we could cover that movie this year. I mean, side side project anyway. All right, let's let's get into the news. What do you guys got?

So I don't know if y 'all saw the finale of House of Dragons last night. Won't talk about it because it's fresh, even though it was leaked on TikTok. But they showed a trailer, a first look at Welcome to Derry. And I believe it's a prequel to the anti -mushi -eating films. And I guess Bill Skarsgård was not supposed to be Pennywise. I didn't know that, but I guess he is now. Or something popped a little, that what? OK. I wonder who would have done it if he didn't.

But there is a you will insert a little the little teaser to watch because I think it's awesome. It's going to be in twenty twenty five and Muschietti will be directing four of them for the episodes. I believe so. Yeah, I'll be directing four episodes, which I think is awesome. I'm I'm excited for the show. I think it's going to anything made and made or made about made. I just want to live there. No, you don't. There's nothing to do there.

I don't care, my heart belongs in that environment. I'll make something to do. I'll become besties with Stephen King. My mom and him were buddies back in the day, but I never have been cool with Stephen King. I've seen him, but never really talked to him or anything. Did he glow like a god that he is before? No, think he was like, the first time I saw him was at like an IHOP when I was six. Did he glow from the sweats?

Yeah. He was like, Hi. Hi. Huh? No, no, no. My mom was like, say hi, I'm Stevie King. I was like, who the f--k Stevie King is? That man looks creepy. I want nothing to do it. he's going to be so delighted. Cool. Who's next? So we have a new horror documentary coming out. It's called Monster Girls, and it's celebrating women in special effects. And it's being led by not only a fan favorite, but also

A personal, like we love her. We support her here. Diana Prince, AKA Darcy the male girl. She is going to be narrating the documentary from filmmaker and effects artist, Seitz. So Jesse Seitz of Jacob's Wife, Beyond Horror, the history and subculture of red films. You might know Diana Prince from of course, Last Drive -In with Joe Bob, but also Slashercise Size. She's also part of the Killer Fitness crew.

When so Jesse seats talked a little bit about where this project came from. Essentially, she said, I was having trouble finding any sort of definitive list of women in my field. I started sifting through IMDb pages and was shocked to find so many women behind some of cinemas most iconic looks. All I can think was why haven't I heard of them? Why? And so then she made this film. And of course, like

That is a big issue. Not only is it hard for effects people to even, you know, be the household name if you're not Tom Savini, if you're not at like at that level, but especially hard for women in the field. I know when I first came out here that was working with like already established female effects artists. That's some of the things they told me is, you know, you have to your kit has to be all black. You have to do this. You have to, you know, be like this, be like this just to make sure that, you know, that men don't

push you down and you know, it sucks but we're in 2024 now and that's just not the way things work anymore. So let's celebrate some female creators and female horror creators. What I'm really excited is some of my favorites, which is going to be Ve Neill. Ve Neill is one of my favorite female effects artists. Everyone has seen her work in Beetlejuice and Face Off where she was for many seasons, one of the judges.

I saw her do a talk about Beetlejuice and she's incredibly inspirational, incredibly passionate, and just an extremely, extremely talented artist. So getting to hear her talk more about her work, also in like Batman, iconic penguin and catwoman looks, I'm really excited to see more of this female perspective.

I love Ve Neill. She also did a couple of my favorite things in the world. She did Lost Boys and Buffy and she's delightful. I met her upstairs at her Legends Academy. think they she teaches in Valley Village and I went with Tommy. He introduced me to her and she is wonderful. I'm very excited about this. So I'm very, very proud of Jessie. She's she's a good friend of mine and she's worked on this.

tirelessly for like several years. Very DIY. And you know, she lives like in the Midwest and she's like always traveling out here like by train sometimes to come film. And you know, like she did the makeup for my short film, Don't F with Anne Margaret. And she did like the head explosion thing. And she like came straight from like shooting on her documentary to like doing effects for my short and then like

went home to go start early in the morning again on her dock. awesome. She's she's so rad. I'm so so proud of her. That's really cool. Hell yeah. For female filmmakers and effects artists and something that celebrates both. All right. Last in our news this week, we have Jenna Ortega in talks to sign on to a top secret J .J. Abrams movie. It's going to be for Warner Brothers and he spilled it to deadline today.

But they're in final talks, which means I guess she's gonna sign on Glenn Powell That sexy sexy man is also starring in it. What is it? don't He's in everything. I can't Yeah, I can't are you guys okay with it? Cuz I'm really okay with it. Who's Glenn Powell? What? I have seen a single thing that he's been in I don't think I have enough or I don't I could not name us I know he's been in things and none of them I have seen

Show He started to make Twisters movie. okay. Okay.

Do you not have vaginas? I'm not my type. Is he the prime minister? He's everybody's type. I could not pick him out of a wall of white men. Then you're doing it wrong. That man has abs on top of his abs.

Anyway, well, he's going to do a genre movie. Here we go. So maybe I'll watch him. Right. So the only thing that they know so far is few details are known about the movie other than it is not a time travel movie. OK. JJ Abrams wrote the script and his movie company, Bad Robot, is producing.

Then we don't know if it's going to be a horror movie. We don't know if it's going to be a sci -fi movie. We don't know if it's an IP that already exists other than they're getting two really big names in cinema in general right now to be in J .J. Abrams movie. That's cool. But speaking of sci -fi, we've got a whole new month to get into. Yes, do, Ama. Yes, we do. We've been calling it behind the scenes our month of

Spaceship Slaughters. I don't know that's a technical name, but that's just what we're going with right now. You know, you can't go wrong with alliteration, so anything with alliteration works. Truly. Let's get into our first film of the month and our first sci -fi horror crossover on the podcast so far. We're talking the 1997 Paul W .S. Anderson masterpiece, Event Horizon. Event Horizon! One of my favorites.

from the 90s sci -fi horror. So many memories with that movie. You know, before we go straight to the movie, I got to be real. I a blind spot in my like film knowledge is anything sci -fi. So I'm not a sci -fi person. So honestly, like this is a month of firsts for me, which I know being, you know, know it all asshole that I am is rare. But yeah, so this was this was the first time watch for me.

It was a first time. Holy s--t. I know. my gosh. I had no idea. I want to know impressions from a first time watch because I just have I'm so nostalgic with this movie that I just I still see things in my mind as I did as a kid. So it's really interesting knowing, you know, obviously, CGI tech has advanced since then. But I thought it looked really, you know, it wasn't bad in this movie. And no.

Not enough, enough of the time. Heared the lie out of me. He did. I was so shocked. Honestly, a lot of these sci fi spaceship movies. I'm also going to admit something else. I watched Alien for the first time ever yesterday as well. I really, really want to watch sequels with you all so bad. I so I tend to find these like outer space movies kind of boring.

And I thought that event horizon was going to be that. But then the last act, I was like, my God, what am I watching? it's intense. And it has a frickin banned scene in it, a scene that was banned because of how I can't wait to talk about all that because I was reading a lot of 25th anniversary articles this morning and talked about a lot of that. So interesting. But yeah, I was texting Kay at like one in the morning and I was like, this one is f--king bonkers.

I had no idea. No, no, I was just like, at first I'm like trying to like pay attention to space jargon. I don't know what the f--k any of these assholes are talking about. I can't tell anybody apart. Then it gets wild. And then I was there for it. Space horror gets bananas like you think it's just, space. We're in space. We're to talk about science. Star Trek. No, no, no. Every space horror I can think of just goes batshit wild. And it's awesome. And this one frickin.

Possession, hell and space, like space possession. Yeah, awesome. So I guess about space or is that you don't have the same limitations that you would have with anything that's earthbound. You know, obviously, for the most part, the space for things are set in the future. Space horror has all sorts of technology that you can essentially make up like, you know, Star Trek. They had a little thing that just like made food out of thin air. Whatever it's space, it's a future. This exists now.

I mean, if you but if you're going to do space horror and you aren't going to have something that's set in realism, you kind of have to go bash it or because if you're already starting it like a here, if you don't go to here, then what what's the point of the movie? I mean, I do watch a lot of space movies. I actually don't mind the ones that are on spaceships or alien planets. For me, it's the megalophobia. And I can't handle things like.

where it's not horror, like it really messed with me. Like the Astra, Estrada, the Brad Pitt one, or like Gravity where they're in just like actual space. yeah, do not like that. But like if you're in a ship, I'm fine. If you're on an alien planet, totally cool. Get murdered, get slaughtered, it's great. It's more the, it's definitely like the vastness and the abyss. I'm like, mm,

Well, it's kind of like, did you ever read about William Shatner actually getting to go to space with Bezos? yeah. And they're like, what was your impression? We got to know. And he was like, I f--king hated it. He's like he's like the worst, most lonely feeling in the entire world. And it made me feel horrible and empty and like soulless. That's how space makes me feel. I don't like it. Space. I would never. So. Yeah, anything about the.

the abyss like that. And that's the feeling that you get with megalophobia is this overwhelming insignificance of yourself in the presence of something like giant not being able to see the bottom of something or just like that idea of being in space with like nothing around you, like nothing. No, no, that's the absolute that's like an existential level of absolutely not full fear. Like I could not.

It's like a sense deprivation. I hadn't seen this movie either. But thankfully, there's not a ton of just like someone being catapulted off into space to go die alone. So, yeah, let's get into the non spoilers. then if you this synopsis. Just start reading the plot. A spacecraft that vanished years earlier suddenly reappears. A team is dispatched to investigate the ship.

Accompanied by the Event Horizon's creator, William Weir, Sam Neill, the crew of the Lewis and Clark, led by Captain Miller, Lawrence Fishburne, begins to explore the seemingly abandoned vessel. However, it soon becomes evident that something sinister resides in its corridors and that the horrors that befell the Event Horizon's previous journey are still present.

Let's talk about Sam Neill for a second. Let's talk about Merlin. What? Merlin. Sure. He's a Merlin in my heart. He's he's like an underrated Mr. screen king of the 90s. He's that he does some great stuff. Well, Samuel, he's he's a sexy, sexy man with his eyebrows. And I love him and everything he does. And I love that this was a mini reunion for him. And

Clever girl. What's his real name? Bob Peck. Wait, what is that? I thought that was the same guy. Hold on. Now my internet. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, I don't think there was anyone from Jurassic Park in this. yes. You know, it's one of those movies who were like the cast for it was really good, especially like at that time, like everybody was like either an up and coming person or like an established name. This was one of. Yeah. Lawrence Fishburne's, think, main leading

Rolls at the time, I think one of his first we had the matrix. and the matrix. So this was like the prime of the Fishburne Fishburne mania. Smith was definitely like the household name, which it's very crazy to think about, his very eclectic career. I mean, same with Laurence Fishburne. They've both been in a lot of stuff.

For me, Merlin, that's what I remember him growing up. Like I was like, had a guy from Merlin. I found out he's also in a mouth of madness. Yeah. Yeah. Omen three. Right. Yeah. Omen three. And OK. So clever girl is actually Jason Isaacs, who was actually a Malfoy in Harry Potter. Lucius Malfoy. well, that's Jason Isaacs is in this movie. Yeah, that's him. I thought they I don't know why I thought they were the same person, but.

But also, I always forget that certain people, that Jolie Richardson, one, that she is the daughter of Vanessa Redgrave, but also that she's British until I'm like, I heard her talking, I was like, all right, I'm not American. That's weird. I loved watching this right after I'd watched Idle Hands because Jack Noseworthy is in both and.

He's a young guy, right? Yeah. Yeah, he's Justin. Yeah. But I was like, yeah, a lot of Jack Noseworthy for one time, which is also like, how often do I see him? I mean, he's great, though. He's, you know, a stage actor. He's been an actor forever, too. One person that I was I was excited to see was Sean Pertwee, because he's in.

was he was on Gotham as Alfred and I was like, that's guy. Alfred. Alfred and he looks exactly the same. And but it's like 30 years later. That's crazy. But yeah, I mean, this was like this was a big studio movie and it was rushed into production. Like this was something that they got a long line of an idea from the writer, though he was like, what if it was like the Shining in Space? They're like sold. So they're like, how fast can you get us the scripts tomorrow?

And yeah, that's that's pretty much the origins of this. And then they're like, Paul, the other Paul Anderson, there's actually like Anderson's PTA. The big, the famous one. Yeah. It does movies like, you know, licorice pizza and they're not. No, no, no, no. I don't know this other guy is. This is why we need Ama, because. No, didn't know.

Paul Thomas Anderson is the fancy one. He does like, -struck love and phantom thread and licorice pizza. think he likes to smell his own farts. He probably does. is it? W .S. Anderson is the guy who's giving you a Resident Evil and he likes the video game movies a lot. Yeah, which is very apparent in this one as well.

I love Mortal Kombat. When he got ready to do this movie though, the world was his oyster at this moment. He could have done X -Men before Bryan Singer took it over. He could have done Mortal Kombat 2. He had options. And he was like, hell no. Want to do this crazy space movie for Paramount. So when he took it over,

He was like, he consulted with my boy, Clive Barker, because he really wanted to bring that Hellraiser element to it. it's, I know everyone always says it's Hellraiser in space, but it was meant to be 100%. I like he, they had like many discussions about how to accomplish that. That's so cool. I know. I'm like, that's like the raddest thing to me. Like the idea of them collaborating. I'm like, I wonder what it would have been like if

Clive Barker had done a pass on that script. Yeah. Wow. Like, I would have been there for that. What I want to know is why so many people love this movie, if you ask, because I know you did a survey too, but when I think of space horror, Event Horizon, pretty much besides Aliens or Alien, is the number one that people love. And it's, I mean, I don't go by Rotten Tomatoes scores, but it has such a low Rotten Tomatoes scores that I just don't get it. I don't get it.

I mean, and that kind of goes into the history of it, too. That's really interesting is that, you know, they had a ton of money. think they had like 60 million dollars to make this movie. Well, they had a writer who wasn't 100 percent on board with finishing the script. Apparently he had a death in the family and it was a dark time for him in his life. And it was like executives like pushing for this draft. And then they were like, OK, we're going to go. They shoot this movie. Pinewood Studios take over the whole thing.

I think Kubrick was there shooting Eyes Wide Shut at the same time, real fancy. And then they go to wrap this movie. And by the way, while they're shooting it, lots of s--t goes wrong. Pyrotechnics like almost k*ll everybody. get injured. But as they're getting ready to wrap the movie, they find out that Titanic is about to be pushed because it's not done. they're like, remember that like.

10 weeks you have a post -production. Just kidding, it's only four. no. So they rushed the edit. They rushed it hard. They did test screenings. The test screenings did not go well. The edits were a mess because they didn't have enough time. They didn't have the effects done. The gore, from what I understand, I mean, there's no way to prove it because the footage is missing, was absolutely like X -rated. Like they hired porn stars to basically do like

like shunting. I had seen I guess the gore was a lot. So they had to cut all of it. The cut that we have that we've all seen is like something that's been like frame f--ked from like an inch of its life. know, literally. So it had that against it. And then it was going up at the time you look at it, it was going up against the alien. You know, that's what people had to like compare it to. Yeah. And I think then

you're not going to get the reaction that it's grown into now where we've had tons of other space war. We have lots of other things. wow. This is actually a really good movie. And I also think that it suffers from, you know, just the rush of trying to get it out fast. Like, I don't think that they, you know, promoted it properly. I don't think they took their time to do any of that. I read an interview where Paul W .S. Anderson showed a cut of the movie.

to Kurt f--king Russell was in the thing and Kurt Russell's like, Yo, maybe this movie isn't what you want for a reaction right now, but give it 20 years and look, look, it's what happened. What happened? It's a cult classic. I would love to see a restored version. I really would. It's too bad. Critters four couldn't have the same reception. It's one of my favorite space. I do think it could probably it would definitely benefit from a restoration. No. Hearing a little bit more about

rushed post time, think, lets me, allows me to forgive a couple things, which it's not like I was going to hold it against the movie. It was just, this is a sign of the times, you know, later end of the nineties, CGI was new and there are certain things when they used it where I was like, dang, that looks so bad. But the practical effects hold up. They look great.

But also, I think one of the things which maybe now that I've been, know, it's like one of those things where you're behind the camera, you've been in the steering it like editing and stuff for so long, the color. And I think if they adjusted the coloring of this movie, it would actually make it a lot more horror. Because one thing that bothered me is that it's as far as a horror movie goes, it's really bright. It's like lit. But that's a sign not not like.

lit like shiny. It's very there's not a lot of shadows. There's not any like keroskera lighting. Yeah. Right. No, but a lot of that is the era and a lot. I mean, look at the rest of his movies. They all kind of look like that, too. Like Resident Evil and skimping on the shadow. It's it's it's a Resident Evil. Resident Evil wants you to see the monsters. And one thing when I watch this movie, considering I'd never seen it before, it felt

like a haunted house. Like this felt like a haunted. The whole movie from the way that they set up the shots from the way that it's a ship. like you are you are going to get that little bit of claustrophobia maze thing and the way that it all of the the scenes in it, which like I won't describe them, we can describe them later. But just like the way that they have set dressing on the ship where they're, you know, showing you what's happening. Plus the way that the kills are laid out felt very

presentation. It felt very haunted house to me. And I'm not saying this in a negative way. I'm saying it like, I think that's also with the lighting and a lot of the choices that they made also utilizing lighting for scares felt kind of haunted house. And I think, you know, when Paul W .S. Anderson does the Resident Evil movies, it is a lot of that like, look at my monsters that are jumping out, know, umbrella corp is all underground, but you're seeing all of it. It's and

It doesn't make it a bad movie. There's still fun zombies that are coming out of you from all ends. And this was kind of that same thing of like, I mean, you're still on the ship. It's still going to be creepy. But I want you to see it all versus have it like surprise. Yeah. And I, you know, as I said, I feel like that's a stylistic choice. didn't think a lot of his movies that have that kind of 90s, like bright. everything from the era kind of reminds me of the matrix. I was literally going to say it's just that. Yeah.

that kind of techie, bright, yeah, aesthetic. Especially there was one part which we won't get to yet, but we'll be like, this is the matrix scene. We are about an hour in. you think we should do you want to start or is there anything else for non -spoilers or should we just get right into it? Well, I think that one thing that was when I first looked on IMDB and I was like, OK, well, how long is this movie? Like, what time do I have? And it said one hour 30 or two hours 10. And I was like, huh? Where's the two hour?

What am I about to watch? What's two hours and 10 minutes? But I'm guessing that that means is that the lost cut or? Yeah, the director's cut is not. From what I understand, they thought it was lost. Apparently a producer found a VHS copy of the director's cut. But neither of them, neither him nor the director actually like sat down to watch it.

to make sure that's what it is. But that is, as far as I know, the only possible copy of the director's cut. Everything else is lost. Yeah, it exists. I don't want to look at it, but I have it. I think that it was that there was like, we're going to sit down and watch this together. But they are both, you know, working filmmakers who don't have a VCR handy or have been on the same, you know, continent in a while. I would have loved to see that video sequence in full. Yes.

I would have been all amazing. Where is Paul W .S. Anderson now? Because he hasn't done a movie since 2020. I'm married to Milla Jovovich. I would I would not do anything else but be married to her as well. I have peaked in life. She is patient. Married to me. He also said in some interviews that I was reading that because Paramount was the company who puts out Star Trek, they were like.

offended by his movie. They're like, what have you done to our space? Space is Star Trek. The final frontier is destroyed. you done to the final frontier? like Star Trek. And he's like, other things can be in space, what? No, they can't. Only Star Wars and Star Trek. Get it right. I watched so much Star Trek growing up. My mother owned all of the original series on Laserdisc. So we definitely watched a s--t ton of it. And

I mean, I'm not like a Trekkie now, but some of the episodes that stick with me are the scary ones. And even I remember when I watched space stuff like Doctor Who, the best episodes are the ones that are horror related. they had like, Star Trek did have horror elements. It wasn't the prevailing aspect of it, but it was a big part of it. Anyway, we should probably call it for what it is. We're going to spoiler town.

So the society orgy. Yes. With a. In space. You don't want to learn more about shunting. Turn yourself. Go watch Event Horizon on Showtime. Come back. Push play. Finish the episode with us. Salson Paramount You keep on saying shunting and I don't know what it is, but I'm so afraid for my search engine right now. I'll show you. From society.

they like, it's like basically like f-sting for all your body parts.

Mute the mic!

Annabelle did me something, she told me.

No, she's into it. Annabelle, she seems super hyped. Apparently part of the railway system. All right. So. Well, we'll not tell me it makes sense in some ways. No, no, it's like a town in space. It's a sexual act where you put your body parts inside other body parts. Google is not telling me any of that. Google's like, no, it's not.

You didn't say anything. We started in 2015. The year of 2047 of Back to the Future, too. Isn't it crazy that in 1997, 2047 was was 50 years and now you're kind of like, that's I might be alive for that. Dang it. my God. I want to think about it. I know. No, not here for that. Nope. All right. So our movie starts off in 2047 with a distress signal.

received from you guys f--king tell it. I don't want to tell it. I do want to. I know we didn't say the tagline is a haunted ship, a missing crew, an infinite evil, which like the haunted ship like that. I think that kind of puts it into that whole. I like haunted house, but it's a haunted ship now. So you guys think this movie is going to hornier? No, I was, you know.

I was hoping. was hoping. thought I thought there were s*x scenes in this movie. No. Well, technically, I guess for brief instances. That's why they cut it out. So, yeah, in 2040, 2047, a distress signal is received from the event horizon, and it's a starship that disappeared during its maiden voyage to Parasimacentauri. Sure.

Proxima Centauri, Proxima Centauri, no, it's seven years earlier and it mysteriously reappears in orbit around Neptune. And so everyone's on the Lewis and Clark because they're a rescue vessel and they're dispatched to investigate. That's how it starts. And it starts with your typical font, like futuristic, like type font about what's going on. And Captain is sexy Lawrence Fisburn. Did I say Fisburn?

This now we know where your brains at. Sexy Lawrence fist burn. You know, before we go too far, I got to say I know we're talking about bad effect shots, but that opening shot of Sam Neill when he like gets up and like you see him and it flips around, that's actually a really cool shot. That's a really cool shot. Well, I don't think I think the only bad effects right off the bat that gets me was the bad CGI. I mean, was the eyeballs.

Which I mean, there's a lot of bad CGI, but that was that I would say that shot was the money shot. That was a really good shot. Yeah. Anyway, so we've got Dr. Weir Sam Neill on board of the ship. And, know, they're like, we're going to get the event horizon. They're like, no way. event horizon is gone forever. And he's like, no, it wasn't because I know how to fold time and space and like a paper. We showed you on the poster.

like, I take one happiness. yeah. what a deep space to go save a spaceship where everyone's probably dead anyway. Yeah. Well, bro. And then you have your medical technician, Peters, which is actress Kathleen Winnian is her name. She was the short haired brunette, right? Yeah. Yeah.

And she was missing her son's. Was it her birthday or Christmas or something? a birthday. was a birthday. No, video was from a birthday. yeah. Saying she had to miss Christmas and her ex was going to take him. So they're not too pleased. They're they're kind of annoyed about this. Yeah, there's this me. They're like, I wasn't supposed to be working today. Yeah. And then Dr. D .J. Richard T. Jones, who played T .F. Cooper, like he does.

his reactions and you know, he's the comedic relief in this movie, but he also has a great charm and the way that he is just like a real guy, but also the real, I like, want to hang out with him and roll my eyes at things he says, but like roll my eyes with, you, this guy. He was my favorite in the whole movie. I love him and everyone else could die, but I wanted him. Well,

You're in luck because he doesn't. But he and him and then you have Jack Noseworthy, who's just like the young guy on the ship. The big homie. Baby Justin is he's like Peter's surrogate son, right? Kind of like she sort of views him sonlike. I think they all sort of do. yeah. Like, because he's like treatment like a kid. Yeah, yeah. They're all protective of him because he's young. And of course, yeah, she's

She has that the mom part where she's like, stop throwing things indoors or like something like that, which is just to really. And then they have the video or she's watching her son. So they're just reaffirming their characters roles like right from the get. They tell you this is who this person is. Sam Neill is a d--k. I mean, he's a scientist, but he's also a d--k. also d--k. I hate that guy. And then you have DJ, which is Dr. Lucius Malfoy.

Dr. Malfoy Boy, you got him. He's the guy you got. Sammy Smith, who's like, I'm British and I'm a pilot and I'm kind of like from this. I don't know, like the tough guy. Lawrence Fishburne is like instant the second he opens his mouth, he's in charge. Yeah, was captain. That's right. and then Dr. Weir's wife is right off the bat. We got our first hallucination vision with his wife because he wakes up and then he takes the photo of the wife and then he walks out and

You know that she's gone. Yeah, that b-tch did opens her eyes and she has no eyes with that great 90s CGI effect. Well, he has a shrine to her, which, you know, so glad in 2047, we're still using physical media. Hey, you know, it's going to come back. It's retro. OK, save your photographs, everyone. Apple owns the rights to your photos and they can take them away from you at any time. So get a Polaroid camera taking photos. and of course,

British but not British woman. We didn't talk about Jolie Richardson, a communications officer. The hot one. one. The hot blonde. they're getting ready to go to see find what is it? My brain isn't working. How do I get my horizon? The event horizon, you know, the title of the film by going in their little like liquid pods. You're travel. Your space tank.

And then he wakes up first. He wakes up early once they arrive. He fake wakes up. Yeah. And he is like, and then it's not real. And then he wakes up for real. But he's not the first person. Everybody else is awake. He essentially has. yeah, that's right. OK. They are really in water tanks. You see their hair floating. Yeah. that looks that looks horrifying to me. Come out of the rooms. How do they not come out looking like the shining old lady?

But I mean, Sam Neill comes out. Yeah, your little sexy shirtless, however old he was Sam Neill with his older gentleman body, which I won't complain about because he's Sam Neill. And he does this when he gets out, he goes, I'm ready, everyone. Let's go to dress. It's also crazy to think about like what hot bods look like. He when he got out, I was like, that's every 1950s hot guy, the normal average, like older

man body. And it's it's fine. It's perfect. But I want to talk about the the creepy like Latin phrase distress call that they get. yeah. They're like, I think it's saying save us or something like that. Right. Yeah. What was it? Well, it is saying save us. It's a libera tutumet ex in fairness, but they only liberate or liberate like liberate me. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, like it sounds so creepy. I'm like, I wouldn't go answer in that s--t. I feel like one day. No, no, 100 % what I wrote is that in Verita Mae is always like Latin is a bad sign. Do not go to the Latin. Do not pick up the no Cabin in the Woods rules. Do not pick up the book and read the creepy Latin out loud. Exactly. Especially Latin in space.

That's like a whole other level. Yeah, no, you don't want to talk with like the whole church is like, sorry, the spaceship, I guess, for event horizon is based off the Notre Dame Church. Do you guys know that? like it's got like the mouth ship, the ship that has the horizon things looks like a marana. Yeah. Following they were destined for this watching not Prometheus, but like one of the Prometheus itself. So

You follow a distress call, you die. Unfortunately, that is the rules of space, which are probably different from screams rules of surviving. But if there are rules for space, it is do not follow the unknown distress call. It is always a trap and you are gonna get eaten or murdered. go and eat your space food and float and just live like that. Yeah. Don't answer any calls. Don't answer the distress calls. Just float. You know, right away, like when they get there and there's blood on the walls and s--t, nah.

I just feel like, nope, there's no one here. know. feel like, nope, sorry, no one here. Let's go home. I know. Can we say how happy Merlin, the AKA Dr. Weir was to see his baby again? Like he was just like, my show. I love you. We're like now, you know, he was a little obsessed with he's already having dreams about it before they get there. He's got this creepy ass ship that he put Roman numerals in Latin all over. And then he's like, yes.

This is my creation. I did this. I am so pleased. I even the cocky little line of like, how do you know so much? Because I made her. I'm like so. But it was never his intention to like make something that opens portals to hell or anything. Right. I don't. I see. That's why I wanted to watch this from start to finish, because I don't remember if it wasn't his intention or it was all along. I don't remember. I don't.

think it was? don't think he was trying to make a form of space. He's what he's saying is, what's the quickest point from point A to point B? And then Justin goes a straight line. He's like, it's when you fold it when I fold this paper into and I make a hole, a black hole connecting it, obviously, you don't like it, which is so

I hate this dude. It had no nefarious. No, he just wanted to make a quicker form of space travel so that they could go and do all these things. You know, they said that, you know, we're already been to the moon. We've already terraformed Mars and now we need to keep going and keep doing these things. And but it takes too long. So how do we do it? Well, we were going to make a black hole and we're going to make point A to point B. So it wasn't about creating anything, at least from what they say. He didn't get corrupted.

in the get, you know, but corruption happens when you f--k around with forces that you don't understand. Yeah. So this is is this when Justin they that's when we're sees the eyeless vision of his wife and she's like, join. He's already seen it. my God. Where I think we're at is two of them go one way and Justin goes by himself to the engineer end of the thing. Yeah. So they get on the ship.

One thing they say before they even enter the ship, which is very ominous and creepy is the comms officer are are blonde. She said they scan for life forms and she's like, there are life forms, but our ship can't pinpoint them. They're everywhere. The essentially the whole ship is a it's a ghost ship. The whole ship is the life form, which I was like, I like I did like that. I really like that. Because at first I also was like.

are there life forms, but they're all just going to be dismembered and just like, but still alive and floating. Like that's kind of what I thought, why they couldn't pinpoint it because everyone's just been like, when they get on, are seeing, they do that walkthrough and they, see the skull that's been embedded into the walls in this like very, very, very bright red med bay that they first enter into. And you see all this other horror stuff. And that's my favorite part is when he's in there and he's just like,

All right, well, let's go find the crew. And then the hand just comes and does like a gentle correct. I love that jump scare. And then the hands just like, And then they split up. So Justin's gonna go to the engine, which is the core. The doctor has to stay on the other ship. Lawrence Fishburne's like, absolutely not. You're staying on, which is definitely like the right call, even not knowing that this guy sucks.

Everyone splits off. You know, you're going to the med bay. You're searching for survivors. And we're trying to figure out if we can restart the ship and figure out what happened to everybody. So they break horror movie rule number two. Don't split up. And it leads to poor little baby bear. Baby bear. Which I wrote down, maybe don't touch the black hole. What is it with people when wanting to touch things that are sticky? It's like birds to shiny things. Don't touch it. If it's there, you want to touch it.

But also that room, I think that was also one of the parts I wrote where I think the reveal would have been a lot better if we saw a lot of it, but then the music queued up into a huge reveal, but we'd already seen most of it. So that was kind of confusing. Like, why did we get this, like, well, and this huge visual of something that you already kind of showed us the whole thing? That was just me. think it like distracted from the visual of like... It looked like you had nipples all over it.

yeah, think the the intent was to be like the the puzzle box at Hellraiser Razor. Yeah, very much. Yeah. Mm hmm. Especially when the rest of the room was like very dangerous, pointy spikes everywhere. Yeah. But why? Because at this time they had gravity boots, but like technically everything else was floaty, which was a lot of that CGI of look at this liquid. I know that CGI. It's like Alex Mack. we can't forget the corksicle.

yeah, the one that had a corpse tickle. Feel like so many space movies have a corpse tickle or just somebody that breaks into pieces and it looks awesome. So cool to see it. I love corpse tickle. That's my middle band name. Maybe this was something that got lost in the cut, too. But like. How was the crew one one full body and one hand like where were the rest of the parts? They were the.

the butts of the shunting. They were all combined into that one guy. They call him. Shoot. So this is this is when Justin becomes catatonic, right? Because Laurence Fishburne jumps down. He's like, Justin. No, no, Cooper does it. He does that twice. wait, no. Laurence Fishburne does that. thinking later on. Justin, they pull Justin out because he's still tethered. Yeah, yeah, how they get him. Cooper does When they open him up, he's catatonic.

and you think he's going to like go into one of those spikes, but it doesn't happen. Right. And then they turn the gravity off and they get like drenched in water, which is just like, it's absolutely. But whatever when he touches the thing, it makes a bunch of s--t explode. Lewis and Clark ship. Yeah. Everything loads. People get thrown into wall. The Lawrence Fishburne's character gets thrown into like a tech thing and sparks fly on the ship, which is Alfred.

the blonde and the doctor, everything explodes and they have to leave. And all of a sudden, no, your Lewis and Clark ship is not inhabitable anymore. You have to go on the ghost ship. And I just love, I just really love that, what's his, sorry, what's his, Sean Pertwee's character Smitty was just like, I am not going on this goddamn ship. It is not happening. And they're like, okay, well, if you don't, you're gonna die. But he's the smart one.

They don't listen to the crew members, but because like throughout the whole movie, they are like there's an underlying theme of the scientist being like, I know better than all of you and all of them being like, no, you idiot. This is a bad idea. You should have listened to Smitty from the get Smitty. Geez.

I also wrote down that their magnetic boots when they do go on and they're like activate magnets and they all like clump to the ground. It's like Steve Madden shoes. Very 90s, very sleigh, like just like loved it. I would have gone for the Event Horizon fashion show. The event horizon fashion show. OK, please do it. Can everybody have magnetic shoes? sexy aliens. Event Horizon. but I also him walking to the core that.

tunnel that's spinning that is hundred. That is which came first. Haunted House is doing it or this movie doing it because that is a simple every haunted house. I thought the same thing. Like a fun house here. Yeah. Yes. Spinning tunnels, which like every time I go through those spinning tunnels, I'm they do mess with me like I was like, God, I must see legs. I can't imagine floating through it with gravity. But there's it was also like the danger spinning tunnel because it was all made of sharp metal. Like who designed this place?

Right. Obviously, Hellraiser. was it was a haunted house designed by Hellraiser in space. Yeah, I love Hellraiser in space. But it reminded me of a sphere which came out the very next year of don't touch the giant circle thing that you found in space. Bad idea. It's going to make you go. It's going to make you go crazy, which like and he touched it and he went into a canatonic state. So I think that's another don't follow the space Latin distress signal and don't touch the.

the space circle. Basically, just don't go to space. Also, don't do it. But this is when they first they see the first video, right? With the captain talking and then Dr. Kathleen Mama was her character's name, Peters. She sees visions of her son. Yeah. In the med bay. Are you OK? I thought was a very good horror movie moment of the shadow in the tent. It's not a tent. It's a.

Yes, like TARP. She sees that her son who in the video that she's watching earlier, like he is in a wheelchair. But now she's seeing that he has like sores all over him. So that's really great. You know, because I think she's the most vulnerable one of her like surrogate son. She sees her actual son, but she's the most emotionally vulnerable one that can be kind of influenced the easiest. I think that's the point because she's already distressed by seeing all this. So then they go back to the video to.

Well, they gather and they say, is everyone seeing s--t and not everyone is seeing s--t, but enough of them. He's seeing the guy that burned alive. Yeah. I love that. The rising and being on blood, which I'm I'm wondering if when they filmed it, they did it in a reverse because it didn't. Some of the CGI fire looked like CGI, but some of it actually looked real. So I wonder. My mind is that they filmed it in reverse and had someone or like and then, you know, had something going down, but then they filmed it going up. It looked great.

There were even shots by the end of the movie where Lawrence Fishburne falls back and he's definitely got real fire. Yeah. The fire that's on the face, because obviously it's not a best or anything. It's just like a bloody face like that was CGI fire. But I it's at least to me or maybe it's just that's like the best CGI in the whole movie that any time it was like a full body thing, it was real. Yeah. Yes. That's cool. It looked cool. looked creepy.

There was actually there was like a weird quote about the fire in space, but it's fine. And so like they're all seeing s--t except for Mr. Scientist, who's been seeing s--t the whole time. And it's just like, I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, he is. And then Justin starts like convulsing and seizing. And they've had this whole thing, too, where they're like, we only have 20 hours of oxygen. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So every breath is killing us. Well, she says the air tastes.

Like she's like the air tastes bad here because of CO2. It's dead body air. there is a lot of body air. everyone's internal CO2 from death. Ew, gross. And that their ship is actually destroyed, destroyed. There's a huge hole in the side of the ship. Yeah, they can't they can't do anything about it. And then they have this whole like fight scene where Smitty is once again being like, why are we listening to this guy? This guy sucks.

We should be getting out of here. Well, it cares what happened to the ship. Everyone's dead. We solved mystery solved. Everyone died. Let's go home. And instead, Sam Neill's just like so dead set on, you know, rescuing his baby. He doesn't care what the hell happens to everybody else. Very selfish intentions that get everyone in trouble. I also love when he when Samuel, when Cooper sees something and is like, I know what I saw and Sam.

Samuel like puts his arm and he's like, you're a little delusional. You're a little delusional, but it's OK. It happens up here. It's just like, bro, this guy sucks. Yeah, go to Jurassic Park, Alan. Then all of a he turns around and dinosaur shows up. Alan, I don't know what this. I think it was for Event Horizon just in general, where he's like, I can do this stuff and for Samuel, just because you can doesn't mean you should. Yeah. because she's talking and she's like.

A black hole is one of the worst things. Blonde is like a black hole is like literally one of the most dangerous things in the entire universe. And you decide I'm going to harness it to make space travel easier. They're all like they're all in there. They do this fight. And then there's knocking at the space door. And I know I've seen it done in other like shorts or maybe it was like a black mirror type of thing. But I've definitely seen it in two sentence horror where it's like you're all alone in space and someone is knocking at the door.

Yeah. Or you're like the last person on earth and somebody's knocking at the door. Yeah. No. And then Sam and, know, of course, Sam Neill's like, I'm going go get that. And they're all like, no, bro, stop it. He's just like, no, I'm going to answer it. It's fine. That's fine. I don't want to be rude. Who is it? And that's when Justin's awake and he wakes up. Yeah. We saw some s--t. This poor guy. The f--king the quote for him. If you could see the things I've seen.

you wouldn't try to stop me. And that's when he's trying to harm himself. Right. Airbag. Yeah. That scene. as a kid, which is weird saying, I feel like today's youth, like if you think about eight year olds, they're not like when I saw Event Horizon or something. There's better parents. There's better parents now. But this was I remember my sister, though this is very nostalgic because that was around the time she would watch horror movies.

with me and she said, I'm going to show it to you. It's the scariest movie. And we have the VHS and everything. And that scene broke me because I didn't understand space. I didn't understand what he was doing. But then he started cracking and just, that's that's such a creepy scene. But seeing that I was like at the gym on like the treadmill, that scene was just on the TV. I was like, that is a bit of a good time. No, no.

It just made me really sad because he's like in the possession part of it where he's saying all these things of like, I touched it and it showed me the blackness inside me. And then as soon as he presses the button, he wakes up and being like, wait, where am I? What's going on? Let me out. And it's just like, no. And then she's watching him. She's like, baby, it's OK. It's OK. Then let me out. What the hell? And that's when Laurence Fishburn.

Justin! Which looks a lot of fun, him just being like, These screams were like 30 seconds straight. But then he's doing what he should be doing as a captain. He's like, okay, this is what you're gonna do. We're gonna help you survive this. Shut your eyes. And he's like, okay. And then blood is just, wah. And I love the effect of his veins popping up. Ooh. Yep. Yeah.

And all the liquids in his body want to be on the outside of it. They're like, I don't want to get near anymore. I'm a go. See, just I'm watching it right now, like in the background just to see where we are. It's just I see this through the lens of like my child self seeing this and a child should not be seeing this. I just saw myself making this face. I was like, can we screen try? just going, no. But he lived. I like that they're like.

Well, he's not going to be pretty, but he's going to be alive. best we can do. Unfortunately. He went into space without a space suit and lived to tell about it. So good on you, Justin. At such a young age, such accomplishments. And this is when the we're he started like then all of sudden he's sitting down. He's alone. The spheres like you can tell is that the sphere. That's the energy, right? That's like the source of the core. The black hole. Yeah, because that's when you can see.

starting to already be a little possessive, right? At this point. Well, right after this is when we get the body horror scene that we've talked a bunch of times about, but we get it in like the flash. Probably the scene I think most people think about when they think about this movie is the video where they find the lost video. I think that's the crew that they were watching before, right? The one that disappeared. And it's just these really instant flashes of just.

the most disgusting, vile, they're like having the shunting going on, but it's bloody and there's like fists through the mouth. There's like, but my gosh, I want to pause it. And see, you can't even freeze frame it. You try. And if you look up pictures online too, they're just, it's so uncomfortable. it's so good though. How many minutes did they actually film? Is it like a 30 minute segment? I know, I wish they found it. get one second.

I you they have it. I bet you it's somewhere. But it's secret. Yeah, from the book I read there's way more of that. And I think there's a lot more of the sexual stuff with that. Yes. And there's a lot of the Jason Isaacs's death. And there's a lot of more footage of his wife. Well, good, because in my notes I was like, why am I not getting more of Jason Isaacs's death? That's crazy. Apparently you can read a quote by him where he talks about like

They ran the camera through like the gore holes of his body. like they did. I want to tell these like babes that came out and like go through his gore holes. Yeah, I love I love. mean, if it was done practical and they actually ran it through the prosthetic body that they created, that would have been sick. I get that they couldn't do it. I actually do think if they kept the s*x scenes in because.

I know that it's like a big part that people love and thing, I don't know if it was necessary. They could have just kept the gore whore and not done like the torture porn. I think that was probably more where the Hellraiser in space came to play that whole kind of, I don't know when you're, when you have a portal to hell and space, you get horny. I don't know. So, this is, yeah. So all of a sudden he gets like, I am home. Shit hits the fan. Everybody starts dying. Yeah.

And the first go, unfortunately, is Peter. Yeah. Well, Justin's dead. Just. sorry. Justin almost dies. Justin goes through. Then is it the medical doctor? No, I went back to the hour when this all happened and I and it looks like it's Peter's next because they're running away and then she's trying to follow ghosts. Ghost child. Fake. She falls off the thing. She falls off the thing. And that was her leg just goes like, Mer. You see the bone.

And it looks like she doesn't die right away, which almost I feel like that's like the worst death of all of them because she's just laying there and she's after that. But she can maybe feel it. She can maybe feel it. So she's probably alive. I bet you anything. She's probably alive through the whole fricking thing until all literal hell breaks loose. And so I do not envy her. The poor woman just wanted to be there for her birthday. I mean, even just for sake of time, in no particular order, we get some great deaths. We her Peters is gone.

Isaacs's, the DJ medical doctor, it very specifically reminded me of like a Rob Zombie haunted house, the one that got canceled and shut down. I remember Rob Zombie's nightmares or whatever. American nightmare. I lost my favorite hat in that maze. But they got shut down for being too gory. So maybe they have something in common with this movie. Yeah, one of their rooms got shut down for being too gory. It was an orgy. A cannibal orgy. that is just a no go. I'm starting my own this year, so.

This is cannibal or G. no, that death though, Isaacs's, I remember that vividly as a child. That one affected me the most because especially when you're that kind of visual, when you see an entire human body just empty and kind of just. Yeah, that is it. It reminds me a lot of the imagery, you know, when you get a lot of the like in Hannibal, like in, you know, the angel.

with like first power. Blood Eagle, blood, blood eagle. That's what it's called. They also do that in midsummer. Just you got the whole chest open, the eagle, the angel laid, you know, your ribs get slayed. That sucks because that's his death. You see the aftermath of which makes it more impactful that way because I wonder like, was it slow? Was it just a quick poor? but I want to see the poor want to see the body parts flying all over the medical table. Come on. We skip.

Titties, though, he we're has another image and they think this is right before he turns of his wife because his wife, didn't mention it earlier, but his wife is no more, obviously, and it's because she she hurt herself in the bathtub and he was working too much. He was working too much. And so there's a scene of her hug, a ghost possessed version of her hugging him. And I remember those were some of my first set of t-tties I saw on screen and I was very confused and it made me feel very uncomfortable.

But yeah, it's like it's like his head and t-ts. Yeah, like he's crying while she's wet and she's like it's at the aftermaid, ghost, ghosty wife. And it's just it's she's trying to be like, join me. It's OK. It's OK. And that was yeah, to me, that was one of the more like shining scenes. Mm Yeah. Like that was like the thing breaks. It's full of blood. Those are the two like shining scenes for me.

Yes, you could tell that there was definitely that shining in space was part of it. But the bloodletting of the elevator, but it being a glass. So was a huge part. This is when Pewdie, what's his name, Pewdie Smitty Smitty Smitty. I mean, his real name is something Petrie Pewdie. My mind is Sean Purty. Thank you. I've my brain. Smitty Smith. So he's he blows up, right? He's the one who blows up.

Well, they all in the beginning, they talk about how there's like a fail safe to in case something happens with the ship to separate them so that it'd be a life raft. And it's like, well, then if something went wrong, why didn't they separate? It's these explosive devices to like make it to be two parts. And yeah, and they didn't do it. And all of a sudden, Laurence Fishburne's they're trying to get back to their ship. And Laurence Fishburne's like Smitty.

one of them is missing, like there's going to be there's a it's on the ship. We think we're put it on the ship because he's already done his like, I know, yes, creature of the dark and Smitty's like, I'm going to f--king find it. He sees blood on a package and he opens it. It goes five. And then like his. By the way, I thought he was clever girl. They both look the same, him and Jason Isaacs, because at the scene you just see it opens, it goes silent and he's like, and I just wanted him to go clever. We're.

It's like I watched this interview with I think his name is Jeff Bridges the other day. Like different Jeff Bridges or the real like. No, I get them all mixed up. Which one was in Dumb and Dumber? Jeff Bridges. Jeff Daniels. Jeff Daniels. OK, so you know that scene in Speed where he like opens the thing and like sees the bomber before blows up and they cut to his face. Fun fact, I have not seen Speed, but I'm looking forward to it.

Okay, well, there's there's a shot where like right before he gets blown up and he's like, my whole like everyone talks about my acting in the scene, which is pretty much the same shots as event horizon with Smitty. And he's like, I took my inspiration from Roy Schneider, seeing the shark and jaws where he like, Scheider, Scheider or calm down, Roy Scheider or from jaws like, like he clenches his face muscles. And then as soon he sees a shark, he like let's drop

So I can do it all the time. And the audio in your phone makes it sound like you have you have braces and you're talking like this. I love it. I try to flex my face muscles like John. No, I love it because you want because it's the realization. he's like when someone says like your face fell. Yeah, that's like physically he made his face fall. You know, it's so real to like literally just the you know, love that.

I thought he did a really good job. it's there's the open scene. It just showed up. Yeah. I'm like accepting death. Yeah, that was that was a really good part of him and just being like, OK, every time they do that in movies, it's it's so real reaction. You'd probably react that way, too, because it's like you you have no other choice. You're just like, OK, fighter. It's not fight or flight. It's acceptance or acceptance. Some people are like, they'll try to flee. But his it's he had five, four, three, two, one. Where the f--k was he going? Yeah.

But yeah, that's I was like, no, my second favorite character. No, Alfred. I also have that he a slow turn in the diabolical captain's chair is my next note. Is that when Fishburn comes out? Fistburn Mr. Fistburn comes out and Sam Neill has no eyes at that point. his eyes are on or they're like all all scarred shut because he's already doesn't have eyes because fake they do like the 90s CGI no eyes and then it's so.

What happened to your eyes where we're going? don't need eyes. and I could have, don't even get me started. I swear to God, I thought he was going to say, well, we're going, we don't need roads or eyes. But it's, you do. I really wish that was a Back to the Future reference for no reason at all. I really wish. where we're going, we won't need eyes to see. But yeah, that line though, if you really think about that, that's, that's chilly.

But this is when it went all hellraiser. So the only two alive or supposedly alive right now are I was about to say King Fishburne, Captain Captain Miller and Blonde. No, Cooper's alive, too. He's just we don't know that he's fixing the ship. Yeah, we don't know that on the ship. He's in space. Yeah, he blew away and tumbled. So we think he's dead. He gets to come back for the final showdown with no -eyed Sam Neill.

No, no, I'd say Laurence Fishburne and yeah, because Sam Neill is full on 100 percent like he's about to start the shunting possessed. Like he is he is it like he is. He's like, look, party personification. He's the reason would join him. He's like this. So then Cooper comes back and he's going to save everybody. And then Sam Neill is like, I actually have a space harpoon. Don't worry about it. It exists.

Not just a regular harpoon, a space harpoon, okay? Get them right. It's just a thing, but like, it literally looks like an all -black version of like the killer clowns from Outer Space. Like he's just like, I have a harpoon, shoots a window and the guy's like, I know, window, goes away. And then the window, we get the full explosion. And then Sam Neill's character, you know, just gets sucked into space, which my note was no.

He deserves a way worse death than that, because f--k that guy in particular. He does not get to die in space. I need to see it. At that point, I was kind of like living in this ICP like magnets. How does that work? Like space? How does this work? Like there's a lot of gravity that's very confusing to me right now or lack thereof.

that there's no things. This guy was in gravity and instantly froze almost to death and his body exploded, but they're kind of indoors and therefore they get to live just because they're holding on tight. Like I'm trying to see. There's there's gravity that they're holding on to. I'm so confused. They're both holding on different angles. And Sam Neill is about to fly off. He just flies off. And yeah, that's when he told I love all the space tumbling scenes because it's all slow motion and they're all just like.

the space tumble. Then we get the shining red doors for Lieutenant Stark, who's the our blonde, our heroine. I hate that it took us two hours to finally say her character name. Because we've just been calling her blonde. are sexist guys. it's 1997. We didn't invent these characters. They give her like two lines yet she's the hero of the movie. What?

No, because she's the one who realized that it was a creature. She's the one who's like, no, the ship is a life force. Like she's the one that they should have been listening to the whole time. they're like, Laurence Fisher is like, I don't have time for your nonsense. She's like, well, you asked for my opinion on what was wrong. Yeah, but I don't like your opinion. She's not going to listen to it. By the way, Kay, I don't know if you can hear it, but does Ama sound like she has a giant retainer in her mouth when she talks right now? No.

because it was blurry, so I couldn't see and because the audio distorted, it just sounded like you just have this retainer and it's like, God, we sound like our child versions of ourselves and it's perfect. I probably won't sound like that. I wish you're like, no, there's no retainer. And that's why it's blurry. So you could put your retainer in. So.

of time. So for some stupid reason, we're decided that we're going to go back to the space sphere core room, which like, yeah, the thing that's been causing us all this trouble, let's definitely go explore it some more. And that's when Laurence Fishburne's on like, it's the fire, because Sam Neill and Sam Neill's character. no, he's already been on fire. But Sam Neill's character magically reappears full on pinhead variation. He's all cut up. He's bald now. He's got some makeup on. He's done his like blow up. Here for it.

He gets kind of like, I'm in charge now. I am the ship. She is me. The ship wouldn't let me leave because my love is like, this guy went through some transformation. He has forgotten about his dead wife because he's got the ship now. Cooper's back. He's moved on. He's like, Lawrence Fishburne's like, I'm going to save the day. But I really I was really disappointed that no one got impaled on the spikes.

I was just kind of waiting the whole time. mean, they did in the video. There's a lot of impaling in the video. But yeah, in real life, we don't really want to those. Why did you give me these spikes if you weren't going to k*ll anyone? Why did you build this? But don't worry, we have Chekhov's explosives all over the f--king ship, all over the ship. We are stacked and ready to blow this baby up at any given notice. I want to This wasn't going to come back later. Hmm.

but we can't forget, do you see? Do you see? Okay, but were you guys like, did your brains kind of melt for a minute because they're saying, you see? But then Laurence Fishburne ended up being Jack Crawford 20 years later. Yes. That was so hellraiser, all of those lines. I don't even remember this. Do you you see? It was so weird. was like.

Where is this coming from? Why? Why are we so focused on your eyeballs, man? Is that so focused on eyeballs in this movie? Is that before after the Shining Space Elevator blood after the space elevator behind me? And I'm still enjoying this while we're talking. It's like my own little slumber party here. there it is. Do you see? yes. And then it's like, I don't see s--t. Boom explosion. Love it. Do you see? And then it goes back to the

yeah, I love it. I highly encourage everyone to go on Google and look up screenshots of all of these very fast flash images because they're actually really creepy. And then he's like, yes, I see a bomb that I explode. Yeah, everywhere. And then, of course, we go back to our wonderful fake out with Cooper and Stark and.

And they're like, all right, well, this guy's not doing great, but everybody else survived and magically they're in these green tubes now. So we just did survive. So the three of them actually survived. OK, I don't know why. Yeah, survived. He was in bad shape. I thought they just it was one of the things where they forgot about him. Like he died and it was just like, know, they they scale. I think this one is a lot of damage. That's right. OK. They put him in a pod because when they talked about going back to the ship, he's the doctor is like.

I can't he's not safe enough for me to take out, but I can transport him in the pod. And they're like, cool, do it. Let's go. OK, we're just getting out. So they do live and then they have these like crazy stormtrooper black masks that they're wearing for these rescue teams. And then Darth Vader pulls the thing back and he's like, reveal. And again, we're there's Sam Sam Neill.

all messed up and then she wakes up and it's like, just kidding. You're fine. No, you're fine. But are they? are you? Yeah, it's one of those movies. You're like, I think you're all going to hell now. think like some of the good quotes that we didn't get to is that the ship brought back something within a life force of some kind. like, is this an alien movie? Because technically it's like a life force that came out of the black hole and possessed a ship.

and then started possessing anyone who was in around or tied to the ship. I feel like it's kind of an alien. It's all it's one of the only that I can think of anyway. I think it's the only space possession movie space hell like hell. Like I haven't seen that. Is that a possession here? it came out. It came out a year later with Samuel L. Jackson and Dustin Hoffman. And what's her name?

She's my favorite actress. What's her name? have a question. Mary F Ghost, Laurence Fistburn, the captain in the video or Sam Neill as the f--ked up possessed Samuel or Jason or Dr. Malfoy, Dr. Malfoy, I guess. She froze. She got really excited. I would say I would marry Captain Fistburn. I would have.

I mean, Jason Isaacs obviously, but I'd make him wear the Malfoy wig in character and then I would say I'm Neil. But then when he got possessed, I'll k*ll him and ghost him. Then we got possessed. I'll ghost him. she's gone again. She got really offended. Is she dead? Not into anyone in this movie. They all. Not even my aunt who doesn't have a name. No, just BFF. Me and BFF Cooper. We're not. We're not into that. We're just besties. I just I actually think this movie

was I don't think it needed any of the s*x. I'm just like, I just want it to be like a straight up weird horror movie. Yeah. And I mean, I'm not saying like, don't don't, you know, sexual repression, like, you know, whatever, do it, do you. But like, I think there was already so many cool things that like it didn't even need it. I got all right. It's such a good body horror. And I don't even like body horror, but it had a great body horror, great effects.

It was in this creepy thing. had possession like it already had so much. It really did. No, it's such a great movie. I don't know why. I guess I'm going to address it earlier, but it's just kind of sad that it has such a bad rating. So I think newer audiences who've never seen it, I think a lot of them unfortunately rely on things like Rotten Tomato Meters and stuff like that that aren't by any means a good basis on if a movie is enjoyable or not. But they might get deterred by that thinking, it's just, you know, another.

throw away movie, but I actually think there's a lot to this, especially the time it came out. And because at that time there was just like Critters four Leprechaun in space, which you know me, those are my favorites, but I know they're not, you know, quality mainstream films. So well, but there's also I know I tried to watch this movie a while ago and I didn't make it very far. The eyeball CGI did. I was like, God, if this is what the whole movie is going to look like. Other than that.

it does start really, really slow. So I did not make it super far into this movie. I don't even think I made it so far that they were on the event horizon. So I'm glad I rewatched it. And I'm glad that I know all the behind the scenes stuff because it does change my perspective on the movie. I think it deserves a lot more if they if we got to see the full cut and they did a remaster, I think it'd be great. That'd be so fun, especially if they did it as a live screening. Yeah, I think it would get a lot of attention and people would really love it.

And it does deserve a lot of credit for being a horror movie that's in space and is doing something different. One thing that I saw that people were talking about online about it was like, is it a religious movie? Is it not? Is it actually a porter? Did he actually open a portal to hell? Right. Or is it just this is what's on the other side of the black hole and is science reaching too far? Yeah. And we're actually opening our own version, like a different version of hell. Right.

I mean, science, science is scary. Science and the universe is terrifying. And I think it's meant to be unexplored, at least at this time for a reason. Just like the deep sea, deep sea. Don't get me near that. Look, Ron, we're on letting the black holes be. We're to. well, why are you? What happened? Did you get bigger? I don't. What the f--k just happened? Do you see yourself?

is this how the view could have been the whole time? Wait, what happened? You see the view being different? Well, we're about to off anyway. It's you're huge. And then me and Kay are tiny. It's just because you joined. It didn't change for me. That's OK. Well, basically, the last thing we said was that there was someone talked about online that did he open a portal to hell? I think he opened. He ripped a hole into hell through the he finally found his hole. Wait.

I said that wrong. He he made he made the the space hole. I can't I'm too dirty to say what I'm trying to say. You are. I was if we were if we were f--k Mary killing, I'm going to f--k Justin's ears. I'm going to marry you. Wait did you say his ears. Yes.

I'm going to I'm going to marry hot blonde because she lives. Yes. Smart. And I'm going to I'm going to k*ll a f--king mom because she annoys the s--t out of me. going to ghost her because just in case ghost ghost mom ghost mom ghost mom. Anyway, that was on horizon. Yay. The final frontier where you don't need eyes. This is going to be a fun month.

I'm excited. We need we need the fun month. I think space has some great movies in space. It's going to be a treat. It's going to be something great to me if I if I have my way, I'm going to talk about the most amazing of them all. Award Academy Award winner Angela.

in an Academy Award winning film, Critters 4. All right. Well, on that note, if you enjoyed this episode, make sure to tune in next Thursday for another spaceship slaughter hot mess of puppets. Space Jam. Space Space Space Jam Slaughter. Yeah. So if you

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It's getting sweaty, so let's do this. So on that note, sweet screams, everybody. And whatever you do. Don't fall asleep first. Hail Space say Satan. Hail Space say Satan.

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