Pillow Fright

Jason X (2001) w/ Brian Collins | Spaceship Slaughters!

Pillow Fright / Brian Collins Season 1 Episode 21

It's a bird, it's a place, it's...UBER JASON!

He's survived drowning. He's survived being macheted by Corey Feldman. He's even survived the toxic waste that floods the sewers of New York every night at midnight! But can he survive space? Find out when Elissa, Kay, and Ama are joined by horror journalist and repertory film host Brian Collins to discuss 2001's JASON X! 

We don't have a spoiler-free section in this episode so if you haven't seen this 10th entry in the FRIDAY THE 13TH franchise, go rent it, watch it, and come back to join us in space before hockey gets outlawed! 

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Pillow Fright theme by Brandon Scullion

Welcome everyone to another episode of the pillow fright podcast. I'm Elissa I'm Kay. And I'm Ama And we are your three besties here to keep you in the loop with all things horror. All right. And we have a very special guest with us invited to the party tonight. He is a horror journalist, a repertory film host, and the one who puts all the credits at the end of your

fave movies, Mr. Brian Collins. Brian. Hi. Welcome. Hi. Hi. Thanks for having me. Thank you for joining us, sir. So what enticed you to want to say yes to this extravaganza we're about to have? If you ask me to talk about Jason and then for the 13th movies, I will show up anywhere because I'll just be doing that anyway.

So if somebody's gonna like record it or actually use it in some way and it's not just gonna be listening to me babble for half an hour for nothing, then it's all the better for everyone, I feel. We're talking about Jason tonight? Is that what we're doing? no. Spoilers. Yeah, I'm very happy that you're here. And I told these girls I'm very sorry because I'm gonna contain myself as best as I can because I think we bonded over our love for the franchise and over the underdogs in particular and the

battle over which is worse or best, guess. You know, Jason X, Jason Goes to Hell or Jason Takes Manhattan. And I'm very excited about this. I'll contain myself. before we get into this episode, like, I really want to talk about everybody's favorite slasher films, because I feel like they're going to be very eclectic. Brian, it's two of the guests. You go first. Just one? Yeah, just one. Your favorite slasher. well, Halloween's my favorite movie. Favorite movie ever. Yeah. So. Above Kathy's Curse.

All right. What Halloween lacks in teleporting Canadian children. It makes up for in suspense and... No, just... Everything about Halloween I love, I've loved it since I was a kid. So that's... I doubt it'll ever be top for me. Interesting. I called dibs on going last. I have to think. gosh. I mean, I had to think too because obviously I have my go -to answers, but I'm sure there's more than that. Halloween is actually one of my favorite movies of all time as well.

So that's up there. But when you ask like specific sub genres, I try to think not of my favorite movies, honestly, and this is going to sound so weird and I would have to get real into it to explain why. But I think it's Friday the 13th, part five, because I don't think of Friday the 13th as a slasher movie, even though they are like clearly by the book. I think a part five just strictly as a slasher take Jason out of it. I think it's a great slasher movie and is dirty and sleazy. And I love that.

and Scream. I kind of think, okay, so you want to hear weird. This is going to be weird. So, I mean, you both know that I'm not the slasher person. I'm not the person who's like, I love all slashers, but I really love and I don't know why, but I continuously go back to New Year's Evil. it's the Phantom of the Paradise like thing. Maybe it's all the like Los Angeles locations. I

really f-cking love that movie. I continuously go back to it more than any other slasher. allure of an Erik Estrada party. It's true. gosh. God. He came into like, when I used to work at Michael's in the framing department, I get a phone call one day and they're like, just so know, a big celebrity is about to come in to get some stuff framed. Is that okay? Can you accommodate? And I was like, yeah, we get celebrities here all the time because it was the Studio City one. it really is a lot of celebrity people.

And I'm just like, but they were like, wouldn't say who it was. And so I'm just like, what the f-ck? And then all of a sudden I hear

It's f-cking Erik Estrada screaming at me. And he's come to frame photos of him in like a tuxedo that he's autographed. And I think they must have been for charity or something. But yeah, that's my entire Erik Estrada story. I think, well, okay, so my original favorite was Jason. I don't know, because I was always like, it's not his fault. It's okay, it's okay, buddy. You killed those guys. They deserve it.

but something about like the learning the behind the scenes of the first one and the snake thing, is, in my opinion, unforgivable. And I won't, I come. heard a snake. He killed the snake that snake that's in there. It's a real snake. The handler was on set. It was not supposed to be killed. I won't say it on here from what, you know, there's a lot of stories about like how it happened and no one's.

Obviously no one's claiming that they did it, but like a lot of people blame one person, you know, but I, it sullied that for me too. Like, because like I, there's a reason I'm not gonna watch Cannibal Holocaust. There's a reason I'm not gonna watch these things, but at the same time I'm like, okay, but it's for a movie and you didn't need to f-cking do that. So I can't with that movie anymore. And it just like, so I can't even say that that's my favorite slasher. I actually think my favorite slasher, right.

might and you're definitely gonna disagree with me. think it's Leslie. Yeah, think it's behind the mask. It's a good one. Well, I know it's not like, it's just something about the seeing of the person behind it. think I just really, really enjoyed that whole thing where I was like, cause he is a slasher. He's doing great. He's doing such a good job. He's doing such good work. Good for him. He's really putting the effort into it. good work. So I think he is my favorite. I really, respect the ethic.

He's got to learn from the best. He did. He did from the best. The amount of the tropes and everything. But I just think that that's like that's the fun part about a slasher is that you you want to root for that guy. And that's that's one of those movies that like lets you root for him. Yeah. All right. Well, so speaking of slashers, if you guys haven't figured it out yet, let's get into our movie for this week. Jason Voorhees survived drowning, stabbing, burning.

at a 400 year cryogenic nap to boldly go where no man has gone before. Outer space. That's right pillow fighters, we are talking Jason X. Yes we are. Yes we are. And I know how thrilled you are. You know what? If you guys will watch my art jizz movies, I will watch Jason X with you. It's fine. It's okay. It's fine. Sometimes we need to escape with just a little bit of a

Little bit of just some fluff. Little bit of, you gotta fluff the horror d-ck that is, you know what I'm saying, right? Getting cut. You know exactly what I'm saying. Getting cut. Save it for the Patreon, girl. This is not going in the final edit You wanna read this in our I will, I will. If she starts doing the hawk tuah sh-t over Jason, then yeah. Don't tempt me. I honestly think that Elissa would have sex with Jason. I might. I might be his first.

This is the most human form that he's in so I guess if you're - No, he's gross in this one. feel like he would have like a chrome he'd have a huge ass A codpiece? Big ol' wiener. Yeah. It would - but it would be metal and it'd be girthy. I'm sure when he got upgraded, he got upgraded. Yeah, did he get metal upgraded and upgraded? Like, they blow his dick off too when they were like, all the parts of it to be replaced? He got upgraded! god. Alright, so the year is 2455.

The place is Old Earth. Once the shimmering blue jewel of the galaxy, Old Earth is now a contaminated planet abandoned for centuries. Yet humans have returned to the deadly place that they once fled, not to live, but to research the ancient rusting artifacts of a bygone civilizations that caused this environmental disaster.

And little does the most recent landing party of intrepid young explorers real. Wait, how does that? I didn't write it. That sentence is trash. None of this is actually in the movie. know. It's the movie for four seconds. It is in the movie for less than the Cronenberg cameo. Unfortunately. All right. And little does the most recent landing party of intrepid young explorers realize that fate.

awaits them.

Except for opposite. Mil mil milk. Where's the meatloaf The meatloaf, mah

Can you Jason? Guys, can I tell you? I know it's this one and while this one is not particularly Not even on my list of favorite Friday the 13th movies the fact that we're talking about one Makes me very excited. I didn't mean to make me very excited Welcome Brian

movie she's a little inappropriate get a little I mean she makes everything only a matter of time till aside you know the f-cking Part in Wedding Singer like you think the time to make the doughnuts guy is sexy So where were you guys the first time you saw Jason X home cleaning Sorry, so I I I did not get to see this in theaters this came out when I was

right near the end of my senior year in college. And I was like working around the clock to finish my short film, finish up all my classes. Plus that's when I just started seeing Teresa, who's now my wife. So was trying to like make sure I didn't lose that. So I did not have time to run to the theater to see Jason X, which to me, like as much as I love the movies, just did not, I was like, he's in space. that's what they, that's what they do when they don't, like that's what they do when they suck. But I really wanted to go. just did not.

Literally out of time. And I don't think I saw a single movie in theaters that whole month. That might be the only month in history since I had a car that I did not go to the movies because I was so busy doing everything else. And the next week, Spider -Man came out and I had to go see Spider -Man. And then the next week it was gone. So for years, this was the only Friday 13th movie that I did not see in theaters. And then I finally got to on March 13th, 2020.

Yeah, you all just realized the punchline of the story. A theater in LA showed it at a 2 pm matinee. And I went and I'm like, my God, I finally get to see Jason X in theaters. Maybe now it'll be better. It wasn't, but that as I'm leaving the theater, I was planning to go to another movie at the at the draft house. I was going to go see The Hunt and I'm listening to the radio. I'm listening to the radio and I'm like, I don't know, man, this.

COVID thing sounds, this sounds kind of real. Maybe I shouldn't go to the movies anymore today. Like, shouldn't push my luck. And so for a year and whatever, Jason X was the last movie I in theaters. I finally got to complete my set of seeing all the Jason movies in theaters. And then I didn't go to the movies again for a week. To be fair. Broke me. I not go anymore. broke the world. To be fair, that seems pretty fitting for Jason X.

I know that means literally about a dead earth. I'm like, that's, that's, that's where we're headed at this point. That's what caused this. I saw it the first time. I did see it in theaters. I had, it was like my junior year of high school and some dude, I cannot think of his name right now. I don't know why he asked me on a date to see it and he brought me a dozen black roses and took me to see Jason X. And I think he was like really bummed that I did not put out.

But yeah. after Jason X. So I'm trying to remember when I actually, I must've just rented it when it came out, like on video or whatever. Did you not see it when Todd did a thing at the silent theater? I must've missed that too. That was a fun night. was like, he was hosting.

And Barbara Crampton came and Gunnar Hansen came. It's the first time I ever met him. Random collection. It was. was they had called and they called a bunch of people and to like go. We all met at Canter's before and had a lot of drinks. So by the time we got there, it was real sloppy. But it was a fun time. Yeah. I don't know why I didn't go back.

Maybe I'll stick at work or whatever the hell. definitely, mean, go to whenever there's one showing, even if it's not one of my favorites. I mean, I've hosted New Blood twice and I don't like, New Blood's my least favorite. And I've hosted screenings of that twice. like, I am always down to watch any of these on the big screen. Like I don't have that same affinity for Nightmare or even for Halloween. Like if they're showing Halloween Resurrection, I'm like, enjoy, like I'll be home doing literally anything. Resurrection is awful. Came out the same year as this one actually.

And like the nightmares I'm very like hit or miss with like that whole series But any Friday if it's showing and I have the night off and I'm free I'm like, yeah, I'll go I'll go see new blood. I went to the new blood screening that you screened one time when Yeah, we had the director before he'd passed Butler William Butler That was a great screening I forget her name. I would say Maddie. That might be a movie the girl that's like yeah touch up like it was cool. Yeah

I've never seen this in theaters. The other time I was to the editor, so that was fun, because you get to tell about all the horror stories with the ratings board and stuff, I thought this one passed pretty easily. This one did, Jason X, they said, was like the least... The least censored of all. Like, NBA was like, no, you know, this one's actually pretty fun. They said they had to cut, the stupid drill kill, the screw, he screwed. I guess they had to, like, one turn.

And then some of Cronenberg's blood and I guess that was it. How dare they? Like one little turn. So what was your first time seeing this movie? So here's the thing with this one. It's one of those movies that I remember putting on. I know I was dog sitting at the time I was house sitting and I thought, know what? I think I need to give Jason X a try. I think I need to just do it. And I put it on and every single time I've seen this movie, I always

space out and then when I pay back attention, including this last time we watched it, it's always at a time where somebody has a gun and they're exploring and then I don't know what the hell happened. I miss about 15 minutes, 20 minutes, and I just could never get through it. So last night was actually the first time I've gotten through the entire thing from start to finish and paid attention to the entire thing. I mean, I've seen it in bits and pieces multiple times, but it's interesting seeing it from start to finish.

Yeah, it's probably the one I've seen the least of all the 12. I just don't consider it a Friday the 13th movie. It just doesn't feel like one. It's the one that's most, the weird thing is it's the one that's, for me, is probably the one that I would throw on for a party. Or if people would come over and like, let's just throw on a movie for the background. Then they wanted Friday, if it was a Friday the 13th that day or whatever, that would be, let's do X, because it's like.

If you put on final chapter, I'm gonna be like, shut the f-ck up. trying to watch final chapter. Like, you know what mean? Like, I'm gonna be like, shh. But like, this one, I'm like, yeah, whatever. Like, I will look up when something funny is happening or if Janessa's on screen or whatever. But other than that, I'm just like, it's okay. I just don't like the way he looks in it. It doesn't look like He looks weird. Even as, like, it's not even the Uber Jason thing. Like, he's supposed to normal Jason looks kind The regular one just looks, I don't know. He looks like a human in It's a little too, like...

Like not even horror nights like sub horror nights like local fun park Jason guy and he has a mullet. Yeah, you can see too much of Kane's face in it. I know that's Kane Hodder. Even in those opening shots when they had his eye moving. Yeah, he looks like sad. I don't like that. Yeah, his eye looked like pretty normal. Plus I want I I always want the movie that like

takes place before this, like how they captured him and chained him up for some reason. And tortured him and killed him anyways. and like, yeah, like what Cronenberg was just doing on a day to day, like I that movie. That's way better than like the space ship. I mean, I'll take Cronenberg acting any day. True story. This takes place in 20, or 2007? Yeah, the first, it's like 2000, yeah, it's like, it's the near future then. So this came out in same, yeah, it came out in 2002, but it was shut on the shelf for a while. So it's probably like.

no, was 2001, but then, yeah, the plot took place around like 2007. Well, it's dated to 2001, but it didn't come out until 2002. It's dated to 2001 because it played at a festival or something. It's probably gonna be nonsense. But yeah, it came out April 2002. It came out the week before Spider -Man. Wow. It's weird because I will say like this movie has one of my favorite Jason scenes. Yeah.

That's a good kill. It's one of my favorite Jason kills, but I don't think of this as a Jason, as a Friday 13th movie. It's just a Jason movie. But like, I'll also watch Freddy vs. Jason and be totally fine with it as far as I'm like, whatever, it's canon now. It's fine. But I don't know, there's something about this one where like, I love Jason Takes Manhattan and it being silly and ridiculous and like, boom! Like, ridiculous, f-ck you boombox! just, you know, that makes me feel You like Jason Takes Manhattan? Yeah.

But I mean, but that's like fun But you know that that level of like comedy Jason is probably the most I can it's still a different vibe than this one being like a horror

And that's the just so I was talking with Ryan last night when we're watching it cuz like I take Jason X over Manhattan any day manhattan's just not fun watch I'm like Manhattan is the definition of a fun watch this one is very difficult to get through in a fun way I don't know about that It's a fun movie but Manhattan man is on another planet and I love it like I love that this movie starts

with David Cronenberg. There's stuff that's good. There's still plenty of entertainment value in it. But I think what does it in, and I think what you were saying, like, it's not, it's a different kind of fun. The tone is just constantly, like it never quite lands on being almost a spoof. Yes. And like some of the kids act like they're in a spoof of Friday the 13th movies. And others just are like, I'm going to take this seriously, but like.

having fun, and then others are just taking it seriously without realizing it's any humor. So nobody's quite on the same page when you're watching it, and it just, that comes back out of the TV into you. What are you afraid of? And it's like, I don't know how I'm supposed to react to any of this. I'm like this the whole time. I'm like, what? Should I laugh? I, whatever? And then it's over. Do you wanna just get into it then? mean, the whole, the way he was supposed to wake up, and it's still what happens, but it doesn't really come across, is that.

there's like two or three couples having sex at the same time. And that's what wakes them up. I wrote a note about that. I'm excited you That was very specific. That was supposed to be what wakes them up. And it doesn't quite land in the movie because again, everybody's kind of on different pages of what kind of... Like they should have all three climax at the same time and then he will... And then he's like... You know what, maybe I would have gotten it.

even if the edit like if you want to keep it horny and like male gaze II like Every bitch takes their top off it boom boom boom boom and his eyes pop open this was the first time I know that would have been hilarious I hope that's in the porn version So if you guys ever need someone to direct a Jason X part two I'm available the remake of Jason X yeah specifically I mean that that tracks though because it like

You know, thinking about like final girls, the final girl's logic of like, he's not gonna attack until you take off your top. that, but for me that follows the slasher rules. And I do think that's kind of what maybe bugged me a bit about this movie is like, if you're gonna do a slasher, gotta, you kind of have to have like, you don't have to follow the rules exactly, but the rules exist to help you and to help the audience. And I don't think that the rules were in it. I didn't get it.

I was like, it doesn't feel slashery. didn't feel cohesive. I, I kind of hate Kay-Em I'm not going to lie. the sex doll? Yeah, the sex doll. Her wig is... How dare she defraud my name like this. I felt bad for her though. I feel like they were trying to go for like the Borg. It's just that standard, you know, Android, Android, or Lance Henderson. Data was like actually useful. This was just like a male gaze -y like...

this machine was built to f-ck. It was like Weird Science in space. Why don't I have nipples? Everyone else has nipples. I want nipples. And then they fell off. That was hilarious. actually like it. For me to kick Jason's ass, I must wear Dominatrix gear. Of course. Yeah, the Matrix has finished filming and I would like to borrow their costumes. Listen.

People may have not seen this movie, so they don't know what the heck we're talking about with Dominatrix gear, okay? They definitely should. all in there. They're all just like, they're just making sh-t up. We're not making this up. wish I could tell you. It's not even like good Dominatrix gear. It's not even like something that would have ended up in The Matrix. It's like the Wish version. I like halter top bullets. was like, that's kind of, it's like bad tank girl, but like I'm okay with it. I did like her beard hair styling choice though. was like a wig that was on backwards.

Yeah, but I like that wig. It also bothered me though that everybody else was wearing 90s clothes except for Everybody in the future dresses like 1999 -2000 like confusion my god, do you guys remember in the like when between like 99 and 2000 they were trying to do like Millennium fashion and it was like like everything was shiny was was tube tops with these like shrugs. Yeah

I was like, don't, it was supposed to be futuristic, I think, but it never caught on. They were all just, I feel like everybody just walked out of A delia's catalog. Exactly. No, they went shopping at Forever 21 back when it was still like, by color code.

Like, a lot of it wasn't futurey for me. Like, the clothes weren't futurey. The hair wasn't futurey. You don't know what hockey is, but you sure know what This is year the hockey was... 2024, the year hockey was canceled. we gonna go down the plot, or are we just free -falling I don't even think we need to go down Can I just explain something about the plot that I find fascinating? Yes. Love it. Because we were talking about another movie in this series.

Which movie am I talking about? Our heroes are a bunch of kids on a ship. One of the girls' students is seducing her professor. They all know Jason is Jason X Manhattan. Or Jason X. it's totally Jason takes Manhattan. Totally. structure of this movie is so much like Manhattan. to a ship. It's the only two movies in the series where everybody kind of knows that Jason is there, like almost from the start. There's no like...

going off by themselves. And then like, where is everybody? Like they're all on high alert, almost the entire movie. It's Canadian as f-ck. Professor. Jason X Manhattan Yeah. It's got the professor seduction scene. Yep. it's got the highest body counts because he destroys those ships.

the drown, you know, the, the, the wrong sinks. And then this one, crashes into the space station, kills the space station. yeah. The about this movie, this movie has a body count of like 4 million or something. no. Todd Farmer was a cool, I get 20 ,000. Yeah. Wait, how? Wait, what? Yeah. Cause he kills like, he doesn't directly kill them, but indirectly. Cause somehow their little spaceship like.

crashes into the space station and their ship keeps going but the space station And he's like, had 20 ,000 people on it. So my, my body count is over 20 K. Like, man, I always thought that was kind of funny that like, this one of all the movies like seems to like, let's do Manhattan, but in space. No, it really is. And I love when they find him. They're just like, what is that on his face? I don't know. Hockey was outlawed in 2024.

So this is the year that yeah, hockey is outlawed. All I know is I want him soft. Yeah. Yeah. Did you say that a lot? Apparently, apparently, Cronenberg wrote that line. Do you guys believe it? I don't know. Yeah, I believe it. He seems like such a fun. He seemed like he was like really into it. Like he was like super stoked. Like it wasn't like him being like, yeah, like doing a favor. Like, yeah, I'm here. Like put me in coach. Like, I'm happy to do this. It was his like protege. Yeah, Jim Isaac was like.

He's this effects guy for a lot of his movies. And he like, guess, Cronenberg hooked him up with a crew to make this. And his thing is he wanted to be in the movie. He's like, I want to die. I mean, who doesn't want to have Jason killed? I'm like, that's fun. Would you guys? bad for the actors who were like in the, like, that get like the obligatory like off screen death. Like somebody always dies like off screen. I must suck for that. Like you don't get to do the cool part. I was going to say the

Well, they're all kind of the hoey girls, but like the one who doesn't really have much to do doesn't she just randomly crashed into the ship at the end? yeah, she tries to escape. She's still attached to the fuel line. yeah, she's still attached to the fuel line. Your boyfriend got killed like in the opening. the professor just wants his machete back off screen. And that guy's a Cronenberg, not the professor, but the guy he's trying to sell him to is a Cronenberg guy too. Yeah. He's in all the Cronenberg movies. I actually wanted more from the professors.

I really get sad if the worst character in a movie dies off screen or doesn't get a death that's Well, I mean, he was like the Burke. He was supposed to be Burke in this world, sort of. Well, I actually think that one thing that Jason X had in common with most space movies is don't believe women and see where it gets you because they didn't listen to her just like they didn't listen to Ripley, just like they didn't listen.

to our Hot Blonde and Event Horizon. Hashtag Hot Blonde. Hashtag Hot Blonde. So that is probably, I think, the most space thing about this movie besides the obligatory space tunnel. the haunted house space tunnel. God, it's so bad. Wee! Question for my actress friends. Would you show your boobs for a Jason movie? I got asked to be in the Ginger Dead Man sequel.

I actually probably would do the camp scene this though. That was the best scene. It's like everybody's favorite part. It's like they go to outer space and everybody's favorite part is when he's in the camp with like killing campers in the woods. It's like, yeah, that's all we want. It's all I want. As much as I love Manhattan, we just like, they, you know, they're still talking about like, I was cause I, you know, doing research for this. I watched some of the bonus features on the Blu -ray and like they're, you know, it came out a couple of years ago. So it was like,

Fairly new interview, they're still talking about another movie, the 13th movie, it's like, it's gotta be special, we gotta do something, like really, like no! You don't have to do anything unique. What you have to do is you have to put Jason Voorhees in the woods with eight to 10 idiots and kill them. And that is as special as it needs to one! With abs or t-ts. Think of the ones that everybody loves the most, one through six, why? Because those are the ones, I mean it's not Jason and one, but you know what mean, it's kids in the woods getting killed by the f-cking killer.

After that is when they started trying to make them special. got Carrie, got Manhattan, they got the body jumping, they got Space, they got Versus Freddy. Those are the ones that everybody's like, those are the ones that divide fans. Like some people are like, like them, that's fine, I'm not saying you're wrong. You're wrong if you like me, but you're wrong. But if, like few people disagree on those first six, and they're just f-cking Jason in the woods, there's nothing special about them.

didn't even mind the 2009 version. Yeah, and the remake's because it's like the remake worked because it was back to f-cking basics. Yeah, that's what we Jason wants mom. Jason kills teenagers. Teenagers suck. He's also a lucrative pot dealer, apparently, in the 2009 one. It's not his pot, damn it. my god. It's not his pot. It's the f-cking redneck dudes. Yeah, that he kills Don't you like jokes, Brian? No, it's not.

I've, cause there were people that were seriously like, like hating the movie because Jason had pot now. I'm like, it's not his. Like what is, it drove me nuts. Freddy versus and the remake are written by the same team and they're the only two in the series that really like make jokes about the fact that it's a hockey mask. Cause like one guy's like, he's at the hockey stick. He's like, is this yours? And then Freddy versus Jason's like, yo, that goalie was pissed. Like every now and then like, like at X they're like, it's a hockey mask, but there's no like.

joke about it really, but those two had like, I mean, don't like Freddy versus that much, but that f-cking kid, like that fake J Mewes dude. not Jason Mewes. Yo, that goalie was pissed. That's a good line. Have you guys noticed like how many people have been trying to make like Jason in Snow movies? I would love to see a Jason in Snow movie. think that would be awesome. Well, I mean, I want to see, I love any slasher horror movie in the snow, only if they do the blood right. If the blood does not steam, I'm out.

and out. No digital blood. No, no, no. Real blood on real snow. Well, it could be fake snow, I guess. We wouldn't really know the difference. Real blood. Unless it's like that weird, that blanket snow. I hate when they use that blanket kind of snow and you see something landing and like all of the snow in like a seven foot area kind of like flutters up and down. Like, what are you doing? Stop it. like when it's like the foams snow. You can tell they're like, like the foams. I'm born and raised Cali, so I don't know what snow is.

Just go to the Midwest and film. Iowa needs money. Indiana needs money. There's gotta be a lake in Iowa somewhere. I filmed a full fledged horror movie in Wisconsin, middle of the day, ended up shooting at night. No one noticed, because I didn't see a single other human the entire time we were there. Go film in Wisconsin, filmmakers. I'm sure you do it in Maine too. There's some pine trees there. Yeah, but like, I...

Tom McLoughlin talked about it when he was on our podcast and he was talking about, you know, the idea of doing Jason again and doing it in like another. So many people are like the filmmaker who did this movie, his original idea that he wanted to do was Jason in the wintertime. The sequel to the remake was going to be not all snow. It would have. You know, the remake has like that 20, 25 minute opening, which is almost like this like mini movie. They would have done that again, but it would have been like a 20, 25 minute.

Jason in the Snow movie. And then it would cut to six months later when they are reopening the camp. the main complaint they got, I guess, from the remake was that people wanted the camp to be open and not like this husk. They talked about it. They had a screening a couple weeks ago. Josh Miller hosted a screening of the remake. the writers were there and they talked about it. And it's like, why didn't we get that movie?

I mean, I really like the opening of a 2009 film too, so it feels it's incredibly Jason. So I want more of that. I just want a Jason movie to feel like a Friday the 13th movie, and I don't think that's too much to ask unless you're making a fanfic, which I respect fanfics, you know? Make your f-cking movie, because if someone isn't making it and you want to watch it, go make it. Go do it yourself. Can we talk about the VR game?

God. you're like, I brought the gamers on today. Let's talk about VR. So I will say fully, love VR. does. I got a motion sickness issue with it, which like not all of them, but like there's a couple of games where if it's too like, Thasmophobia cannot do, it's too choppy. Supermassive Games does some really great like slasher VR. I would love to play a Jason game in an actual like legit VR where you're like running from him.

Like Ready Player One? Yeah, Friday the 13th the game, but Ready Player One where I'm like legit running and then he kills me and I'm like, no, my body. That would be so awesome, especially if you got to like experience that like moment of fake death. That would be freaking crazy. I don't know what this is. This definitely reminded me of like a Star Trek holodeck though. Did you guys ever see that movie?

Fuck, what was it? It had Michael Douglas and Demi Moore. yeah, disclosure. They had like a VR thing too. See, I was sold, I'm older than all y 'all. I was sold on the Promise of VR with the Aerosmith video for Amazing. for... Apparently, if you have a computer, can VR yourself with Alicia Silverstone on a motorcycle doing whatever you feel like doing with...

Lisa Silverstone on a motorcycle and I'm like VR is the future. This is gonna be the great and then we get it for real. Yes. It's me playing Tetris. But I just assume a lot of people use it for porn. Yeah, like the version they have in Jason X still does not exist. Like whatever like the whole room can transform and you don't need any equipment. Jason himself can walk in and just see the room the way you're programming it to. but also like they were wearing equipment and he wasn't. Yeah.

that I just remembered that. was like, wait. Yeah, how's he seeing a monster or whatever that they were fighting? Yeah, because. Hold on, Jason, let me get your helmet on my friend. All Sir, sir. All hold on. Let me adjust your eye. Yep. OK, your eye distance. All right, you're good. Let me adjust the pupillary distance. you're going to a messy game play. Jason, you only got one eye. This isn't going to work for you. But like, this is definitely inspired by Star Trek's holodeck. yeah. Because I think that's one of the.

most famous iterations of a full -fledged, you are immersive VR, and for theirs, you didn't need any gear. You kind of were just like, you were f-cking there. So, and they used that in Star Trek, where they were like tricking an enemy, because now you're on the holodeck, and they did that in this too. There are some details with it that I do like that, like, when they trick him later with the two campers.

If you look in the back, you see part of the ship and like you see the lake ending and like sh-t. like, all right, that's kind of cool. Like there's some thought to it, but yeah, was kind of silly. Depth perception. So it's very difficult for him to see the end where the ship begins. He's remarkably good at killing for a guy with no depth perception. You know, I never give him props for that. job, bud. I went, I went to Snake Plissken once for a costume wedding and just, I remember like I had the eye patch on and I remember sitting at the table and reaching for my drink and missing.

after like five minutes of wearing the patch. So it's like, that man is, he's f-cking talented. I don't him enough credit your Twitter profile picture that I you? I mean, I did Jason one year for Halloween and I built a thing for my face to cover up one eye because I just had the mask on top because I wanted the like messed up, like Jason Jason and I had a friend go as Pam. And it was like.

I love going, making these elaborate costumes that I don't consider the fact that I'm gonna be out and about all night and I've made a huge mistake. But it is a lot, and especially for the actor who's wearing that on set, when you're wearing queuing prop weapons, when you are doing stunts, know, Kane Hodder is great at what he does and playing this character menacingly, bringing all this stuff, like bringing all the energy that we want from Jason and, you know, having to...

where the masks, the effects, all that, and still bring this energy and vibe and do it safely. So props to that too. Well, let's just talk about our favorite scene, the best scene in the movie. When it's over? Cryokill. Cryokill. I think the beginning and the end. mean, my favorites, my favorite Cronenberg's part's great. Cryokill. Not Bridgette Wilson. The fake Bridgette Wilson, yeah. Like every time I watch it I'm like, that her? I'm like, no. But it is Memorable Kill.

It does have some good kills. Like out of everything in this movie, space gives you the option to give Jason more choices. Like how he just knows how everything works. Like he knows what cryo is. like, all right, I'm gonna put this girls in it, it'll freeze and then I can smash it. Yeah, like what I did. I figured this out real quick. He would do great in the snow. He's already figured it out. I mean, the whole movie, there are a lot of...

At least if you're gonna be in a whole nother place and you're taking a known serial killer to somewhere else, you have to be inventive. Giving him a new weapon for a little bit, that's always fun. Before they give him a whole new body. He just wants his machete back. Seriously. I do like the buyer scene. I like that guy. Cause that guy's just a great weird character actor. And he's just like, these I can't move him. I told you.

This guy's on a different planet and I love this. It mean maybe literally. figuratively. FaceTime scene? Yeah. Yeah, I wrote They mentioned FaceTime. We gotta give them props to that. I wrote that was probably the easiest paycheck he's ever made in his entire life. Yeah, he's just like laying in bed. He's just like, wait. That scene dragged so long and it was hilarious. I mean, I think most of, like a lot of it, I didn't, like the militant, there weren't.

For a Jason movie, the amount of humans in the cast, when I rewatched this, I was like, there's a lot of people to kill. There's so many characters. You're all gonna die, but there's just so many of you. And Brodski's got that great line too with like, you know, they wanna capture him alive. So after you kill him, put one in his leg to, so he could say retry. like, yeah, that's cool. I do like that. And they did. He did though, when he hooks him, he's like, shooting up your legs.

like a little kid at target practice, where he's just like, yeah, and then I do, dead by daylight though, he takes him, he jumps the hook, attempts hook rescue, and he's like, yes I will, bloop, pops down, and Brodski is a cool character. Yeah, I really, he has, what's the line where he says, where he's like, it's gonna take more than a stick in the side to end me, and then he's like, that'll do it. mean, he doesn't even die, but that's still a f-cking lie.

Those are the cheesiest I love the cheesy lines. Every dad had a dad show. The he's screwed line just like, you know, step too far for me. Sorry, I can't. And then, this sucks on so many levels. That line is I can't deal with puns. I have zero tolerance There's a lot of puns in movie. But she wanted that to be her last words. Like this sucks on so many levels. Maybe she thought she was going to make it. I will also say from a logic standpoint though, that's, where's the rest of her? didn't.

Yeah, they cheat so bad because that would have been an awesome cool watch. And then like, they caught, and then there's this like some like jello hanging off the hole. Literally some, it's latex. It's like, like one of the things that they use with, it was made famous by American werewolf in London with like the jiggly bits that hang off in latex. And it's literally, that's what they did. They just threw them on there. Weak. Yeah. And that, you're right though. That would have been a really, really cool death scene.

Disappointing, missed out on that. I would love to watch someone, cause you know it's kind of like a Resident Evil with the chopping, the like very like, but we would have gotten to see it going through a grate. I wouldn't even care if it was CGI, just have it. Just give it to me. Better than not doing it at all, than to do it badly, I guess. No off -chance, boo. We didn't do our Kay-Em stuff. You talked about her having her weird sex doll outfits. It's very hot in space, apparently.

because nobody's wearing clothes. But also, you know, they don't have anything else. What else are they doing? That one guy, like Research, motherf-cker. No, that one guy that's navigating the ship, he's like taking naps the whole time. And also, these are supposed to be students. And I don't know if you guys remember college, but like that's, it's because you're freeing, and not only are they freed away from their parents, they're in space. You know what? Do it. You do you.

I actually the professor weird pliers sex scene That was a lot but especially if or a lot for a character that I don't like I think deserved a way better death not because he deserved it but because I deserve to see it now he need an on -screen death I feel like yeah, we just his head later. Like yeah, he does the like he just wanted his machete and then they cut to them

and they're just like hearing it. I'm like, this is bullsh-t. Yeah. Was that a budget? But you get to all the deaths of the random, like, commando dudes that show up in the middle of the movie, I don't know where. yeah. It felt like they made the movie and it was 70 minutes long like sh-t. So they just added these guys in in the middle to like get it up to 90 minutes or whatever. that was budgetary? I don't know. It's it's part of the problem with the movie is, again, like I was talking about before, like with the tone being all over the place, it feels too episodic.

Like, there's too many characters who never actually interact. And it's just like a random kill, a random kill, a random kill. And like, yeah, I get that we're basically here to see the kills, but there's gotta be some sort of unifying theme to it. Otherwise, it's just... Didn't they have someone else do some, like, rewrites after Todd? Todd did not write everything. He said in the book, the Crystal Lake Memories book, he does say who the other writer was. And the other... My favorite thing about it, also one of the writers is...

Lewis Abernathy, who is most famous for being the dude in Titanic. He's the guy that's like, who's like, Bill Paxton's like right hand man, like the big fat hippie dude. Like he wrote a lot of the movie too. So good for him. He went from Titanic to Jason X. But he was like a, he was like a Cameron buddy. forget how exactly, I think he, he worked on Deep Star Six, I think.

Sean Cunningham, I think that's what, like, he got involved. But yeah, Todd was not the only writer at all. you know, Todd doesn't love everything in the movie either. But like I said, was just, you know, there was too many cooks in the kitchen on this one. Everybody, nobody was like, everybody was trying to make a really good movie and nobody was wrong, really, but they just never got on the same page.

affected the final product. Like if anybody actually got their way and every, and the other three or four principal people were like, all right, we're with you. Like do it. Like maybe there would be some people that didn't like the movie. There are some people that would like every movie, but I think it would be more consistent movie. It would be easier to like land on. You know what mean? Like it's, it's like I said, it's a weird movie to watch. Cause like,

you're never quite sure how you're supposed to be watching it. I don't know if I'm supposed to be laughing at it, but with it, it's never really scary at it off. Who do you think was responsible for the line, hey, slappy? Hey, slappy. Like who thought it would be a great idea to call Jason slappy for no reason at I do like that Jason looks over and is like, all right, I have these victims right here, but I'm curious what you're all about. He's like.

I'll give you five minutes. What you got? I also love that. I feel like it was six years after the space boom. Like, no, it was like four years, because that's something I want to talk about the future. Most sequels in space were 1996 for some weird reason. And this one just decided to be a the 10 year anniversary of Challenger and everybody was like, look, we get back into space, know, been long enough, you know. Yeah. I feel like it like just passed the point of, okay, we're done with space. And I think that was also a little weird.

awkwardness there. like, when you bring up the fact that it's so many, cooks in the kitchen and like this scene doesn't really, this whole segment, I won't say scene, this like entire middle segment doesn't feel like it fits in. If, and I thought this while watching the movie is that it reminded me of like Battlestar Galactica, it reminded me of like an episodic TV show. If this was an episodic Jason miniseries, I actually probably would have liked it a lot more. We could have had

This is the military -based episode. This is the science episode. They ended up writing sequel books to this. There's like three or four of them. I've only read one. It was awful. It was like 300 pages. No, even more than that. think it was like pages. And Jason didn't even show up to like 150 pages in or some sh-t. Like he was like, what are you doing? But... this have an editor? Somebody who's just mad And they're so expensive too. If you go online, they're like hundreds of dollars for these books. I'm like, they're terrible. Please don't buy it.

I like, I lucked out. got like 40. It was still way too much. But anyway, it's, because it's so Canadian, it feels like it almost like I could probably like it more if it was the bigger budgeted pilot movie for the sci -fi Jason X series, where like they would like continue on these goofy space adventures in like a sort of Battlestar Galactica or Andromeda, guess. It's like the two main girls in the movie are from.

Like I would probably accept it more, because it just, it just has that TV, you know, even though this movie costs more than any other movie in the series, by far, like it costs more than a lot of them combined. It still somehow looks the cheapest to me, but I think it's because they were trying to do so much with not that much more than what they usually have. The soundtrack doesn't help either, because the soundtrack is very, I can't even say what it is. The opening theme, like where,

It's almost showing hell, guess, like to show how we got out of or something. But, isn't too bad. It almost sounds like Hellraiser. It's like, it's got this whole, but Christopher Young is over there like, f-cking kill you. Never say my sh-t sound like that sh-t. But the rest of it is awful. And I did hear a story. I don't know if it's true, but I choose to believe it. I heard a story from somebody involved with the movie that they tested. They did a test screening for the movie without the score.

and it got a certain score. And then they tested again with Ari Manfredini's score and it actually got lower. no! I think that's hilarious because it is really an awful, and he did most of the other movies. The only one he didn't do was Manhattan, I think. But like, he was trying something new, I guess, and it's just, I mean, it really does a lot to like, cheapen, like hurt them. Like it's like, don't wanna listen and score. Like, no, I'm not watching Jason X

Cause every Friday the 13th you throw one on. It's the night, you know, I don't go in order. Who cares at this point. So it's always just like, all right, which one am I kind of in the mood for? But like this one rarely comes up and the score is actually part of it. Like I don't want to listen to that horrible music. me so uncomfortable. And I don't know why it just, can't, I can't do it. I five's next. Next Friday the 13th I watch five. Five, two and seven are my throw ons and eight, two. Yep. I really love Ginny Two's great.

She's the best file girl of all time. Well, mean, I think that as far as the Jason movies go, maybe this one isn't the most Jason or Jason at all, but it's, it works. counts. It's got, it's, well, you know what? It's got kills. And then the end of the day, I'm actually, I'll just watch the kills. I just think that they really missed an opportunity to call him Mecha Jason.

yeah, that's not his name. No, what I him all the time I don't know cuz they're not nerdy enough. It looks like Donald Duck on steroids though. His Form is just like never built on see that red eye and really is it is very confusing Why does the why does that change his shape but like? The fun that I don't know there was a lot of stuff with that part where I was like, I don't wait, but how is anyone dying?

We can just sew y 'all's body parts back together using like weird tech. So like no one dies, everyone dies, whatever it's back. If you listen to the commentary on the Screen Factory Blu -ray, you will hear Todd Farmer call me a dick for making fun of a missed opportunity in the movie. So I'll just plug that right Easter eggs. Easter eggs. If you have the Screen Factory box set, watch the new commentary, which is just Todd with Peter Bracke, who wrote the Crystal Lake Memories. Because...

They're studying Jason because of his regenerative tissue. In the future, they have this nanotechnology that can, like, why don't you just say that it's because of their studies on Jason that they have this technology? And he's like, cause I never thought of it, you dick. So he tells that story in the commentary and it made me so f-cking happy when I told him, cause I had no idea. I just went on the commentary cause I watched Friday the 13th commentaries. love listening to them. And hearing that made my f-cking like whole year that made me so happy. So watch the commentary.

So be nerdier about your Friday love, watch a commentary and you get to hear me get called a dick. can't wait to do like a 12 hour marathon. just talking with you just for no reason at all. my own benefit. did one again, I, Shutter was doing a marathon and I live tweeted the whole thing, but only the first eight. I don't know if they, I don't know. They might've stopped at eight. Cause that, you know, cause that's what.

you know, the Paramount to New Line switch happened after that. So I can't remember if they kept going and I just stopped, but I just did the first eight, I know. But that was the first time I'd ever watched all eight back to back. And it was, and I live tweeted the whole thing. I took like a 20 minute break somewhere during night, part five, and that was about it. I did that during, in high school. I can't usually marathon, but like, can usually get to like, I could probably do two. And after that, like, I am sick of looking at these people.

Like, don't, but I mean, I was drinking, it's the 13th, I was doing a fur call, like all the, like I was live tweeting, basically I said, keep donating and I will keep going. Like if I get another $50, I'll do the next movie. And I donated all the money to, it wasn't Red Cross, it was something like that. It was Darn Coded. So I gave all the money. That's a good idea. What I love that when, know, Shudder is bought, has been bought by AMC and AMC used to do the Friday the 13th, and that's on Halloween. So it kind of, you know, it fits. That's what got me into horror.

I definitely have the USA. USA was the one that used to show them when I was younger. My copy of part five was taped off USA and it was borderline incoherent because it cut so much out of it. was like Jason would be here and then like in a different part of the house entirely and like none of the kills. like what is going Five and seven are my strongest memories. Well, you know, that was Jason X and that was Jason X.

So extra thanks to our guest, Brian Collins, for joining us to talk about a franchise you so love. love it dearly. It's my favorite franchise. Yeah, I just love talking Jason and I'm thankful for you giving me an opportunity to do so. There will be many. If I have something to say about it. I will do all 12 movies. don't care. All right. Well, thank you guys for watching another

episode of our spaceship slaughter series and we'll be back next week with another. we will. If you enjoy these episodes, we have a Patreon where you can unlock our full episodes where you see all the good stuff. They get spicy. And all the good stuff. Yeah, so we have a link. Go to our Patreon. Enjoy the uncut goodness. Make sure to follow us on all of our socials. We have TikTok, we have Instagram. We got them all. So

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Because I'm gonna draw a dick on your face!

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