Pillow Fright

Sequels in Space w/ Patrick Hamilton | Spaceship Slaughters!

Pillow Fright/ Patrick Hamilton Season 1 Episode 23

In space no one can smell rotten eggs! One small step for man. One giant leap of terror! This year, the past, the present and the future will all meet at the crossroads of hell! Are the Pillow Fright Girls off their rockers, or is this a special bonus on sequels in space? If you guessed the latter, you are correct! But not just any sequels - Elissa is joined by writer, podcast host, and fellow horror trivia team member Patrick Hamilton to help her discuss a trifecta of franchise sequels she's been long prepared to discuss since the beginning of time* (*the start of the podcast) - Critters 4, Leprechaun in Space, and Hellraiser: Bloodline.

Are you ready to go off the rails on a crazy train (spaceship)? Grab your Krites, gold, and Lament Configuration and let's get to it!

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Pillow Fright theme by Brandon Scullion

Welcome to the Pillow Fright Podcast. I'm Elissa and I am one third of your besties here, with a bonus episode that is out of this world. I'm off to a great start. 
You're firing on all engines, or thrusters, as it were. 

There we go. Well, Ama and Kay had to sadly miss this one. I'm sure they're feeling some major FOMO from not talking about Critters 4. But you know, have no fear, because I am joined today by a writer, by co-host of the Kill by Kill podcast,  by fellow team member of the best team of Dead Right Horror Trivia, which is Dawn of the Deadites. Duh, this is nope. Why did I say? This is welcome. Welcome, Patrick Hamilton. 

Yay thank you, Pillow Fright. I'm so very pleased to be part of this space journey. 
Thank you for volunteering as tribute. I know it's an undertaking and I haven't even said what this episode is about, so I probably should do that this episode is about, so I probably should do that. We just wrapped up our Spaceship Slaughters with Killer Klowns from Outer Space with our regular episodes, but today I wanted to do something that I dreamt up from the start. This was on my list of things to talk about, and when we found out we were doing space movies in space, I thought space movies in space. I thought franchises in space, sequels in space, and I was so excited about it and I said Ama Kay, let's do a bonus episode. Are you down? And they're just. They weren't as keen as I was. Let's just say that. So I really appreciate this, because the moment I even thought up a silly idea to do a podcast in 2018, no, 2017 I have a vision board, like a vision list, and all of the movies I want to talk about today are on that list. So Critters 4 is on this list. You know I am. This is on this list. 

This episode is for anyone else the 12 people or more, hopefully more that say you know what I love Critters 4 this podcast is for me. I'll try to bring more of this if you do. If not, I'm on my own and I'll just talk to the mirror. It's all good. But, yeah I, there's no set structure. I don't. There's no plot breakdown. I'm not. I don't have the facts behind the scenes for these movies. Really, I just kind of wanted to celebrate them because hold on, let me get my notes just don't want to uh deep. 
This is. This is first and foremost, a history podcast, and that's what's important exactly it's. 

I gotta get, uh, all of the history behind the scenes, all of the drama. I don't even know, but anyway, that being said, I know there are a lot of sequels in space. There are quite a few. I particularly wanted to focus on the franchise. Sequels mainly I can't even say it with a serious face sequels mainly I can't even say it with a serious face Critters 4, Leprechaun in Space and Hellraiser Bloodline, which are three granddaddies of Oscar-winning films that I cannot wait to dive into because I love me a hot mess, and I don't use that term as a negative. Uh, if you know me, you know I genuinely love not great things. And let's be real, you know, objectively, these are not award-winning films. They're there to entertain and that's what I love about them. There's a charm to that. 

So it's particularly wild, I think if we were to start, let let's say, in Critters 4, territory right. Let's do it. 

Critters is very crunched time-wise in terms of when the first movie is and when Critters 4 happens. But Critters 4, I think, is one of the more interesting versions of this because you have an inherently alien invasion theme going through this. The krites are from outer space. With the exception of a couple of minute scenes, it is a primarily earth-based franchise up until four. And they're like we've done so many things out in the great outdoors with this franchise. You know we should do cramp it up in tiny spaceship because no one's done that before, and you're like but you had your own thing, you were alien gremlins. 

And then you're like ah, let's put it in a spaceship, it'll be fun it's like the one instance where you take the antagonist or the protagonist to space and it doesn't work, but they're from space. So it's kind of interesting how that kind of flip-flops there a little bit. 

I think it's one of those uh instances in which a successful for what it's trying to do in crittersville and it has kind of a history of like finding interesting people to be in movies like there's movie stars throughout, right, there's franchise yeah, they become the biggest movie stars in the world literal award winners yes, and the. 

So it's not like it hasn't been unsuccessful, but I think they feel the pressure to to do something that they haven't done before and, unfortunately, with Critters 4, it is to remind people that Alien exists. And, like Halloween, like Friday the 13th, a lot of people looked at Alien and said I can do one of those. Right, it's a bunch of metal hallways. You put some shit on the wall, it'll be fine, and then you get into it. You're like, oh no, that to make this enclosed space work, uh, for actual frights. Um, that that takes a lot of planning, that takes a vision, and critters 4 has a vision. It just it's not 2020, let's put it that way. 

No, it's true, and I think out of all of these, Critters 4, I mean, for me personally, it's the most nostalgic. I grew up with this. I loved Critters 4. It scared me. I was younger when I saw this and I didn't realize until later in life that Leo from Twin Peaks is in it and he plays the exact same character, just in space and not as, not as, evil, but um, uh, the writer, the screenwriter for this is David Schow, and he also did the screen. He also did the screenplay for um The Crow, and I believe, uh, oh wait, he did. Did he do Critters 2? I don't remember well, but isn't. 

But isn't Schow one of the splatterpunk novelist guys too? 

I think so, different Schow, I think so. Yeah, ok, but I I really like his writing. You know he, he, you can tell that Critters 4 does the best with what it has, and I appreciate it because something I wrote in my notes is that with space, or I think the charm in space, horror, because it's very much an 80s, 90s thing to me in my brain it's 80s and 90s Because that was just the height of space movies, space, anything can go to space, because I love you got your first one which establishes what it is. You have your sequel, sequel which often, more often than not I think, in this franchise I'm not positive but I think it directly takes from the first one third usually go to your urban city, your typical urban city. 

Four, why not shoot them up to space? And I love that. And you know, I don't think there's any other genre or any. I mean definitely no other genre really. But to have such prominent franchise characters like Jason, like the leprechaun, go to space and make sense warms my heart and it really does make sense very liberally, especially when it comes to leprechaun for but if you saw my brain it makes sense. 

But I think that when it works it lies in the set tone, because Brian Collins was on when we did Jason X and he was talking about how the problem with Jason X is that it doesn't really have like it doesn't know what kind of movie it wants to be, because it goes from being this serious sci-fi thing to, oh, it wants to be a comedy and nobody's on the same page and I think, whereas Leprechaun 4 it's it's aware of what it was from the go like it's a comedy. Problem is comedy doesn't land. So it doesn't really work, at least for me personally doesn't work. I think Critters is that nice little in-between blend there. 

Critters, at least I think, understands its tone. Yes, because Critters historically has been a funny thing, whereas Leprechaun kind of evolves into this is so ridiculous. Why are we still doing it? 

Because we make money every time we put it in video stores and it's kind of like we're just going to try stuff out, whereas Critters is initially trying to be this sort of um farmland gremlins and it evolves that over time and then here it feels like it's going in a different direction. We're going to put this in a place it's never been before yeah and but it is inherent to what critters is right. 

Leprechaun 4 is just like we have access to a warehouse. An Alien Resurrection comes out in months and that's it. That's why you say the entire point of Leprechaun 4 is to confuse dorks when they go into a video store and, like my kid said he wanted some horror movie that takes place in space and they look like Leprechaun 4 in space. It says it right there in the title. I mean, yeah, it tells you everything. It tells you everything you need to know. You don't know, going into it, that someone's going to end up getting hit in the face with a frying pan and their face becomes frying pan shaped it's like freaking Drop Dead Fred right there. 

Yeah, that makes me so uncomfortable. 

In comparison to like the leap between Leprechaun in the hood and Leprechaun 4 in space, there is a continuity when it comes to what it's attempting to do in town. Critters 4 is at least a continuance in theme. 


Yeah, but Hellraiser is just like people going I have access to a traveling star mat, that's what that comes down to the beginning of the end. I would almost call it the most successful out of this grouping. It really was In space movies. 

It was, and I'm saving that for last because that's its own. Other beast there, other beast there, but I mean with Leprechaun, with Leprechaun in Space. My favorite part not like in the movie, but my favorite aspect of that film has to be that is not the first movie to exist where the villain rises up from the dead through someone's d-ck, I mean through being pissed on. 

Well, you know, technically, pathway that's available and, honestly, if he wanted to close it down, he did a terrible job doing that. Yeah, I don't know why the leprechaun comes out of. There's a, there's a haunted p element, I think. It enters through the urethra and exits through the urethra. So I almost feel like they're trying to go like well, alien definitely has the throat. What do we do? That's different. Like pee hole, yes. 

Pee hole and there's a lot of talk about syphilis and STDs and everything with that. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but I appreciate a film where someone gets reanimated through someone's d-ck. 

Yeah, I do enjoy elements that sort of. They all are taking from some of the same sources and we mentioned Jason X, a film I have a very difficult relationship with Same, because on Kill by Kill, we initially started off just talking about every single individual character in the order in which they died in the Friday the 13th franchise and Jason X has about 1100 deaths in it and we got to like the sixth, seventh episode and my brain started to leak out through my nose. 

I could, I just couldn't find what was different about this group of of dorks than the previous group of dorks. But at least the through line of let's do space marines happens in Leprechaun 4 right and in Jason X. I can't tell you which is more successful at that. I can tell you that in Jason X they wear these, uh, chest shields that have a lamp that's supposed to illuminate their face, but what it does is just shine light in their eyes which is hard when you're aiming g-ns at things. 

I'm not a g-n expert, but I'm just gonna go on limb. You do not want light shining directly into your eyes when you're aiming pew pews no, no, you don't, and I didn't even realize that. 

That's when I stumbled across, Kill by Kill was when you were taking each kill, like each episode, and I remember I, I was there to do it, not firsthand, but I, I listened to the downfall, the mental downfall, as you were going through those episodes and you, I thought you know what the formula really only works with Friday the 13th, because so many, because it's individual paper, people, characters work for that format. 

But when you try to like take that route with something like Leprechaun 4, you're really left with nothing. If I took three episodes to go through each and every character in that detail and Leprechaun 4, I wouldn't be here. I would. I would be at a grave site with my son doing this next to it. Lean down, that's what's gonna happen. I'm not gonna be here anymore. 

So you know, I don't blame you some amendments to the to the show I don't. I don't blame you, Leprechaun 4  is it's. I don't. It's definitely not my favorite and, uh, it's a little weird there are there. 

If you are, let's say, you're watching it with a group and you're all maybe drinking a little something or ingesting a little something that in a group setting, Leprechaun 4 is a fun time. And yes, I say Critters 4 is a fun time. Right, Jason X not my version of a fun time, but I know plenty of people I I see people online every day who, with their whole chest, say Jason X is my favorite. Friday, the 13th movie. Do I understand it? No, do I condone it? Actually no, but I do understand it because art is an emotional reaction, exactly Something you know causes joy. Who am I to like? Shout that down, like what you like. 

No, exactly, and that's why I would never judge anybody. Just the same way, I hope no one would judge me for saying Friday the 13th part seven is one of my favorite top three baby Thank you, thank you. It's great, great makeup I love the characters it is ridiculous, it doesn't make any sense. 

No, I can't tell you why that psychologist thinks taking this girl to the cabin which she murdered her dad is going to help him make dollar sign, dollar sign, dollar sign. Oh, from her psychic talent, and yet he does it so good. 

I love that movie so much, but no I was. 

He picks up a potted plant and smacks jason in the face with it and it has a head inside the potted plant. Yeah, that's a head. Come on y'all, that's a fun f-cking time. 

So good, anyway, don't get me started on that, because I will talk and you'll have to leave and we won't even get to bloodline. 

Uh then let's get back into space, where we belong yes, what I was going to say, to piggyback of what you said about the group viewing, is that's something I actually discovered, um yesterday, because the last one of these that I watched to prep for this was Leprechaun in Space. I hadn't seen that since I was a kid. I don't even remember it very well, and it was a perfect example of me alone on the couch, trying to sit there, focus on this movie. It just made me very. It made me feel dirty like. 

I was just very uncomfortable and I thought I shouldn't be actively watching it on a blu-ray that I own, mind you I mean it should be noted, like the, the movie's directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith right, who, again, like someone who is like an ozploitation legend I mean BMX Bandits, uh Dead End Drive-In um Night of the Demons 2, he directed Turkey Shoot which is a great grindhouse classic okay you know he had directed the third movie and I just think they saw an alien sequel on the books. 

Yeah, a couple months, and then, like we've gotta beat this to the punch right and so they go for it, and you know, uh, your mileage may vary exactly there you go, you, you, they went for it. 

That's all that needs to be said and I think it's really and that makes sense because I was going to ask I noticed that these these both took place in 1996 and resurrection was 97, right or not? Was that right 97? 

yeah, we know it comes out 97 right it's definitely something with their. 

They've carved out a, a release date for it, and so I think everyone's kind of hungry to sort of like coast off of what is a big property. I mean, it's a a big thing, especially when we were in the video store era, where you're trying to do something that's semi-similar so that when people go to a new release wall they might get confused and pick up your movie and something that they went there to get is that kind of like what Galaxy of Terror was about? 

unfortunately uh Galaxy of listen, I am the world's biggest Galaxy of Terror apologist, even though it is legitimately disgusting, completely confused right and features one of the grossest s--ual a--aults ever put into a space movie and yet like it has some of the grisliest deaths you ever seen right on camera and I kind of love it. 

It is audacious, it really is it? 

it looks good in a way that a lot of these cheap space movies don't, because you have the future. Director of Aliens and. 

Avatar who's doing? 

special effects for this and he makes it look like he stretches a dollar. It's incredibly looking, in my opinion. 

Well, I mean, it's no Critters 4. 

No, not much is. No, not much is. And yet, like Critters 4, as we said before, you know it's the Critters franchise has this ability to you know, having people in this movie that go on to okay careers and then you know you, you also have people who you know do really well for themselves. Angela Bassett, I mean Angela Bassett, who I not to brag, but today I was writing for Angela Bassett. 

Oh, no way. 

You know, you, I can instantly. She's one of those people whose voice I can very much inhabit because she's so iconic. Yeah, she is no different here. 

She's always been Angela Bassett. 

You, she, you could put her on on the front of a ship. She is that iconic, yeah, um, and she isn't undone here. This is no. This does not derail her career she does great in this. 

I like her as a final girl in this. She's awesome, but uh, I think she's gorgeous. 

Her voice is so iconic, there's everything about her is fantastic and you know she's, she's, she's trying her best. I mean she's got, she's got. People like you know she. She might not be surrounded by the greatest, but you know Iggy Pop stuff kind of Temu. I'll probably cut that, but that captain is something else he's not. Nobody. No, he's not. 

He's not Brad Dourif, who I could watch read the phone book, oh yeah. And then Ann Ramsey shows up for five minutes. So you got that. It's a good cast. Yeah, it's not bad. If I read that cast to you and said it's a horror movie in space, you'd be like, yeah, let's watch that. It'd be great. Sure, why not? Let's kidnap a boy. This is where I do wonder whether or not the original plotting of guardians of the galaxy is somewhat influenced by critters. 

Full I will die on that hill. If you told, if you tell me that I will hold on to that and die on that hill because that would make Marvel's universe so much better, I would appreciate it so much more he, you know he's a bag of influences. 

He's, you know, is not. You know he's very associated with his grindhouse and cheapy paste. And if somewhere along the lines he was thinking, how do I get this kid in space, you know, when he's a child, well, Critters 4 he kind of gets zapped up and he just kind of grows up there we'll do something like that. 

Yeah, well, something like that. Oh my gosh, oh, now I can't unsee it. Oh, you've changed my life, Patrick. 

You've changed my life, improved Critters 4 or ruined Gardians of the Galaxy probably a little bit of both, but, uh, I think that's. 

That's a good segue to uh, the last one on my list which also stars a big name in today's world, mr uh, Adam Scott. And I would be lying if I said the main reason why I wanted to talk about this was because of the wig he wears, because of his f-cking wigs in this movie. That's all I care about, and the fact that it's an Alan Smithee film yeah, I mean the alan smithy of it all is fascinating, oh I forgot that until, yeah, I put it on. 

Then it's an alan smithy film and it's very rare when you see that just in your face, and it made me so happy but this is one of those. 

This is an era and it's this is actually pre-Scream era of Dimension film, right, but you do have two people, one of whom is a convicted and jailed s-x offender, who, um, they believe they know exactly what a horror movie is supposed to be Right, and the more involved in a horror movie they get, the worse, it seems to turn out. 


And the those who, those movies that survived, that overcame the burden of being associated, um, with those two, uh men whose names I don't believe should be no we don't, we don't, they don't exist here they. They happened because they were able to either sneak under the radar or overcome objections, whereas after Scream they just tend to be so overbearing about what they believe a horror movie should be and are routinely proven wrong. They are bad at it, and it's a shame that things like Hellraiser and Halloween were just cordoned off by these two dorks. 

Yeah, so long. 

And Kevin Yagher, you know, wanted to make something that was serious, right, that had scope to it, that was going places, that would make fans of the movie, except the, you know, fantastical outer space elements, because we're already talking about people who travel in between the hell dimension, right, what space to that? Right, you know, he had a, he had a legitimate idea and they just wanted to make it something else. 

That wasn't good see, I didn't know, I don't know much of that backstory at all of that movie, but you watch it and you know there's a backstory, you know that there's more to it because it seems like, yeah, the premise was good, I would believe it. But also I don't know if this was part of that, but Pinhead Lead Cenobite turns a little little comedic. 

trying to go a little comedic in this one talks a little too much and you don't know what of the movie you're watching was what Yagher directed or the reshoots that happened after he's kind of forced out, so that's where I don't know where Tone is exactly what this was meant to be, uh, versus what Miramax is trying to create after the after fashion. 

I didn't even think about that. 

I agree with you. This has that sort of dire messing with it. Energy that I I don't even think that Critters for Leprechaun for have to do no are exactly for good or for bad. It's a double-edged sword. Those work out exactly the way they're intended to. Hellraiser Bloodline, on the other hand, is something that is a kind of a cursed object, just based on people meddling with yeah, and you can see, you can tell when you're watching it and it just feels off. 

But I mean, I will say the effects are still great in it. At least it's got that going knows how to do in-camera stuff. 

This is a time that's way too early for cheap. You know, uh, you know horror sequels to be using a ton of cgi so he's really doing a lot of old-fashioned, you know, in-camera effects work and that stuff really sings. You can't look at that and go, hey, this person doesn't know how to make a movie, right, it's where you can tell that this scene doesn't feel like that scene. That's where you have, you know, random elements being shot by someone who isn't the original director. 

Right, and this was the last of the theatrical releases, right? I think I mean. 

Yes, I and it's. I don't even know if it's yeah, I guess it's got a box office. So they did release it, like it was supposedly a budget of four million and it makes a little over nine million. So you, at that point you got a two-time multiplier before it hits video stores. I would call that a success. Yeah, but if they had actually allowed Yagher to release the film he wanted to make, it probably would have made more, as my so frustrating would be my guess that would be my guess too. 

So, out of out of all of these, what is, uh, your favorite? Which one's your favorite? 

I think hell. I think Hellraiser is just compromise. There is definitely element of that that I enjoy, but it's too mired in too many other things. I enjoy Adam Scott in it. I enjoy his weird wig. 

He's a vampire. He's not aged, he's a vampire.

later on in his career. It's nice to see him in an early role here, um, but uh, I think Leprechaun 4 in space is my favorite okay, interesting okay. 

I think Critters 4 is um a little hampered. I am probably not biggest Critters fan, so it's not made for me. I feel that they're trying to shove in some things here that are like hey, how can we outdo a massive ball of rolling Krites energy? And that's where you get into the sort of weird what other creatures that it becomes in the egg situation. There's a lot going on there. Leprechaun 4 is ridiculous from second one. 


Till the end of its 95 minutes. 

Oh, in the best way possible. When I say awful, I actually mean great. I want people to understand that, because I never bash. 

I never bash these movies First and then in the rest of the world later. 

that's the sign of quality exactly I think, uh, yeah, I maybe I should give that one another try. I don't know, I don't know how I feel about the Leprechaun movie. 

It's something you have on in the background you don't have to explain. That's probably the key a, a sort of halloween party in my in in my house and I have an outdoor screen. That might be something I just put on without audio. 

See, you should do that and invite the Deadites, because I'm sure I would love it then. I mean, I still appreciate it, but I'm sure I would really love it then. 

Let's make it happen. Oh, that's exciting. This yard was meant for people to enjoy. 

It was meant for Leprechaun in Space. If you uh. Of all the, uh, the franchise, uh villains and antagonists, who would you want to see next in space? 

I mean, I'll be honest with you. I think the one opportunity that was never taken and will never happen is a Nightmare in Elm Street with a space element where people are forced for long periods of time to be asleep. Oh, I think that's also like no one's going to pay the money to reboot Nightmare on Elm Street and then, immediately after your reboot, go all right, let's put the, let's put this asshole in space. Let's make this happen. 

I think that's exactly what they should do pay money for that. Hey, send Robert Englund back to space. 

Hey, listen, if you're one of those people who can get a license to nightmare on elm street and write a novel, I think that might be a way to explore it, or a comic, that sort of thing. Because, uh, just with space, sleep and all that, it seems like there's an opportunity there that a dream demon might take advantage of that's amazing, and he taught and he's silly like you could have fun with it. 

I didn't even think about that, see, I thought it could be silly, it could be serious. 

I think there's lots of like I am. I listen, I know that he became a pop culture object. I'm fine with it, but I do think there is a place between the overly serious 2010 cursed remake and the at the height of his powers wackiness of Freddy's dead, that place in the middle where he is allowed to be irreverent but not going for punchlines all the time. Yeah, there's that one little sequence in Freddy versus Jason or the what where he you get a legitimate Nightmare on Elm Street sequence where he kills somebody in a dream and okay, I think I know what you're talking about works. 

That is the best part of that movie. Far and away it's the best part is it the locker? The, the, where the faucets turn into tiny little hands with with his claws on it in Freddy versus Jason yes, the the one guy whose brother oh so was that that felt that was a 

Was that a callback to Dream Warriors? 

because I feel like I assume it is that's probably why, yeah, I mean probably yeah but that's right for a second. There it legitimately has a five minute sequence that takes Freddy Krueger seriously, right, and it just pops so hard in that movie where they're unsure of what tone they're necessarily going for. That's the one element where you can just feel it dialed in, where everyone's like let's make one really good Freddy Krueger sequels and it just pops, baby. 

I love that part. No, that I didn't. I forgot about that part. 

Honestly, that's awesome I think because there's so much other stuff that's happening in that movie. You know it becomes a kung fu battle. Oh yeah, you know it's a nu metal point. They're like Freddy's afraid of fire, fire and Jason's afraid of water. 

How can we use that? 

he walks through the atlantic ocean. I think that would have raised some. And part four he swims like Mark Spitz it's insane, like he is literally doing that thing where he kicks hard in the water. Oh yeah, raise his body up. 

Oh yeah. Like in the water. 

He really did learn how to swim, and good for him. 

You know what? That's what all the observing of the counselors did for him growing up. He learned by watching. He learned by watching. 

If he's a real person and not just a death curse. He's a real person and not just a death curse. 

He's a real person. Okay, jeez, does nobody believe that I'm going to turn into Crazy Ralph in my future That's what I see. But I will say, though, I think that Chucky should go to space, and I feel like he will go to space. I don't know if I read something about Mancini. 

Let's hope that that you know, the the entertainment industry is in a bit of flux, right. Oh he better go to space. I think the one of the greatest um horror spotlights on tv, where it has shined the brightest, is that Chucky tv show. It's great because Chucky, in my mind, is the franchise that has been able to do more things right in its time, where you know that character has evolved like he's still a serial killer but also he's proud of his queer. You know kids, right, and that is one of those things that you never would have seen coming just right, wandering into a movie theater to see Child's Play. 

Oh, and that started early on too, before it's so wild, and that TV show just takes advantage of the you can do anything on television mantra to very entertaining effect. 

Well, let's see what happens, Don Mancini, because I know you're watching this, you're listening, so because we said it here. 

I'm not entirely sure it's left up to Don. That would be a universal get your stuff in a way to get more Chucky on. 

I know you're influenced by this podcast. 

Come on Universal. 

Let's get on it. Well, I know time is limited and I really think that's all that needs to be said about these movies is that I could go into a deep dive that one robot in Leprechaun four who puts on a drag show oh yeah, they did randomly the drag show, uh randomly, non-randomly. 

Did they mean for that to happen the entire time? Or was it just, you know, a happy accident? I'm not particularly sure, but I do enjoy it. 

It for now if anybody listening to this or watching this uh enjoys these films, please let us know, because I would like to uh talk more about all of my favorite favorite 80s and 90s movies like Critters 4 and and uh what's another really interesting one? I can't think whatever. 

I'm on a tangent well, at the second you get into the nitty-gritty of Galaxy of Terror. I'm right back. 

I'm excellent reserving my spot but anyway, thank you so much for joining us on this one-off uh bonus episode to indulge probably just me, uh and uh. This officially concludes our month of Spaceship Slaughters, so I hope you enjoyed everything we talked about. And, Patrick, where can people listen to you? 

give out your, your stats Kill by Kill is available wherever you find podcasts. Um, we've been doing it for a while. Uh, we're on most of the socials with the exception of twitter. I don't deal with that, uh and uh, we're just having a good time talking about horror movie characters in the order in which they die. Uh, that is our raison d'etre and uh will remain so. 

And I can attest to the fact that it's a great podcast. I listened to it on all my drives and I love it, so please be sure to check it out. We also have a Patreon that just launched. So if you want to see why am I? I was just staring like under the camera this whole time. Let's look at the camera. Let's try that. We have a Patreon where you can see uncut things like what just happened. You will find that in the Patreon. In fact, you're watching it right now If you're listening or watching this, whoa, super meta. So be sure to look out for that. If want to support us, you can like, subscribe, follow on Youtube. You can listen to us wherever you get podcasts and we're on all socials Instagram well, not all, but we're on Instagram Tiktok, letterboxd. Check us out and until next time, sweet screams everyone and whatever you do, don't fall asleep first Patrick Hamilton gonna get you in space. 

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