Go To The Gym Podcast
Bienvenue au Go To The Gym Podcast !
Chaque semaine, nous explorerons divers sujets liés au mode de vie, à la condition physique, à la santé mentale et à la mentalité de croissance en général ! J'ai moi-même surmonté la boulimie, la toxicomanie à la cocaïne, la consommation excessive d'alcool et les bagarres de rue pour fonder mes propres salles de sport et faire don de plus de 500 000 dollars pour aider les enfants à faire de l'exercice et à pratiquer des sports dans ma région.
Mon objectif est que vous et moi vivions une vie plus saine, plus heureuse et plus longue.
Merci de partager ! Et GO TO THE GYM
Go To The Gym Podcast
My twin brother screwed over costco to follow his dream
Heads up: We swear a lot in this episode. That’s just how we talk as brothers. We will be speaking in english also.
In this episode, we get real about growing up together, what it’s like to be dads, and the tough stuff we all face in life. Listen as Justin shares his smart plan on how he made the most out of his Costco membership and quit his job at the perfect time when his second kid was born.
We chat about chasing dreams, how it feels to make big life changes, and the fun of running your own business. We're two of the best fitness guys in Quebec and we're really funny too!
Hope you like the show! Please follow us and share on social media if you do! You can find Justin on Instagram @JustinBlackburn and on TikTok @EnglishGuyInQuebec.
Enjoy the podcast!