Between Heart & Brain

3. What's your superpower?

May 08, 2024 Episode 3
3. What's your superpower?
Between Heart & Brain
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Between Heart & Brain
3. What's your superpower?
May 08, 2024 Episode 3

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Ever feel like you're just one step away from unlocking your true potential? I'm Sara, your guide on the path to self-discovery, here to share the secret of unearthing your hidden superpowers. As I weave my personal experiences with the mystique of anime characters' abilities, this episode is a treasure trove of insight into harnessing the strengths that come so naturally, you might've missed them; I'm peeling back the layers on what it means to not only find your unique talents but to nurture them into powerful tools for transformation.

This time around, we're not settling for surface-level chats. We're journeying deeper into the heart of what makes each of us extraordinary. I'll take you through the moments of revelation that have shaped my understanding of personal power, and we'll explore how, just like the protagonists in our favorite animes, you too can convert perceived weaknesses into your greatest strengths. So, if you're ready to redefine what you're capable of and elevate those around you, let's set the stage for a life-changing perspective shift, and remember, there's no rush in this pursuit—every step forward is a victory.

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And remember, your support means the world to me. Please subscribe and leave a review.
Until next time, stay inspired and keep unlocking your full potential!"

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Ever feel like you're just one step away from unlocking your true potential? I'm Sara, your guide on the path to self-discovery, here to share the secret of unearthing your hidden superpowers. As I weave my personal experiences with the mystique of anime characters' abilities, this episode is a treasure trove of insight into harnessing the strengths that come so naturally, you might've missed them; I'm peeling back the layers on what it means to not only find your unique talents but to nurture them into powerful tools for transformation.

This time around, we're not settling for surface-level chats. We're journeying deeper into the heart of what makes each of us extraordinary. I'll take you through the moments of revelation that have shaped my understanding of personal power, and we'll explore how, just like the protagonists in our favorite animes, you too can convert perceived weaknesses into your greatest strengths. So, if you're ready to redefine what you're capable of and elevate those around you, let's set the stage for a life-changing perspective shift, and remember, there's no rush in this pursuit—every step forward is a victory.

Support the Show.

If you enjoyed today's discussion, don't forget to subscribe to the podcast, it helps a lot to keep me going. and follow me on Instagram for more inspiration and updates. You can find me ( ).
And remember, your support means the world to me. Please subscribe and leave a review.
Until next time, stay inspired and keep unlocking your full potential!"

Speaker 1:

Hi, welcome to the podcast between heart and brain. I'm Sarah, and I'm here to be with you in your personal growth and self-improvement journey, and I'm here to share my own life experiences with you. I'm a yoga teacher, a business intelligence manager with a master's degree in IT, and Nobel Queen International 2023 with health and wellness advocacy. I'm so excited to start this journey with you, to uplift you with positivity, the power of mindfulness and yoga and the freedom of conscious living. So let's start together and take a moment for yourself. Take a moment for yourself. Hello, my dear podcast listeners, sarah is in the house and I'm here once again talking to you, super excited about it. Okay, so today we're going to talk about superpowers. I have a question for you what is your superpower? Take a few seconds to think about it. Do you have an answer? I hope you do, because if you do, it means that you at least know yourself to some extent, and if not, that's also okay, that's totally fine. Getting to know ourselves is a journey. It's not like you know, oh, I'm already there, I've already done it, or why am I not there? It's totally fine. As long as we are curious about ourselves, as much as we are curious about others and the world, then we're on the right path.

Speaker 1:

So I strongly believe that we all have superpowers. It's my own idea. I guess it came from my own self, and let me give you an example. For example, animes. I'm not an anime fan, but I know a lot of people who are. Obviously, I live in east asia and that's a thing here. So if you look at or if you watch most animes, people have their own superpowers. I haven't watched many, but one thing that I've realized different people have their own different superpowers and it causes them problems or they cannot tap into it at first, but then eventually their weakness becomes their strength when they accept it and they know how to utilize it to their own benefit and the benefit of people around them. I mean benefit of people around them. If you're the good guy in the movie or series, yeah, so that's what you do.

Speaker 1:

So I think it's important for us to slowly distinguish what's our superpower, and it's mostly something that comes to you very naturally. It's probably something that you think that, oh, everyone has it, because you have it easily, you think everyone has it, but think about it a little deeper. It could be very simple. Let me give you a yoga example Doing yogi squats. Yogi squats so if you look it up, it's a form of basically sitting and your hip is not completely on the mat or on the floor.

Speaker 1:

And this pose for me came so easily, like I just I didn't even think about it, like it was oh okay, yes, I'm here and this is so comfortable. And then when I was taking my teacher training course and we had to create a flow by the end of the course, I mean, we had to create multiple flows, but one of them, I included this one and then in my flow, I asked my classmates basically to stay in this pose for a while, for a few breaths, and then one of them started to feel a little uncomfortable, so they used the block. You can, you can do that. It's totally fine, it's very normal. You can use blocks when you do yoga. So she used block. And then for me, that's when it hit me.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, this is not an easy pose for everyone. Of course. Everyone has different bodies. You know, everyone has a different body. That's the correct way. So let's look at our skills that way.

Speaker 1:

There are things that come to you so naturally that you think everyone is comfortable with it and everyone can do it. But that's not really the case and that's your strength normally. If you just focus, cultivate it and know how to use it, how to maximize it, then I believe you've found your superpower, and it's possible for a person to have multiple superpowers. But I believe there is one thing that really really naturally comes to you. For example, for my husband, he is really good in sales. For me that's not the case, but the way that he can sell anything to anyone, that's amazing. I always tell him like, oh my God, like this is amazing. And at first he was like, oh no, isn't that normal? I was like, no, it's not normal.

Speaker 1:

You know, for me, for example, logical thinking, or, you know, getting the trust of people who I work with, or the higher-ups, because of the way that I work, my work style, my dedication yeah, that comes naturally to me. But like selling, of course, or maybe I haven't explored it, maybe when I explore it I'm going to be good at it, but it didn't come to me naturally. It came to him very naturally. So what comes to me naturally is, I believe, consistency, resilience. I've noticed and I've heard from people who actually know me, not people who don't know me and have a lot of opinions excuse you, people who actually know me for a long time or they have spent a lot of time with me they've noticed that I keep going. I keep consistent, no matter how tired I am, no matter how burnt out I am, no matter how burnt out I am, no matter how which is not always a good thing, but it's just a trait no matter how hopeless I feel. But I just keep on going, because there's always a chance that it might work right, it might work. So let's continue. And when I say let's continue, I don't mean that try the same thing 100 times and expect to see a different result. No, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

For example, you want to do something and you want to build a career. You pick something and then you are good at it at first and then, all of a sudden, you're not then accept I mean after a lot of deliberation but then I said, okay, maybe it's not something that I resonate with and don't consider it a failure. Learn from it. Let it be an experience and then move on to the next chapter. But just keep on going. Don't resign and stay at home or don't give up on the painting that you started and then you think that, oh, it's not going to look good or I don't't know. If you cook something the first time it didn't taste good doesn't mean it's not gonna taste good the second time or the third time.

Speaker 1:

Something really nice I talked to my friend and his girlfriend is making cookies recently has a lot of potential. I mean it's small now, but we all believe that it has a lot of potential. It tastes really good and's small now, but we all believe that it has a lot of potential. It tastes really good. And my friend was saying that his girlfriend experimented about two weeks, two weeks. She kept on cooking and baking and, you know, failed, some failed. Then she realized what to add, things like that, basically, it took her two weeks to get the cookie that she likes. So it's important for you to recognize that.

Speaker 1:

If you don't know what's your superpower, I have a suggestion Grab a pen and a paper or a pencil and a paper and maybe after this podcast or even now, write some things that you enjoy doing, some things that you already do and you enjoy doing, and write some things that you do and you don't necessarily have a feeling about it. It's not like you enjoy or you don't necessarily have a feeling about it. It's not like you enjoy or you don't. You just do it. For example, you're good with small talk. Or, for example, people like to share their deep secrets with you. From there, you can slowly distinguish what you're good at and try to imagine how you can make that better. For example, people tell you their deep secrets. I believe that means that you have empathy, you have compassion, and that you are a safe space to people around you and you do not abuse trust. Maybe that's your superpower, because, believe it or not, compassion doesn't come easy to everyone.

Speaker 1:

From there, you can think of things that you will be able to do related to this power of yours or to this talent of yours. It could be just becoming a trustworthy person in your group of friends, or even more than that. Maybe you can become a psychiatrist, or maybe you can become a yoga teacher, or maybe you can become a life coach, maybe you can start a blog and things like that. Basically, you have to allow your mind to imagine. So when you realize that, okay, let's say I'm good in this thing, what can you do with it? What can you do about it? And something small. It doesn't have to be okay. The examples that I gave maybe they're like really long, they're the long journey, but it doesn't have to be like that for you.

Speaker 1:

If it's hard to stay consistent, I suggest just setting very small, little achievable goals, very small. For example let's say this previous example you're good in feeling what other people feel, so reach out to a friend and allow them to talk to you. Or next time you see someone, someone that you haven't spent a lot of time like one of your friends, that you guys didn't have the time to open up to each other that much, but you think there is an opportunity, maybe start, uh, share about yourself, allow them to share about their own lives and see how you do with it. I mean, try to help them and also evaluate your own skill there and from there try to see how much you enjoy this, how much you enjoyed it, how much time you want to invest on this, and from there you can distinguish your superpowers. And when I say superpowers, try to block out all the opinions from the outside world first.

Speaker 1:

Okay, first get your head straight, because there are things that sometimes you're good at something, but other people don't understand it, so they do not have positive opinions about it. For example, when I heard news before about the world and the unfortunate things that happened, it did actually affect me. Took me a lot of time to find that balance that I can feel for other people without completely feeling sad and grieving, even though I'm not the one who directly lost something, even though I do believe that the world is just one. We're all one. So there were people who didn't understand it because they did life differently. But that was my calling, that was my purpose in life, I believe so far until now and becoming a yoga teacher where I can allow people to feel in my presence and understand their own self and understand their own body and I help them recognize their potential in their mind and again in their body. So that resonates with that feeling of mine.

Speaker 1:

So it's important for you to first really think about yourself, without the opinions of others, the things that you have heard, the things that you've read. Just think about what you think you are or how you think you are or who you think you are no judgment at all. Also, in yoga, when we start observing everything, I normally ask students to observe it without judging first. You know at the start of the class. So same here. When you want to observe yourself or you want to reflect on yourself, I suggest do not judge yourself, just observe Separate emotions first. We're talking about the brain part of the thing. Separate your emotions first and then later on maybe you can see how you feel about it when your mind is clear, and remember that here we're talking about things that make you and the world a better place.

Speaker 1:

So if your superpower is something that does not benefit you or does not benefit the world as a whole, you might want to revisit it, because we want to shine, you know, we want to be the bright light in darkness. That's the whole purpose of being here, if you, because we can also use our superpowers in different ways, and it's important to use it in a positive way so that you feel positively about yourself and you basically see the positive consequences of your actions and choices. So when you're trying to nurture that superpower, nurture it in a way that is good for you first and also good for you, of good for the world second. And I believe when you know that one, you are a big, huge step closer to your own authentic self, and your authentic self is where you feel empowered, is where you're confident, is where you're resilient. So, yeah, I hope you enjoyed this episode and I hope that you take time to reflect on what could be your potential superpower and maybe throughout the next weeks or month, or even a year or more, try to see how you can improve that skill of yours and feel even more confident about yourself. Know that you're unique. There is no one like you and you are needed just the way that you are. If you're not going to be you, no one's going to be you, and we need you in this world.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening. Thank you, dear listeners, for joining me on this empowering journey today. As we conclude this episode, remember that your potential is boundless and your journey to a more fulfilling life has only just begun. I'm here to support you every step of the way, so keep coming back for more insights and inspiration. So keep coming back for more insights and inspiration. And remember this podcast is proudly independent, created with a passion for making a positive impact. Your support means the world to me, so please consider subscribing and sharing it with the people you know. Together, we can inspire more individuals on their journey to empowerment and a better life. See you soon for more life-changing discussions. Until we meet again, stay empowered.