Between Heart & Brain

8. Embracing Solitude: Confronting Fear and Unlocking Self-Discovery

June 11, 2024 Sara Rockyasl Episode 8
8. Embracing Solitude: Confronting Fear and Unlocking Self-Discovery
Between Heart & Brain
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Between Heart & Brain
8. Embracing Solitude: Confronting Fear and Unlocking Self-Discovery
Jun 11, 2024 Episode 8
Sara Rockyasl

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When I faced the daunting decision to leave the comfortable chaos of shared living for the unknowns of solitude, it was fear that almost kept me anchored in place. That same fear is something we all grapple with, the kind that burrows deep and convinces us to endure the intolerable rather than leap into the void of change. This episode isn't just a narrative of that personal crossroads; it's an intimate discussion about how we confront the fears that thwart our growth and the life-altering revelations that come when we do.

Throughout this heart-to-heart, I, Sara, weave tales from my own life with the wisdom gleaned from those experiences. From the unsafe environment that endangered not just my peace but also my dog's wellbeing to the profound lessons in boundary-setting and self-reliance, I share the transformative journey that fear catalyzed. Tune in and find solidarity, inspiration, and perhaps a nudge to face your own fears with a blend of mindfulness and courage.

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Until next time, stay inspired and keep unlocking your full potential!"

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When I faced the daunting decision to leave the comfortable chaos of shared living for the unknowns of solitude, it was fear that almost kept me anchored in place. That same fear is something we all grapple with, the kind that burrows deep and convinces us to endure the intolerable rather than leap into the void of change. This episode isn't just a narrative of that personal crossroads; it's an intimate discussion about how we confront the fears that thwart our growth and the life-altering revelations that come when we do.

Throughout this heart-to-heart, I, Sara, weave tales from my own life with the wisdom gleaned from those experiences. From the unsafe environment that endangered not just my peace but also my dog's wellbeing to the profound lessons in boundary-setting and self-reliance, I share the transformative journey that fear catalyzed. Tune in and find solidarity, inspiration, and perhaps a nudge to face your own fears with a blend of mindfulness and courage.

Support the Show.

If you enjoyed today's discussion, don't forget to subscribe to the podcast, it helps a lot to keep me going. and follow me on Instagram for more inspiration and updates. You can find me ( ).
And remember, your support means the world to me. Please subscribe and leave a review.
Until next time, stay inspired and keep unlocking your full potential!"

Speaker 1:

Hi, welcome to the podcast between heart and brain. I'm Sarah, and I'm here to be with you in your personal growth and self-improvement journey, and I'm here to share my own life experiences with you. I'm a yoga teacher, a business intelligence manager with a master's degree in IT, and Nobel Queen International 2023 with health and wellness advocacy. I'm so excited to start this journey with you, to uplift you with positivity, the power of mindfulness and yoga and the freedom of conscious living. So let's start together and take a moment for yourself. Take a moment for yourself. Hello everyone, sarah is here again. If it's your first time, welcome to my podcast, to our podcast, and if it's not your first time, then thanks for coming back.

Speaker 1:

I've decided to talk about fear today. I believe it's a topic that everyone, at any stage in life, can relate to. I would call these kinds of fears crippling fears, that basically, it makes us feel paralyzed and it keeps us trapped in situations that we don't want to be in and doesn't allow us to move forward in life, simply because of the fear of not knowing what's going to happen next. If I do this, will I be able to cope with it? Will I be able to handle it? So, yeah, let's talk about this one.

Speaker 1:

I want to share my experience, for example, when I was studying my master's degree, that was the time that I was not living with my parents. They went back to my home country and I did have my own place for a few months, for like half a year. Then I decided to find roommates near where my college is, and it would have been. It was a different, a new experience, because I usually had my own room. Then I had to share a place with people who I'm not that close to. However, I wanted to make sure that I'm safe, so I went to the university and asked them to recommend people or condominiums or something that basically not completely a stranger. Well, I did live with my roommates for two years. It was hard when I decided to leave after two years. It was a hard decision. First of all, you've shared memories with them. Then you're always surrounded by people, not always, but at least every day or at most every two days. But when you live separately, there are times that it's just you. So I wasn't sure that after two years of living like this would I be all right with that one again.

Speaker 1:

It kept me in that situation for a long time and, to be honest, after some time it wasn't healthy anymore. I had to keep on looking for my stuff because they were misplaced without my permission or I didn't feel safe at my home. I come home and there are guests that I don't know and they're around the place that I basically sleep. So there were a lot of things. I had a dog then also, and my dog was not safe. So one of the roommates her guy of the time was scared of dogs and so my friend told me that she already talked to my bed and apparently the dog has to have a cone around her neck, in which I went. I believed her because she's my roommate. I believed her and I went and bought the cone and next time, when I saw the doctor, the doctor was so shocked like no, your dog doesn't need this. Is what aggressive dog, why do you do this? So that's the time that I realized that I have to face my fear and move out.

Speaker 1:

Move out for a safer, healthier environment. It served its purpose for me Two years of having roommates or getting to know people. It also developed my personality, my understanding and also the times that I wasn't able to sit correct boundaries. So I learned a lot. I'm happy that I went through that. It definitely helped with my growth.

Speaker 1:

But to confront that fear or are you going to be fine alone? It's not easy, to be honest, but sometimes you just know that that's the right thing. It's big, it's frightening, but it's. It's big, it's frightening, but it's needed. So when you find yourself in those kind of situation, it's important to also be prepared. If you can, if you have the ability to prepare yourself, please do so. For example, if you want to move out of a place with some people let's say, roommates or family or boyfriend something, a toxic boyfriend you want to move out. Prepare yourself. Think about how much money you have saved for the next one month or two months. Save up some and also see what equipments you need, what are the things that you need to get rid of and have a plan. If you can do that, that's very much recommended. And just throwing yourself into a situation and then not knowing what's happening, like okay, then what? But I know there are times that we don't have the chance to do preparation. So best is to seek support of people you know, or sometimes government. They do find support if ever God forbid you're experiencing abuse at home.

Speaker 1:

Don't allow your fear of change or the love for comfort stop you from living a better life, living a life that you deserve, living a life that you feel safe, so that you can grow, and then you can see your progress. When you look back five years ago and now, you can see how far you've come and, to be honest for for me, that changed and some more after that. For example, choosing the right group of friends, choosing the right job for me, the right company for me, the right hobby which is my yoga, to be honest and painting you your inner world becomes much lighter and you become generally more satisfied in life. And there you keep on finding out about yourself more and more and your interest, and there will come a time that you can completely count on yourself, and that's such a sweet feeling. But remember, even if you want to hike to reach top of a mountain, you have to take that first step, and that first step is usually where the fear exists. Okay, can I finish it? Can I go there? Can I make it? Try to do it. Try to do it. You're more capable than you know.

Speaker 1:

Your fear just wants to protect you or just wants to keep you in your comfort zone, but it's not necessarily telling you the truth. Also, when you actually confront a fear, even if you don't necessarily succeed, the fact that you have the guts to go against what felt familiar, familiar it gives you confidence in the future. There is another episode about confidence. You can check that out, um. But basically what I'm trying to say is to acknowledge that there is fear. It's okay. It's okay to have fear, it is human, but don't allow it to control your actions or basically dictate your future. You can create your own future.

Speaker 1:

Something related to this topic. I can resonate with the slogan of Nike just do it. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you know that, but it really helps. At least it has really helped me. For example, I'm somewhere that it's hard to push myself to do something. Let's say, I want to give a speech for so many people. Instead of sitting there and being fearful and having so much anxiety, I'm just going to do what I can. I'm going to prepare what I can write down, what I can recite. If I can, then I'm just going to go there and put myself out there and do it. Write down what I can recite. If I can, then I'm just gonna go there and put myself out there and do it, and when I'm there and what I'm doing it, my focus is on the things that I'm talking about rather than the external factors.

Speaker 1:

Or, let's say, I wanted to know. Actually, now let's say it's a real story. I wanted to take this exam, this certification exam, for a few years and I was always waiting for the perfect time. The perfect time for that, when I'm completely ready, when I've studied and I've gathered enough information, which is good, definitely. But because of wanting it to be perfect, for me to be perfectly ready, I postponed these years until one day I said you know, this doesn't, this is not going to happen this way. I have to go register and make the payment, I know I have this many days and then I can study. And that's what I did and surprisingly, with studying just a few days, I got a very good, high score. So sometimes this perfectionism and fear, these two are kind of connected. We want something to be so perfect because we fear imperfection. We fear what the imperfection might cause.

Speaker 1:

Let's say, you want to start a new YouTube channel or you want to start a new small business and you're always thinking I have to make it perfect For sure. If it's a business, you have to do your market research. You have to know your market research. You have to know your product. You should exactly know what you're talking about. You should know your expenses and how much you're gonna sell that product. How do I know this? I do have a side business flower teas. It's called surati. Um. Yeah, I learned along the way. I did my own research for four months before I started it and when I started it it went well because of that research. But to be honest, at first it wasn't perfect. You learn as you go. So if you want to wait for the time that you say that it's 100% perfect, there's a high chance that that time will never come.

Speaker 1:

So don't allow your fears to turn into perfectionism to hold you back and not allow you to progress in life diet. So my request from you is to think about something that you wanted to do for a long time, or something that your gut tells you to do, that this is the right thing and you should do it. And you haven't. You haven't prepared for it, or you have maybe partially prepared for it, but haven't necessarily confronted that fear or moved forward. Think about deeply, like what's causing the fear? Is it your self-doubt? Like what is it? Try to figure that out and then think about the solution. What can I do to overcome that fear? Or, if that situation comes and if I'm put in that situation, how can I cope with it better? I believe these are good suggestions on how to confront your fears and make a positive and impactful, lasting change in your life.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to wrap up this episode and I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you so much and I really, really hope that you would leave a review, share a five star or support. Share it with your friends. It might not be much to you, but it does really help the podcast. Thanks for listening and see you in next episode. Thanks for listening and see you in next episode to support you every step of the way. So keep coming back for more insights and inspiration. And remember this podcast is proudly independent, created with a passion for making a positive impact. Your support means the world to me, so please consider subscribing and sharing it with the people you know. Together, we can inspire more individuals on their journey to empowerment and a better life. See you soon for more life-changing discussions. Until we meet again, stay empowered.