Ben and Bash: Tag Team Talk

Clash of the Castle Review: Unexpected Twists

June 16, 2024 Ben and Bash Episode 8
Clash of the Castle Review: Unexpected Twists
Ben and Bash: Tag Team Talk
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Ben and Bash: Tag Team Talk
Clash of the Castle Review: Unexpected Twists
Jun 16, 2024 Episode 8
Ben and Bash

What if the recent I Quit match between AJ Styles and Cody Rhodes wasn't as straightforward as it seemed? This episode of Ben and Bash's Team Talks unpacks every twist and turn from Clash of the Castle, starting with our in-depth analysis of that very match for the Undisputed WWE Championship. From initial ratings that wavered as we dissected the action, to speculating on future storylines involving big names like Solo, Randy Orton, and the potential game-changer: Roman Reigns' return. We leave no stone unturned in our quest to make sense of the wrestling world's evolving landscape.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What if the recent I Quit match between AJ Styles and Cody Rhodes wasn't as straightforward as it seemed? This episode of Ben and Bash's Team Talks unpacks every twist and turn from Clash of the Castle, starting with our in-depth analysis of that very match for the Undisputed WWE Championship. From initial ratings that wavered as we dissected the action, to speculating on future storylines involving big names like Solo, Randy Orton, and the potential game-changer: Roman Reigns' return. We leave no stone unturned in our quest to make sense of the wrestling world's evolving landscape.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Ben and Bash podcast tag. Team talks.

Speaker 2:

I'm Ben.

Speaker 1:

I'm Bash. It's time to lace up your boots and hit the mat with the Ben and Bash podcast tag. Team talks.

Speaker 2:

Another episode. Today we are going to be discussing the Fallout, raidens, rankins, everything from from clash of the castle, um, you know, we're just gonna give our opinions on it. How you feel about each match, break it down, where do we see stuff possibly going?

Speaker 1:

but let's get to it okay for the opener, which I was very surprised was the opener aj, the phenomenal aj styles versus the American Nightmare Cody Rose in an I Quit match for the Undisputed WWE Championship. Now, I didn't like this match. I mean I liked it but I felt like it could have had more in the match, like the OC coming out and like more, just like just more stuff to the match, and so for that I'm gonna put it at a 8.5, 8.5 out of 10 for a match you didn't like, 8.5 is of 10.

Speaker 2:

From what she didn't like, hmm, from what she didn't like, 8.5 is pretty high.

Speaker 1:

I mean I just thought it could be much better. Like with those two superstars, it could be much better. I mean 8.5 was me being generous. If I was actually going to rate, I would rate it like a 5.9. Then give it a 5.9 then, Okay, 5.9.

Speaker 2:

That's how you really feel. Don't be generous. That's how you feel. 5.9, give it a 5.9. So which one are you going to go with? You're going with 5.9?

Speaker 1:

5.9,. Yeah, that's pretty bad. I. I mean I just didn't like it. It could have been more to the match. I understand I got you Anything else with that one. Actually, I'll bump it up to a six, Six yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, anything else with that? No, yeah, I'm going to give it a little bit more generous than Bash did. I'm going to go 7.5, almost an eight. I'm going to go 7.5, almost an 8. I mean, I think these two guys AJ Styles particularly proved that he still has a lot left in the tank. I mean, yeah, he did the Mark Henry fake retirement thing, but he is closer to retirement age than not. So I don't know how much longer we're going to be able to witness a phenomenal AJ Styles in WWE or wrestling in general, but I think this match shows that he still has what it takes to be at the top you know the top and challenge for whatever title he wants to challenge at. Now I'm curious to kind of see with AJ Styles if he's going to do some TNA stuff, since TNA is kind of, you know, bridging the gap and doing stuff with WB and WB's doing stuff with TNA. I wonder if they're gonna let AJ Styles go over there and and let him do stuff with the company he literally put on the map. I mean, aj Styles Sting those guys. They put TNA on the map in the 2000s. I do kind of wonder what they're going to do.

Speaker 2:

But back to the match. I think that this match was a good match. Like I said, it wasn't a wrestling match, it was an I Quit match. There's never wrestling matches when you have stipulations like I Quit. Last man Standing, old school First Blood matches. Matches like that there's no rules, you just fight until your opponent says I quit. So a lot of times those aren't going to be wrestling moves. They're going to be using objects, going outside the ring, going backstage, all kind of stuff. I give it a 7.5 to 8, I am kind of curious to see.

Speaker 2:

It looks like Cody Rhodes next title defense would be against Solo. The way it looks, probably going to be at SummerSlam. The way it looks and if you go by what happens at the end of the match, with Kevin Owens and Randy Orton coming out, it looks like it may be a six-man at Money in the Bank. Since you got one PLE between now and SummerSlam, you got Money in the Bank, which I don't think they're going to put Solo and Cody at Money in the Bank. Probably, like I said, you're going to have a six-man tag team match at Money in the Bank and then that's going to lead into SummerSlam with Solo versus Cody Rhodes. That's my prediction on that one, but alrighty.

Speaker 1:

Wait, can I talk about what you just said?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

So I personally disagree.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's fine. I think that Money in the Bank, Cody Rose, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens are going to lose. I didn't say they're going to win either. I didn't say they're going to lose, I just said they're going to have a match against the Bloodline.

Speaker 1:

No, but like yeah, but when losing has something to do with what I'm going to say.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, either they lose clean, which is probably not going to happen, or I feel like, if they don't win clean, randy Orton is going to attack Cody Rose and Kevin Owens and then it's going to set up a match for Randy Orton against Cody Rose at SummerSlam so just going to be leave Solo out I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I mean he's the head of the table right now, so I mean he hasn't had a single match on a Premier League event since he became the head of the table after Roman Reigns right.

Speaker 1:

How do you know Roman Reigns isn't going to return?

Speaker 2:

We don't know.

Speaker 1:

That's what I think is going to happen. Before SummerSlam, you think, I mean, I don't know. I would think Like at the Money in the Bank pay-per-view when they're standing tall. Roman Reigns comes out Like a Brock Lesnar thing.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I got you. We got a whole month to figure out money in banking two months before SummerSlam. So we'll kind of see what happens for the next few weeks.

Speaker 1:

Okay, For the next match is Bianca Belair and Jay Cargill versus the Unholy Union versus Zoe and Shayna for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships. It was an odd type of match for a triple threat. It was three people in the ring and you could only tag your tag team partner and it was an okay match. I'm going to put it at a six.

Speaker 2:

A six. Put it at six. Six, yeah, okay. Is that because you didn't like the one in the match or just in general?

Speaker 1:

Well, first of all, I don't like the way how it ended. I mean, I'm fine with the unholy union winning in Scotland they're from Scotland but I don't like how it ended, just like moving Jade out the way that was her finishing move, they would have won Bianca and Jade the match anyways.

Speaker 2:

So if that was their finishing move and then you move them, have won Bianca and Jade the match anyways.

Speaker 1:

So if that was their finishing move and then you move them out the way, then you pin them. It's official, but I felt like they could have hit their finishing move if they have won.

Speaker 2:

But why do that when Jade and Bianca are the finishing move that nobody's kicked out of yet since they've been doing it? Nobody's kicked out of that move yet since they've been doing that move. So why would Aladon and Alba Fire use another move when they already got Shayna on the ground already? You see what I'm saying. If Aladon had came in there and suplexed Jade, then Jade would have pinned Shayna, would have won Shayna with one match. So it wasn't that much time in between for her to recover from that. So it was easier for her to get Jade out of the way, pin her. It's kind of like in a triple threat match when somebody does a finishing move and then somebody throws Ola to the ring and pins the one on the ground real quick. Kind of the same thing, you know.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it is the same thing, it's the tag team.

Speaker 2:

It's the tag team. It's basically the same thing a triple threat match would have done. So I do a finish move on them, you throw them out the ring or incapacitate them and then you finish them off. You know Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I was finished. Anyways, I was just talking about how I didn't like the end of the match, but overall, it's a good six, six, mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to be close to you. I'm going to give it a seven. I liked the match. I really did like the match. Like I said, it gave Aladon and Alba Fire. If anybody's familiar with NXT UK or even before that, the independent scene, icw and places like that, you know about Alba Fire and Aladon. I mean they're two extremely talented wrestlers who I think people are going to see with them having a tag team women's titles. Hopefully they can go to NXT and SmackDown or all over the place and defend the belts and kind of show how good of a tag team and wrestler that they are.

Speaker 2:

I mean Bianca and Jade they don't really prove anything. I mean Bianca's EST. I mean she's done it all. I mean she's won every belt you could think of so far. I mean Jade she's new but her resume kind of speaks for itself If you watch AEW. I mean she only lost, I think, one or two matches. I think, yeah, two matches in AEW. So I mean they didn't really need to have the belts. I mean it was good for them to kind of get the belt.

Speaker 2:

Jade learned from Bianca, kind of learned how everything goes. But now I think this right here can be the start of them kind of finding their way and then eventually even probably having their match at SummerSlam, which I predicted to begin with. But yeah, I think this matches the seven. Like I said, I think Alba Fire and Aladon I liked it. They won in their hometown so they got the hometown pop. Especially with everything that's been going on with Al Bafir personally over the last few weeks, this is a good win to kind of take our mind off everything that's been going on. But yeah, I give it a good, solid seven on this match.

Speaker 1:

Now one thing I hope doesn't happen because, like Jade and Bianca, doesn't happen, because like jade and bianca. They're like like two superstars on the main roster. What I hope doesn't happen is that the tag team titles lose the prestige they had with jade and bianca because, like the unholy union isn't that big of like is of superstars on the main roster no, but they've been wrestling longer than Bianca and Jade, so I think Alice Farr would wrestle longer than both of them combined, so it's like they can wrestle.

Speaker 2:

They're probably just as good of a wrestler as Bianca, if not a better wrestler, as far as overall wrestling.

Speaker 1:

I know that, but like, hopefully they get like, like the fight, that they keep the belts and can defend against. Yeah, and like they get the um tv time that they would deserve.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean they should have been, I guess it turned into like two minute matches yeah, I mean hopefully being the tag team women's champion and then being under uh Triple H now yeah uh, I think they may get the respect they deserve.

Speaker 2:

They should have been had for years. So yeah, I mean all three tag teams were good. I'm glad they let Zoe and Shayna, you know, in this match as well. I mean, all you know, all six of these women are good wrestlers, great wrestlers in general some of them. But you know, like I said, I'm just glad they actually got the opportunity to actually show. It was a good long match, not too long, but long enough for everybody to get their stuff in and kind of show the WWE universe and the fans and the crowd and stuff like that how good all of them are Okay for the third and, I think, best match on the card, sami Zayn versus Master Chad Gable for the Intercontinental Championship.

Speaker 1:

And this match was good. I thought Otis was going to turn on him at this pay-per-view, but maybe on Raw. I thought Sammy was going to win, which he did, and I thought Otis was going to turn on Chad leading Sami to win. But it was a little different, with Maxine inadvertently getting hurt by Chad Gable when Sami Zayn rolled out of the ring, ankle lock and Chad Gable ran it to Maxine and Otis carried her out and therefore distracting Chad Gable. So Samahook hit a Luma kick and win. Now I like the match. Good storyline, good rivalry, I guess, built up. I'll give it an 8.5.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to be right there with it, I'm going to give it an 8.5 as well. Only thing I didn't like was Chad Gable not winning. Everything was there for Chad to win. I predicted Chad to win before our prediction show to see who would unseat Sami Zayn. I pick Chad Gable anyways. This is before he turned heel like he did, but now that he's heel I'm surprised he hadn't won. But I don't know if he's been watching Raw and SmackDown behind the scenes. He's been talking to the Creed Brothers and Avi now.

Speaker 2:

Backstage I don't know if you've been noticing, there's been little snippets of not showing them directly, but like people doing interviews and stuff and Chad Gable in the background talking to the Creed Brothers, and there's another. I think I forgot what. I think it might have been the same episode or a different episode, but he was backstage talking to Avi now again. So I think that I been the same episode or a different episode, but he was backstage talking to Ivy Nile again. So I think that I mean the Creed brothers and Chad Gable. I mean that's a perfect alliance right there.

Speaker 2:

And Ivy Nile maybe and Ivy Nile too, but I mean just the Creed brothers and Chad Gable alone.

Speaker 1:

No, but oh, sorry to cut you off Very good. But like Ivy Nile and Maxine Dupree could have a rivalry, Exactly. But the thing about that, that would be three versus two, I feel like.

Speaker 2:

I don't think that's going to. I mean they're going to be I don't think that it was. If the Creed brothers come out and and turn heel, they're going to beat up Otis and Tozawa and that won't even be a rivalry anymore. That's just the way you know. I mean, like I said, the Creed brothers and Chad Gable, that's a match. That's a perfect match, because I mean they're all top tier Olympic wrestlers. I mean the Creed brothers could have probably went to the Olympics had they trained for it. Chad Gable did go to the Olympics, you know, wasn't successful out there, but he went to the Olympics nonetheless. So I mean successful out there, but he went to the Olympics nonetheless.

Speaker 2:

I think this is a perfect match. It's a better match than Otis. Otis is an Olympic-caliber wrestler too, but I think Otis is a better singles wrestler than he is in a tag team and all that. Not sure what's going to happen on Monday tomorrow, monday Night Raw tomorrow, but I think the way it's been looking, they've been teasing the Creed brothers during Chad Gable. But yeah, I give it an 8.5, I think. Just like I said, I just wasn't happy with the outcome. I thought Chad could have won, but it may be setting up for the Creed brothers to run interference, for Chad to finally win, and then the Creed brothers can get their tag team championships as well I'm not sure about the creed brothers winning the tag team championships, but everything's right there.

Speaker 1:

but like everything's right there, which what you said besides you not being happy about chad losing everything you said basically same thing I was going to say, but a little different. One thing I was going to say I'm not sure if the I mean the Kree brothers probably will, but I don't want the Kree brothers to win, because I want Awesome Truth's title reign to be a little longer, because Awesome Truth is my second favorite all-time tag team and my favorite tag team on the roster right now. And were you finished? Yeah, I'm done with that one. Okay, so for the last match well, not the last match the fourth match um bailey versus piper and evan um for the wwe women's, and this match was pretty good, I would say, and I liked it. I'm going to give it a 6.5.

Speaker 2:

6.5? Yep, anything else about it?

Speaker 1:

I mean, I like Chelsea Green's involvement in this match and it was some pretty good moves and Piper Niven showed why she should still why she should still be be in these type of championship matches and I mean I don't have much to say about this match. It was pretty good. They went in here and had an amazing match and I mean that's all I really want to say about this match yeah, I'm going to give it a probably 8.5.

Speaker 2:

I really enjoyed this match. I mean Bailey's, she's always been consistent as a champ. I mean she doesn't get the recognition at all for what she deserves as being one of the better female wrestlers in the world. Piper Niven showed that she's also should be considered one of the better female wrestlers in the world. Piper Niven showed that she also should be considered one of the best in the world as well. I mean, a lot of people already know her when she was a Viper in pre-WWE. I mean, she's all over the world. Like she said, she was already a world champion before she stepped foot in WWE. But, yeah, I think this was a good showing for her. Hopefully she can kind of stay in the main event picture, you know, and maybe eventually does win a championship. I mean she proves that she can hold her own against a wrestler like Bayley who, like I said, who has been consistent since she debuted in NXT. Like I said, chelsea Green, she's always, you know, going to be entertaining, you know, and a good wrestler at that too. But she's always going to be entertaining and a good wrestler at that too, but she's always going to be entertaining.

Speaker 2:

I was kind of curious why Naomi didn't kind of come out and help out with that, because Chelsea was doing some crazy stuff. Naomi didn't come out. We know she was there because she was on SmackDown the night before. But yeah, I was kind of curious about why Naomi didn't come out. We know she was there because she was on SmackDown the night before. I was kind of curious about why Naomi didn't come out. Maybe that's kind of setting up a feud for SummerSlam Not SummerSlam because Bayley got to wrestle Nia Jax, but after SummerSlam or maybe Money in the Bank or something like that. But I don't know. I'm kind of curious to see where this is going.

Speaker 1:

So I agree with you on Naomi and Bayley, but if they do wrestle you don't think Naomi's winning.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I mean I like Naomi. I liked Naomi when she was a heel. She hadn't been a heel for a while, but I like when she was a heel. I mean she is married to Jimmy Uso so I mean we'll see how that goes when he does come back, how him and Jay and the bloodline and Roman, all that's kind of tying together. If it even does. It may not, but you know, I'm just kind of kind of here to see what Naomi does, uh, in the future. I mean she hadn't really had a successful run since she's been back, so she needs to either change something up or reevaluate and stuff. But she's too good of a wrestler to be losing like this all the time. So, like I said, bayley is a constant, professional, constant great wrestler, always putting on good matches, no matter who it's against. But yeah, kind of curious to see kind of what they do with Piper and Bayley going into the future.

Speaker 1:

Okay, for the fifth and final match of the card. We have Damian Preece versus Drew McIntyre for the World Heavyweight Championship, and this match was good. You expected shenanigans from CM Punk, but you didn't expect these type of shenanigans. And um, cm Punk came out as the referee but it was so good production and camera angles that nobody realized it was CM Punk. Well, yeah, but you've been a super long time camera angle that nobody realized it was CM Punk I did Well, yeah, but you've been like a super you're a super long time.

Speaker 2:

I knew it was CM Punk from there, but yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

And, um, they turned the camera to Drew McIntyre looking at CM Punk, and then Drew choked him out. Well, tried to choke him out. Then CM Punk low-blowed him, then Priest, um, then hit a South of Heaven, choke slam and won the match. Now, I didn't like the ending of it, but that's just because I wanted Drew to win. But then I realized, um, if CM Punk and Drew was the idea at SummerSlam, drew couldn't win because he would have a title match against Gunther and you can't have Drew lose in between that time because he just had the title and lost it in five minutes. So you don't want two back-to-back short reigns for Drew McIntyre. So, um, he almost had to lose that match. If CM Punk versus Drew McIntyre was the idea at SummerSlam. And I'll give it a 7.5. The only reason I'm not doing it higher because, damian Priest, feel like the third wheel here and you should never feel like the third wheel as the world heavyweight champion. And that's what I thought about this match.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to give it an 8. I mean, damian proved that he can hang against a guy like Drew, because leading up to the clash, drew kept telling Damian that he didn't deserve it, he shouldn't have won the belt. He wasn't that good of a wrestler, all this trying to get in Damien's head. I think Damien took that to heart and wanted to prove that I am just as good as you are, if not better. He proved it by beating him, although Damien did have a nasty. It could have been bad little. I guess you call it a botch. I guess when he tried to do his front flip off the top rope, I mean his foot got caught up and luckily he didn't break anything or tear anything. I guess we'll find out on Monday if he can defend his belt or not, because that could change the whole thing right there. I mean, if he can't defend his belt, he has to give it up. So if he gives it up, hopefully that doesn't happen, but if he has to, who's going to get the belt? You can't just give it to Gunther. You know he has a title shot. You have to give it to somebody else. So who's going to get the belt before Gunther wrestles at SummerSlam title shot you have to get to somebody else. So who's going to get the belt before going through the wrestles at SummerSlam If Damian Priest can't wrestle? Hopefully, even if he can't wrestle for right now, he'll be healthy enough to wrestle at SummerSlam. So it's two months away. So as long as his injury isn't more than two months, he should be good enough to keep the belt.

Speaker 2:

But that was a nasty, nasty fall he had. I mean that could have been a lot worse than what it looks like. But, like I said, we'll find out on Monday. Hopefully we'll find out if they want to tell us anything about his injury or lack thereof injury or whatever the case may be. But yeah, like I said, this was a pretty good match. I figured CM Punk's going to do something to get involved in the match.

Speaker 2:

I was kind of torn to figure out if he's going to cost in the match or would he kind of cost Damian the match instead. I didn't really know but, like I said, when he rolled into the ring I knew it was him. Like I said, I told Badz that's CM Punk. I knew that was CM Punk. I could tell from the hair and then the shoes. Really what gave it off cause most all referees in WWE were black shoes. If you look at all referees they wear black pants, black shoes, and this referee had on Nikes, almost like Jordans, but I think they were Jordans or Nikes. But yeah, they. I mean that. Right there. I said CM Punk. I know CM Punk, he's in the ring and the way the camera ain't going to do it, because normally when referee slides to the ring the camera shows are running to the ring and all that. And they had the back angle of them like hmm, that looks weird, but it was CM Punk. But I wasn't expecting that at all to happen that way.

Speaker 2:

Drew McIntyre was irate. After the match They've been showing on social media all day how mad he was Walking back to the locker room. Stu Bennett is one of McIntyre's best friends and even he was going off on a post show about. Cm Punk should be fired, should never wrestle again. It was a screw job. I mean it was. I mean I understand it. I mean they cost Drew McIntyre another title match. I mean Drew McIntyre just cannot win.

Speaker 2:

Last year Clash of the Well, not the last year, but the last Clash of the Castle. It was Sokoa's debut on the main roster. When he caught Drew McIntyre against Roman Reigns Because the Usos wasn't there, I mean this time around it wasn't a bloodline at all. This time it was CM Punk. I mean they have to get this out the way. I mean they have been at each other's necks since CM Punk came back at Survivor Series. I mean the way Drew McIntyre stormed out when CM Punk music hit, or before music even hit, I mean they need to fight, get it out the way, get out their system. I don't see it being a regular match. It's going to be some kind of stipulation because they hate each other so much. They have to do something just to finally end it.

Speaker 2:

But at the end of the day, kudos to Damian Priest. He proved again that he's not just a paper champ. Like I said, I've been watching Damian Priest since when he was punished with Martinez in Ring of Honor, so I mean I've been aware of his work for a while now. I'm glad he's getting the recognition like a lot of other people in his card are getting now. I'm glad that he's actually showing that he can hang with people like Drew McIntyre and actually hold his own. It doesn't look like he just got the belt, just had the belt, but all right, anything else. Real quick I got one more thing I got to talk about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, real quick. You said you saw Drew McIntyre after the match. I saw on YouTube CM Punk after the match.

Speaker 2:

They show him putting referee stuff on.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, but like you saw it where he got the uniform from the referee. No.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, they show how he had the referee uniform on. He wasn't even. He was backstage watching. So according to social media, he was backstage watching the match and then when the referee got hurt, obviously you know a freak comes in and helps out. So he got a shirt from a referee and went out there.

Speaker 1:

That's how you get a free shirt, did he?

Speaker 2:

like no, he asked for it. I gave it to him.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They didn't know he needed it for it, I guess, just saying. I'm just saying.

Speaker 1:

Those referees need to get fired.

Speaker 2:

That's how I'm just saying On the spot.

Speaker 1:

They need to get fired. I saw one where CM Punk was walking backstage and as soon as he walked backstage, cameras were on him and he said he's the best in the world. He's the best in the world as a wrestler. He's the best in the world as a commentator. He's the best in the world as a wrestler, he's the best in the world as a commentator. And then you say now he's the best in the world as a referee. Yeah, but um, and I mean, that's all I was going to say about the match.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was going to go back I didn't mention this earlier with the first match of the night. What was up with Cody Rhodes hitting AJ Styles after the match? With the steel chair, with the steel steps?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I mean he said I quit, so exactly.

Speaker 2:

Aj Styles said I quit. Cody Rhodes then hit him after the match. Aj Styles wasn't even paying attention, he was still handcuffed and Cody Rhodes hit him with steel steps. I mean, that's, if Cody Rhodes wants to be a baby face, good guy champ, that's kind of a heel move right there. You don't hit somebody when they're not paying attention with steel steps. I don't care how mad you are at them. I mean, you're supposed to be a good guy? You're supposed to wipe that away. The match is over with. You won, you leave.

Speaker 1:

He did that with Brock Lesnar too.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. They didn't even call that his qualification, brock Lesnar, though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but that's still a disqualification.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it was still during the match, though this was after the match was already over. Aj Styles literally said I quit.

Speaker 1:

I can defend Cody Rhodes in this situation because AJ Styles threatened his mom. So I can defend Cody Rhodes for hitting him after the match, but AJ Styles still said I quit.

Speaker 2:

So it was still kind of a dirty move. Exactly, I can defend him if he was talking about his mom. Yeah, he was talking about his mom during the match. So he did what he had to during the match. But after he picked the steel steps up, he was going to smash AJ Styles' head in with it. Aj Styles said I quit, I quit, and the match was over. So then you dropped the steel steps, you get your belt, you get your hand raised and you kiss the babies, hug the crowd, sign autographs and then Cody Rose will have to match. You don't smash AJ Styles in the head with steel steps. That's no better than what AJ Styles did to Cody Rose when he faked retirement in clothesline and beat him down. What's the difference? I mean, there's two people. Both guys were not expecting to get hit with anything. Cody Rose wouldn't expect to get hit with a clothesline and be down by AJ Styles. Aj Styles wouldn't expect to get hit with steel steps when Cody Rose was standing right there. So what's the difference?

Speaker 1:

I know the difference. What's that AJ Styles didn't hit Cody Rose with steel steps.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, cody Rose was worse.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

So Cody Rose would be the good guy. He would be the baby face and all that face of the company. But he's out here hitting people with steel steps after matches. That's a heel move, Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

He's done a couple of those.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying. So is Colter Rose going to be a heel or is he going to be a CM Punk type, where I mean otherwise, he has to make a decision, because you can't be going around hitting people with steel steps after the matches are over with. I mean that's just not going to get the fans on your side doing that. You're going to get people mad at you for doing that.

Speaker 1:

You're probably a babyface and you're out here doing stuff like that. I mean, personally, I would love to see heel Cody Rose. Yeah, phase of Heel Cody Rose, not Heel AEW Cody Rose, not Dash, not Heel Undashing Cody Rose, not Heel Dashing Cody Rose. I want a new version of Heel Cody Rose if he's going to turn heel, which is probably not, but if he does, I want to see a new version of Heel Cody Rose.

Speaker 2:

Okay, anything else.

Speaker 1:

No, I think that's it.

Speaker 2:

All right, all right. This has been another episode. I'm Ben, I'm Bash. This has been the episode of Tag.

Speaker 1:

Team Talk.

Wrestling Podcast
Tag Team Title Prestige and Chad
Title Match and World Title Controversy
Character Development in Wrestling Storylines