Physician, Heal Thyself The Podcast

Episode 16: “A Father’s Gift” with Jackie Morales, Part 2 of 2

Dr. Ana Lara Season 1 Episode 16

This episode is dedicated to my Father, Juan Lara, who joined our Heavenly Father on June 16th, 2024 and on Father’s

Day. While his departure brought much sadness, God brought joy to help offset

some of the pain of losing him. My father is a very special man in my life and

I always considered myself to be “one blessed girl” to have a father like him.


This will be a 2-part series on discussing the importance the role that fathers have in our lives and how they influence our relationship

with God. I title this episode “A Father’s Gift”. Listen to how my

father’s last months of life led me to be more curious about, “Who is God?” and further leaned into a relationship with Christ, His love. How close my father was walking with God, allowed many blessings to be poured into my life, and got a glimpse of Heaven.

How can men become better fathers to bring blessings and not curses to their future generations. Men can change their story of adversity into a story of triumph; through finding healing with Christ.


Joining me is my dear friend and sister in Christ, Jackie



Mark 7:6 New International Version:

6 He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: “‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

Credit to Pastor David Platt, from Washington, DC

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