WQSB Morning Show with Barry and Holli

Episode 34

May 28, 2024 WQSB Season 1 Episode 34
Episode 34
WQSB Morning Show with Barry and Holli
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WQSB Morning Show with Barry and Holli
Episode 34
May 28, 2024 Season 1 Episode 34

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Ever wondered if your quirks are as unique as you think? Join us for a hilarious and heartfelt episode where Barry opens up about his paranoia over body odor and the comical challenges he's faced with hygiene post-surgery. We also take a delightful stroll down memory lane to Lake Guntersville, where Barry shares his amusing encounters with geese and their goslings, and even reveals his childhood memories that surface along the way.

Discover the fascinating and peculiar habits of our listeners in our "Listener Quirks of the Day" segment. From my fear of water due to a near-drowning incident to my co-host's curious aversion to metal utensils, we celebrate the uniqueness that makes us human. We also highlight some exciting tidbits like National Hamburger Day and Dolly Parton's upcoming album and docuseries. Plus, we honor our listener of the day, Daisha Young, with a special shoutout and a Barry and Holly Morning Show T-shirt.

As we keep the laughs and emotions coming, we touch on heartfelt moments, such as remembering Reid on what would have been his 30th birthday, and quirky news stories like feral chickens causing chaos in an English town. Learn about our collaboration with Second Chance Shelter and the special limited-edition tie-dye t-shirts for dog food donations. Tune in for a mix of humor, nostalgia, and genuine connections with our audience, making this episode a must-listen!

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Ever wondered if your quirks are as unique as you think? Join us for a hilarious and heartfelt episode where Barry opens up about his paranoia over body odor and the comical challenges he's faced with hygiene post-surgery. We also take a delightful stroll down memory lane to Lake Guntersville, where Barry shares his amusing encounters with geese and their goslings, and even reveals his childhood memories that surface along the way.

Discover the fascinating and peculiar habits of our listeners in our "Listener Quirks of the Day" segment. From my fear of water due to a near-drowning incident to my co-host's curious aversion to metal utensils, we celebrate the uniqueness that makes us human. We also highlight some exciting tidbits like National Hamburger Day and Dolly Parton's upcoming album and docuseries. Plus, we honor our listener of the day, Daisha Young, with a special shoutout and a Barry and Holly Morning Show T-shirt.

As we keep the laughs and emotions coming, we touch on heartfelt moments, such as remembering Reid on what would have been his 30th birthday, and quirky news stories like feral chickens causing chaos in an English town. Learn about our collaboration with Second Chance Shelter and the special limited-edition tie-dye t-shirts for dog food donations. Tune in for a mix of humor, nostalgia, and genuine connections with our audience, making this episode a must-listen!

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Speaker 2:

Now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to rise and shine and get your morning started with Alabama's award-winning morning show.

Speaker 3:

My doctor said that could be the reason for my rash. I'm literally screaming right now.

Speaker 2:

Broadcasting live from high atop Alabama's beautiful Sand Mountain. Good morning, please welcome your hosts. Barry, what cologne are you going to go with? It's called Sex Panther by Odeon. It's illegal in nine countries and Holland. Now, before we do this, let's go over the ground. Rule. Rule number one no touching of the hair or face.

Speaker 1:

I just like waking up to the sound of your sweet voice. See you on the field, superstar.

Speaker 2:

Oh, could you turn it up?

Speaker 1:

please, good voice, see how to feel, superstar. Oh, could you turn it up please? Good morning, it's 6.09. I think I need an extra squirt of Sex Panther this morning. Oh, that's a shock. Well, no, I'm just paranoid. I stink, I know I stink, I'm sorry, Well, he can't Okay.

Speaker 4:

So his armpit is steri-stripped down to his skin so he cannot physically lift his shoulder because of the surgery and because of the tape.

Speaker 1:

Right. So you've made a little pocket where you can't reach your armpit, because I didn't realize how hard it is to wash your armpits, both arms, because my left arm is not supposed to go above a certain level, so it's hard for the left arm to wash the right one and my left one. I can't pull it away from the body too far because it hurts, and I'm not supposed to get these stitches wet until they take them out, uh-uh, and so I just do the best I can.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and you said you had blood this morning.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I finally said okay, I'm washing it today. Yeah, I finally said okay, I'm washing it today. Yeah, that's all I've tried to clean it the past few days?

Speaker 4:

Did you put deodorant on it? I tried. I told you not to.

Speaker 1:

That's another thing that's hard to do. You can't why.

Speaker 4:

Because you've got that's the infection right there. That's germs, that can be germs. Oh, Every time you swap that deodorant you're putting germs. You don't listen to nothing. I say.

Speaker 1:

I tried, but anyway, I'm going to need some Sex Panther by Odeon and we'll fix this right up. It's 610. A beautiful morning Love. This morning, especially compared to yesterday, the weather was horrible. Today it turned out to be a nice afternoon. It was hot yesterday afternoon.

Speaker 1:

God, it was so hot, it was so humid, but we got our weekly or daily walk-in anyway and I'm looking at the video now because we were down at Lake Guntersville Boy, there was a crowd and it was good to see so many people outside just in the water, picnicking, having fun and just a good crowd all around enjoying just some time off of work or whatever off of whatever you were doing.

Speaker 4:

And then there's always these ducks at Lake Guntersville, but it was like it was weird. Wait, wait, wait. I have to correct you, they're geese Geese. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

I just thought of ducks. I don't know, but there's always these geese at Lake Guntersville and there's like we noticed these babies a few weeks ago.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, Like little beady babies.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the little babies growing. So as we were going down one of the paths, they were like right in the middle of the path and wouldn't move they were all just sitting there, they weren't on the grass, they were on the walking trail yeah, they didn't want to be bothered no.

Speaker 1:

So you said let's video this, and I'm counting now there's probably 15 to 20 of them all gathered around and as we began walking towards them, of course you got the usual the hissing and the. The mamas I guess mom was, I don't know, I can't tell. Who knows they were hissing. And the mamas I guess mamas I don't know, I can't tell who knows.

Speaker 1:

They were hissing and it's like a snake. When you hear this, it's creepy. You'd have to flip it upside down. Yeah, flip it upside down and see if you can see it. It's a goose, but we got a video of it and I thought it was so cool because they were all just like walking in front of us like I know they're so cute.

Speaker 4:

It's like they're little preteens now yeah they went from being baby chicks last week to this week. They're preteens. But we have some good comments. Linda said I hope you recover quickly, barry, but those are geese. Sorry, we know, I know, I know. Cameron says look at all those chickens, those chickens yeah, zelda johnson, thank you for this.

Speaker 1:

I needed a smile and I hope you're taking care of yourself and resting.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

I'm doing my best, and it was fun just to see them because there were so many of them.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

They're everywhere.

Speaker 4:

They're everywhere and I love it. I guess it's just that time of year springtime baby chicks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, love it. Time baby chicks. Yeah, love it. So that's on there. You put something else up. Earlier this morning we were talking about uh, you asked me what's something unusual, weird about you? And I said well, pretty much everything, just pick one oh, yeah, but you said what really stands out and I said I don't know that we were down at the lake.

Speaker 4:

I said I can't swim yeah, this is crazy to me. So tell the story about your brothers. Oh yeah, that you told me. I remember we were little.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how old I was. I'll never forget what happened was we were at that I think it was Lake Guntersville, I don't remember exactly. It was just a lot of water and they had these old orange life jackets everybody used to wear. They were old, so they put one on me and I didn't know how to swim. They said, oh, you're fine, just threw me in the water and down I went. This life jacket did not want to work. It did not work and luckily one of them jumped in and pulled me up and I was scared of the water ever since and they never took me to have swimming lessons, nothing like that. So I love the water you like the water I would go to the ocean, get out in the ocean.

Speaker 1:

You just don't swim.

Speaker 4:

I just don't swim so do you go the deep end and pools?

Speaker 1:

I know, oh, no.

Speaker 4:

You don't even like walk the wall? No.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm talking about. My luck, I'm going to fall off that wall. No, slide down the wall, nope, nope. But I made sure both kids, when they were young, they had swimming lessons.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, oh yeah. That's something that's always scared me to death is kids in water. Yeah scared me to death is kids and water. Yeah, it scares, it don't matter. Vacations are not even fun for me because I'm afraid of kids and water you've got to watch all the time. You can never take a break vacations are no longer vacations when you have a few seconds.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, anyway, mine was. Is that I still sleep with my baby blanket? Okay, every night I have to have it. I have to have it in my arms. Has to be touching me and there's.

Speaker 1:

that wasn the first thing that came to mind, because I don't know what you sleep with, but something you do that I notice, which is unusual when we go eat anywhere, you don't use silverware.

Speaker 4:

No, I have to use plastic. I cannot stand metal in my mouth.

Speaker 1:

Metal straws, metal cups, metal fork, spoons, knives, or even the sound of metal on metal. So Top of the River gives you headaches when you go.

Speaker 4:

It's like if you've ever had morning sickness, when you don't know what's about to happen to yourself, like you're about to either throw up a baby or pass out. I don't know, it's awful, I hate Top of the River. I out, I don't know. Yeah, it's awful, I hate Top of the River. I love Top of the River food, yes. Hate Top of the River plates yeah, but anyway.

Speaker 1:

So we let you we're going to go over some of these in a few minutes but we want you to tell us something weird about you. Yeah, something, a weird fact about you. Yeah, it's up on our facebook yeah, go ahead and give us a weird fact and then we'll read those later. Okay, we're coming up a minute and before we move on, we've got to mention our listener of the day we've got a mission.

Speaker 4:

Yes, we do it's uh, daisha, daisha young.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, daisha, for listening to qsp the morning show. We appreciate you and you are the listener of the day and that means you also are our first winner of the day yeah, yeah, our first winner of the day yeah. T-shirt.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, our first winner of the day. You win a T-shirt. Everybody this week that wins listener of the day. This is not our normal, but everybody that wins listener of the day this week is going to get a Barry and Holly Morning Show T-shirt. Yes, you are. So there you go.

Speaker 1:

And tell them how they can be tomorrow's listener of the day.

Speaker 4:

It's so easy, it's so easy, so you just wait for me to post our podcast link. I do that before 10 o'clock, and all you have to do is tell us your favorite quote, moment, segment, whatever, something you enjoyed about the podcast, and then that enters you into the giveaway.

Speaker 1:

Yep, and we'll have a random drawing and have another listener coming up tomorrow. That's right, all right. Things you need to know. It's Tuesday, may the 28th. Things you need to know and need to think about today what have you got today?

Speaker 4:

Well, it's one of my favorite days. Today is National Hamburger Day Yep.

Speaker 1:

Love grilled hamburgers. Oh, yes, yeah.

Speaker 4:

The top five hamburger toppings are. I don't even consider this a topping.

Speaker 1:

No Cheese. I think cheese has to be on it it just goes on it. I love cheese.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you got to put cheese on it. Lettuce, tomato, onion and pickle.

Speaker 1:

In that order.

Speaker 4:

In that order. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So no ketchup, no mustard in the top five. It's in my top five. I don't care about pickles, do you? No, I'd assume not to have.

Speaker 4:

Black onions, yep and. I just sound indifferent and I don't want tomato.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Anyway, things you need to know. Dolly Parton is planning to reveal personal details about her family's roots in a forthcoming album and companion docuseries titled Dolly Parton Family Smoky Mountain DNA, family Faith and Fables.

Speaker 1:

That'll be good, because I love the movie they made a few years ago about Dolly, when she was a little girl.

Speaker 4:

That is the longest name.

Speaker 1:

That won't fit on a t-shirt. Well, with Dolly's, because she has bigger areas.

Speaker 4:

Chest area yeah T-shirt yeah, yeah, the album's set to.

Speaker 1:

Fit right on the front, wouldn't it? Yeah?

Speaker 4:

Nothing on the back, it's all on the front. No, it's all on the front. The album's set to be released on November 15th of this year, with the docuseries already in production, featuring selections from the album performed by Dolly and her family members while being filmed at Knoxville's Bijou Theater.

Speaker 1:

That's going to be fun to watch.

Speaker 4:

Did you ever?

Speaker 1:

see, I think there was two of them with Dolly when she was a little girl.

Speaker 4:

No Good movies, good movies.

Speaker 1:

That's going to be fun to watch. That's going to be fun. Did you ever see? I think there was two of them with Dolly when she was a little girl.

Speaker 4:

No, Good movies Good movies.

Speaker 1:

It told a lot of the stuff she went through as a little girl?

Speaker 4:

Oh, that would be interesting, we'll have to find those sometime, oh, okay, yeah, those are very good, yep, and then I.

Speaker 1:

That is a great idea.

Speaker 4:

I think I've been watching the show Good Doctor.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

And they do surgery Looking down. Looking down, and then they have what's called the gallery.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

What if Walmart had a gallery where you could just watch people?

Speaker 1:

People watch.

Speaker 4:

Have a little charcuterie board.

Speaker 1:

That is a great idea.

Speaker 4:

Sponsored by Morgan House.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Get you some pimento cheese. Watch people and watch people. Just have like a little gallery area where you can watch people. That's like a day of fun, just people watching.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we need to bring that up. Okay, the next meeting of whoever of the walmart walmart yeah, we'll talk to them all, right. 6, 619.

Speaker 2:

Wqsb mornings with Barry and Holly Shirley. You can't be serious. I am serious.

Speaker 1:

And don't call me Shirley. Totally serious, we ask you a question. Tell us something unusual about you, an unusual fact, a weird fact.

Speaker 4:

Passing notes yeah, we're passing notes. We're not calling you right now. Okay, well, I didn't know. I didn't know what was going on.

Speaker 1:

Well, now you know, now I know. Yeah, that's a weird fact about you Pass notes when I'm talking.

Speaker 4:

I'm trying to be discreet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I can't reach with my left arm.

Speaker 4:

I forgot.

Speaker 1:

I forgot. I had to turn my entire body to see a note.

Speaker 4:

Everybody could have seen your body language drop now, and it's.

Speaker 1:

Scott Chambers' phone number.

Speaker 4:

But the way you said that to me I can't reach with my left arm.

Speaker 1:

You handed it to me towards my left side and I'm supposed to just tear this brace off and rip my stitches and say thank you for this note. That could have waited 10 minutes. Thank you so much, Holly, I appreciate that.

Speaker 4:

You're going to make me cry.

Speaker 1:

No, the question is one weird fact about yourself, and there are some unusual ones, there are some great ones, josh, our buddy, josh Johnson, says I dip my pizza in ketchup.

Speaker 4:

Ew Josh.

Speaker 1:

Do you have unusual food things you dip in? Do you like put ketchup on eggs, anything like that? Anything odd? Mm-mm, I don't think I do. Some people put ranch on their eggs.

Speaker 4:

I find that weird that ranch on eggs yes no, you don't know people that do that, who does that? Can't tell them, can't tell you you don't need to be eating breakfast with them anymore.

Speaker 1:

No, that's weird yeah okay melissa riggs says I'm terrified of heights and elevators.

Speaker 4:

She's got a reply. Dj said me too, but I feel like that's normal. I don't know. Some people love heights.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't bother me, but I don't want to go on top of a building and just sit down. Kyla Massey says I'm terrified of chickens. Oh.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Not sure what happened there.

Speaker 4:

Oh, there's some trauma. Jessica Taylor said I still sleep with my nanny pillow. It's a pillow my nanny made me when I was 30. Okay, I'm 30, and it's a comfort item, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Gotcha yeah. Aletha Ward says I hate frogs. It freaks me out if one jumps towards me. I'm with you. I don't like frogs.

Speaker 4:

They're unpredictable, they're just creepy, they're just weird, they're slimy.

Speaker 1:

And they love to jump under lawnmowers and just make some mess. I'm so traumatized by that.

Speaker 4:

My parents cleaned out their pool this weekend. They had seven. How about no? Seven frogs? Seven frogs.

Speaker 1:

Yes, seven in their pool, probably those big ones. And here's one, I didn't know. Our former co-worker, our buddy Mason Mostella, says I can lick my elbow.

Speaker 4:

That's my nephew.

Speaker 1:

I don't believe you, Mason.

Speaker 4:

That's what I said. I said picture you can't Mason. If you can see it or if you can do it, send us a picture. I want to see it.

Speaker 1:

Do you think he knows his body parts?

Speaker 4:

Let me see how close I can get.

Speaker 1:

You're not even close. You think he knows his body parts.

Speaker 4:

I think he's confusing that with his kneecap?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because he'd be fun at parties if he could do that.

Speaker 4:

Alana says I cannot stand to hear plastic bags of any kind crinkle. It makes me furious. You better get a bowl for those chips and be careful with the grocery bags.

Speaker 1:

Oh okay, Susan Brace, big Bodies of Water Scare Me Too. Shavonna Smith, I Sleep on a Weighted, Stuffed Axolotl. Axolotl. What is an axolotl?

Speaker 4:

That's a little salamander type thing. Somebody's calling us. They want to tell us they're a weird thing.

Speaker 1:

I've never seen one before that I know of.

Speaker 4:

An axolotl.

Speaker 1:

They're so cute. Show me a picture of the axolotl.

Speaker 4:

I'll show you a picture. Here's a picture of the axolotl, that's creepy. No, it's so cute.

Speaker 1:

Are they in oceans or in?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, they really are so cute You've got to see a video of them. But you can get all kinds of stuffed ones.

Speaker 1:

I've never seen one, so she has a weight stuffed axolotl.

Speaker 4:

so they're in oceans yeah, you know, like this. Here's what they look like. No, they're cute.

Speaker 1:

No, if you had one of those swimming to your swim trunks in the ocean. You're, you're coming out of the swim trunks somebody's what's wrong, jellyfish? Nope, got an axolotl in my pants hey, siri, where does an axolotl live?

Speaker 4:

yeah, I don't know. Where does an axolotl live? Yeah, I don't know. It's found only in Mexico City, mexico.

Speaker 1:

Okay, oh, I don't. That's what it said, so the odds of that happening to me are rare then.

Speaker 4:

If you don't plan on going to Mexico City.

Speaker 1:

In the water.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, that's up to you.

Speaker 1:

I won't be getting one of those in my pants, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Kayla Hodgand says that she can't grow armpit hair. Wow, that is a flick, that's helpful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't have wisdom teeth. I've never, oh yeah.

Speaker 4:

I don't have any.

Speaker 1:

I only have one. The dentist said well, it's obvious because you're an idiot. Oh my gosh, it explains your mind. Yeah, come on, there's a lot of good ones in here.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, scott Chambers says. Even as a grown man, I don't like my food to touch each other on my plate. Scott, scott, you can get weirder than that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know he does more weird stuff than that.

Speaker 4:

I like this one. Mado says I have certain dishes and silverware that are mine and it makes me irrationally angry if anyone else uses them.

Speaker 1:

Feel a threat there.

Speaker 4:

Don't use mama's cup.

Speaker 1:

She'll chop your hand off she will Throw an axolotl at you, yeah she will Emily. Nelson says I love cold fish from Captain V's.

Speaker 4:

Oh, Emily.

Speaker 1:

Why, but not just her? My husband and child love it too.

Speaker 4:

No, emily, that's weird.

Speaker 1:

My fish. I don't want cold fish. No, I don't want any fish. It's going to be warm. You don't like fish at all.

Speaker 4:

No, I can't imagine anything cold.

Speaker 1:

Juliana Davis, I have a weird phobia of weird textures, especially lumpy, bumpy or holey stuff. Lumpy, bumpy or holey stuff.

Speaker 4:

So Carrie Hurst says trypophobia, and let me tell you about this one. Have you ever heard of this?

Speaker 4:

no, what is this it's a fear of holes or clusters and it's really, really gross. If you look it up, okay, I'll google it later and show you I didn't know this. Do you know what? The middle of a lotus? I'm trying not to trigger people because actually more people have this than you would think and it messes with your appetite. Have you ever seen the middle of a lotus flower, how it has all those holes in it?

Speaker 1:

Not that I know of.

Speaker 4:

Okay, not on purpose.

Speaker 1:

I'll show you in a minute. Oh, please pass me another note.

Speaker 4:

Let me draw you one Hold on.

Speaker 1:

Feel free to add to the list of what weird fact you need us to know about you. Yeah, and we'll share those. Yeah at 635.

Speaker 2:

Mornings with Barry and Hall here on Alabama's country giant WQSB.

Speaker 1:

WQSB, brian Martin and we ride, ride, it's 640. Good day to do some riding Sunshine 86. A little less humid, a little more wind. Winds 10 to 15 miles an hour. 86 a high this morning, sunshine 63. I think we need to call our news guy Scott Chambers.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, let's call Scott.

Speaker 1:

Because Scott messages all the time with us.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And he was talking about a weird thing that he does and you said he's got to do better than that.

Speaker 4:

And he did.

Speaker 1:

You said he's got to do better than that, and he did. He got weird. Okay, he needs to understand how important.

Speaker 4:

How hard this is I'm having to dial, seriously one-handed, because I can't use my left arm and I'm having to use my left arm. I told you I'd help you and you can't talk into the microphone, so it's all up to me for the next few minutes. He's dialing the numbers guys. Okay, scott, I hope you can answer.

Speaker 1:

You're not very good at play-by-play, sorry, I hung up on him. No, no, sorry, scott, I'm going to try one more time. This is hard.

Speaker 4:

I'm left in that house, badger struggling. Yeah, anything for the show, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you need to tell my rehab person today.

Speaker 4:

You had to make a phone call with that arm.

Speaker 1:

How'd you tear your arm while I was making a phone call?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Hello, hey, good morning. Is this Scott Chambers?

Speaker 3:

It is the one and only.

Speaker 1:

Scott Chambers is with us live on the air. Award-winning newsman Scott, it's an honor to have you on the is with us live on the air. Our award-winning newsman Scott, it's an honor to have you on the radio with us. Good morning to you.

Speaker 3:

Hey, it's good to be with you guys this morning.

Speaker 1:

Hey, thank you so much for listening. We appreciate that because you're always throwing us some great comments from listening to the morning show, and one we've got to ask you. This came up and we were talking about weird things about each of us that people may not know. And came up and we were talking about weird things about each other that people may not know and the one thing you sent us was that you don't like your foods to touch. Is that right?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm kind of weird like that. Even as a grown man, my family still makes fun of me because if, like, mashed potatoes are touching ham, it's like, eh, that's gross, move it, move it, they can't touch. Yeah, it's weird. And I also have to eat with the same fork every time I eat. It has to be like a rounded edge fork, or I will go to the dishwasher and pull one out and scrub it and wash it, because I'm weird like that. Wow.

Speaker 4:

We're all a little weird, Scott.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of like what Holly does. She can't use metal forks or spoons or knives. She has to have the plastic.

Speaker 4:

Got to use plastic yeah that that's just weird.

Speaker 3:

I'll use metal. It just has to be rounded metal but you have something even weirder, so tell us about that okay, so I I'm gonna embarrass myself and all of my family that listens to a barry and holly every morning now y'all are gonna know the truth, okay?

Speaker 3:

um, so everything that I do has to be done in even numbers. So when I'm putting on deodorant, I have to rub it in exactly 10 times under each arm, and then I rub my arms and I count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. So it's got like 20 rubs and I know that it's evenly distributed under my arm. And then if I'm in the shower showering off, I have to rinse each body part ten times. Whoa, exactly, really.

Speaker 4:

Scott, you have major.

Speaker 3:

OCD? I do, yeah, and so here's the weirdest one of all, though. Okay, when it comes to my toes. When I'm scrubbing my toes off in the shower, I have to rinse or scrub between each toe exactly four times, and if I miss one I have to go back and do it because I feel like something bad is going to happen in the universe. Really, oh no, I'm straight up serious.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's crazy, I'm just imagining. It must be interesting on date night.

Speaker 3:

You do everything, even numbers interesting, on date night. You do everything in, even numbers.

Speaker 1:

That's why you get a lot of return dates. Why yes, scott? I?

Speaker 3:

will go out with you again.

Speaker 1:

Hey, that might be why I'm a single man. Well, that is some pretty cool stuff that took a turn.

Speaker 3:

Now, when I listen to your news, yeah, I tried to tell the last person I was dating. We have to go in exactly four days and see if it's going to work.

Speaker 4:

And it didn't happen. I wonder why that is so good, that is awesome.

Speaker 1:

Now I feel like when we listen to the news we say I know more about this guy.

Speaker 4:

We know more about Scott Chambers. He's my friend, yeah. He does unusual things like we do.

Speaker 1:

He's a weird friend.

Speaker 4:

Yep, we're weird. He's a weird friend. We're all a little weird. Don't say he's not weird, barry, he is.

Speaker 1:

Well, we all are To be in radio or anything we do in the entertainment business. You've got to be weird, you being part of QSB. You do a fantastic job. We appreciate you.

Speaker 3:

Hey, listen, it's a true honor to be a part of the morning show there on WQSB. I grew up listening to you, Barry, every morning, and to get to be anchoring news for you all, you and Holly every day is great. Yeah, and speaking of weird, I was in Los Angeles for seven days you talked about weird We'll need to talk again.

Speaker 1:

Text me. Well, scott. I know you're busy working on the next newscast. We'll let you go. I am and you take care. I appreciate the job you do. Thanks, scott, thanks Scott.

Speaker 3:

Hey, thank you guys.

Speaker 1:

All right, that's Scott Chambers.

Speaker 2:

We'll be hearing from Scott coming up barry and holly on alabama's country, giant wqsb 651 with barry and holly.

Speaker 1:

It'll be sunny all day, up to 86, a little windy later. Winds 10 to 15 miles an hour this morning, sunshine and 63 hey, coming up. Friday, it starts friday. Wolfstock 2024 is back. We've been doing this for the past. I guess guess two, three years. I'm not sure I have to go back and look to see.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for the third Always in.

Speaker 1:

June. In June we talked to our buddies at Second Chance Shelter in Boaz a few years ago and they talked about how summertime is always hard for dog food. Yeah, they rely on contributions and donations to be able to take care of all the dogs they have there. Which, by the way, if you're considering maybe adopting a dog now the school's out, give your kids a nice little furry friend. I highly recommend going to Second Chance Shelter. They have so many beautiful dogs. But what we're doing is the past few years, starting in June, which actually we're going to be starting this Friday, since June 1st we're going to miss a few days since it falls on the weekend. We're going to allow you if you would help us by bringing dog food by the radio station here in Albertville, and if you bring us, we're looking for dry dog food, not the canned 30 pounds or more, especially Purina. They love Purina.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what they really suggest you bring. Yeah, 30 pounds or more and you're going to get a free Woodstock t-shirt from Dixie Designs in Boaz and we'll take a picture this morning. Let's take a picture, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I can take a picture it goes now.

Speaker 1:

the first 75 people who do this starting Friday get a limited edition tie-dye Woodstock t-shirt. And these are so pretty, they're gorgeous.

Speaker 4:

But they're limited.

Speaker 1:

This may be one of the best logos we've had. This may be one of the best logos we've had. Yeah, they're beautiful. So the first 75 starting Friday get that, and if you donate after the 75, you still get a T-shirt. They're still beautiful. They're just all different colors. They just look so cool in the tie-dye, though, and we're going to be doing it for the entire month of June, and all the dog food goes to Second Chance Shelter in Boas. This all starts on Friday.

Speaker 4:

Yep and it's 30 pounds or more 30 pounds or more.

Speaker 1:

So we looked it up a few days ago and it's roughly about 25 to 30 bucks is what you'll pay.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

You get a t-shirt and you have the pleasure of knowing you're helping these dogs and helping second chance feed these dogs.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and Doug said that it takes about a. What was it? A pound?

Speaker 1:

A dog. A dog, yeah, a day A day and you've got 200 in. I think last time we talked about 275 dogs at the shelter now waiting to be adopted. That's a lot of dog food every day.

Speaker 4:

That's a lot of dog food every day, every day. They need help.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so think about it. We're going to be out and about this weekend, we're starting it on Friday and all through the month of June We'll WQSV. Topper Holly's pile of stories this morning Heartbreaking story. I don't watch General Hospital, but seeing the photos of this young man, this is horrible. This is horrible.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And his name is Johnny I don't know if it's for sure Wachter. I believe, okay, I believe.

Speaker 4:

Johnny Wachter. He's an actor best known for his role as Brando Corbin in General Hospital. This is crazy. Known for his role as Brando Corbin in General Hospital this is crazy. He was tragically shot and killed during a suspected catalytic converter theft attempt in downtown Los Angeles.

Speaker 1:

He was 37 years old 37 years old. Walked outside early in the morning and saw a car that was being towed. He realized it wasn't a legitimate towing service, so he stepped in front saying you can't take this car, and just kind of put his hands up in a non-confrontational manner and they shot and killed him. Wow, that's horrible. That is horrible. That's horrible.

Speaker 4:

Why'd you include that?

Speaker 1:

It's all over the news because they're just warning people, just to be careful.

Speaker 4:

Well, millie Bobby Brown, you might know her from Stranger Things. Yes, and Well, millie Bobby Brown, you might know her from Stranger Things. Yes, and Jake, I have no idea how to say it. Bon Jovi, oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

That's how it's, john, that's what he spells. Yeah, john Bon Jovi. John Bon Jovi, that's his son.

Speaker 4:

That's his son and we talked about this yesterday. They got married in a low-key and intimate ceremony last weekend. It was attended attended by both of their parents. The couple is also planning a larger ceremony for guests later this year.

Speaker 1:

Makes you wonder did dad sing at the wedding? Was it, you know, like living on a prayer or something like that? I don't know? Oh, I don't know. Yeah, I hope he didn't sing. You Give Love a Bad Name. That would be bad.

Speaker 4:

Oh you give love a bad name.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because Jake's halfway there.

Speaker 4:

I got more sad news.

Speaker 1:

Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 4:

NBA MVP and renowned sports broadcaster, bill Walton, has died at the age of 71 after battling cancer.

Speaker 1:

He was good, great basketball player, college and NBA. I love to listen to him announcing the games. That is sad. I hate to hear that.

Speaker 4:

I know. And Paper Mario, the thousand-year door, which is now out for Nintendo Switch. Mario's looking again for Princess Peach and also seeking a fabled treasure referenced on an old map.

Speaker 1:

Have you seen the animation they're using for this one? Yeah, it's weird, it's unusual. I like it. It's called what? Paper Animation.

Speaker 4:

Yep, there's familiar bad guys, there's coins to collect and all the friends you make along the way. But this is no ordinary Super Mario Brothers adventure. This one has an RPG format and it's a distinct papery style.

Speaker 1:

It looks unusual, I'm looking at the picture on her Facebook page. So do the girls. They like playing Super Mario.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

But not more than me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you'll have to get this one then it's probably like 70 bucks. Ooh yeah, but it's out now. It looks good, though it looks different, very unusual. Look for Super Mario.

Speaker 4:

I love. You know what I love, what I can beat everybody in who Super Mario Kart Really.

Speaker 1:

I can beat it, bring it on. I can put you money where your mouth is here, oh, you got it. We'll see what you got, okay.

Speaker 2:

656, birthdays are next. Wqsb Mornings with Barry and Holly.

Speaker 1:

With Austin 709 on a beautiful Tuesday morning, first day back to work for many. Sunshine today, going to hit 86. It will be windy, no chance of rain for the rest of the week and I would think it would be good cheese rolling weather. I'm watching it.

Speaker 4:

They just started going down the hill.

Speaker 1:

What do you think? Have you ever seen this before?

Speaker 4:

No, you said that Reid showed this to you.

Speaker 1:

I've never seen this, until a few years ago when my son Reid said Daddy, you've got to see this. No, they do a thing called cheese rolling. It's in what England, it's some village and what it is. They simply get to the top of this ungodly steep hill with grass. Then they roll a wheel of cheese down the hill, and your job is to run down the hill First. One down the hill wins. You mainly win just a trophy.

Speaker 1:

And bragging rights and you have to sign waivers saying that if you get hurt which many do you can't hold them responsible. You're on your own. If you want to see this, there's like a best dub. Oh my gosh and they have like a different.

Speaker 4:

They're just all bouncing all down the hill, all the way down.

Speaker 1:

One lady was knocked out when she hits the hill.

Speaker 4:

I thought this man got tackled.

Speaker 1:

She says it was worth it. Even though she got knocked out, she was okay Okay. She says it was worth it. It was an honor to be able to run down the hill chasing the cheese Well all right. How do you think of something like this?

Speaker 4:

I don't know, they're like all right, do you think of something like this? I don't know, they're like you know all right, guys, we got this steep hill. What are we gonna do with?

Speaker 1:

it. Are you still watching? Oh yeah, have you seen the guy in the red shirt yet? It may be coming, oh I see it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, what's the guy in the red shirt?

Speaker 3:

you need if you just want a good laugh today.

Speaker 4:

It was a girl too. It was a girl. I'm watching the girl and she won. And she holds a cheese. She won. Good for her.

Speaker 1:

This is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while, and they do it every year. So here we have Memorial Day, over there they have Cheese Rolling Day.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, see, I would so much rather go attend a cheese rolling event. Exactly, attend a cheese rolling event, exactly. Imagine a cheese rolling event with Walmart people. Oh, and imagine watching that.

Speaker 1:

Come as you are.

Speaker 3:

Yes have a cheese rolling inside.

Speaker 1:

Walmart. Anyway, if you want to see this, it's on her Facebook page. But he showed this to me a few years ago and I thought this is classic, it's stupid and it's funny. And if you just want a good laugh for about two minutes, click on our facebook and watch the rolling of the cheese, the rolling of the cheese all right time to congratulate our listener of the day once again.

Speaker 1:

Hey, thank you so much for listening and we appreciate it. It's uh, daisha, young daisha. We're saluting you for listening to the morning show and this is a special Everybody who wins this week, each day, gets a Morning Show t-shirt.

Speaker 4:

They do, they get a Morning Show t-shirt. So, dacia, just stop by the station to pick yours up, or send us a quick Facebook message so we can get your winner slip in.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. And if you'd like to be tomorrow's listener of the day, it's simple we record all of our shows and you go back later and you take all the commercials and the music out and form it into a podcast and you can listen to it wherever you find podcasts. You can find it on Apple. Yeah, you can find it on Spotify, on our website, on our Facebook page.

Speaker 1:

Listen, comment on it, and then tomorrow we'll have another random drawing and another winner of a T-shirt, and then next week you win a T-shirt and you qualify to win tickets to go to chattanooga for like the day, like big family pack stuff. Yes, you get like tickets to the aquarium, tickets to the imax theater and tickets to discovery museum that starts next week.

Speaker 1:

So find her podcast, check it out and see what you think yeah all right now time for the words of wisdom quote of the day, and we've been. We did a funny one from the Golden Girls yesterday. We tried to find some that are sometimes funny, sometimes thought-provoking, inspirational, and today I thought I'd ask you if this would be okay. Yeah, because today would have been Reed's birthday.

Speaker 4:

It's okay.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

His 30th birthday.

Speaker 1:

And I found this quote. It didn't have a name on it. So I found this quote and said why don't we read this? And you said sure, because he would have been 30 today and birthdays. We always usually went out to eat and went to see a movie, and that's the way we spent the day.

Speaker 4:

So guess what I'm going to take you to do today? I'm going to take you out to eat, eat, and we're going to go watch furiosa he would have loved that would he like that? Yeah, okay, let's do that.

Speaker 1:

So we'll read the quotes. This is for anybody who maybe has lost a child. Yeah, and we're going to play a song coming up in a second after this, that is. It just makes me think of him. So what is the quote of the day?

Speaker 4:

When you lose a child, from the outside looking in, you can never understand, and from the inside looking out, you can never explain. That's it, okay, and now we're going to play our song.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll play the song coming up next. All right, that's good. It's 7 to 14.

Speaker 2:

Mornings with Barry and Holly here on Alabama's country. Giant WQSB In my belly Come on.

Speaker 1:

I'm on candy. Well, it's not candy, I eat them like candy. I love Fritos corn chips. I like the barbecue. Do you like plain barbecue?

Speaker 4:

Oh, barbecue. I love it, I love it all.

Speaker 1:

I love taco salad. To make taco salad, I use corn chips.

Speaker 4:

You know what's good? Yeah, to open up the corn chip little bags and put taco meat and lettuce and cheese in the bag and eat it out of the bag. That is a good idea. Yeah, it's good Like a habit to go.

Speaker 1:

Well, fritos is teaming up with Yellowstone Now. They had the ranch-flavored corn chips a while back, but bringing them back in honor of Yellowstone, yellowstone Ranch, as in the Yellowstone Ranch, oh okay, yellowstone Ranch and they have the ranch-flavored corn chips out now. And I've read that Yellowstone they're filming the final season right now that when it comes out this fall there's going to be a big, huge push to try to get Yellowstone back to the top where it was when it was on TV.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And that way it goes out with a bang. I guess you'd say so look for a lot of Yellowstone promotional type stuff coming up over the next few months.

Speaker 4:

Yeah Well, little Caesars in Canada is living in 2030 with the new Kraft Mac and Cheese Crazy Puffs. These look so good, so, to be clear, in Canada they call Kraft Mac and Cheese Kraft Dinner.

Speaker 1:

I did not know that.

Speaker 4:

They do, but it's the same macaroni and cheese that you've always grown up with. These new Kraft Mac and Cheese Puffs start with traditional dough and then they stuff each puff with Kraft Mac and Cheese before topping it with mozzarella and a sprinkle of the Kraft cheese powder. That tastes like macaroni and cheese.

Speaker 1:

I've had the crazy puffs with like pepperoni in it.

Speaker 4:

Those are good Macaroni and cheese in it.

Speaker 1:

I've never tried that. I would like to try this.

Speaker 4:

That would be good, and I know you like crumble cookies yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love crumble cookies.

Speaker 4:

Crumble is coming out with a new banana split cookies and more through June 1st 2024. Wait, is that just a?

Speaker 1:

few days that's coming, a few days Coming up this weekend.

Speaker 4:

So go now, today, and get the banana split cookie. It's a vanilla sugar cookie swirled with banana and strawberry mousse, finished with a drizzle of chocolate, ganache, whipped cream and pop of cherry.

Speaker 1:

I love a banana. I haven't had a banana split in years. I've had one cookie from. When I went to Jones Valley back a few months ago they had a key lime pie. That may be one of the best cookies I've ever had.

Speaker 4:

Crumble has the best cookies. I had a banana split last summer with Harlow. It was so special.

Speaker 1:

Those are good, but I had a banana split last summer with Harlow yeah, it was so special.

Speaker 4:

Those are good we just shared a banana split and it was just as special. She had a peewee cheerleading game. Yeah, it was just one of those times where you're like I'm going to remember this moment, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I'll go banana splits. Yeah, we'll have to check it out. So read more about all these on our Facebook page at 727.

Speaker 2:

Barry and Holly On Alabama's country giant WQSB.

Speaker 1:

WQSB's name is John Morgan. John is a songwriter and his buddy, jason Aldean, who John has written many songs for, said John, you need to sing your own stuff. Yeah, we had a chance to see him sing his own stuff in Nashville at CRS and I'll tell you John has a bright future ahead, not just from songwriting, but for singing. He's got a great voice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he does.

Speaker 1:

And then you got your buddy, jason Aldean, singing back up on that song. I think you got you a hit.

Speaker 4:

I think you're right.

Speaker 1:

Yep, good stuff 737. Coming up in minutes, we'll read some more of your fears, things that you don't like, things that are weird about you.

Speaker 4:

You've been to weirdos.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Like this one's not too weird. It's like Brandon Garman says I eat corn with my pizza. You say that's normal.

Speaker 4:

Well, that's what we had in school. Yeah, and that was really my favorite meal those square pizzas. Right, you can get them at Fast Fixes.

Speaker 1:

I remember those. Yeah, I love those. Christy Valentine says I can't stand it when someone scrapes their fork on their teeth when they're eating.

Speaker 4:

Are you okay?

Speaker 1:

Puke all over the control room. You have a thing about metal forks, spoons, plates, anything metal yeah.

Speaker 4:

Oh, it hurts down to the core of my roots and my teeth.

Speaker 1:

Take it, you never wore braces. Then I did, oh, I did I did.

Speaker 4:

I had every imaginable mouth appliance you could possibly have. I had headgear Really, yep, I had this thing in the roof of my mouth that you had to crank with a key. Wow, yeah, to widen my jaw or whatever this is called up here.

Speaker 1:

I've never seen that before.

Speaker 4:

yeah, yeah, and I had braces. Yeah, when they took my braces off, I passed out in the chair.

Speaker 1:

Do you think this is why you have a phobia of metal?

Speaker 4:

Maybe I don't know, something happened.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. That would explain it.

Speaker 4:

Maybe they gave me two forks to play with when I was little. You were a baby. I was like Mama. Mama, I want a fork.

Speaker 1:

Just threw a fork in your mouth. So we'll go over some more of these, but be sure to give us your weird thing about you on our Facebook page. We'll read some more coming up in a few minutes. Come on man, come on man. Story Madonna I know you're a Madonna fan at all.

Speaker 4:

I'm fascinated by Madonna. She's real weird.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now you're a big Taylor Swift fan.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Would you ever consider getting a Taylor Swift tattoo?

Speaker 4:

And not a portrait, but maybe something yeah.

Speaker 1:

Maybe one. How many would you go for? Maybe 19? Oh, no, one's a plenty If you get 19, you have the new record For real. There's a guy, tara Berry, I guess. Well, I'm sorry, I guess it's a lady.

Speaker 4:

That's a girl.

Speaker 1:

Has 18 tattoos of Madonna on her body the most tattoos anyone has of the same musician. That puts Tara Berry into the Guinness Book of World Records. Tara knocked off Nikki Patterson, who had 15 tattoos of Eminem. Oh my lord, I don't mean the little melt in your mouth, not in your hands. The rapper the rapper that was the record until now Tara Berry has 18 tattoos of Madonna. Looking at the picture here it cost almost $10,000 for all the tattoos. You're looking at some of the tattoos. What do you think of those?

Speaker 4:

I am grossed out by the one of her kissing Britney Spears, Like why tattoo that on you?

Speaker 1:

That's a big tattoo, that one.

Speaker 4:

Come on yes.

Speaker 1:

And it just makes more sense now with Madonna, now that the fact that Tara has done this, this song, makes more sense. I'm crazy for you, yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

I'd say she's crazy for her. Crazy, wasn't you? Literally, she did say that her, apparently her daddy wasn't too excited about it, because can you guess what daddy might have said? I guess you're going to tell me yeah, daddy, oh, come on, you don't have any guests that are coming. We're talking Madonna here, there. That's what Daddy said.

Speaker 4:

I thought you would.

Speaker 1:

I gave you a chance for that one.

Speaker 4:

I know, you know what I was thinking of, what that time that Kelly Osbourne covered that song on the. Did you ever watch the Osbournes?

Speaker 1:

I did some. Okay, it was just a funny time you had to have closed caption on to watch that show Because you never knew what.

Speaker 4:

I was going to say the entire time. I know it's still one of my favorite shows, though. Yeah, it was good, it was good, but anyway, oh, sorry, I was just going to tell you that these tattoos, even though I don't like them, they're very well done. They are, that's's very well, art. I mean good artwork.

Speaker 1:

I can see why it cost about $10,000.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, good tattoo artist anyway.

Speaker 1:

A lot of ink. Yeah $7.41.

Speaker 2:

Wqsb Mornings with Barry and Holly.

Speaker 1:

The crime story. I'm looking at some of these comments on our Facebook page. We've got some great stuff this morning. Yeah, one you put not know about you. That's unusual, mm-hmm. And like yours, what was yours? Again you put up.

Speaker 4:

I still sleep with my baby blanket. Okay, like I still have to have my baby and when I need it for comfort, like if I don't feel good or if I'm nervous, I still reach for I need my baby blanket. That's a good one. I mean it's it's like a comfort.

Speaker 1:

It is Like a service blanket or something like that yeah. And I'm looking at Russell, our buddy Russell, from Wendy's. Oh Russell, he put one up a few minutes ago. He says he has to make his bed every morning the minute he gets up. He can't stand not having his bed made.

Speaker 4:

Darren Milner says me too, man, okay, they got to make their beds up.

Speaker 1:

That's good. That's good to do it.

Speaker 4:

It's good to do it, but I never do.

Speaker 1:

Let's see. Aletha Ward says I hate frogs. It freaks me out if they jump towards me. I'm with you on that one.

Speaker 4:

Yes, tina Frogs are gross.

Speaker 1:

I've got to make my bed. There's another. Tina Kaylee Ward. I'm allergic to celery.

Speaker 4:

Evelyn Thompson Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on Celery, yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know that.

Speaker 4:

That's weird. Evelyn Thompson puts mayo in her pinto beans. Oh Mmm, mayonnaise, evelyn.

Speaker 1:

Her buddy, mike Gentry, with a Persian face. Yeah, I'm a classically trained BS artist.

Speaker 4:

Yes, he is. Yes, you are Mike and you have a master's degree in that?

Speaker 1:

Yes, you do.

Speaker 4:

I'm about to gross you out.

Speaker 1:

Oh no.

Speaker 4:

I have a friend not me, but Brittany Bernie has a friend that eats ranch on her pancakes instead of syrup.

Speaker 1:

Never heard of that one.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Never heard of that one Instead of syrup. Wow, oh, I misread this one, ashley Berry. It said sprouted potatoes scare me. I thought it said squatting on a potato scares me. I thought, okay, I'm not sure why you're squatting on a potato, but it says sprouted potatoes. Yeah, those are kind of weird. Betty Gilbreth says I don't know how many times I look at the clock and it says 11-11. And I try to watch it until it says 11-12.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, I always make a wish.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm on 11-11. Really yeah. Megan Bell says crickets. I'm terrified of crickets.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, you are.

Speaker 1:

No, it's what, Megan said Are you?

Speaker 4:

No, they grow. I don't like them, they're gross?

Speaker 1:

No they are. They're kind of creepy.

Speaker 4:

Like when you Her tongues are like sandpaper. They are. It freaks me out, it's weird, but I like it.

Speaker 1:

It is weird. I like the way it feels, though there's some good ones on. Here's one for you. Brittany Steely says I can't stand real plates, forks or spoons. Hello, my people. Yep, that's you.

Speaker 4:

Yes, welcome to the club. I'm club president oh.

Speaker 1:

What H no Haley Carr Peanut butter on a tomato sandwich. So good Haley.

Speaker 4:

No ma'am, no ma'am.

Speaker 1:

Never tried that one.

Speaker 4:

Do not.

Speaker 1:

That just sounds nasty, God that's gross. So if you want to share some of your unusual things or a thing about you, go to our Facebook page and let us know. Got to give you this one Morning's crime story A Florida woman.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'll go imagine. Why is it all the crazies?

Speaker 1:

she was arrested last tuesday after striking a man in the neck where they've thrown cinnamon roll. Oh, she threw a cinnamon roll at him and hit him in the head and marie luna chucked the food item at the back of the 49 year old victim's, striking him at the base of the neck. It occurred at a housing facility in St Petersburg. Police said they have no idea what caused this, why she was so upset, but she threw it and the man says please arrest her. She threw it and hit me. How bad could that have hurt?

Speaker 4:

He even said the victim was not injured by the cinnamon roll but wishes prosecution. Police noted how bad.

Speaker 1:

Could that have hurt?

Speaker 4:

Well, I can't imagine the phone call like excuse me, my neighbor's throwing a cinnamon roll at me, Hurry.

Speaker 1:

I'd say, well, catch it and eat it. Just freaking eat it, man. What's the problem here? Like Keith Klein said, apparently the victim had never been to Lambert's no Good one. Keith Klein said apparently the victim had never been to Lambert's no Good one.

Speaker 4:

Keith, where they throw the rolls at you and you catch them. That's good.

Speaker 1:

I would not have a problem with throwing a cinnamon roll at me.

Speaker 4:

I wouldn't tattle to the police.

Speaker 1:

It wouldn't be my worst day.

Speaker 4:

But do you think if I threw a cinnamon roll at you, it would make the news, though, like we're reporting on this, and make the news, though, like we're reporting on this? This is national news? No, why?

Speaker 1:

did this one case make it he wanted her arrested Because she threw the cinnamon roll. They charged her with misdemeanor battering and she had a post-$500 bond to get out for throwing a cinnamon roll.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that sucks.

Speaker 1:

For throwing a cinnamon roll.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's terrible.

Speaker 1:

If that's the worst thing you do, I think you're going to be okay.

Speaker 4:

I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right morning trivia. It's your chance to win a free pizza buffet to either location of Barone's Pizza and Arcade. There's one on George Wallace Drive in Gadsden, another one Galt Avenue North in Fort Payne. Here we go. Brand new question. This could be a little tough one. A recent study conducted shows that half of us half of us don't do this even though we're at home when it happens.

Speaker 4:

I already forgot the answer.

Speaker 1:

Is that a little confusing question?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, oh, okay, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Even though we're at home when this happens. Half of us don't do this.

Speaker 4:

Okay, that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to explain, I can say that may be confusing. Picture you at home and this thing happens.

Speaker 4:

Half of us do it and half of us don't Just sit there. Yes, there you go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so what is it? If you think you know what it is, be the first caller with the right answer 878-8000-1800-233-1051. Wqsb Mornings with Barry and Holly We'll talk about our Wolfstock promotion coming up Now. You're about to put the picture up of the t-shirt.

Speaker 4:

I already put it up, I just did.

Speaker 1:

Man, these are gorgeous and thank you to Dixie Designs and Boaz. They do so much good stuff for us with their t-shirt needs and they always donate the t-shirts for this. For Second Chance Shelter and Boaz, we all team up together and collect as much dog food as we can for the month of June. I know here we are. We're not in June yet, but we're starting this Friday.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Because I think June 1st falls on the weekend. Yes, so we don't want to miss a couple of days of collecting dog food, so we're going to start Friday. Yeah, so for the entire month of June, you can drop off dog food here. 30 pounds or more gets you a free t-shirt, which you just put the picture up. Now, how would you describe this?

Speaker 4:

So I would describe this as the perfect summer color tie-dye. It says Wolfstock with the OB and a peace sign and it says Love. It has a WQSB logo. Second Chance Shelter at the bottom.

Speaker 1:

And it has a dog with dreads. I love it. This is one of the coolest t-shirts I love it.

Speaker 4:

It's got little music notes all around.

Speaker 1:

I love it if you've donated in the past. You need this t-shirt because it's unique it we do a different design every year yeah, and we've got some of the coolest t-shirts. I'll give you a heads up this is on a tie-dye. There's only 75 of these, so starting friday, the first 75 people to donate 30 pounds more gets one of these. But don't worry, because you'll take one of the other ones, which even the other colors, the non-tie-dyed shirts, are still beautiful t-shirts oh yeah, those come in various colors.

Speaker 1:

But to get one of the tie-dyes you need to start on Friday, bringing us some 30 pounds or more.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, get one of the tie-dyes. You need to start on friday, bringing us some 30 pounds or more, yeah, and we're limited on sizing too. So, just if you want one of these tie-dye t-shirts, just be here when the doors open friday morning.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what time, barry six. We'll be here at six. So, yeah, if you want to bring it into six now, even if you can't, if you to get a t-shirt, it needs to be 30 pounds or more. Yes, if you can't afford the 30 pounds and you still want to make a donation, you're more than welcome to. And somebody asked what if I bring money by? Uh, you can do that too if you want to. If you write a check and make it out to second chance shelter in boas cash, we'll get the cash to uh, dixie design I'm sorry, to second chance shelter, and then they'll go and buy the dog food with the cash okay, did they get a?

Speaker 1:

get a shirt If they bring. What do we figure If it's $30? Mm-hmm, yes, okay. Because we figure that it's about $25 to $30, depending on which store you get your dog food from.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

That's about how much it'll cost you to get 30 pounds of dog food. Yeah, and they prefer Purina.

Speaker 4:

Now you say why does it matter when? You've got about 275 dogs at a shelter and you give them a cheap dog food like all roy, don't buy all roy and it messes their stomach.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll just call it out.

Speaker 4:

That makes it tougher for a second chance to have to clean it up yes, there, and it was really interesting hearing doug talk about the different kinds of dog foods. Yeah, they said that purina is their preferred brand absolutely and that all roy just absolutely eats them up.

Speaker 1:

It does.

Speaker 4:

It's bad for them yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, doug will start joining us every Monday morning here on the show giving us updates, and I think we're going to start posting pictures of some of the dogs you can adopt from Second Chance. So if you've been considering it getting one for the dog let me throw something out there. I know you may want a young little dog, but sometimes you can get one of these older, bigger dogs that have been in the shelter for a long time. If you want a dog, that's going to be extremely grateful. Trust me, this dog will love you for giving it a home. Consider doing that, and I think we're going to start posting pictures of these dogs and me and you is going to go out there and shoot a video coming up soon and just hang out with the dogs for a while.

Speaker 4:

That sounds fun to me. I love going out there.

Speaker 1:

Yep, all right Morning's animal story this morning. Speaking of dogs, that's one thing, but how about chickens? I'm going to read the headline. This is a headline. It says flock of rampant chickens unleashes hell and terrorizes residents of a sleepy English town.

Speaker 4:

Oh Lord, this sounds, oh Lord, this sounds like a Hallmark movie. Gone bad it does.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like what's the one we had about the cocaine bear, cocaine werewolf, now there's the cocaine chicken. Officials are yet to determine from where this massive flock of chickens originated. They say about 100 feral fowl have descended on Snedisham. It's a small inland town near the Norfolk coast. Residents have said the birds strolled in from a nearby woody area and have since unleashed pure you-know-what. They've complained of their gardens being torn apart, being kept up at night by merciless clucking and they say, sometimes they'll run at you and peck your foot and ankle area well, my goodness, the ducks didn't do that to us yesterday no, I think there's nothing worse than a drive-by pecking.

Speaker 1:

I mean, if you ever get pecked one time, uh, a feral chicken, you'll never, you're not gonna forget?

Speaker 4:

no, you're not gonna forget. Forget that pecking Makes you just want to reach down and pull its pecker off. Oh my goodness, we are getting treading wildly here Talking chickens Rachel. He's an inch.

Speaker 1:

We're talking chickens. Oh yeah, she was doing paperwork over here. I got her. She was saying what movie did you watch and where did you watch it? I wanted to see this.

Speaker 4:

No, it's a real story.

Speaker 1:

These chickens are terrorizing this town and they're running up and pecking people on the ankles and their foot.

Speaker 3:

Where are they coming from?

Speaker 1:

They're from the woods. They don't know where they come from.

Speaker 4:

I like that. They're just. Where are they?

Speaker 1:

going from. They're just there, they're just there.

Speaker 4:

Is somebody making them mean and letting them go.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 4:

What if they are? What if they run a little baby chicken sweatshop? I know A little baby chicken fight club.

Speaker 1:

So now they're having to try to catch these things and get rid of them.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, first rule of chicken fight club Never talk about chicken fight club. I've never heard that before. Yeah, wow.

Speaker 1:

Because you're not in Chicken Fight Club. No, take 42. Mornings with.

Speaker 2:

Barry and Holly here on Alabama's country giant WQSB.

Speaker 1:

And before we go out today, I want to thank everybody for the nice comments. You put something up there earlier about my son, reed, who passed away almost three years ago, but his birthday would have been today. He would have turned 30. And it's been a hard day, but usually I take this day off, but I thought, you know, to be able to somehow move forward, you've got to somehow come in and it's been tough, but you put a post up and there's been some amazing comments from some of our listeners and that's why we love our listeners.

Speaker 4:

Well, you don't ever really express your personal life and you don't ever really express how deeply it hurts you. You bring it up sometimes and we talk about it, but I think, as a parent, you always stay in that moment, like you talk about reliving that moment that re-died in your arms. It's not natural, it's not something that somebody should ever have to experience. He should be here for his 30th birthday.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because somebody asked does it get any easier? And I said no, no, it don't.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And I hate to say that because people out there who may have lost somebody recently. You may think that it's going to get better. There's things that are better, you can function better, but as far as the part of missing him, no, it's not a bit easier. Yeah, but that turns to the quote of the day today. So I think this is a good one.

Speaker 4:

We picked this one out for anybody who maybe has lost somebody or lost a child at any time recently. Yes, so we dedicate this in memory of Reed. When you lose a child, from the outside looking in you can never understand. From the inside, looking out, you can never explain.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, all right, it's 853.

Speaker 2:

Mary and Holly on Alabama's Country, Giant WQSB.

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Morning Show Banter With Scott Chambers
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