Hear Him Heal

Miracles upon Miracles

May 13, 2024 Hear Him Heal Season 1 Episode 6
Miracles upon Miracles
Hear Him Heal
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Hear Him Heal
Miracles upon Miracles
May 13, 2024 Season 1 Episode 6
Hear Him Heal

In this episode of "Hear Him Heal," Kerrie and David explore the topic of miracles. They start with a brief recap of the previous episode and introduce today's focus on miracles, emphasising hope and belief as highlighted by Jeffrey R. Holland. Kerrie explains the nature of miracles as extraordinary events caused by God's power, necessary for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

They share personal stories and scriptural references illustrating miracles, such as Jesus' first miracle of turning water into wine and other biblical and Book of Mormon examples. David discusses what he learned about seeing others through God's eyes, sharing personal anecdotes. Kerrie introduces her new weekly practice and shares her favourite hymn, "Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words."

The episode concludes with reminders to rate, review, subscribe, and share the podcast

Vist us for more at www.HearHimHeal.com

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode of "Hear Him Heal," Kerrie and David explore the topic of miracles. They start with a brief recap of the previous episode and introduce today's focus on miracles, emphasising hope and belief as highlighted by Jeffrey R. Holland. Kerrie explains the nature of miracles as extraordinary events caused by God's power, necessary for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

They share personal stories and scriptural references illustrating miracles, such as Jesus' first miracle of turning water into wine and other biblical and Book of Mormon examples. David discusses what he learned about seeing others through God's eyes, sharing personal anecdotes. Kerrie introduces her new weekly practice and shares her favourite hymn, "Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words."

The episode concludes with reminders to rate, review, subscribe, and share the podcast

Vist us for more at www.HearHimHeal.com

Speaker 1:

Seek and expect miracles. Satan delights in your misery. Cut it short. Cast his influence out of your life.

Speaker 2:

Disappointment, fear, disobedience, concern for loved ones, for lost or broken dreams. Peace amidst confusion or sorrow is a miracle.

Speaker 3:

So last time on Hear Him Heal, the Heavenly Father has given us many different talents, different gifts, different strengths and weaknesses Weaknesses to become strengths later on, right? Because if we didn't have weaknesses, what's the point of us being here and learning and growing? Consider using humor. Now, this is spelt wrong. We put a U in it Humor. So you are very good at this. When I'm sometimes down and or I'm a little bit annoyed, you won't leave me to sulk, because I've told you that when I have silence, I'm going to go away. That's dangerous, right? So you don't let me do that anymore. Welcome to Hear Him Heal, where today we are going to talk about miracles.

Speaker 4:

Believe in miracles. Hope is never lost. That's by Jeffrey R Holland. We will be sharing some miracles close to our hearts and delving into some miracles that are found in the scriptures. Plus, we're going to be talking about what President Nelson and his apostles tell us all about miracles. And David will discuss his latest experience in what God taught me this week and Carrie's got an amazing practice that she's going to shed light on, and it's going to be quite a miracle.

Speaker 3:

Harry Mills O'Neill's practice of the week. Now, if you are ready, it's time to hear him heal.

Speaker 5:

Hear him heal feel the light, With Carrie and David Guiding through the night. Stories of faith, whispers of grace In his words. Find your place.

Speaker 3:

A miracle is an extraordinary event caused by the power of God. Miracles are an important element in the work of Jesus Christ. They include healings, restoring the dead to life and resurrection. Miracles are a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but faith is necessary in order for miracles to be manifested. That's from the Gospel Principles. I don't think you know that book, but years ago new members of the church would have to go into Gospel Principles class before they were allowed into Sunday school, and so they learned from a book called Gospel Principles and that's one of the sections in there.

Speaker 6:

I know that, while not all circumstances turn out like we may hope and pray for, God's miracles will always come according to his will, his timing and his plan for us.

Speaker 3:

So miracles, david. What do you think about miracles?

Speaker 4:

Well, I think that sometimes people want God to do something really big to prove he's God. It's like when we were watching that movie, bruce Almighty and he was making like he was parting the Red Sea in his coffee cup and it looked really cool and he was like making stuff happen and people were looking. People usually expect those big, giant miracles like that.

Speaker 5:

Have you ever thought life was?

Speaker 6:

unfair. Have you ever complained about it?

Speaker 7:

So God is picking on you? What is that?

Speaker 5:

The only one around here not doing his job is you.

Speaker 7:

You must be Bruce. Who are you? I am God.

Speaker 4:

But I think sometimes it's praying about something and then having like a little thing happen like I really hope everything goes well and then just like all the lights turn green on your way and like the radio plays your favorite song and your keys are in the spot you thought they were in and people are pleasant when you talk to them. Like all of those are miracles too, because it's not just one thing that can change things. It's always like a series of things that I think can lead up to miracles. And I remember someone telling me to expect miracles, because a lot of times what we do as people is we expect it to be a horrible day, or expect trouble, or we expect things not to go well, and then we're surprised when they don't go well. But the opposite of that is to expect miracles. Expect things to go well.

Speaker 6:

Many today say that miracles no longer exist, that angels are fictional and that the heavens are closed. I testify that miracles have not ceased. Angels are among us and the heavens are truly open.

Speaker 4:

To me, miracles they are something that you don't expect, because I think the default is negativity for the world, because obviously the adversary is the god of the world, so we are always expecting to be disappointed. So I think anything that goes against that, against this fallen world, is a miracle to me.

Speaker 6:

President Russell M Nelson has taught us to seek and expect miracles. I testify that, because the priesthood has been restored, the power and authority of God are upon the earth.

Speaker 3:

Like, most of the miracles come through the priesthood power, and the priesthood has been restored on the earth since Joseph Smith and all of the keys are present on the earth.

Speaker 6:

When our Savior Jesus Christ was on the earth, he gave priesthood keys to his chief apostle, peter. Through these keys, peter and the other apostles led the Savior's church, but when those apostles died, the keys of the priesthood were taken from the earth. I testify that the ancient keys of the priesthood have been restored. Peter, james and John and other ancient prophets appeared as resurrected beings, bestowing upon the prophet Joseph Smith what the Lord described as the keys of my kingdom and the dispensation of the gospel.

Speaker 3:

If we look at God and the history of God, like he always works in the same patterns. He never changes anything. Nothing's ever new. He always follows the same patterns because he is bound to those, isn't he? He always says to us you know, if we follow the commandments, then we'll get blessings, if we keep to the ordinances that we make in the temple, we'll get blessings. Like he is bound to give us blessings so long as we follow what he's asking us to do. Um, so with the priesthood keys restored on on the earth, there are always going to be blessings. I think a lot of people think that blessings don't happen nowadays because, like you say, they look for the massive, big things. Um, but I think every single one of us can notice the blessings in our lives if we look for them.

Speaker 6:

Wherefore, my beloved brethren and sisters, have miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven Nay. Neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of man. I testify that miracles and ministrations are continually occurring in our lives, often as a direct result of priesthood power.

Speaker 4:

Obviously, one of the first miracles was that Christ was resurrected.

Speaker 4:

You know, that is a very one of those big, obvious miracles, right, that he is there. You know, if Christ had not risen from the dead, there would be no resurrection, um, but then there's so many other miracles, like the fact that, you know, joseph smith moved from an upper part of new york to the lower part of new york just where marona had buried the plates and there were volcanoes going off and that forced his family to move because the crops were bad. Like that's a miracle too. Like people don't see that as a miracle, because they see, well, there were lots of volcanoes and there were lots of problems with crops that year, but that's what forced his family to move and that's what allowed him to find the plates. And had he not been in that exact spot, we wouldn't know each other and the gospel would not be restored, at least through him. Like you said, maybe there would have been another person called, but this is what needed to happen and it was a miracle that that even happened.

Speaker 2:

Many of you have witnessed miracles happened and it was a miracle that that even happened. Many of you have witnessed miracles more than you realize. They may seem small in comparison to Jesus raising the dead, but the magnitude does not distinguish a miracle.

Speaker 3:

We were reading about a bit of a miracle recently, weren't? We in Mosiah, were the people of King Limhi when, um, when they were found by those that went from Zarahemla to go and find the missing people and they had been praying um for ages and ages for their people to be released from bondage of the Lamanites, haven't they? And Ammon and his people went and found them, um, so them. So that is a miracle for the people of Limhi, isn't it? To be unbound from the Lamanites and be able to be reconciled in the arms of those in Zarahemla and be back with their people.

Speaker 2:

Miracles are worked through the power of faith. The prophet Moroni exhorted the people If there be no faith among the children of men, God can do no miracle among them, Wherefore he showed not himself until after their faith.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, most people think that a miracle is something that defies the natural or scientific laws and then people attribute it to a supernatural or some kind of you know cause like that. That's generally only a deity, a miracle worker, a saint or a religious leader can perform miracles. But you know, sometimes a child gets trapped under a car and all of a sudden the mother lifts the car up off the child. Like is that a miracle? Like yeah, like some people, then they try to explain it away. That's the thing with miracles and I think that's where the adversary gets us and that sometimes something that miraculous happens and we get all excited about it and our spirits all brought up and we're like, oh, the hand of god, he's here. Yay, we love the lord. And then about 15 minutes later, or a a couple hours later, if you share with somebody, you go well, it was just the adrenaline in her legs, yeah, that's what it was. And they try to like, make it some kind of scientific thing, or like we experienced a miracle ourselves and we're like well, you know, maybe it wasn't that big of a deal, or maybe it wasn't that important. So that's why you always tell me to journal, because then it kind of captures your moment and your journal actually becomes a testimony for you so that you can go back and read and go, wow, okay, we experienced this miracle. That miracle, that miracle Cause sometimes, when things aren't going the way we think they should, and even if it's only been like two or three days since we had a miracle, we kind of not are entitled, but we're so hopeful that we want the life that we're planning for.

Speaker 4:

We just go. Well, god's left us now like that really wasn't big of big of a miracle, and that's what the adversary wants you to do. He wants you to explain it away, use some kind of scientific principle, use some kind of thing like well, god was interested in me yesterday, but he's not today, and a lot of times people will explain away their miracles and make them less miraculous, which is exactly what the adversary wants you to do. He doesn't want you to know that if you pray, if you follow the commandments, if you're on the covenant path, that you are going to be blessed. You know that's the other thing. A miracle is too. It's a blessing. A miracle is something that you know that you are blessed with.

Speaker 2:

It was the faith of Ammon and his brethren which wrought so great a miracle among the Lamanites, and neither at any time hath any wrought miracles until after their faith, Wherefore they first believed in the Son of God.

Speaker 3:

In April 2022, our beloved prophet, President Nelson, gave a talk called the Power of Spiritual Momentum, and in that talk he gives five ways to increase momentum in our lives.

Speaker 1:

The Savior commanded us to turn the other cheek, to love our enemies and to pray for those who despitefully use us.

Speaker 3:

And number four on that list was seek and expect miracles, and he says that Moroni assured us that God has not ceased to be a God of miracles. Every book of scripture demonstrates how willing the Lord is to intervene in the lives of those who believe in him. He parted the Red Sea for Moses. He helped Nephi retrieve the brass plates and restored his church through the prophet Joseph Smith. We've spoken about some of those already. Each of these miracles took time and may not have been exactly what those individuals originally requested of the Lord.

Speaker 1:

He promised that, though mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, my kindness shall not depart from thee.

Speaker 3:

In the same way, the Lord will bless you with miracles if you believe in him, doubting nothing. Do the spiritual work to seek miracles, prayerfully, ask God to help you exercise that kind of faith. And he goes on to say I promise that you can experience for yourself that Jesus Christ give a power to the faint and to them that have no. Might he increase of strength. So even like things like like power and strength are miracles, aren't they? Through the power of the priesthood, they can give you increased strength and power to overcome whatever adversity you're facing at that moment in time. He said, um few things will accelerate your spiritual momentum. More than realizing the lord is helping you to move a mountain in your life.

Speaker 1:

This ascent, however, is designed to test and teach us, to refine our natures and help us to become saints.

Speaker 3:

Do we? Often, like, I know, when we're facing things we're like how many, father, can you just sort this out for me, can you just move that, can you just do that? But like, how often do we pray and ask for the spiritual strength or that power to get over that yourself, to be able to endure this, to be able to withstand it? We kind of just want it to go away from us, don't we? But I think by changing our prayers we can see miracles in our lives and we can see the work that he does to help us overcome these things.

Speaker 1:

When Satan came tempting Moses, he detected the deception because he had just had a face-to-face interaction with God. A deception because he had just had a face-to-face interaction with God. Moses quickly realized who Satan was and commanded him to depart. When Satan persisted, moses knew how to call upon God for more help. Moses received divine strength and rebuked the evil one again, saying Depart from me, me, satan, for this one god only will I worship we experienced a great miracle together.

Speaker 3:

Do you remember when I came to visit you for the first time in february? Yeah and at that time we were planning to meet at the temple and your probation officer was really kind of like not wanting you to go. She didn't know what this temple was. She thought it might be like a cult thing or something dangerous. She didn't really understand what we did there. So she actually told you that you couldn't go that day, didn't she?

Speaker 4:

actually told you that you couldn't go that day, didn't she? Well, there was weeks of trying to explain. There was like at least three weeks before I ever went to the temple. I was trying to explain. We had our friends come in and try to talk about what the temple was. They didn't understand why I wanted to be in the priesthood. They thought I was going to become a bishop or something. They didn't know what it was. They thought I was going to bless babies in the temple or something like that. They just didn't know what it was. And then, because of that, they just kept saying no.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and your counselor kind of felt the spirit on you so she was trying to help you. She was trying to like get Kat and Dan in to see what it was all about and really try and support you, but they were still having none of it. And do you remember, on the day that we were supposed to meet, it was a Friday and you would still like, at that point you still weren't being able to go, they weren't going to let you out. And then Kat said to you get your suit on, didn't she?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because I just had jeans on and a shirt and she's like, well, you got to put your suit on if you're going to the temple. And it was like maybe an hour before we were going to leave and I'm like, why am I putting my suit on? We're not going Like I'm just going to be sat here and I can't go. I was really upset and I had a temple recommend for the first time in my life Only a half a temple recommend which meant I could go and do baptisms until I got the rest of the priesthood, because I was only an Aaronic priesthood.

Speaker 3:

Well, not only I was an Aaronic priesthood holder. At that time I hadn't had the Melchizedek yet and I was in. I was going to go to temple classes, but even those hadn't started and we were just trying to get me to the temple to meet you. And so, um, about an hour before, your counselor was like trying to get the, the owner of the halfway house, to agree to let you go, and the, your probation officer, was saying no, and then suddenly they were in the same place at the same time and they were in an office, and then they called you in. They were in the same place at the same time and they were in an office, and then they called you in. What?

Speaker 4:

happened then? Well, first they called me in and it was just the counselor and the halfway house person and they were like listen, we let you go to church already on Sunday. We're not going to let you do anything else. Like we don't know what this temple is. And my counselor was like well, can't you? You know, just just let him go. I've talked to the people, he's really good. And then all of a sudden the probation officer called on the phone, which never happens and like they never all like sit in a room because this guy that's running the thing, he's really busy. He's got like 200 people plus other people. He's dealing with veterans and things like that.

Speaker 4:

There's lots of other things going on here besides me wanting to go to the temple, and the probation officer was like a senior probation person, so she had a lot of things going on. And then my counselor like usually has a lot of people too, so there was all three of them in one spot. And she just started saying like you know, well, mr o'neill, you know you can't go because we don't know what it is. And then all of a sudden's like well, these people came in and they told me what it was and I think he should be able to go. And she's like no, you know, we'll, we'll look into it. Like we don't know.

Speaker 4:

And it seemed like there was going to be you know, maybe in a month or something I might be able to go. And I'm like, well, I really want to go and temple, I've really tried to go and I really I'm worthy, I want to go, can you please just let me go? And all of a sudden she said yeah, and I said, well, I need to go today. And she said, okay, go. And literally I started crying and like they're like, oh, get out of here, go. And then I called you and then I said, okay, I'm going. And then I had to get in an uber like within like two minutes. I had to run upstairs. I should have put my suit on, like Kat said, so I had to dress like super fast you forgot your temple recommend I forgot my temple recommend card that I'd been waiting for.

Speaker 4:

Luckily they could look it up. But like then I got in the car and like I was like what the heck just happened? Like literally, like all of the people that were above me were like, absolutely not, this is not going to happen. And right up until two minutes before it was time to go and I was able to go to the temple and then when we went there, I got to meet you. Obviously that was the first time we met.

Speaker 4:

That was the very first time we ever met, and then we together baptized people, and later we baptized our ancestors. But we later found out what?

Speaker 3:

Well, let's start that story from the beginning. So while you were having problems with your probation officer, Kat and Dan, our friends had arranged with people from the ward to help us out with doing some baptisms, didn't they? Because we need a whole group of us to do some baptisms. So there were two other ladies and another man, so there were five people from the ward coming to help us do some baptisms. Now you and I have been doing some of our family history. We had some names for our baptisms to bring forward. I was helping you out.

Speaker 3:

You didn't know how to do it, so I've got some names from your side and got some names from my side, and so we went to the temple, we went into the baptistry, we baptized the names that we had all our family history and the people that came with us had some of their names that they wanted to do as well, so they were baptized for them. Um, when we came out, we did that thing on um the family history where you can locate people that are related to you, yeah, near like vicinity, and it turned out that every single person in that baptistry that were there with us were related and you and I are related. We're like 12th cousins, yeah, and we're related to cat.

Speaker 3:

I'm related to cat, yeah, and 13th cousins, I think it's that yeah, 13th cousins or 11th cousins, something like that. And not only that, but the names of the people that we were baptizing that day are our family line that connects us. So the ones that were baptizing specifically are the ones that join us together in our line.

Speaker 4:

And we were astonished, weren't we, when we discovered that yeah, that was really cool, like, and then we realized that we kept thinking the miracle was for us and that so we could meet and so I could go to the temple. But really the miracle was for the people on the other side of the veil, so that we could baptize and be proxy for them, so that they could start their ascension into, you know, being given the holy ghost and baptized and confirmed a member of the church and have their initiatories done and their endowments and maybe even be sealed. So like it's such a huge thing for the people on the other side of the veil and sometimes so that's why another way of looking at it is like sometimes the miracles that we experience have these really cool ripple effects through the eternities that Heavenly Father is like okay, these two are worthy, I'm going to use them to help these people who are waiting, which later, you know, helps another group of people, and then maybe our story inspires someone else to pray.

Speaker 1:

We need daily experiences worshiping the Lord and studying his gospel. I plead with you to let God prevail in your life. Give Him a fair share of your time, as you do notice what happens to your positive spiritual momentum.

Speaker 4:

If we're able to really know that he is a God of miracles and that he is listening, that he is a god of miracles and that he is listening and he's just kind of he's got this whole like 5d kind of chessboard going and he goes okay, if I use this person here, that unlocks all this, and so it's like a massive puzzle piece for him and he just he he can do it that way and it's it's crazy, and sometimes I'm so self-centered I think everything revolves around me.

Speaker 4:

But that really made me realize, wow, I'm a priesthood holder, I'm able to baptize and I was baptizing you as a proxy for people that had been waiting a long time to be able to become a member of the church, and that these people are going to go on in the spirit world to do other things. And it's a really wasn't about me at all, it's about a wider cause, and that really humbled me even further than I had been humbled through prison, just to realize that I was really part of this plan. And it's just one of those places where it's like wow, I really want to keep my covenants, I really want to keep my promises to the Lord, because it's not just me, I'm part of a huge thing and you're part of that too, with me, and the work that we're able to do together spans throughout the eternities, not just what you and I are worried about in February of 2024. That's really nothing compared to what these people have been waiting for since they died, maybe 60, 70 years ago.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was an emotional day, wasn't it?

Speaker 4:

Definitely. I'm so emotional thinking about it now. It was a really amazing miracle. I just and it's just something that you just can't believe and you know. And then when life, life catches up with you over the last few months and you get down again, like to get presence to that again and feel I can feel the love now it's like, wow, that's really. He really does love us yeah, and he does really love him now and it's just gives us such power over the adversary, because he just wants us to be down and be like, yeah, well, heavenly father might have liked you back in february.

Speaker 4:

But look at you now. You still can't get any get out of the halfway house. You still can't do anything, like you're just gonna stay there. Yeah, like, why don't? Why don't you have lots of doubts? Why don't you lay in your bed and look at the ceiling and really feel bad about yourself?

Speaker 3:

it's easy to forget those things that happened.

Speaker 3:

It's easy to to not see God's hand in our life and you know like we were just obviously planning to do miracles and we'd had a few things written down on the um, the sheet here to kind of go through.

Speaker 3:

And just as you were talking and starting up this, I was looking through my journal and I saw that in there and that's what reminded me and it's so easy to forget those minute details and easy to forget even the big miracles. Sometimes we can just get bogged down with what's going on in our day-to-day lives. You know all the stresses and strains and the pullings of these different things pulling our attention away and the loud and the noise and the constant, just rat race. Is so easy to forget those moments and how you felt in those moments and, and like you, just all of those emotions just came up to the forefront of you again and it was exactly the same feeling that you had back then. It just reaffirms that God is in our lives, but we've got to look for it and we've got to be faithful. Miracles don't happen without faith and we had a lot of faith.

Speaker 1:

Few things will accelerate your spiritual momentum more, and realizing the lord is helping you to move a mountain in your life I bought this car in 2003.

Speaker 4:

Right, it was a 1957 chevy. It was blue, kind of turquoisey blue, kind of greenish turquoisey blue Aquamarine, maybe you would call it right. And so it was. This massive car had giant fins, Like. I don't know if you know what a 57 Chevy looks like, but it's got a really pointy back end. So it's like a. It's a classic like fifties car. If you go to like a fifties restaurant and like the kids get a kid's meal and it's got like a little car, it'll almost always be that car.

Speaker 4:

That's like the iconic 50s car and I always wanted Greece like Greece lightning yeah yeah, it'll look like those kind of cars, right, and so it looks just like a car from Greece and so it's like the. I really wanted it, I was really excited about it, so I went up to go get it and I bought it on eBay. I went up to Malibu, which is on the other side of where I was living in Long Beach at the time, and so Malibu, california, is where lots of beaches and cool stuff, and so it's pretty far away. It's like two hours away on the freeway with traffic. And so I drove over there. I drove my little Nissan Xterra over there, I picked it up, I bought it.

Speaker 4:

The women that sold it to me had ocelots which are like giant cats that are the size of deer, and so, um, she just said to me when I walked in she's like elegant doesn't like you, she doesn't like men. And I was like, okay, cool, and so I got out of there really quick so the cat wouldn't kill me, and I said I'm gonna be back for my car later, my other nissan, because obviously I wanted to drive the 57 chevy home. So I got it right, right, and then I went back to Orange County, picked up my friend and he said all right, yeah, I'll go with you. So he's like how do you know this car is safe? I'm like this car is fine, it's been here for 60 years, it's fine, it's no problem. And so we were going past. If you ever watched like OJ Simpson getting chased by the police, there's like a big, famous shot there.

Speaker 4:

We were on that part of the freeway going up this hill, and you go up this hill for a really long time to get from, like, the Westwood area, where UCLA is, to the valley, and so you go up this big hill on the 405 freeway and then you go down and it's a really like steep upgrade. So the car was really laboring and it was really hot and it just wasn't feeling really well. And then I started to go down the hill, and the car was really laboring and it was really hot and it just wasn't feeling really well. And then I started to go down the hill and the car was going pretty fast but the brakes were not wanting to work at all at this point, and so now I was going fast down the hill but then there was a lot of cars starting to stop because traffic gets busy right then there was a big truck and a red, another like red truck.

Speaker 4:

And so I was like, okay, in my mind's eye, I'm like I'm gonna go between those two, this big semi truck and this red truck right. And as I went, as I went to go change lanes to the left, I'm like there's no way I'm gonna make that and I said a quick prayer. I'm like, heavenly father, please help me. I went through the truck and like nothing happened and then all of a sudden the brakes came back.

Speaker 4:

But like my friend was like what just happened? I'm like I don't know. I think we like became invisible for a second. But we literally this car that was made out of like two tons of american steel, like heavy car, no plastic on at all, right, no seat belts on the car, nothing, just like this heavy car going downhill on the 405 to the 110 freeway, like like it just went through the other car and we literally I was like wow, and it felt like it was a dream. And then, after that, the car was fine. And then we went and picked up the Nissan and drove back and my friend was like I don't want to talk about that, I'm like okay.

Speaker 4:

I don't know what happened but like literally like we went, like like Wonder Woman's plane is like invisible, like that, like it just went through the car, because there was no way that this space was that big and this was like a car, like double the size of a bed, of a giant bed and an all steel and long like a four door. It was huge.

Speaker 3:

Did you close your?

Speaker 4:

eyes happened and it was okay. I don't know how we got through that space. There was no space. I was waiting for the metal to crush and the truck to kill us. It was over and I was like 19,. 20 years ago, yeah, 21 years ago, yeah, but that literally just I was okay, like I should have died, like there's no crumple zones in a 57 Chevy. It was just a death machine. Like a can opener, like I would have been twisted in the metal dead. I don't know what happened. And it was hot and it was fast and we were going too fast for the conditions. Like it was hot and it was fast and we were going too fast for the conditions.

Speaker 4:

Like it was bad, wow, but that little, that little tiny prayer was like actually worked. Prayer doesn't work. The adversary doesn't like any of this, so he's going to be saying whatever he's going to say. But you know, I wasn't drinking, I wasn't on anything, I wasn't doing anything, I was just driving the car and I was just prayed.

Speaker 3:

just simple, these spiritual privileges are available to all who seek to hear him and follow him. So the prophet Moroni told the people, if there be no faith among the children of men, god can do no miracle among them, wherefore he showed not himself until after their faith. So you express faith by praying and therefore that was a miracle to help you and save you, the people of Ammon, when they decided to bury their weapons, and then the Lamanites came upon them and they couldn't fight because they didn't have any weapons. Um, but then their, their sons, the stripling warriors, they were able to fight for them and hold back the Lamanites, and they were so young and so inexperienced, but the miracle of Heavenly Father being with them and the spirit of Christ being there to support them and help them enabled their civilization to continue and enabled the people of Ammon to keep their covenant with God that they would not hold up arms against anyone.

Speaker 3:

There's so many miracles in the Book of Mormon, so many miracles surrounding Joseph Smith, so many miracles in the pearl of great price, and so many tests of faith as well. I'm thinking about Abraham now and Isaac, like the sacrifice that heavenly father asked him to do to test his faith. But it wasn't a test for Abraham because heavenly father knew what he would do. It was a test for Abrahamraham to understand how much faith he had, not as a test of his faith.

Speaker 4:

I thought that was that's cool, like sometimes miracles are for you to see something, just like you tell me, like not to covet callings, because callings are specifically made for that person who needs that at that time.

Speaker 5:

Exactly so.

Speaker 4:

that's how sometimes miracles are, then Sometimes the miracles are tailor-made for you. Like, maybe you and I needed to see, with all the adversity that we've had, we needed to see that Heavenly Father wanted us to meet and be together and wanted us to be at the temple and wanted us to be in service of him. So he allowed us to do that against everybody's wishes, so that we could have the testimony to say well, our relationship is based on God. And here's why, when we're challenged by other people about it because it never looks like on paper that we should be together and then when we look at the miracles and what he's done for us, we're like, wow, ok, he wouldn't do that, he wouldn't spend all that energy putting us together if we weren't.

Speaker 4:

Now we've got trials, but then, because we've got these trials, we can look back at that miracle and have that mustard seed of faith to say, okay, yeah, things just got really tough today, but we're going to move forward because we've had this miracle. We've had other ones too, and we're just gonna. We know that this adversity is. We've had other ones too, and we're just going to. We know that adversity is stretching us and we need to come together, not split apart. We need to be one. If you're not one, you're not mine and you need to. We need to be together and we know he's going to bless us with another one, because we're on the covenant path. We're striving and, despite our adversity, this is what we're supposed to do. This is what we need to learn something here in order to get somewhere.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you know, that's kind of how I see it right now even though things could be tough today, this afternoon, but then we've got this testimony that we can build on now. Yeah, and it's pretty crazy.

Speaker 6:

If you desire the blessings of the priesthood, including miracles and the ministry of angels.

Speaker 3:

I invite you to walk the path of covenants God has, so miracles can also come as answers to prayer. As we trust in the Lord and have put faith in him, he will answer our prayers Now. Sometimes they're not what we want and sometimes we're asking the wrong questions, but he will suit the miracle to the moment we need it. I think that's why a lot of people think that miracles are not around anymore, because it's not what they want. It's not like they're not winning the lottery or, you know, like it's something crazy that they want for instant gratification. But the Lord is actually like I want to give you something so much better than that, but first you've got to trust in me and you've got to seek it.

Speaker 4:

Well, going back to Bruce Almighty, there's a part where Jim Carrey is God and he's got this email system set up with all the prayers and he just says yes to everything and so everybody in his town wins the lottery. But then they only win a dollar and they're all mad. Answered everyone's prayer and then all of a sudden it caused all kinds of problems and God had to come down and tell him like look, you can't just give everybody what they want because they don't know what they need. Sometimes you can't just like if you would give them the money, they might not do what they're supposed to do, or what they what they need to do, or how they couldn't grow, or there could be all these ripple effects, like when we helped all those people to be baptized. We didn't know we were asking for that, but he did.

Speaker 4:

Yeah so it's crazy when you leave this building you will be endowed with all my powers. You had my powers for a little over a week. How many people have your health?

Speaker 5:

But I guess you can't now you ain't dead and all I'm dead.

Speaker 7:

Nah, I'm just messing with you, goose Almighty.

Speaker 3:

So in memory 97, 27, yeah, he asked the question where he says wherefore, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased because christ have ascended into heavens and have sat down on the right hand of god to claim of the father as his rights of mercy which he have upon the children of men? So have they stopped, basically? And then mormon answers it, uh, in mormon 9, 15, and says and now, oh all ye that have imagined up unto yourself a god who can do no miracles, I would ask of you have all these things passed of which I have spoken? Has the end come yet? Behold, I say unto you, nay, and God has not ceased to be a God of miracles.

Speaker 2:

To us in times of trial. He has said Behold the wounds which pierced my side and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet. Be faithful, keep my commandments and you shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.

Speaker 3:

One of my daughters is a miracle. She was well when I was pregnant with her. I had some complications early on and I went to the hospital and I was told by the consultant that I'd lost the baby. I was about seven weeks at the time and then I still felt like I was pregnant. I was still having nausea and I still, you know, I just felt like I was still pregnant. Anyway, like a couple of weeks later did a test and I was still pregnant and then started having more of the complications. I went back to a different hospital with a different consultant and again the consultant checked me out, um, did the scan and an internal and told me again that I'd lost the baby.

Speaker 3:

Um, now I was really sad at this point because I just thought, maybe I've just imagined it, maybe maybe like there were still hormones, which was why the pregnancy test was positive, um, I just kind of like got a bit down heartened at this point. Okay, two consultants had told me that I'd lost the baby, um, and then I just still felt it. I just felt from Heavenly Father that you know that she was still there, that like she hadn't gone and everyone had kind of given up on her and I was like no, I'm not giving up on you, you're still there. Um, needless to say that she was still there and she came to term, a full term. She was a natural delivery and um, we named her Talitha because, um, when Jesus was raising Jairus's daughter from the dead, he said to her Talitha Kumi, which means damsel um arise, or little girl arise, and that was a miracle that Christ performed to Jarius um after his daughter had died. And that was a miracle that I felt the heavenly father gave me, because my daughter had died in my belly and I felt that she was resurrected. So her name is Talitha, and that's in Mark.

Speaker 3:

Not only is life so fragile, but death is not the end, like we witness it so often. Like my granddad's funeral, everyone was sad. Like my granddad's funeral, everyone was sad. Nobody kind of understood that, that there is more than that, that death is not the end, that there is an eternal life after this life. And knowing that special miracle that because Jesus Christ was resurrected, that we can be resurrected too, gave me that peace at the funeral. So I was able to talk, give a speech at his funeral and able to go over to the coffin and, like talk to him naturally and able to support my family, who were really, really sad at that time because I knew that this wasn't the end. Because of the miracle of Jesus Christ and his atonement, I will see my granddad again and I'll be with him again.

Speaker 1:

Now more than ever, we need the peace only he can bring. How can we expect peace to exist in the world when we are not individually seeking peace and harmony?

Speaker 3:

Instead of saying, Heavenly Father, we want this. Can you give us this? We really need this to happen. Please just give us this. This is what we want. We were saying all of our prayers like that, and now we're kind of saying, okay, Heavenly Father, what are we missing here? What do you need us to know? What do we need to learn? Kind of changed that question, didn't we?

Speaker 4:

And then we both receive revelation at the same time. It's very um, I just, I just am in awe sometimes about how, when we actually do his will and we ask him what his will is, and we actually get into a humble enough spot to be open to something other than what we want, things change. You know, it must have been like that for Alma, when he was sitting there as one of those priests and he was just, you know, laughing and having fun with King Noah, and then it hit him that, wow, you know what Abinadi is saying is true. And then he started to go out and do his ministry and so many people I mean how many people did he baptize that day in the water, like 204?.

Speaker 3:

I think, it's 204, was it? I thought it was 153.

Speaker 4:

I don't know, it could have been that, but I remember you were asking me. You're like hey, didn't you? Uh, how many people did we baptize that one day? I think it was like 30, and you're like you were tired after that.

Speaker 3:

Alma was baptizing like so many you've got a better memory in terms of numbers than I have, so you're probably right.

Speaker 4:

I can't remember I'm looking at it right now how many people did Alma and Mosiah baptize at one time. I thought it was 204, but I don't remember exactly.

Speaker 5:

Was it Mosiah 19?

Speaker 4:

He did baptize everyone that went forth to the place of Mormon, and there were about 204 souls. Yay, they were baptized to the place of Mormon, and there were about 204 souls. Yay, they were baptized, filled with the grace of God. Mosiah 18, verse 16. There you go. I'm pretty good with numbers, so, yeah, I have a pretty good memory as a former video editor that really, you know, I usually, usually sticks with me Cause.

Speaker 4:

I remember just thinking like 204 people, like we did 28 once and that seemed like a lot, and I just remember keep shoving you under the water and you were just like kept coming up and I'm like, are you okay? You're like, yeah, I'm fine, and I just throw you back under the water again and then you're like I'm okay and like the guy got chlorine in my yeah and their eyes are like bright red For like four days after that.

Speaker 3:

At least they were in like a clear river, not like a chlorinated pool. Yeah, but, they probably just have leeches and stuff to contend with.

Speaker 4:

Well, no, they used to do it in the river all the time and like the people would get really mad because they'd dam up the river and then the people downriver would be mad. And they're like, the mormons are doing it again. They're baptizing people. Let's go bust it up. Like emma was almost killed at her baptism with joseph. He had baptized her like four. He attempted to baptize her like four times and people kept trying to trying to kill him and her while he was trying to baptize her, because they were upset that the river was damned up. Like Like it's a dangerous thing sometimes.

Speaker 3:

That reminds me of another miracle, talking about nearly being killed. You had a miracle recently when you were out running in the yard.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that's right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I was running on the track like I do I usually do three miles, two miles, three miles and all of a sudden I hear this shot ring, ring out, and there's often gunfire by the halfway house, because the halfway house is for some reason not put in the most posh part of town, they tend to put it in the uh, seedier section of san antonio here on the east side.

Speaker 4:

And so I was running and then all of a sudden I hear these, these things ring out and I look and I see these, this flash, and this guy yells in the parking lot and like I'm like, oh, that guy's just been shot. And so I'm running like the opposite way now, and then I hear these like bullets hit the tree, like literally. If I was like I don't know 12 seconds earlier, those bullets would have been aimed right at the back of my head, but I was just far enough that they hit the tree instead of me and I was able to get out of there, and so that was very, very close to dying. Obviously, I just was running and it took me a while to want to go back outside and I just realized that, wow, you know, he put my feet right in the right spot because literally just inches away and seconds away from being killed, and that was really crazy.

Speaker 4:

It's crazy, yeah, I think you know everyone's like oh, you don't know if you were killed. I'm like, well, there were like four bullets and they were right at the back of my head. I probably would have died because, like, where they were was like that, so was very, very close. And it was so weird because the day before, when I was on my way to the temple, I had had this dream that someone was going to shoot at us from one of the other cars and I could see the car flipping upside down and I was like, oh, that's really weird.

Speaker 3:

And the next day I get shot at, like that was very strange get ready, get set, because it's time to learn about Kerry Mills O'Neill's practice of the week. So my practice of the week this week is I am going to just look for more miracles in my life. I'm actually going to be present to the moment and and just and look for them and expect them. I'm going to make them happen. So I'm going to pray for them and ask for them. I'm going to be um, have intent in my prayers and be really specific and I'm going to look out for them a bit more than I normally do. That is my practice of the week.

Speaker 4:

Practice of the week huh.

Speaker 3:

Because I don't want to be down. I don't want to have these things that are in our lives the adversity, the trials, the challenges to get me down. I want to still focus on the miracles, focus on the joy, focus on the peace, focus on Christ to get me and us through that, to receive that peace and receive that lesson, whatever it is, we need to learn.

Speaker 4:

It says that miracles have always been and always will be an operational part and parcel of a merciful and loving God and his son, jesus Christ. In other words, the prophet implores you to expect to see miracles in your life. See the miracle. God wants to answer your prayer, but someone else's prayer through you. As President Thomas Munson said, please do not pray. I plead with you for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. So how's that go? Please don't pray. I plead you for tasks that are equal to your powers. So how's that go? Beings, you're in the service of your god.

Speaker 3:

From mosiah 2, 17 there's like an article that I'm reading, um, and it's. It says how to invite miracles into your life, and the first point it says is to see the miracle. So first of all, you must be able to see the miracle. But do you see the miracles going on around you every day? The fact that your your heart which, if you're about 20, has already pumped blood through your body more than 840 million times? Or that your own cell phone in your pocket, which has over 100,000 times the processing power of the computer that landed man on the moon 50 years ago? And the most cherished miracle of all is that you are among the 0.2 percent of the world's population who have the restored gospel and all of its associated exalting blessings I like that pretty cool.

Speaker 4:

So what I always like too, is somebody said that you should pray as if it already happened. In fact, in mark 11, 24, it says therefore, I say unto you whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you've already received it and it is yours. So I always thought that was a very cool way to say it. And then the other one I liked was in Jeremiah 32, 27, to remember this this is for all of us. Behold, I am the lord, the god of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me? I really like that one, you know, because we think, like we're so many challenges and it is too hard for us, like everything that's going on with us right now is hard, but is it too hard for him? Like, what's your answer?

Speaker 3:

my answer is god can move mountains. Nothing is too hard for him. He commanded the world to be made and it was made like heavenly father's words make things happen. Jesus christ's words make things happen. His hands bring worlds together. He can make the seas and the land appear out of the sea. He can make the sea. He can make people. He can do anything matter, and everything that's in the world answers to him. Everything apart from us. We have agency, but if we did answer to him in every single part of our being, how joyful would this world be, how joyful and peaceful would we be?

Speaker 4:

yeah, elder ronald rasband of the quorum of the 12 said what should you be looking for in your own life? What are god's miracles that remind you that he is close, that he he is saying I'm right here. Think of the times, sometimes daily, when the Lord has acted in your own life and then acted again. Treasure those moments. The Lord has shown confidence in you and your choices. Allow him to make more of you than you can make of yourself. Treasure his involvement.

Speaker 3:

I love how he gives us miracles because he loves us. He really truly knows us and loves us. I've got a quote here that Heavenly Father knows when a sparrow falls, that he also knows when even a single one of your teardrops fall, like yours are right now I cry every show you do so, do I in most shows um, and that he is mighty to save as well.

Speaker 3:

That's from second nephi, 31, 19, and, as paul taught, all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. And that's from Romans, like, basically he loves us so much. If we just had a thought like if we look for miracles in our lives, we could also be the miracles in other people's lives, right?

Speaker 3:

yes by, by living those first two commandments, the greatest commandments to love god and to love others we can actually be the miracles that other people need in our life, in their lives. Once, like when I was a student, I had um, I had three young children. At that time I was studying dentistry and my hoop, my vacuum cleaner, just packed up and I had a baby crawling around on the floor and I couldn't afford to replace it. I literally just could not afford to replace it. Um and um, suddenly, like one of the days, there was a knock at the door and as I went to open the door, just on the porch was like a vacuum cleaner, a brand new one, in a box. Um, and I know who gave it to me.

Speaker 3:

It was one of my friends, um, jess, her name is, but I never asked for it, I never expected that there would be a vacuum cleaner there.

Speaker 3:

I just I think I just voiced it to her like I just really want to clean my house, like the babies were walking around or crawling around and picking up bits and pieces and I just can't clean it. I'm on my knees and hands with a dustpan and brush trying to clean it up. Um, and she had seen that that was a need that I had and it was a miracle to me because I really just couldn't afford anything at that time and it was what I needed and the Lord had impressed upon her heart to do that for me. And I know that that particular family, in part of their financial kind of organisation, part of their like financial kind of organization, they put a little bit of money a month away, a month um to to be able to do that, to be able to to help people, give people what they need um in their lives, and I know that that really, really blessed my life and that has led me to do things like that for other people that need it yeah, that, that's true.

Speaker 3:

So we can be the blessings and the miracles for other people as well.

Speaker 4:

I like that. President Howard Hunter once said whenever Jesus lays his hands upon lives, what can you do to better receive his healing hand? Ask yourself how can you be his hands to help lift others in their time of heartache and desperation. That was pretty cool yeah, definitely president hunter baby yes do you know that you are a miracle? Why am I a miracle?

Speaker 3:

because since I've known you in the last seven months, your heart has changed, your spirit has grown, your love of the gospel, your whole personality, has just absolutely been converted to the gospel. The light inside of you shines so brightly. It's beautiful. You are a miracle. Your transformation not that you were a bad person before, but your transformation from that dark place that you were in to the person that you are now, who stands tall, who is able to bear his testimony, is able to put his efforts and his focus on serving and lifting other people, to see them as sons and daughters of God, like your whole story, is a massive miracle. I'm really proud of you.

Speaker 4:

Well, thank you. So much of it is because of you, a lot of it because of Dan and Kat, and all of it because of the Lord and because I was humbled and put into prison and I could have just grown angrier and vowed to get revenge and vowed to be upset with people and vowed to pay back retribution, but instead my heart was softened and I was able to really study the Book of Mormon. I was really able to really see things without any of my possessions that would blinded me before and without lusting after these things, see people for the way God sees them. And that leads us into what God taught me this week.

Speaker 4:

And now, if you are ready, it is time for David Mills O'Neill to reveal what God taught me this week and I was in a prayer circle in the temple and I really needed a different way to see things because I was really upset at the people that were against us in our lives and we were talking about it and I was really just not liking the people that don't want what we want and I wanted a different way to see them. And so I got into the prayer circle as I do, and the person praying the ordinance worker praying was just saying something to the effect of however we see others is not how they really are. Their outward actions, their outward faces, the way they, the words they use, the things they do are not really their true nature. And to really see them, and if we could take on the eyes and seeing of the way Christ sees them as sons and daughters of God and whatever emotional or physical afflictions they may have, for us to pray right now, to look past those, and I was like, wow, this is exactly what I wanted to feel and it was amazing.

Speaker 4:

And I could see the people that maybe don't want me to succeed or don't want the things I want. I could see them not as like, oh, that person's really horrible to me. I wish something bad would happen to them. I could instead see them. As you know, I really love this person. I really can see that they're afflicted, I can really see that they're having a problem, and that made such a difference, such a difference, and so that's what God taught me this week.

Speaker 2:

What God taught me this week.

Speaker 3:

You know when you were talking about seeing people. You're able to change your perspective and see people. There's one person in your life that has always seen your potential and she is a massive, massive inspiration to be able to see your spirit as you always were, back back then, like when you were young, and that's Mary Ellen. She's been your number one supporter and fan and she's always sought after you and tried to get you back into the church, and we need more Mary Ellens in this world. We need more people that are able to see the hearts of other people and see their spirits and enable them to to come into God's fold and God's love and understand who they really are.

Speaker 4:

Um, I'm, I'm indebted to her definitely Mary Ellen's the one that brought me back, and she was there when I was endowed, so it was really really great. I mean, she found me when I was in London once and brought me back to the church way back in 2019. It's been really amazing. I really thank Mary Ellen for everything she's done and she'll be at our ceiling. Well done. Well, she'll be at our ceiling.

Speaker 3:

Well done, Well done Matt.

Speaker 4:

We'll see you next time on Hear Him Heal.

Speaker 7:

Thank you for tuning in to Hear Him Heal with David and Carrie Mills O'Neill. We'd love to hear from you. Visit us at hearhimhealcom or drop us an email. Do you have a question? Record it and send it to our special hotline. Please keep your message under two minutes and mention your name so we can acknowledge you on the show. You'll also find plenty of information about our latest books and more from the Hear Him Heal podcast universe. Interested in being a guest or know someone who has a story to share, please reach out through our website, hearhimhealcom. Join us next week for more healing stories inspired by Jesus Christ.

Speaker 5:

Until then, stay blessed Through the night. Stories of faith, whispers of grace in His words, find your place. Let your heart sail on waves of tales where miracles prevail. Jesus' love so deep and real, come and embrace as you hear Him heal. We are now at Upper Session Road. Your man, embrace as you hear him heal. Your man, embrace as you hear him heal.

Expect and Believe in Miracles
The Power of Miracles and Faith
Miracles of Faith and Persistence
Discovering Family Connections Through Baptism
Faith and Miracles
Miracles, Faith, and Heavenly Protection
Seeking and Recognizing Miracles in Life
Miracles and Transformations