
How Controlling Your Energy Has the Power to Change Your Life

May 09, 2024 Stacy Musgrave Episode 2
How Controlling Your Energy Has the Power to Change Your Life
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How Controlling Your Energy Has the Power to Change Your Life
May 09, 2024 Episode 2
Stacy Musgrave

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In the coaching space, I have noticed that strategy is really emphasized for achieving success. While having strategies is crucial, I also believe that being in the right energy is equally as important because it influences our interactions and relationships.

Personally, I’m very mindful of places that drain my energy. I don’t stay in those spaces very long. For me, it’s important to know that wherever I’m spending my time is a good energy match, and this can be true for your desires too.

Think about something you want in your life, but you’re not quite believing it can be yours. Pay attention to your energy around it because if you think like that, you’re actually shutting it down without even realizing it. If you can tap into the energy of visualizing your desires and letting yourself get really excited about it, you will accomplish so much more.

There are a few different ways I have worked on shifting my energy and staying more positive that have helped me get to the place I am now.

Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Why your energy is just as important as strategy
  • How your energy can impact you and your relationships
  • The Law of Attraction and how it can influence us
  • The importance of being grateful for what you already have
  • Visualizing what you desire and believing it’s meant for you
  • Why journaling can be such a powerful mindset tool


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Looking for more? Connect with me on Instagram @‌stacymusgrave or check out my website

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In the coaching space, I have noticed that strategy is really emphasized for achieving success. While having strategies is crucial, I also believe that being in the right energy is equally as important because it influences our interactions and relationships.

Personally, I’m very mindful of places that drain my energy. I don’t stay in those spaces very long. For me, it’s important to know that wherever I’m spending my time is a good energy match, and this can be true for your desires too.

Think about something you want in your life, but you’re not quite believing it can be yours. Pay attention to your energy around it because if you think like that, you’re actually shutting it down without even realizing it. If you can tap into the energy of visualizing your desires and letting yourself get really excited about it, you will accomplish so much more.

There are a few different ways I have worked on shifting my energy and staying more positive that have helped me get to the place I am now.

Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Why your energy is just as important as strategy
  • How your energy can impact you and your relationships
  • The Law of Attraction and how it can influence us
  • The importance of being grateful for what you already have
  • Visualizing what you desire and believing it’s meant for you
  • Why journaling can be such a powerful mindset tool


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Looking for more? Connect with me on Instagram @‌stacymusgrave or check out my website